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Do You Have Gas?
Movie Maker
Center #2
Developed by: Jeanne Lejeune
School Name A. M. Barbe H.S.
Next Generation Science Standards:
H.S. PS-CR Chemical Reactions:
h. Construct explanations using data from system models or simulations to support the claim that systems with many
molecules have predictable behavior, but that the behavior of individual molecules is unpredictable.
Recall the four gas laws, Charles’ Law ( V1/T1 = V2/T2), Boyle’s Law (P1 x V1= P2 x V2), Gay-Lussac’s Law (P1/T1 = P2/T2), and
the Combined Gas Law (P1 x V1)/T1= (P2 x V2)/T2). At this point we have learned how pressure, volume, and temperature
are related, however we have not accounted for the amount of gas in moles. Now we will explore the ideal gas law, P x V
= n x R x T.
Communicate the Big Question(s)
Do ideal gases really exist?
Guiding Questions:
1. What are two assumptions about molecules of an ideal gas?
2. When do these assumptions apply?
3. Are there circumstances where the ideal gas law would hold little value?
Your Objective: Prepare a video lesson using windows MovieMaker to help your fellow students understand what the
ideal gas law is, its formula, what each variable means and work through two basic problems with them. Then choose
one of the real life scenarios to work through using the ideal gas law.
Real World Scenario 1: You are the head engineer at a chemical plant. Sam Eagan, the summer intern, has just broken
the cooling system to the main helium tank. Sam tells you not to be worried; the tank can withstand up to 40.0 atm of
pressure before exploding. Before Sam's accident, the tank was subjected to 10.0 atm. The tank was originally at 250 K,
but it's a hot summer day, and you fear its temperature may rise to 350 K. Should you believe Sam?
Real World Scenario 2: A race of purely gas-based aliens inhabits Jupiter ( P = 808 kPa, T = 600 K). On Jupiter, each alien
occupies a volume of one cubic meter. The aliens decide to visit Earth. They board their climate controlled gascraft,
make the long journey to Earth, and land in a cornfield in southern Idaho ( P = 101 kPa, T = 300 K ). When they
disembark, how big will they be? Assume that the aliens' innards do not diffuse or burst in the Earth's atmosphere.
To accomplish your task you will work collaboratively with your team using the following steps.
1. You will work as a member of a student panel to improve student cognition of complex chemistry concepts to
raise the class grade point average.
2. Your team will compile pertinent information on the ideal gas law. You will research your text, visit your
teacher's blackboard to view the PowerPoint and applying ideal gas law summary document.
3. You will set the lesson to music, make up a rap, or make a song to your favorite piece of music (parody). Use
poster boards in your video to display the steps and solve one of the two scenarios. You should view the Ideal
Gas law videos for ideas. Video 1 – Video 2 – Video 3
4. The team will plan, research, record information, etc. using the text, blackboard, and storyboard.
5. Individual team members will gather resources and/ or investigate your area of expertise to complete your
individual portion of this task …
 Archivist: Your role is to conduct the textbook and blackboard review. Each member will view the ideal
gas law videos.
 Media Specialist: Your role is to review the handout on digital video editing with MovieMaker to make
sure you understand how to use the program. You will also record the movie using a digital video
camera or iPad.
 Design Coordinator: Your role is to complete the storyboard to assist the Media Specialist with the
order of the video clips, any pictures, or posters that need to be included. You will also assist in recording
the video to ensure the Media Specialist is present in some of the scenes.
 Assessor: Your role is to develop a worksheet for the viewers to complete while they view the video.
Also include some review type questions of the ideal gas law formula and its components. Include the
reflective questions at the end of this lesson.
6. After you have completed your individual research, you will come back together as a group and you will plan out
the 7-10 minute video as a group using the storyboard template.
7. As a team, review final project for accuracy. Be sure all team members are acknowledged for their work. Include
credits at the end of your video.
8. Save your project using one team member’s first.lastname plus the hour (ex. jane.doe_3rd)
9. Save the final project to your class folder on the desktop.
Reflective Question or Constructive Response:
Now that you have completed the learning center answer the following questions:
1. Why can this law be used in place of the three classical gas laws? (Charles’ Law, Boyle’s Law and Gay-Lussacs
2. Are there times when PV ≠ nRT?
3. What two facts about gases
Complete the worksheet you developed and turn in to the teacher’s box.
Adapted from resources found at the following website
Based on a template from The WebQuest Page