Assignment Brief - the Arden Business Department

Crown Woods College
BTEC National in Business
Assignment Brief
Unit 3 – Introduction to Marketing
Name: ____________________________________
Date due: _______________________________________
BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Instructions for Learners
1. Read the assignment brief carefully and make sure you understand:
a) what you have to do in each task, and
b) what work to hand in.
If you are uncertain, discuss it with your teacher.
2. The assignment is split up into tasks, which will be set at interim periods throughout
the unit. Your tutor will guide you and provide you with set dates and deadline
3. To achieve a PASS grade, you need to ensure that all of the pass criteria have been
met. To gain an overall MERIT grade, you must complete all of the pass criteria and
all of the merit criteria. To achieve a DISTINCTION for the unit, you must complete all
of the pass and merit criteria, as well as the distinction criteria.
4. Merit and distinction criteria are EXTENSIONS of the pass criteria, and do not have to
be separate tasks.
5. If you work in a group at any time, you must present your own responses to each
task of the assignment.
6. Information from secondary sources must be referenced within your work and at the
end in a bibliography, NOT presented as your own work / ideas. How to reference
and list bibliographies will be covered in class.
7. Your tutor will provide witness statements or any special documentation you may
need to complete your tasks.
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BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Assessment and Grading Criteria
To achieve a pass grade
the evidence must show
that the learner is
able to:
To achieve a merit
grade the evidence
must show that the
learner is able to:
P1: describe how
marketing techniques are
used to market products
in two organisations
M1: compare
marketing techniques
used in marketing
products in two
To achieve a
distinction grade
the evidence must
show that the
learner is able to:
D1: evaluate the
effectiveness of the
use of techniques in
marketing products
in one organisation
P2: describe the
limitations and
constraints of marketing
P3: describe how a
selected organisation uses
marketing research to
contribute to the
development of its
marketing plans
M2: explain the
limitations of
marketing research
used to contribute to
the development of a
marketing plans
D2: make justified
for improving the
validity of the
marketing research
used to contribute
to the development
of a selected
marketing plans.
P4: use marketing
research for marketing
P5: explain how and why
groups of customers are
targeted for selected
P6: develop a coherent
marketing mix for a new
product or service.
M3: develop a
coherent marketing
mix that is targeted
at a defined group of
potential customers.
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BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Unit Content
1 Know the role of marketing in organisations
Role: overall concept; marketing definitions
Objectives: private sector aims and objectives (survival, growth); public and voluntary sector aims and objectives (service
provision, growth of range of provision, cost limitation, meeting quality standards); marketing objectives, eg market
leadership, brand awareness, perceptions of customers or users; link between organisational objectives and marketing
Techniques: growth strategies (diversification, product development, market penetration or market development, Ansoff’s
Matrix); survival strategies; branding (importance in influencing buyer behaviour, brand building, positioning, brand
extension); relationship marketing (definition, difference between transactional marketing and relationship marketing,
value of lifetime customer)
Limitations and constraints: legal (Sale of Goods Act 1979, The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008,
Consumer Credit Acts 1974 and 2006, Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations, Data Protection Act 1998);
voluntary, eg Code of Advertising Practice and Advertising Standards Authority; pressure groups and consumerism;
acceptable language.
2 Be able to use marketing research and marketing planning
Marketing research: qualitative; quantitative; primary internal/external research; secondary internal/external research;
uses (reduce risk in decision making, measure progress over time); limitations (cost effectiveness, validity of data collected)
Marketing planning: marketing planning process model (audit with PESTLE (political, economic, social, technological, legal
and environmental external factors); SWOT (internal strengths and weaknesses, external opportunities and threats); set
SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, resourced, time-bound) objectives; determine strategy and tactics, implement
changes; evaluate)
3 Understand how and why customer groups are targeted Identifying customers in consumer markets: difference between
customers, consumers and buyers; importance of identifying who has influence over purchasing decisions
Market segmentation: importance; bases for segmentation of consumer markets (geographic, demographic,
psychographic, lifestyle); uses of geo-demographic systems to identify and reach target groups eg ACORN, MOSAIC; reasons
for choice of target group (accessibility, current and future prospects of group as customers, profitability; ability to service
customer group, fit with organisation’s mission) Identifying customers in business to business markets: decision making unit
Market segmentation: bases for segmentation of business markets (size, region, value, public/private/ voluntary sector,
product, industry); benefits for different members of the DMU, eg cost benefits, ongoing relationships, security of supply
4 Be able to develop a coherent marketing mix
Marketing mix: 4 P’s – product; price; place; promotion; objectives of developing mix (support brand
building, satisfy needs and aspirations of targeted group of customers); importance of need for cohesion of different
elements of the marketing mix
Product: product range; benefits versus features of product or service for targeted customers; concept of product life cycle
Price: pricing strategies (premium pricing, penetration pricing, economy pricing, price skimming, psychological pricing,
captive product pricing, product line pricing)
Place: distribution; online and/or physical presence
Promotion: promotional mix (advertising (different media, online techniques), personal selling, public relations, sales
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BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Assignment Brief
This assignment is designed to cover all the learning outcomes of Unit 3:
On completion of this unit a learner should:
1. Know the role of marketing in organisations
2. Be able to use marketing research and marketing planning
3. Understand how and why customer groups are targeted
4. Be able to develop a coherent marketing mix
There will be the opportunity for learners to meet the criteria for this unit via:
1. ‘Group Work
2. ‘Creative Writing’
3. ‘Researching’
Vocational Scenario
Background information:
You work for a large marketing agency that consults for a variety of businesses on the
marketing activities that they undertake in order to promote their products or services.
