Design of the Front-end Electronics for the GOSSIPO chip. Vladimir Gromov Electronics Technology NIKHEF, Amsterdam, the Netherlands CERN, July the 22th, 2005 Highlights. • • • • • • • • Main functionalities of the GOSSIPO. Main objectives and principal block diagram of the prototype of the chip . Evaluation of the parasitic capacitances at the input of the charge-sensitive preamplifier. Injection of the input test signal. Design and performance of the charge-sensitive preamplifier. Design and performance of the current comparator and output LVDS driver. Design and performance of the bias circuit. Conclusion and plans. The GOSSIPO chip. (Gas On Slimmed Silicon Pixel) Cathode (drift) plane Cluster1 Cluster2 Cluster3 Micromegas Input pixel 1mm, 400Volts Silicon wafer with read-out electronics on it 50um, 400Volts 20um The Input signal. Shape of the current signal coming on the pixel pad 0 0 Time-walk vs pulse height distribution 34 30 ion component, Qi =90% 0.05 s( t ) Input current,0.1 P ( n 2000 ) 32 Gain=8000 P ( n 4000 ) 32 P ( n 8000 ) 32 20 0.13 0.15 nA 10 10 electron component, Qe=10% 0 0 10 10 20 t 20 30 30 Gain=4000 n Gain=2000 40 40 time,ns Twalk jt 1 10 Tw( n ) Time-walk curve 0 0 0 0 THR=350e 5000 1 10 4 4 1.5 10 n n n 448 Twalk jt 0 Signal, electrons 448 n 2 10 4 4 2.5 10 4 3 10 30000 Main features of the GOSSIPO chip. 1. 2. There will no silicon sensor on the chip due to a novel concept of the particle detection that allows to circumvent major constrains related to that. Low input parasitic capacitance and no need for the detector leakage current compensation at the input are the reasons to expect an outstanding performance of the design. Objectives for the prototype. Testing of the performance and the functionality of the Front-end electronics on the bare chip (without InGrid and with InGrid on it). The design is expected to demonstrate: a) low-threshold operation (THR=350e). b) fast pulse response (δ-response peaking time ≈ 36ns , real signal response peaking time ≈ 52ns ). c) low analog power dissipation (≈ 1.7uW/channel for 1.2V supply). d) low channel-to-channel threshold dispersion (σTHR ≈140e). e) low parasitic feedback cross-talk. Charge sensitive preamplifier Cfb ≈ 1fF Bias generator Voltage-to-current converter Current Comparator with DC hysteresis LVDS driver Vref Rfb ≈ 80MΩ Idet(t) Bias control Principal block diagram of the GOSSIPO front-end circuit. Ron ≈ 2GΩ Cc ≈ 200fF Cpar ≈ 30fF Ithr=42nA Rl ≈ 1kΩ Rl ≈ 1kΩ Channel#1 Outputs Channel#2 Channel#3 Channel#4 Cfb ≈ 1fF Rfb ≈ 80MΩ Idet(t) Charge sensitive preamplifier Cpar ≈ 30fF Channel#5 Voltage follower Parasitic capacitances associated with the input pad. noise peaking time charge collection Micromegas Cp-grid Cp-grid Cp-grid Cp-p Cp-p Input pad Substrate of the wafer Cpar = Cp-grid + Cp-p + Cp-sub , Cp-sub where Cp-sub Cp-sub is pad-to-substrate capacitance coupling Cp-grid is pad-to-Micromegas capacitance coupling Cp-p is pad-to-pad capacitance coupling . Evaluation of the pad-to-Micromegas parasitic capacitances Cp-grid. Model for analytical calculations of the pad-to-Micromegas parasitic capacitance. R - is a radius of the pad. The pad is a circle. d - is pad-to-Micromegas distance. 