Name: ____________________________________ Due Date: ______________________ Ancient Egypt Tic-Tac-Toe Menu #1 #2 Create a Travel Brochure Produce a Photo story #3 Create a Hieroglyphic Wall Painting #4 #5 #6 Write and produce a movie Complete an Ancient Invent an Ancient based on the life of Egyptian timeline Egyptian board game #7 #8 #9 Create an “A-B-C” book Make a hieroglyphic Complete RAFT of Egypt crossword puzzle of assignment someone living in Ancient Egypt. Egyptian vocab. You must complete one of the activities. Each activity is worth 20 points, and has a specific grading rubric. Please be sure to get the right rubric for the activity you choose. I have chosen activity # . I understand that the chosen activities require me to write in 6th grade words and create projects that I myself have done. Student Signature: Important Information to know: Photostory and Power Point slideshow projects must be emailed to If you know you will be absent, please turn your project in as soon as possible. 1 Ancient Egypt Activity 1 Original Photostory Find pictures (or create your own) of information relating to Egypt. For examples photos can show Pharaohs, Nile River, Anubis, Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, Tutankhamen, Ramses II, etc. Put them together in a collage using multimedia. Examples might be a PowerPoint, Prezi, an online photo album on a site like Snapfish, a website, scrapbook, etc. Minimum of 20 pictures. Include captions and citations with your pictures to provide a description of the images. Make sure you do not plagiarize your photos or captions. Use your own words, please. Point Value 20 pts. 15 pts. 10 pts. 0-5 pts. Photostory Includes at least 20 Includes at least 15 Includes at least 10 Includes at least 5 Components images that contain images that contain images that contain images that contain relevant and precise relevant and precise relevant and precise relevant and precise information relating information relating information relating information relating to Egypt to Egypt to Egypt to Egypt Creativity, Student-written Student-written Student-written Student-written Neatness, and precise description precise description somewhat precise some description of Accuracy of all pictures with of all pictures with description of all a few pictures with citation used. citation used. pictures with citation citation used. used. http:// Name: This project choice shows my 6th grade writing skills and creativity. I have completed the required work to the best of my ability. Total: 2 Ancient Egypt Activity 2 Create a Travel Brochure Assume you are persuading others to visit your ancient civilization. Design a descriptive, accurate travel brochure. Include both natural and man-made elements that would attract tourists. Each brochure should include: Detailed map of Ancient Egypt; list of major cities at that time; facts about the government; information about the culture of Ancient Egypt including religious beliefs, clothing, architectural structures, pyramids, monuments, etc.; how natural geography played an important role in the lives of people; a hieroglyphic message. Point Value 20 -13pts. 13-10 pts. 0-5 pts. Content and Geologic features have Some geological No map, very vague Comprehension been identified & features have been descriptions of geologic Components thoroughly explained. identified & explained. features. No mention of Map is beautifully Map is neatly colored. how the geography of colored. 4 or more At least 3 architectural Egypt helped to advance Architectural structures structures are explained the civilization. Fewer are explained and how& & reasons as to how & than three structures why created. Creative why created. Message in have been identified. message in Hieroglyphics. Some Little or no information Hieroglyphics. 3 or more religious beliefs are about how monuments gods are identified and explained 2 or 3 gods were created. Limited or religious beliefs are identified. Information no information about explained. Belief around about mummification and hieroglyphics, no afterlife, mummification death rituals are hieroglyphic message. and death rituals are explained Major beliefs regarding explained. religion not explained. 3 Creativity & Colorful and eye- Brochure is attractive. Little effort in creativity Organization catching cover, brochure Most of the brochure is and neatness, very is attractive, appealing & organized, has a decent difficult to follow. informative. Easy to read flow throughout Information doesn’t flow and flows well in a way that makes sense. http:// Name: This project choice shows my 6th grade writing skills and creativity. I have completed the required work to the best of my ability. Total: 4 Ancient Egypt Activity 3 Hieroglyphic Wall Painting Point Value 20 pts. 15 pts. 10 pts. 0-5 pts. Wall Painting Nicely created artwork Nicely created Nicely created Nicely created on 8 ½ by 11” or larger artwork on 8 ½ by 11” artwork on 8 ½ by artwork on 8 ½ by canvas or poster board or larger canvas or 11” or larger canvas 11” or larger canvas using paint, markers, or poster board using or poster board or poster board pencil for an paint, markers, or using paint, markers, using paint, markers, etching/drawing; pencil for an or pencil for an or pencil for an