My Favorite Assignment Seattle 2015 & B&PCQ 2016

My Favorite Assignment Seattle 2015 & B&PCQ 2016
Business & Professional Communication Quarterly Author’s Template
1. Title: Business Communication Boot Camp
2. Genre (e.g. Role Play; Client Communication Plan; In-class exercise, etc.): Case-based
Writing Assignment
3. Author’s name: Daylanne Markwardt
4. Affiliation: University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business
5. Brief overview of assignment (50 to 150 words)
Based on the HBS case “Evergreen Natural Markets 2012,” the Business Communication Boot
Camp introduces students to the most common types of messages they will be asked to craft in a
workplace environment--routine, negative/sensitive, and persuasive--and to four major channels
of business correspondence: e-mail messages, memos, letters, and social media. The series of
assignments takes them through the process of strategizing and applying the basic principles of
business communication in each of these contexts. They are asked to write the following:
 A routine email inviting executives from a newly acquired chain to a meeting
 A bad news letter informing an executive that his/her position is being eliminated
 A memo to store managers persuading them to implement an unpopular practice
 Three blog posts motivating store personnel to uphold company values
6. Target learners (e.g. Year in school; executive education): Upper-division undergraduates
7. Learning objectives (e.g. Two or three maximum of one sentence each)
Students will be able to:
 Compose major message types, applying standard document formats and demonstrating
knowledge of the Four Cs
 Adjust to various purposes, audiences, and contexts, adapting style and tone accordingly
 Communicate upward, downward, and horizontally, handling such challenges as mixed
audiences and varied levels of knowledge or resistance
8. Time to complete the assignment: One to two weeks
9. Materials, equipment, special considerations (Short list) None
6. 10. Evaluating outcomes/grading (Measures of objectives)
7. Scoring is based on the following:
 Content, including document scope and development and support of points
 Rhetorical Effectiveness, including audience awareness, achievement of purpose, and
responsiveness to context
 Organization, including strategic use of message pattern
 Format, including document layout, design, and readability
 Style and Tone, including clarity, conciseness, and levels of directness and formality
 Correctness, including grammar, spelling, punctuation, and mechanics
11. Author’s bio (50 word maximum not including the text below)
Daylanne Markwardt is an Assistant Professor with USC’s Center for Management
Communication. She earned her Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition from the University of
Arizona. Drawing on her extensive “real-world” experience, Daylanne engages students with
current business cases, news reports, and simulations, especially highlighting the ethical
ZIP; COUNTRY; EMAIL: Daylanne Markwardt, University of Southern California, Marshall School
of Business, 3660 Trousdale Parkway, ACC 400C, Los Angeles, CA 90089
Sample Address correspondence to: D. Joel Whalen, Center for Sales Leadership, Marketing
Department, DePaul University, 1 E Jackson Blvd, Suite 7500, Chicago, IL 60604, USA; email:
Support materials (to be posted on webpage) Check all you’ll provide:
 Instructions to students (assignment sheet)
Stimulus and exercise materials
 Slides
 Grading rubrics
 Sample student work product
 Other - Reference to suggested Harvard Business School case
My Favorite Assignment strategy You’ve completed the first of 3 phases
in sharing your Favorite Assignment:
Phase 1 Presenting at ABC ’15 in Seattle. (Finished)
Phase 2 B&PCQ Article. The description you publish in B&PCQ will inspire your
readers to learn more.
Phase 3 Web posting your teaching materials. Your readers visit our webpage
to see your Favorite Assignment’s teaching materials.
Peer review Each submission is blind-reviewed by 3 independent, peer
reviewers adding to your publication’s credibility.
How selected
Three criteria are used to evaluate your Favorite Assignment submission:
Quality and importance of learning objectives
Interest to B&PCQ Readers
Number and quality of support materials to be posted on the My Favorite
Assignment webpage. For example: Instructions to students, handouts,
slides; grading rubrics, FAQ's, sample student work product.
2016 My Favorite Assignment
Business & Professional Communication Quarterly
Production Schedule
Submissions from authors
Nov 25
Papers to reviewers
Nov 30
Review deadline
Jan 10
Review decision to authors
Jan 15
Revisions from authors
Jan 29
Draft paper to authors
Feb 5
Revisions from authors
Feb 12
Paper submitted to BCQ
Feb 19
Web material due
Mar 4