Teacher Orientation Guide - American Bar Association

Teacher Orientation Guide
American Bar Association
Division for Public Education
It’s Nothing to LOL About: How the First
Amendment Affects You in the 21st Century
Welcome to the 11th annual NOYS!
During the Teacher Orientation Period you will engage in
activities that will:
– facilitate your understanding of the structure of Summit work;
– help you become familiar with Fuse Talk (the software); and
– prepare for student work on the Student Discussion Board.
Orientation activities take place:
– via phone conferencing
– offline; and
– online using FuseTalk.
Some activities are interactive, while others are self-driven.
Orientation Schedule of Activities
Teachers Access FuseTalk
By January 4
Registration for Online Sessions (required for new
By January 5
Online Orientation Schedule
January 6, 12, and 19
FuseTalk Guide: Tutorials & Exercises
Prior to online session
Registering Student Users
By January 15
Review of Curriculum Guide
By January 22
Q & A with ABA Staff & Other Teachers (optional)
January 26
Teacher Pre-Survey
By January 29
Accessing FuseTalk
• What is FuseTalk?
– Web conferencing software used by the ABA
– Communication during the Summit takes place via
FuseTalk on Teacher and Student Discussion Boards.
• Login information will be sent via email by Dec 30.
• Log on by January 4 to check access and to provide
sufficient time for troubleshooting.
• The online forum can be accessed on the ABA NOYS
website at http://www.abanet.org/publiced/noys/
• Click in the ‘Registered Users Login” section.
Accessing FuseTalk
1. Enter your login name (in the “Username” field) and the password (in the
“Password” field) and click “Login.”
2. Check access of the discussion board from computers that students will use.
3. If you experience difficulty accessing the site from any of the computers that will
be used during the summit, please consult your school’s technology professional.
FuseTalk Guide
FuseTalk Guide
• A separate FuseTalk Guide is included as an appendix to the
Curriculum Guide.
• The FuseTalk Guide:
– Is self-driven;
– provides tutorials and sequential exercises to help you become
familiar with FuseTalk functions; and
– provides tips for navigating FuseTalk.
• Allot approximately one hour to complete the tutorials and
• Complete activities prior to participating in an online session.
Registering Student Users to FuseTalk
Student FuseTalk Accounts
• Teachers are responsible for setting up student FuseTalk accounts
– Register each student in your class for access to the summit’s Student
Discussion Board.
• An excel spreadsheet has been created to assist you. Teachers will
create student login names and passwords, and submit the excel
spreadsheet to the ABA.
• After completing the spreadsheet, log onto the Student Discussion
Board to open your students’ accounts and add them as users.
• The template, directions for completing the template, and
directions for adding student users can be found on the Teachers
Only Discussion Board, category Updates & Information, topic
“Student FuseTalk Accounts.”
• By January 15, all student users must be registered and the excel
spreadsheet returned via email to wendy.holtman@gmail.com.
Managing NOYS
Teacher Discussion Board
• The Teacher Discussion Board is the primary vehicle for communication
between teachers and also with the ABA.
• Weekly updates and reminders from the ABA will be provided here.
• The board is a forum to share ideas and seek support from other
teachers; use it for instructional support.
– If you’re looking for a source and want to know how other teachers
may have handled a particular issue raised during discussion with
students, visit the Teacher Discussion Board.
– Use the Teacher Discussion Board to share great resources you have
found that other teachers will find useful.
• Check the board a minimum of 2 x per week.
• Please do not share your log in and password information with
Student Discussion Board
Please note an important change to the set up of the Student Discussion Board Unlike in previous years participating schools will not have individual school
categories. All student activities requiring FuseTalk will take place in Cluster
Participating schools have been divided into 5 Cluster Groups, with 8 schools per
group. Cluster groups will be numbered, ex. Cluster Group 1, Cluster Group 2, etc.
(Please see slides 20 - 21 for your cluster group)
Cross-school communication will take place in Activities 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7.
Per activity, you will find your school’s Cluster Group category under Categories
once you enter the online forum.
