DBQ Native American Relations

DBQ- Native American- White
Relations, 1800-1850
• Unpack the prompt
• DO
the interaction
between whites and
Native Americans
• 1) Goals of Whites
• 2) Indian Responses
DBQ Native American Relations
• Doc A (ID Person, yr)
– Summary- What does Jefferson want the Indians to become and
explain what kid of relationship he wants with the Indians
• Doc B (ID- who is speaking to whom? Yr (Why is that
important for the second person, fact- Delaware is an
Indian tribe)
– What did the Government promise the Indians and what
happened to the Indians
• Doc C- (ID- Who wrote the letter? Who is he? Yr? Why
might the yr be important?)
– What is Harrison’s impression of Tecumsah and why should the
US be worried
• Doc D (ID- what is this a map of, yrs?)
– What do the arrowed lines mean? Who are the tribes? Where
did they start and where did they end up? Where were they
Doc A
• ID- Thomas Jefferson, 1803
– (president, Declaration of Independence, natural rights,
slave owners, Sally Hemings)
• Summary- Pres. Jefferson wanted Native Americans to
become farmers and assimilate in order to become a
part of American society
• OI (Outside Information)
• 1) Declaration of Independence– Jefferson believes in equality and inalienable rights that all
people should have
• 2) Natural Rights– Jefferson was influenced by John Locke and life, liberty,
and property are rights every human should have
• 3) Sally Hemings– Jefferson’s mistress and lover whom he had several
children with indicating that he was a person who judged
people based on character and not skin color
Doc. B
• ID-Billy Paterson (Delaware spokesman) Delaware are a Native American
– Thomas Jefferson, 1805 President (this is a letter from an Indian tribe to
the President, very important)
• Summary
– The Delaware Indians were promised money by the Government and
instead were tricked into signing their land away
• OI
– 1) Trail of Tears- 15000 Cherokee forced to move off their land and 4000
died while walking west of the Miss. River because the Government did
not take care of Cherokee on the trip.
– 2) Worcester V. GA- Cherokee sued in order to stay in GA and the
Supreme Court sided with the Cherokee but President Jackson ignored
the decision and forced the Cherokee to move.
3) Indian Removal Act- forced all Native Americans to move west of the
Miss. River into Indian Territory/Oklahoma.
Doc. C
• ID- William H. Harrison, 1811Indian fighter (General in Army), future Pres.
Of US, One year before War of 1812 (US will fight England and Native
• Summary Tecumsah is an enemy that should be given a lot of respect
because he is a genius and could be a real threat to the US
• OI
– Tecumsah- Native American who was a genius and wanted to unite all
Native American tribes against the US
– Indian Confederacy- idea that Tecumsah wanted to unite all Native
American tribes and create a sovereign Native American nation
– Battle of Thames- Tecumsah is killed in battle fighting against US troops
lead by Harrison
– The Prophet Tecumsah’s brother, wanted Native Americans to give up all
things white (alcohol, clothes, guns) and depend solely on Native
American customs
Doc. D
• ID- Removal of Nam, 1820-1840
– Map showing the routes Nam used when forced out of their
homelands to move into Indian territory
– 5 civilized tribes
• Summary– Map showing the routes NAm used when forced out of their
homelands to move into Indian territory
• OI
– 1) 5 Civilized Tribes- Nam. Who tried to fit in to US society by
adapting Americans customs
– 2) Cherokee- assimilation (alphabet, constitution, became
farmers, bought slaves, Chief John Ross, American clothing,
newspaper (Phoenix)
– 3) Seminoles- fought back in Florida
Creating a thesis (Look at the Question)
Discuss the interaction between whites and Native Americans
1) Goals of Whites
2) Indian Responses
• Look at the 4 docs and identify the key idea in each
– Doc A
– Doc B
– Doc C
– Doc D
• Create a sentence based on the key ideas in the
docs (using a small part of the question)
– As Americans moved west, the goal of Americans was…
– while the response on Native Americans was to…. Or…
Mr. Hromadka’s Thesis
• As Americans moved west, the goal of
Americans’ was to push Native Americans off
their land any way possible, while the
response of Native Americans was to fight
back or assimilate and fit in.
AAA Thesis
• As Americans moved west, the goal of most
Americans’ was to push Native Americans off
their land any way possible, while a few
Americans felt Native Americans had a place
in the future of the United States. The
response of Native Americans was either to
fight back or assimilate and fit in.
AAA investigation-Look into the Docs and OI and figure out which DOCS and OI fit best
with each argument
• the goal of most Americans’ was to push Native Americans off their
land any way possible
• a few Americans felt Native Americans had a place
• response of Native Americans was either to fight back
The response of Native Americans was to fit in.
As Americans moved west, the goal of Americans’ was to
push Native Americans off their land any way possible often
with violence or violating American beliefs.
• While the goal of most white Americans was to remove the Native
Americans from their land, as few enlightened Americans felt that
Native Americans had a place in the future of the US.
As Americans moved west and interacted with Native
Americans, the response of some Native Americans was to
fight back and stand up for their way of life and land.
As Americans moved west and interacted with Native
Americans, the response of other Native Americans, like the
Cherokee, was to assimilate and attempt to fit in by showing
Americans they could be American too.