Self-Harm Awareness - Purdue University Calumet

Purdue University Calumet
Self-harm is the act of intentionally inflicting harm on
oneself. This term can include a range of wide behaviors
such as attempted hanging, impulsive, self-poisoning, and
superficial cutting in response to intolerable tension. It isn’t
a suicide attempt, though it may look and seem that way.
Common types of self-injury include:
o scratching,
o burning
o ripping or pulling skin or hair
o self-bruising, and breaking bones
o While cutting may occur on any part of the body, it is most common
on the hands, wrists, stomach, and thighs.
Self-injury is an unhealthy way to cope with emotional
distress. Some people cut themselves when they feel
overwhelming sadness, anxiety, or emotional numbness.
Others do it to feel in control or relieve stress. A few see it
as a way to “purify” their bodies. Females tend to cut
themselves more than males do, although cutting can
happen with anyone. It often begins between the ages of 12
and 15, but studies suggest 30-40% of college students
who cut begin at 17 years or older.
There are many ways in which people self-harm, these can
Cutting or burning their skin
Punching themselves
Banging or scratching the body
Breaking bones
Hair pulling or picking skin Self strangulation
Ingesting toxic substances
Deliberately starving themselves
Misusing alcohol or drugs
People who are at greatest risk include:
 Demographic
o Youth
o Female sex
o Sexual minorities
Social and Family Environment
o Adverse childhood environment and experiences
o Interpersonal difficulties in adolescence
o Adverse life events
o Social Isolation
Psychological Factors/Situational factors
o Mental health disorder (Depression, bipolar disorder)
o Impulsivity, poor problem-solving
Self-harm is more common than many people realize, especially among
younger people. A survey of people aged 15-16 years carried out in the
UK in 2002 estimated that more than 10% of girls and more than 3% of
boys had self-harmed in the previous year.
In most cases, people who self-harm do it to help them cope with
unbearable and overwhelming emotional issues, caused by problems
such as:
social factors – being bullied, having difficulties at work or school, or
having difficult relationships with friends or family
trauma – physical or sexual abuse, or the death of a close family
member or friend
mental health conditions –depression, borderline personality disorder
These issues can lead to a build-up of intense feelings of anger,
hopelessness and self-hatred.
Although some people who self-harm are at a high risk of ending their
lives, many people who self-harm do not want to end their lives. In fact,
the self-harm may help them cope with emotional distress so they don't
feel the need to kill themselves.
Detecting self-injurious behavior can be difficult. Cutters are usually
secretive, and will hurt themselves in places that are easy to hide with
clothing. Individuals who cut may also give excuses for their injuries,
such as “the cat scratched me.” Over 1/3 of the respondents in a
college study who reported cutting indicated that no one knew about
the behavior. Here are some warning signs of cutting behaviors:
o Unexplained burns, cuts, bruising, scars, healing or healed wounds, or similar
markings on the skin—small, linear cuts are especially common
Implausible stories that may explain one, but not all, of one’s physical injuries
Consistently wearing long sleeves or pants, even when it’s hot outside
Constantly wearing wristbands, large watchbands, or large bracelets
Frequent bandages or other methods of covering wounds
Odd or unexplainable paraphernalia, such as razor blades or needles
Unwillingness to participate in activities that expose the body, such as swimming
People often try to keep self-harm a secret because of shame or fear of
discovery. For example, they may cover up their skin and avoid discussing the
It is often up to close family and friends to notice when somebody is selfharming, and to approach the subject with care and understanding.
Self-harm does not always mean you want to end your life.
You may self-harm to try and share how you are feeling, to
try and feel better or to punish yourself.
It is important to note that, individuals who self-harm are
more likely to try to commit suicide than someone who does
not self-injure.
Sometimes, people try to take their own life as a way of how
they feel or to control their emotions. In these situations
this can be very similar to an act of self-harm.
Mental health services can help with:
o Practical help to deal with the situations that led or could lead to
o your self-harm.
o Help understanding the things that lead to your self-harm and why
o you do it.
o Seeing if you have any mental health problems.
o Treatment of any mental health problems.
o Problem solving therapy/ training.
Perhaps someone you care about has told you that they
self-harm or you have found out some other way. Here are
some tips:
o Don't take it personally: Self-harm is about the person, not about
the people around them. Even if it feels like manipulation, it
probably isn't. People do not harm themselves to be dramatic,
annoy others, or to make a point.
o Learn about self-harm: Get as much information about self-harm as
you can. It will help you understand what the individual is going
through. There are many books and websites which you can find
o Be supportive: It is important that the person who self-harms knows
that you will love them whether they self-harm or not. If possible,
provide a safe place to talk. Set aside your personal feelings about
self-harm and focus on what's really going on for the person. You
should always be honest and realistic about what you can and can't
Demands do not work: Demanding that someone stops selfharming (i.e. through punishing or guilt tripping the person) can
often make the self-harm worse. It can make someone self-harm
secretly. You may want to take things that they could use for selfharm away (for example, sharp knives).