represent a pharaoh etching/drawing; etching/drawing; etching/drawing; scene; neat and detailed represent a pharaoh represent a pharaoh represent a pharaoh scene; somewhat neat scene; not very neat scene; not neat or and detailed or detailed detailed Student-written precise Student-written Student-written No student-written description of scene precise description of precise description description of scene explained on the back or scene explained on the of scene explained explained. on a separate piece of back or on a separate on the back or on a paper in 3-4 sentences. piece of paper in 2 separate piece of sentences. paper in 1 sentence. Description Name: This project choice shows my 6th grade writing skills and creativity. I have completed the required work to the best of my ability. Total: 5 Ancient Egypt Activity 4 Write and produce a movie based on the life of someone living in Ancient Egypt. The person can be a pharaoh, farmer, priest, etc. You can act out the movie in class or use software to produce it. Point Value 20 pts. 15 pts. 10 pts. 0-5 pts. Accuracy of Story or plot includes at Story or plot includes Story or plot includes Story or plot includes least 20 major facts at least 15 major facts at least 10 major facts at least 5 major facts surrounding Ancient surrounding Ancient surrounding Ancient surrounding Ancient Egypt, dates and Egypt, dates and Egypt. Project Egypt. Project does information accurate. information accurate. demonstrates some not demonstrate new Project Project new knowledge Knowledge regarding Demonstrates mastery of Demonstrates new regarding Ancient Ancient Egypt Knowledge regarding Knowledge regarding Egypt. Learning is Sketchy Ancient Egypt. Much Ancient Egypt. Much evident understanding is learning is evident. learning is evident. Creativity and Project represents Project represents Project represents Project represents Appearance best effort in creativity effort in creativity and Very little effort in No effort in and appearance. appearance. creativity and creativity and appearance. appearance. Information present. Name: This project choice shows my 6th grade writing skills and creativity. I have completed the required work to the best of my ability. Total: 6 Ancient Egypt Activity 5 Ancient Egyptian timeline Point Value 20 pts. 15 pts. 10 pts. 0-5 pts. Accuracy of Includes at least 10 Includes at least 8 Includes at least 6 Includes at least 4 Information major events that major events that major events that major events that occurred in Ancient occurred in Ancient occurred in Ancient occurred in Ancient Egypt, dates and Egypt, dates and Egypt, dates and Egypt, dates and information information information information not very accurate; written in accurate; written in somewhat accurate; accurate at all; not student’s words student’s words somewhat written in written in student’s student’s words words Creativity Information has Information has Information has Information has Neatness, and pictures that match pictures that match pictures that match pictures that match Appearance every event, title, most events, title some events, title, a few to no events, timeline neatly timeline neatly timeline organized title, timeline not organized and organized and and spread out on a very organized or spread out on a spread out on a poster board spread out on a poster board, poster board, mostly somewhat colored poster board, not colored, detailed, colored, detailed, detailed and legible colored, detailed, or and legible and legible legible Name: This project choice shows my 6th grade writing skills and creativity. I have completed the required work to the best of my ability. Total: 7 Ancient Egypt Activity 6 Invent an Ancient Egyptian board game Point Value 20 pts. 15 pts. 10 pts. 0-5 pts. Game Components Directions, pieces, Directions, pieces, Directions, pieces, Directions, pieces, rules, and game rules, and game rules, and game rules, and game board all relate to board all relate to board all relate to board all relate to Ancient Egypt; Ancient Egypt; Ancient Egypt; Ancient Egypt; game includes many game includes some game includes few game does not researched researched researched includes researched questions and questions and questions and questions and answers to complete answers to complete answers to complete answers to complete a task on Ancient a task on Ancient a task on Ancient a task on Ancient Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Creativity All work is clearly Most work is clearly Some work is clearly Little or not work is Neatness, and legible, game legible, game legible, game clearly legible, game Appearance components neatly components neatly components components created created, game title is created, game title is created, game title is are poor, game title evident, creative and evident, mostly evident, somewhat is not evident, not appealing to the eye creative and creative and creative and appealing to the eye appealing to the eye appealing to the eye. Name: This project choice shows my 6th grade writing skills and creativity. I have completed the required work to the best of my ability. Total: 8 Ancient Egypt Activity 7 Create an “A-B-C” book of Egypt ***It may be hand-written or computer generated. Be CREATIVE! Point Value 20 pts. 15 pts. 