Do you agree with the policy that the government can take control of private land if it believes it is in the best interest of the country? 30% S e c t i o n 2 P o l l i n g Q u e s t i o n A B C D D D. Strongly disagree A C. Somewhat disagree A. B. C. D. 22% C B. Somewhat agree 24% B A. Strongly agree 24% Chapter 11 The Jackson Era (1824-1845) Section 2 Conflicts Over Land How did Andrew Jackson’s presidency affect Native Americans? The Expanding Nation • The American nation had expanded westward • The “Five Civilized Tribes” still lived in the eastern part of the country • Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw • These tribes had farming societies with successful economies • Few Americans settled west of the Mississippi River because it was dry and seemed unsuitable for farming • Many wanted the federal government to relocate Native Americans from the Southeast to this area President Andrew Jackson • Jackson supported the settlers demand for Native American land • Jackson had fought against Native Americans • In Jackson’s Inaugural address, Jackson stated that he intended to move all Native Americans to the Great Plains • Many believed the Great Plains was a wasteland • People thought if the Native Americans moved to that region, the nation’s conflict with them would be over Indian Removal Act • 1830- Jackson pushed the Indian Removal Act through Congress • This allowed the federal government to pay Native Americans to move west • Jackson then sent officials to make treaties with the Native Americans of the Southeast • Most Native American leaders felt forced to accept payment for their lands • 1834- Congress created the Indian Territory • In present day Oklahoma this area was set aside for the relocation of Native Americans from the Southeast The Cherokee Nation • The Cherokee refused to give up their land • “We wish to remain on the land of our fathers” • The government’s position did not change and the Cherokee sued the state of Georgia • Eventually the Cherokee took their case to the Supreme Court • Worcester v. Georgia (1832)Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that Georgia had no right to interfere with the Cherokee • Only the federal government had power in Cherokee matters • President Jackson supported Georgia’s efforts to remove the Cherokee • Jackson ignored the Supreme Court saying “John Marshall made his decision, now let him enforce it” In Worcester v. Georgia, Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that A. Georgia had no right to interfere with the Cherokee. B. the “spoils system” was unconstitutional. C. D. A. the federal government B. had no authority over Native Americans. C. states had to support a national bank. D. A B C D Section 2 Cherokee Land • 1835- The federal government persuaded about 500 Cherokee to sign the Treaty of New Echota • Gave up their land • This gave Jackson the legal document needed to remove the Native Americans • Very few Americans spoke against it • Daniel Webster and Henry Clay did speak against it The Cherokee’s Response • Most of the 17,000 Cherokee refused to honor the treaty • The Cherokee wrote the government and said the people that signed the treaty did not represent the Cherokee people • Jackson’s stance did not change • The Cherokee resisted until 1838 when Jackson’s successor (Van Buren) started their removal • General John Wool resigned in protest • The new general, Winfield Scott, arrived at New Echoa (Cherokee capital) in May 1738 • Along with 7,000 troops- began the invasion of the Cherokee Nation General Winfield Scott • Scott threatened to use force if the Cherokee did not leave • The Cherokee knew that fighting would lead to their destruction • With sadness and anger, the Cherokee leaders gave in • The long march to the west began • Around 2,000 Cherokee died in camps waiting for the move to begin • About 2,000 more died on the trip of starvation, disease, and exposure to brutal weather • Called the Trail of Tears Native American Resistance- Black Hawk • 1832- Black Hawk led a group of Sauk and Fox people back to Illinois • The Illinois state militia along with federal troops responded with 4,500 soldiers • The Native Americans fled and the soldiers caught up to them in present day Iowa Native American Resistance- Seminoles • The Seminole people successfully resisted their removal • Seminole chief, Osceola, and some of his friends refused to leave Florida • The Seminoles joined with a group of escaped enslaved African Americans • They attacked white settlements using guerrilla tactics Native American Resistance- Seminoles Continued • December 1835Ambushed American soldiers under Major Francis Dade • Only a few of the 110 soldiers survived • More troops were sent down to Florida after the Dade Massacre • By 1842- more than 1,500 Americans died in the Seminole wars • The government gave up and allowed the Seminole to stay in Florida After 1842 • There were only a few Native American groups east of the Mississippi River • Native Americans had given up 100 million acres of Eastern land • In return they received $68 million and 32 million acres of land west of the Mississippi • Eventually white settlers would extend into these areas as (Big surprise!) • The Five Civilized Tribes were relocated to present day Oklahoma • There they developed governments and built farms and schools • Also created a police force Section 2 Which tribe successfully resisted forced relocation? A. The Cherokee B. The Sauk C. The Osceola D. The Seminole A. B. C. D. A B C D How did Andrew Jackson’s presidency affect Native Americans? -1. The federal government should deal with Native American matters -2. Intentions to move Native Americans to the Great Plains -3. Indian Removal Act -4. His support for Georgia’s effort to remove the Cherokee -5. Treaty of Echota Chapter 11 Section 2 Quiz Which act allowed the federal government to pay Native Americans to move west? rs ttl e Se Re m n di a Ac t ct lA ov a ra l de Fe In at iv e Am er ic a n A Ac t ct Native American Act Federal Act Indian Removal Act Settlers Act N A. B. C. D. 25% 25% 25% 25% Who were the only Native Americans who successfully resisted their removal? 25% x Fo uk Sa ee ro k he C m in ol e Seminole Cherokee Sauk Fox Se A. B. C. D. 25% 25% 25% Making surprise attacks and then retreating back into the forests and swamps is using tactical warfare. guerrilla tactics. swamp tactics. surprise warfare. fa re . s. tic tic w ar e rp ris su sw am p ta c ta c a er ril l gu ct ic a lw ar fa re . s. 25% 25% 25% 25% ta A. B. C. D. The Cherokee Trail of Tears began in 25% K en tu c ky . am a. A la b a. or id Fl eo rg ia . Georgia. Florida. Alabama. Kentucky. G A. B. C. D. 25% 25% 25% Who, along with federal troops, led the Cherokee west on the Trail of Tears? 25% 25% 25% 25% rr y ar d er liv O m ill ia H He n az ry in fie ld W W Pe Ha rr is ot t Sc on ks Ja c re w A nd on A. Andrew Jackson B. Winfield Scott C. William Henry Harrison D. Oliver Hazard Perry Participant Scores 0 0 Participant 1 Participant 2 0 0 0 Participant 3 Participant 4 Participant 5 Team Scores 0 0 Team 1 Team 2 0 0 0 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5