The pain of the person: Accepting and understanding that
someone is in pain doesn't make the pain go away but can make
the pain more bearable for the individual. Be hopeful about the
possibilities of finding other ways of coping rather than self-harm.
If they are willing, discuss possibilities for treatment with them
but don’t push them into anything.
Don't force things: Be patient. You might find it difficult if the
person rejects you at first but they may need time to build trust.
It is important to realize that cutting is rooted in emotional
distress; it’s a way for some people to cope with their
emotions or outside stressors. Cutting tends to become a
compulsive behavior; it’s difficult for some people to stop
even when they want to. As with other compulsions,
professional help is often needed to stop the behavior.
Treatment focuses on making people aware of the stressors
that trigger cutting and on helping the individuals learn
better means of coping. Treatment can also get to the
bottom of the problems that are really bothering the person,
and help him or her express their feelings in a more positive
If you or someone you know is cutting or engaging in other
types of self-injury, contact:
Counseling Center
 Location: Gyte 5
 Phone number: 219-989-2366
 Website:
 Offers free thearapeutic services to all currently enrolled
Provided by
 General information about cutting and self-injury
o About Self-Harm: Why You Self-Harm and How to Seek Help – Get the
facts about cutting and self-injury. Learn what purpose it serves and
how you can overcome it. (Mind)
The Truth About Self-Harm (PDF) – In-depth guide for young people and
their friends and families. Includes tips for talking about it and
strategies for stopping self-harm. (Mental Health Foundation)
Cutting – Article written for teens explains what cutting is, why people
do it, how it starts, and where to go for help. (TeensHealth, Nemours
Self-Harm – Introduction to self-harm, including what makes people do
it, danger signs, treatment, and things you can do to help yourself.
(Royal College of Psychiatrists)
Self-Harm and Trauma: Research Findings – Learn about the
relationship between self-harm and childhood trauma and abuse. (U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs)
Self-help for cutting, self-injury, and self-harm
 How to Stop Hurting Yourself – Tips on ending self-harm from
psychologist Tracy Alderman, author ofThe Scarred Soul:
Understanding and Ending Self-Inflicted Violence. (
 How Can I Stop Cutting? – Offers strategies for resisting the urge
to cut by planning ahead, distracting yourself, and finding other
ways to express your feelings. (TeensHealth, Nemours
 Reducing and Stopping Self-Harm – Explore the reasons you
want to stop injuring yourself, examine the reasons behind your
behavior, and learn how to stop, as well as deal with slip-ups.
(Scar Tissue)
 Coping Skills – Learn the coping skills that worked for one former
self-injurer. Includes coping skills for staying in the present, for
general wellness, and for replacing cutting.
S.A.F.E. Alternatives (Self-Abuse Finally Ends) – Organization
dedicated to helping people who self-harm. Includes
treatment referrals, recovery information, and an
information helpline: 1-800-366-8288. (S.A.F.E.
Helping a friend or family member who self-harms
o Family and Friends – Addresses the thoughts and feelings you may
have about a loved one’s cutting or self-harm. Includes tips on what
to do and what not to do. (
o Help for Families and Friends – Advice on how to talk to someone
about their self-injury and how to be supportive without reinforcing
the behavior. (Deb Martinson)
o Helpguide
o SAFE self injury website
o Lifesigns
Skegg, K. (2005). Self-harm. The Lancet, 366(9495), 1471-1483.
Evans, J. (2000). Interventions to reduce repetition of deliberate self-harm. Int rev psy, 33, 955958
Hawton, K., Kingsbury, S., Steinhardt, K., James, A., Fagg, J. (1999). Journal of Adolescence, 22,
Hawton, K, Rodham, K., Evans, E., & Weatherall, R. (2002). Deliberate self harm in adolescents:
self report survey in schools in England. Behavior Medical Journal, 325, 1207-1211.
Isacsson, G. Richard, C.L. (2001). Management of patients who deliberately harm themselves.
Behavioral Management Journal, 322, 213-215.
Klonsky, E.D., Oltmans, T.F., Turkheimer, E. (2003). Deliberate self-harm in a nonclinical
population: prevalence and psychological correlates. American Journal of Psychiatry, 15011508.
Nada-Raja, S., Morrison, D., & Skegg, K. (2003). A population-based study of help-seeking for
self-harm in young adults. Australia New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 37, 600-605.
Nada-Raja, Skegg,K., Langley, J., Morrison, D., & Sowerby, P. (2004). Self-harmful behaviors in
a population-based sample of young adults. . Suicide Life Threatening Behevaior, 34, 177-186.
Romans, S.E., Martin, J.L., Anderson, J.C., Herbison, G.P., & Mullen, P.E. (1995). Childhood
adversity predicts earlier onset of major depression disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry,
152, 3089-3096.
Skegg, K., Nada-Raja, S., Dickson, N., Paul, C., & Williams, S. (2003) Sexual Orientation
and self-harm in men and women . American Journal of Psychiatry, 160, 541-546.