Your agency has a varied portfolio of clients and you have been given the task of
consulting for several different businesses: Apple, Blackberry, Thomas Cook and Crown
Woods College.
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BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Task 1: Why Bother With Marketing?
Know the role of marketing in organisations.
Your agency has asked you to research the marketing techniques used by
Apple when promoting their iPhone and Blackberry for the Curve.
These techniques might include:
Growth Strategies
Survival Strategies
Relationship Marketing
For each product, produce a report (with both visual and written
information) that describes the marketing techniques used to market the
products (P1).
Then compare the techniques used in marketing the products. Explain the
similarities and differences in the techniques used. (M1).
Now choose one of your two businesses. How effective do you think its use
of techniques in marketing products has been? Add an evaluation to your
report that considers the pros and cons of the techniques used. (D1)
This task meets the criteria for P1, M1 and D1.
Date set:
First submission date:
Final submission date:
Assessment Criteria
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BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Task 1: ‘Why Bother With Marketing?’
Growth strategies (diversification,
product development, market
penetration or market
Survival strategies (branding, brand
building, positioning, brand
Relationship marketing
(relationship vs transactional
marketing, value of loyal
Date Met
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BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Assignment Feedback
Assessor comments: How can the learner improve this work?
Task complete?
P1 □
M1 □
D1 □
Assessor signature……………………………………….
Learner comments: Do you understand how to improve this work?
I confirm this is all my own work
Assessor signature ......................................................
Date .....................
Learner signature ......................................................
Date ......................................................
Internal verification
1st IV …………………………………………………………………….
2nd IV……………………………………………………………………..
Assessor signature ......................................................
Date .....................
Task 2: Marketing Laws
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BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
What’s Stopping Apple Saying Whatever They Want?
Look at Apple again, prepare a poster for the management that warns them of the
limitations and constraints of marketing for the organisation. Include the following in your
• Legal constraints, for example Sale of Goods Act 1979
• Voluntary constraints, for example Code of Advertising Practice
• Pressure groups and consumerism, for example Watchdog, Which? MADD
• Acceptable language
You must include examples relevant to Apple in your poster.
This task meets the criteria for P2.
Date set:
First submission date:
Final submission date:
Assessment Criteria
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BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Task 2: Marketing Laws
Legal constraints (Sales of Goods
Act 1979, Consumer Protection
from Unfair Trading Regulations
2008, Consumer Credits Act 2006,
Consumer Protection Regulation
and Data Protection Act 1998)
Voluntary constraints (Code of
Advertising Practice, Advertising
Standards Authority)
Pressure groups and consumerism
Date Met
Acceptable Language
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BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Assignment Feedback
Assessor comments: How can the learner improve this work?
Task complete?
P2 □
Assessor signature……………………………………….
Learner comments: Do you understand how to improve this work?
I confirm signature
this is all ......................................................
my own work
Date .....................
Learner signature ......................................................
Date ......................................................
Internal verification
1st IV …………………………………………………………………….
2nd IV……………………………………………………………………..
signature ......................................................
Date .....................
Task 3: Marketing Research
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BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Finding Out About the Market
The marketing agency has asked you to prepare a report describing how market research
can be used. This presentation will be crucial in bringing new business into the agency.
Prepare a report that describes how Crown Woods College uses marketing research to
contribute to the development of its marketing plans. (P3) You will need information on
each of the following:
• Quantitative and qualitative marketing research
• Primary and secondary market research
• Uses and limitations of market research
Include in your report/ presentation an explanation of the limitations of the marketing
research used in the development of the school’s marketing plans. Include information on
both of the following:
• Cost effectiveness
• Validity of data collected
Conclude your report/presentation with three justified recommendations that would
improve the validity of the marketing research used in the development of the
organisation’s marketing plans.
This task meets the criteria for P3, M2 ad D2.
Date set:
First submission date:
Final submission date:
Assessment Criteria
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BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Task 3: Marketing Research
Qualitative and quantitative
Primary and secondary research
Uses of market research (reducing
risk in decision making, measure
progress over time)
Date Met
Limitations of market research
(cost effectiveness, validity of data)
Page 13
BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Assignment Feedback
Assessor comments: How can the learner improve this work?