0 - is vacuum dielectric constant. Ideal uniformly charged disk R 2 3.14 0 C( R d ) d D 1 z r d rd z Ideal boundless plane 3 2 z 0 2 2 2 r R 0 2.5 2 C R 25 10 6 C R 50 10 6 C R 75 10 6 C=1.8fF when R=25um, d=50um 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 6 1 10 5 1.5 10 R 5 2 10 5 2.5 10 5 Evaluation of the pad-to-substrate parasitic capacitances Cp-sub in 0.13um CMOS technology. Layout of the input pad coupling in 0.13um CMOS technology (CMOS8SF, flavour LM 6_2). Input pad (LM, copper 0.55um) R MQ, copper 0.55um Via 2x2, 0.8um x 0.8um M6, copper 0.32um M5, copper 0.32um M4, copper 0.32um M3, copper 0.32um ≈ 6um M2, copper 0.32um M1, copper 0.29um PC Capacitive parasitics based on the physical design of the layout have been extracted within DIVA Extract rules supplied in the Design Kit. Both available methodologies (CDS_coeffgen_Cap and Raphael_Cap) have been used. Suggested Diva Deck Extraction Methodology (from the PDK User’s guide) - generate a trial test structure which mimic possible design geometries as much as possible. - run extraction tool for both methodologies. - review the capacitance numbers and use the tool that gives the more pessimistic results. Compare the numbers to hand calculations or a 3D field solver. 3030 30 Substrate Cp-sub=27fF R=25um, 2525 C R 6 10 Cp-sub C1bare k 6 2020 Extraction done by DIVA with CDS_coeffgen_Cap option 1515 Analytical calculation fF C2bare k 1010 55 0.86 Extraction done by DIVA with Raphael_Cap option 00 0 0 5 10 5 10 6 5 6 1 10 10 5 5 1.5 10 Rr k 15 2 10 205 R , um 2.5 10 25 5 3 10 5 Evaluation of the pad-to-pad parasitic capacitances Cp-p in 0.13um CMOS technology. Model for analytical calculations of the pad-to-pad parasitic capacitance. 4 3.14 0 r Cp_p ( a b ) 2.9 3 Extraction done by DIVA with Raphael_Cap option 2.5 2.5 a 0.5 2 z 2 2 10 10 z 2 2 2 x b Extraction done by DIVA with CDS_coeffgen_Cap option 22 d xd z 3 C1 a 30 10 k Cp-p Crap30x30 6 k1 1.5 1.5 Analytical calculation on the basis of the model. fFk1 0.5 Ccoeff30x30 11 where b is dimension of the pad, c is thickness of the pad, a is pad-to-pad distance, ε0 is vacuum dielectric constant, εr is relative permittivity of the medium b b a Input pad Input pad c=0.55um Cp-p Pad-to-pad layout 0.5 0.5 0 00 0 0 0 10 5 10 6 5 6 5 1 10 a a1 a1 k k1 k1 10 1.5 10 5 15 2 10 5 20 a ,um 6 22 10 Evaluation of the input pad-to-pad capacitances in 0.13um CMOS technology (CMOS8SF, flavour LM 6_2). Large pads (b=30um) Injection of the input test signal. Cpar* = Cpar + Cin Cin<< Cpar= 30fF , therefore Cfb ≈ 1fF Charge sensitive preamplifier Uin ≈ 20mV Upulse(t) Rfb ≈ 80MΩ Qin=Cin Uin≈ 0.06fC (350e) Rt=50Ω Cpar ≈ 30fF Cin ≈ 3fF Vertical Parallel Plate (VPP) capacitor in LM layer. 40um Passive pad Test input a=1800nm Passive pad Active pad Cfringe=3.2fF d=550um !!! Accuracy of the fringe capacitors. Δa=50nm, Δa/a=3% (lithography accuracy) ± 25% Δd=±140nm, Δd/d=± 25% (LM layer thickness accuracy) The charge-sensitive preamplifier. The feedback capacitance. Cfb ≈ 1fF 1. Charge sensitivity: Uamplitude ≈ Qdet / Cfb 2. Charge collection (input impedance) Cin *= A Cfb ≈ 140fF Cin *>> Cpar ≈ 30fF Rfb ≈ 80MΩ Qdet U(t) Idet(t) Cpar ≈ 30fF A≈140 **≈ 0.5fF C Coaxial-like layout of the input interconnection. Extraction with the parasitics. 40um 40um Input pad 0.18um 0.2um Cfb = 1fF !!! Accuracy of the fringe capacitor is ± 25% (metal layers accuracy) C** = 0.5fF Substrate Cp-sub = 23fF The charge-sensitive preamplifier. The feedback resistor. Cfb ≈ 1fF 1. det(t) Δtdet ≈ 30ns Classic F.Krummenacher charge sensitive preamplifier realizes large Rfb and compensates for the detector leakage current. !!! Cint → ∞ in order to avoid differentiation of the input signal. A≈140 Ib=1nA Ib=1nA M2 Cfb Ileak Output Cint Cpar ≈ 30fF M1 Cfb Ileak + Ip U(t) There is no need to compensate for the detector leakage in GOSSIPO chip. !!! Cint is not needed in this preamplifier and Ip=Ib. Rfb ≈ 1/gmM1+1/gmM2 ≈ 80MΩ ,where gm is common-source transconductance of transistor. 