10 pts. 0-5 pts. Written work An Egyptian An Egyptian An Egyptian An Egyptian person, place, or person, place, or person, place, or person, place, or term relating to term relating to term relating to term relating to Ancient Egypt for Ancient Egypt for Ancient Egypt for Ancient Egypt for each letter (24-26); some letters (20- some letters (16- for 15 or less a definition and 23); a definition and 19); a definition and letters; a definition picture of the word picture of the word picture of the word and picture of the included included included word included Creativity Nicely hand-written Nicely hand-written Hand-written or Poorly hand-written Neatness, and or typed, cover and or typed, cover and typed, cover or title or typed, cover or Appearance title included, folded title included, folded included, folded to title not included, or assembled to or assembled to look like a book, folded to look like a look like a book, look like a book, name on cover; little book, name not on name on cover; very name on cover; neat and creative cover; not neat or neat and creative mostly neat and creative creative http:// Name: This project choice shows my 6th grade writing skills and creativity. I have completed the required work to the best of my ability. Total: 9 Ancient Egypt Activity 8 Make a hieroglyphic crossword puzzle of Egyptian vocab. Point Value 20 pts. 15 pts. 10 pts. 0-5 pts. Written work 10 Vocabulary words 8 Vocabulary words 6 Vocabulary words 4 Vocabulary words from the chapter neatly from the chapter neatly from the chapter neatly from the chapter neatly intertwined using intertwined using intertwined using intertwined using student-drawn student-drawn student-drawn student-drawn hieroglyphics on one hieroglyphics on one hieroglyphics on one hieroglyphics on one side of a poster board; side of a poster board; side of a poster board; side of a poster board; English translation English translation English translation English translation neatly intertwined on neatly intertwined on neatly intertwined on neatly intertwined on the other side; the other side; the other side; the other side; definitions/hints definitions/hints definitions/hints definitions/hints neatly written on either neatly written on either missing from either side missing from either side side of poster side of poster of poster of the poster Creativity, Neatness, Nicely created puzzle Puzzle created with Puzzle created with Puzzle created with and Appearance with color and color and precision; some color and little to no color and precision; great detail detail mostly added to precision; some detail precision; little to not added to the the construction and mostly added to the detail added to the construction and design; mostly neat and construction and construction and design; very neat and organized design; somewhat neat design; not neat or or organized organized organized Name: This project choice shows my 6th grade writing skills and creativity. I have completed the required work to the best of my ability. Total: 10 Ancient Egypt Activity 9 Complete RAFT assignment Directions: Select the activity below that interests you and complete it according to the specific guidelines. ROLE AUDIENCE FORMAT TOPIC #1 The Weather Ancient farmers Yearly summary of the “Wish all rivers could be so Nile R. cycles Dependable!!” Egyptian people “How To” manual Don’t be afraid of the journey World Scholars Investigative report Okay, what will break the language Channel announcer c. 2700 B.C. #2 Embalmer dressed as Anubis #3Language Expert in Rosetta, Egypt code? #4 Hatshepsut Egyptians My goals as pharaoh “Take me seriously” #5 Thutmose III Bankers in Egypt Campaign slogans for “I have big plans for the all that the tribute money (3 money” clever slogans) #6 Ramses II Architects Building plans in great “Egypt has never seen the likes of detail what I want to build” 11 Ancient Egypt Activity 9 Continued RAFT assignment Rubric Point Value 20 pts. 15 pts. 10 pts. 0-5 pts. Written work The information is The information is Some of the The information correct and is correct and is information provided provided is not supported by supported by is not supported by supported by the text/research. text/research. the text/research text/research Writer’s voice was Overall the writer’s Overall the writer’s Writer did not reflective of role voice reflected role voice reflected role reflect on the role chosen and voice chosen, and was chosen, but was chosen and voice was consistent mostly convincing to inconsistent through sounded as throughout writing. audience. Three or writing. Five student’s voice. No mechanical less mechanical mechanical errors More than five errors were found. errors were found. were found. mechanical errors were found. Creativity Nicely hand-written Nicely hand-written Hand-written or Poorly hand-written Neatness, and or typed. Project or typed. typed. Project or typed. Project represents Project represents represents represents best effort in effort in creativity Very little effort in no effort in creativity and and appearance. creativity and creativity and appearance. appearance. Appearance appearance. Name: This project choice shows my 6th grade writing skills and creativity. I have completed the required work to the best of my ability. Total: 12