Task complete?
P3 □
D2 □ □
Assessor signature……………………………………….
Learner comments: Do you understand how to improve this work?
I confirm this is all my own work
Learner signature
Date ......................................................
Date .....................
Internal verification
1st IV …………………………………………………………………….
2nd IV……………………………………………………………………..
signature ......................................................
Date .....................
Task 4: Marketing Research
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BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Finding Out About the Market
Due to the importance of their success, the agency have decided that you
should work on the Apple project and want you to describe how the company
can use its market research to plan for the future (P4).
You need to produce a leaflet that shows:
The PESTLE Factors that will influence their marketing strategy.
A SWOT analysis that shows the internal Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities
and external Threats that face Apple.
How you can set SMART objectives for Apple for the next 3 years.
This task meets the criteria for P4.
Date set:
First submission date:
Final submission date:
Assessment Criteria
Page 15
BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Task 4: Marketing Planning
PESTLE Factors (political,
economic, social, technological,
location, environmental)
SWOT Analysis (strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and
SMART objectives (specific,
measurable, achievable, resourced,
Date Met
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BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Assignment Feedback
Assessor comments: How can the learner improve this work?
Task complete?
P4 □
Assessor signature……………………………………….
Learner comments: Do you understand how to improve this work?
I confirm this is all my own work
Assessor signature ......................................................
Date .....................
Learner signature ......................................................
Date ......................................................
Internal verification
1st IV …………………………………………………………………….
2nd IV……………………………………………………………………..
signature ......................................................
Date .....................
Task 5: Market Segmentation
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BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Break the Market Up
The marketing agency for Thomas Cook has asked you to prepare some training materials
that could be used for work experience students to explain how and why groups of
customers are targeted for selected products. (This should look like a How to Guide to
You will need to select six different target groups for products or services of your choice.
(The providers of the products/ services can be from as many businesses as you choose.) At
least two of your choices must be from the business-to-business market, the remainder can
be from the consumer market. Prepare one of the following: a leaflet/ report/ presentation
that covers:
1. What is market segmentation?
2. How consumer markets can be segmented
3. How business markets can be segmented
4. Describe the customer profile for each of your six target groups
5. Explain how and why these groups are targeted.
Holidays/ travel is a useful industry to investigate. You could look at Saga Holidays, Family
holidays (activities/ all inclusive), singles/ 18-30, Business Travel, School Trips, Adventure
holidays, Wedding packages/special occasions.
This task meets the criteria for P5.
Date set:
First submission date:
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BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Final submission date:
Assessment Criteria
Task 5: Market Segmentation
Importance of segmentation
Date Met
Bases for segmentation of
consumer markets (geographic,
demographic, psychographic,
Uses of geo-demographic systems
to identify and research target
Bases for segmentation of business
markets (size, region, value,
public/private, voluntary sector,
product, industry)
Page 19
BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Assignment Feedback
Assessor comments: How can the learner improve this work?
Task complete?
P5 □
Assessor signature……………………………………….
Learner comments: Do you understand how to improve this work?
I confirm signature
this is all ......................................................
my own work
Date .....................
Learner signature ......................................................
Date ......................................................
Internal verification
1st IV …………………………………………………………………….
2nd IV……………………………………………………………………..
signature ......................................................
Date .....................
Task 6: The Marketing Mix
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BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Now that you are well versed in marketing, the agency has let you loose on
Apple’s marketing strategy for their new iPhone!
Prepare a presentation to its directors that shows that you have developed a
coherent marketing mix for its new product.
Your presentation should cover Product, Price, Place, Promotion and they must
blend together. (P6)
For M3, you must include in your presentation how your marketing mix would
target a specific segment of the market.
Your presentation must be accompanied by speakers notes.
You may produce this presentation in groups of 3.
This task meets the criteria for P6, M3 and D3.
Date set:
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BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
First submission date:
Final submission date:
Assessment Criteria
Task 6: The Marketing Mix
Product (product range, benefits
vs. features of a product, concept
of product life cycle)
Price (pricing strategies must
included premium, penetration,
economy, price skimming,
psychological, captive and product
line pricing
Place (distribution, online and/or
physical presence)
Date Met
Promotion (promotional mix,
advertising, personal selling, public
relations and sales promotions
Page 22
BTEC National
Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing
Assignment Feedback
Assessor comments: How can the learner improve this work?
Task complete?
P6 □
M3 □
Assessor signature……………………………………….
Learner comments: Do you understand how to improve this work?
I confirm this is all my own work
Assessor signature ......................................................
Learner signature ......................................................
Date ......................................................
Date .....................
Internal verification
1st IV …………………………………………………………………….
2nd IV……………………………………………………………………..
signature ......................................................
Date .....................
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