2Ip Silicon sensor Rfb ≈ 80MΩ Qdet To avoid ballistic deficit: Rfb Cfb > Δtdet=30ns Rfb > 30MΩ I Ip Input Output Ip=Ib=1nA The charge-sensitive preamplifier. Channel-to-channel variation of the DC offset at the output. Vdd=1.2V M8 Vbias3 Ibias2=2nA M2 M1 UoutDC varies from channel to channel. Three source of mismatch are in the design: M10 M9 Vbias2 Ibias3=1nA 1. Cfb =1fF Mismatch in the diffrential pair M1 vs M2 σ(δVg)=√2•[(σTM1 )2 +(σβM1•IdM1/gmM1)2] ≈ √2•σTM1 OPAMP M3 Input Ib=1nA A (jw) K=127 Vbias1 Output Ibias3=0.2uA 2. Mismatch in the current mirrors M10 vs M8,M9 σ{[IdM8+ IdM9- IdM10]- /[IdM8+ IdM9]}=[(σβM10 )2 +(σ M10•gmM10/IdM10)2] ≈ σ M10 • gmM10/IdM10 T T Ibias4=1uA M7 M6 M5 M4 3. Mismatch in the current mirrors M5 vs M4 σ(δIdM5/IdM5)=√ 2•[(σβM5 )2 +(σ TM5•gmM5/IdM5)2] ≈ √ 2•gmM5/IdM5•σ TM5 Standard deviation of the statistical variations of Uout DC σ(δUoutDC)=√ {(√2•σTM1)2 + (2•√2• σ TM5•gmM5/gmM1)2 + (σ TM10•gmM10/gmM1)2 } Monte-Carlo simulations in Cadence give σ(δUoutDC) = 20mV (170e) . The charge-sensitive preamplifier. The OPAMP. Cfb ≈ 1fF Rfb ≈ 80MΩ Qdet U(t) Idet(t) Cpar ≈ 30fF OPAMP The OPAMP. A(jw)=gmT75/[gdsT75•(gdsT73/gmT73)+gdsT77+jwC*] =140/(1+jw•14ns) gm is common-source transconductance of transistor. gds is common-source output conductance of transistor C* is total parasitic capacitance at the output. The charge-sensitive preamplifier. Real signal response and stability. Cfb ≈ 1fF Rfb ≈ 80MΩ Qdet U(t) Idet(t) Cpar ≈ 30fF OPAMP Peaking time 44ns Phase-to-frequency response Amplitude 52mV Output signal Decay of the signal is proportional to exp(-t/80ns) Phase margin 62º Magnitude-to-frequency response Input signal 438e = 70aC 30ns Unity gain line Phase margin of the preamplifier. Real signal response of the preamplifier. The charge-sensitive preamplifier. Main specifications. Cfb ≈ 1fF Rfb ≈ 80MΩ Qdet U(t) Idet(t) Cpar ≈ 30fF OPAMP R 0um 15um 20um 25um Parasitic capacitance at the input of the preamplifier Cpar 0fF 10fF 20fF 30fF Charge sensitivity Gain 140mV/ke 130mV/ke 125 mV/ke 120 mV/ke Input referred noise (Affirma SPECTRE simulation) Nsim 34e RMS 43e RMS 57e RMS 71e RMS Input referred noise (hand calculation of serial thermal noise ) Peaking time of the output signal when it is a δ-response. Ncal 4.5e RMS 21e RMS 35e RMS 46e RMS Tpint 20ns 27ns 32ns 36ns Peaking time of the output signal when it is the response to the real signal Tpreal 41ns 46ns 50ns 52ns Channel-to-channel variation of the DC offset at the output. Power dissipation δUDC σ ≈ 170e P 1.2uW/channel for 1.2V supply Radius of the input pad Conversion to digital signal. Current comparator.(H.Traff 1992). Low Ithr T1 -A Uout+ Uout- High Iin T2 Uout+ - Uout- VtT2=200mV Low High Iin - Ithr VtT1=200mV Ambiguity zone ± 30nA !!! Design of the Current comparator as a current-to-voltage converter. T1 Vt=200mV gm=1.6u Iin T4 Vt=200mV 33 Vbias T3 Vt=400mV Gainopen loop = gmT3 / gdsT3 = 53 (High state) = 18 (Low state) Uout+ 130nA T2 Vt=200mV gm=1.6u Degradation of the output impedance of T3 in Low state causes drop of the open loop gain. UDC=300mV Uout- Zin Zin=1/ [gmT1,T2 • Gainopen loop] 500kΩ 40kΩ 14kΩ Ambiguity state. Iin = 0nA. Low state. Iin = - 60nA High state. Iin = 60nA 10MHz Freg, Interface to the Current comparator. Design of the accoupled voltage-to-current converter. Charge sensitive Preamplifier is a Current-to-voltage converter voltage Voltage-to-current converter Vbias2 current Current Comparator is a current-to-voltage converter LVDS Driver Ibias1=200nA Cc=200fF M1 Uin M2 M4 Ron=1GΩ Vbias3 Ithr=42nA 1. Differentiation time constant of the AC-coupling: Cc • Ron = 200usec >> signal duration time. 2. Gain = Iout/Uin = 0.5• gmT1 = 90nA/52mV (438e). 