Digestion of Alcohol

 Where
does alcohol go once it enters
your body?
 How does your body process/digest
 What organs are involved in processing
 How is alcohol removed from the body?
 What
body system does alcohol affect
where the results are quickly visible to
• Nervous System
 How
did the alcohol get into the nervous
• Blood transportation
 How did alcohol get into the blood?
• Absorption/digestion by the stomach and other
digestive organs
How was the alcohol absorbed into the blood?
• Diffusion, active transport, osmosis properties
What is equilibrium?
• A term used from the cellular level to the whole body
(ability to balance). “Equal status”
Does the concept of equilibrium have anything to
do with this process?
• Yes, cells are constantly seeking a state of equilibrium
where everything within and outside the cell are perfectly
balanced. Because this doesn’t happen, cells continue
their processes of diffusion, osmosis and active transport
which allow our body systems to function. We can
received energy from food and eliminate wastes.
 Why
does alcohol affect the CNS?
• Some drugs mimic or block the molecules
involved in communication between cells and
therefore affect operations of the brain and
 The
rate at which alcohol enters the
bloodstream is dependent on the amount
of alcohol consumed, the concentration of
alcohol in the beverage, the type of
drink, how quickly it was consumed,
body weight of person consuming it, and
whether the stomach is full or empty.
 http://www.alcoholmonitoring.com/static
 1. Mouth
 2. Stomach
• a. Needs no digestion; alcohol will just absorb
into the bloodstream through the stomach lining.
• b. 20% of alcohol absorbed in stomach
• c. Dependent on the amount of food in stomach
and the amount and rate at which the alcohol is
 3.
Small Intestines
• a. Absorption in upper portion through the walls
of the small intestines into the bloodstream.
• b. 80% of alcohol absorbed in small intestines.
 4.
• a. Pumps blood throughout the body with alcohol
in it.
• b. Goes to the brain and causes CNS responses.
 1.
• a. Detoxifies (oxidation) the alcohol at a rate of
0.5 ounces (15 ml) an hour.
• b. Responsible for eliminating 90% of alcohol
• c. Alcohol is changed first into acetaldehyde (a
poison), then to acetic acid and finally into water,
carbon dioxide and energy.
 Liver:
 (1). If more alcohol arrives than can be broken down
the alcohol will travel to all parts of the body, through
the blood-stream, and affect various organs of the
 (2). The byproduct of detoxification of alcohol is fatty
acids. Fatty acids clog the liver and kill liver cells.
This leads to permanent liver damage.
• (3). Blood alcohol content (BAC) increase when
the body absorbs alcohol faster than it
eliminates it.
 2.
• a. Expel alcohol through the process of
• b. Accounts for 1-5% of excretion of alcohol.
 3.
• a. Excretes alcohol through the urine.
• b. Accounts for up to 10% of excretion of alcohol.
 4. Skin
• a. Excretes alcohol through sweat.
• b. Accounts for <.5% of excretion of alcohol.