Per activity, directions are provided to facilitate cluster group communication
among students. Students are also encouraged to read and respond to the
postings of students in other cluster groups.
Teachers are Administrators of the Student Discussion Board. As an Administrator
of the board you will be able to attach files, and as needed edit or delete an
inappropriate student message.
Classroom Time
2009 NOYS participants reported:
• Spending 7 – 10 hours per week on Summit
activities, including prep time and copying time
• Devoting an average of 2 class periods per week
on Summit activities
• Classroom time impacted by students’ access to
computers and the internet at home
• Easily modifying activities to fit students’
Student Orientation PowerPoint
• The Student Orientation PowerPoint is included as Appendix B to the
Curriculum Guide, and can also be downloaded from the NOYS website.
• Teachers will facilitate the Student Orientation as a part of Activity 1.
Activity 1 is to be completed by February 5.
• The guide will provide an overview of:
– Summit terms
– Fusetalk, including definitions and functions
– Communication tips
– Our expectations for student behavior
• The PowerPoint presentation should take no more than 20 minutes to
complete. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the PowerPoint before
conducting your orientation session.
Student Activities Overview
• Activity 2: What is Online Civil Discussion
– Five Discussion Starter Statements will be created by the ABA and
posted to the student board by Feb 8
• Activity 3: Timeline of Key Events
– Cluster group categories will be posted to the student board by Feb 13.
• Activity 5: Advocacy Groups and the Future of the First Amendment
– Cluster group categories will be posted to the student board by March
• Activity 6: Student First Amendment Rights
– Cluster group categories will be posted to the student board by March
• Activity 7: The First Amendment in Action
– Cluster group categories will be posted to the student board by April 2.
Teacher Pre-Survey & Assignment of School Clusters
Teacher Pre-Survey
• A pre-survey has been designed to capture information about
student knowledge from the teacher’s perspective.
• The link to the pre-survey will be sent to teachers via e-mail
on January 7 and will also be available on the Teacher
Discussion Board in the Evaluation Category under the topic
– Surveys will be administered via Qualtrics, and the results
will be sent directly to ABA staff.
Please complete the pre-survey no later than January 29.
Cluster Group Assignments
• Cluster Group 1 – Aspirations High School; Casa Richard
Academy; Hawley High School; Oroville High School; Sandra
Day O’Connor High School; Sarasota Military Academy;
Thomas A. Edison High School; Warren Harding High School
• Cluster Group 2 – Advanced Technologies Academy; Bishop
Ireton High School; Nathan Hale-Ray High School; North Vista
Alternative; Middle Park High School; OLA High School;
Springfield High School; Winston Churchill
• Cluster Group 3 – Clara Barton High School; Curie Metro High
School; Natomas Pacific Pathways Prep Charter; New Kent
High School; Northport High School; Parkersburg High School;
Peabody Magnet High; Wieland Academy
School Cluster Assignments Cont’d
• Cluster Group 4 – Blue Ridge High School; Bluffton High
School; High School for Public Service; Green Mountain High
School; Hinsdale South High School; Martin County High
School; New London High School; West Liberty-Salem High
• Cluster Group 5 – Ainsworth High School; Dr. Michael M. Krop
Senior High School; Finger Lakes Technical and Career Center;
Groveton High School; Kensington Creative and Performing
Arts High School; Madison Central High School; Ridgefield
High School; The Morgan School
• This concludes the 2010 NOYS Teacher Orientation.
• Student activities are scheduled to begin the week of
February 1, 2010. Please take a moment now to review
the Student Activity Timeline in the Curriculum Guide for
important dates and information.
• Please post any questions and concerns you may have to
the “Teachers to ABA” category on the Teacher Discussion
Contact Information
Rina Shah
ABA Division for Public Education
Program Manager
E-mail: shahr@staff.abanet.org
Phone: 312/988-5720
Wendy Holtman
Summit Coordinator
E-mail: wendy.holtman@gmail.com
Phone: 516/818.8026
American Bar Association
Division for Public Education
321 N. Clark Street, MS 20.2
Chicago, IL 60654
Phone: 312/988-5735