3. Channel-to-channel Gain variation: σ(δGain/Gain) = 10% (44e). Vbias1 M3 Iout 4. Output impedance = 1/ gdsT3 = 100 MΩ. 5. Channel-to-channel variation of the output DC current: σ(δIoutDC) = 24nA (120e). Design of the complete comparator with DC hysteresis. Charge sensitive Preamplifier is a Current-to-voltage converter voltage Voltage-to-current converter current THRup ≈ σnoise THRdown Vbias2 Uin Current Comparator voltage is a current-to-voltage converter LVDS Driver Hysteresis or positive feedback allows to avoid too short pulses and double pulses at the output of the comparator. U(THRup )-U(THRdown) = 15nA(73e) σnoise= 0.2 • U(THRup) = 75e Vbias3 Ithr=42nA Vbias 33 Vbias1 Iout Ithr=15nA Uout+ 130nA UDC=300mV Uout- Design of the LVDS output driver. Charge sensitive Preamplifier is a Current-to-voltage converter voltage Voltage-to-current converter current Current Comparator voltage is a current-to-voltage converter The Low Voltage Differential Driver (LVDS) delivers the digital signals to the external low impedance load. Ibias=21uA Ibias=85uA ΔU= 100mV ΔU= 55mV Uin+ Uout- Uin- Uout+ Rl=7kΩ R3=1kΩ R4=1kΩ R2=7kΩ Cpar ≈ 8pF Cpar ≈ 8pF LVDS Driver voltage The signals in the design . Time-walk at the output of the LVDS driver as a function of the signal amplitude (Amp). Threshold = 350e. Input current signal coming from pixel pad Amp=9000e Amp=1800e Amp=900e Output of the preamplifier Threshold Amp=438e Amp=350e Output of the current comparator. ΔT=45ns Output of the LVDS driver. Design of the bias circuit. A filter is needed to suppress common bus noise. A 1th order low-pass filter with cut-off frequency fcut-off= 1/[2π • Ron • Cncap] = 16kHz T1 Ron=1GΩ W/L=0.16u/24u Vgs=38mW Vthr=250mV Cncap = 10fF (11fF/um2 ) T2 R1 Vgs=38mW T3 Control determines current (voltage drop over R1). T4 Channel-to-channel spread of the output impedances T1…T4 is given as follows: σ(δ(gds)/gds)= σ(δVt) /[n•Φt ] ≈ 15% Conclusion and plans. . There will be no silicon sensor on the GOSSIPO chip due to a novel concept of the particle detection that allows to circumvent major constrains related to that. . Low input parasitic capacitance and no need for the detector leakage current compensation at the input are the reasons to expect an outstanding performance of the design. . Design of the GOSSIPO chip is in progress on the basis of the potentialities of the 0.13um CMOS . The following specification have been found feasible so far: a) parasitic input capacitance 10fF….30fF. b) input referred electronic noise σnoise = 70e (corresponds to THR=350e). c) δ-response peaking time ≈ 36ns , real signal response peaking time ≈ 52ns . d) analog power dissipation ≈ 1.7uW/channel for 1.2V supply (without LVDS driver). e) channel-to-channel threshold dispersion σTHR ≈140e. . There will be 4 individual channels on the chip. Each channel will be equipped with a chargesensitive preamplifier ac-coupled to a current comparator with DC hysteresis and a LVDS driver. . Vertical Parallel Plate (VPP) or fringe capacitor seems to be suitable for injection of the test signal. The VPP-based capacitance is taken to implement the feedback capacitance in the preamplifier. . A dedicated circuit on the chip will provide all the channels with bias voltages (currents). . Low-pass filters have been added to each channel to avoid common bus noise. . We look to submit this prototype within CERN organized MPW run in December 2005.