1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1. Course name 1.2. Lecturer 1.3. Language 1.4. Study program 1.5. Course status (C,O) 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE Fundamentals of marketing 2 Berislav Andrlic, PhD English Undergraduate Professional Study Accounting, Trade Obligatory 1.6. Semester 1.7. ECTS Credits 1.8. Teaching (hours L+S) 1.9. Course abbreviation Summer 4 30 L+15 S FOM 2 1.10. Course code 2.1. Course aims and objectives he aim is to bring students the concept of distribution and promotion and their characteristics in today's business environment, and the concept of marketing control as the final business plans to marketing. The aim is to explain the students examples and specifics of marketing of certain economic sectors: transport, trade, industry, banking, tourism, non-profit institutions, the international market, construction, etc. 2.2. Course plan 1. Definition and types of distribution- 2 hours 2. Defining promotion-2 hours 3. Classification of the promotional mix-2 hours 4. Radio and television as media for propaganda-2 hours 5. Analysis of other mass media-2 hours 6. The function of propaganda agency-2 hours 7. Internal and external PR-2 hours 8. Publicity as promotional activity-2 hours 9. Secondary promotional activities-2 hours 10. Organisation of marketing-2 hours 11. Marketing control- 2 hours 12. Marketing in tourism-2 hours 13. International marketing -2 hours 14- Social Marketing-2 hours 15. Other areas of branch marketing-2 hours 2.3. Expected outcome of the course The student, after passing the exam: - Categorizes and compares the types of distribution - Explains the basic forms of communication in marketing - Analyzes a single media advertising - Identifies and explains the techniques of public relations - It is planned the organization of the marketing department of the company - Identifies the specifics of branch marketing in certain sectors of the market 2.4. Types of teaching: 2.6. Assessment methods lectures seminars and workshops exercises long distance learning blended e-learning field lectures 2.5. Comments: independent work tasks multimedia and network laboratory mentoring tasks (other) Students are required to attend classes, practice sessions and take an exam (written and oral). Minimum required attendance is 70% for all lectures and seminars. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.3. Course name 1.4. Lecturer 1.4. Language 1.5. Study program (undergraduate professional study) 1.6. Course status (C,O) Business ethics Barbara Pisker, PhD, Higher Lecturer English, Croatian Undergraduate Professional Study of Trade business Compulsory 1.6. Semester 1.7. ECTS Credits 1.8. Teaching (hours L+E+S+elearning) 1.9. Course abbreviation 1.10. Course code Winter or Spring 5+1 30L+30S TP04 TPS I 70923 73005 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE 2.7. Course aims and objectives 2.8. Course plan The objectives of the Business ethics courses to introduce students to various aspects of the effects of discipline to be applied in all areas of business conduct, the strategic decision to behaviour towards customers and suppliers. Business Ethics enables the students to recognize the ethical dimensions of business cases and, for their clear formulation, critical assessment and quick solution. A further aim is to enable students to reflect different approaches to establishing standards of morality; critical assessment of this case, the ability to make ethical decisions, the ability to help others in making ethical decisions in business. The next goal is to train students for a systematic and reasoned reflection and detection of the last reasons of moral phenomena , or ways of obtaining ethical principles and their justification 1. The necessity of morality and the need for ethics. Values, morals, ethics, parts of ethics 2. Ethics and Economics. Ethics in business organizations. Ethical aspects of the employment. Ethical aspects of environmental protection. Corporate Social Responsibility. Corporate social responsibility (CSR): the emergence, disciplinary and historical development 3. Business ethics. Scope and definition of business ethics, history of business ethics, ethical systems and theories, the fundamental objective of the business, minimalist and realistic ethics, the paradox of interest of 2.9. Expected outcome of the course stakeholders, legal norms and business ethics, the levels of business ethics, business ethics tasks and areas, principles of business ethics 4. Business ethics based on virtues. The definition and explanation of business ethical virtues. 5. Business ethics virtue with regard to the individual ethics and personal ethics. Virtue ethics at the level of part part and part - whole 6. Universal business principles. Business ethical positivism. 7. Modern trends in professional ethics principles. An attempt to harmonize modern trends. 8. Normative (applied) ethics. The tradition of normative ethics, ethical relationship system, determinants of moral standards, criteria and methods for assessing the moral correctness 9. Theories of distributive justice. Egalitarian liberalism, libertarianism, pluralism. 10. One World: The Ethics of Globalization. Globalization and its processes, the effects and consequences of globalization, anti-globalization movements and multinational corporations 11. Ethics cases. Factors affecting the ethical operations, fundamental ethical cases, a decision in the ethical case, maintenance and improvement of the moral right conduct business. 12. Relevant concerns morality and business, the typical cases of immoral activities in business form for making moral decisions, the process of making ethical decisions, the notion of the kind of whistling ( exposing unethical activities of the corporation ), future corporate ethos 13. Codes, laws, rights (formal rules and / or written rules). Written objective rules of ethical conduct in business. Human rights, human rights, professional ethics. 14. Business codes of ethics based on subjective organization interested participants (stakeholders). Business codes of ethics with regard to objectively interested participants organization (shareholders). Ethics owner in relation to the formal rules and ethics of employees and interest related subjects. Norms, values and etiquette (informal and / or unwritten rules). 15. Informal and / or unwritten rules. Ethics unwritten and informal rules. Rules of etiquette at work, proper behavior and ethics in business communication, ethics and protocol of business meetings. Rules and ethics in business presentation. Rules and ethics at a business lunch. Rules and ethics in business trip. It is expected that the student after passing the exam for the course Sociology will be able to: • critically evaluate approaches to systematically establishing norms of morality • Evaluate , select and justify an ethical decision in the specific case of ethical business behaviour • Anticipate possible cases of ethical business behaviour • Solve the fundamental ethical dilemmas in the business environment of enterprises • Plan and conduct their business based on ethical standards and principles • Prepare and implement a basic code of ethics in business enterprises • Implement fundamental ethical principles in business • Use rules of etiquette and ethics in business relations • To expand the acceptance and implementation in line with the fundamental ethical principles in their interest stakeholders • Identify and evaluate the role of business ethics with regard to respect for the needs of the environment in which it operates 2.10. of teaching: 2.12. Types Assessment methods lectures 2.11. Comments: independent work tasks seminars and workshops multimedia and network exercises laboratory long distance learning mentoring tasks blended e-learning (other) field lectures Students are required to attend classes, seminars and take an exam (written and oral). Minimum required attendance is 70% for all sessions. Assessment will cover what you have studied in class and what you are expected to have acquired as an independent learner. The design of the tasks and the criteria by which they are assessed will give you the opportunity to demonstrate all aspects of your learning: strategies, skills and knowledge. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.5. Course name Fundamentals of Sociology Barbara Pisker, PhD, Higher Lecturer English, Croatian 1.6. Lecturer 1.5. Language 1.6. Study program (undergraduate professional study) 1.7. Course status (C,O) 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE 2.13. aims and objectives Course 2.14. plan Course Undergraduate Professional Study of Administration Obligatory 1.6. Semester 1.7. ECTS Credits 1.8. Teaching (hours L+E+S+elearning) 1.9. Course abbreviation 1.10. Course code Winter or Spring 4+1 45L+15S UP02 35006 To familiarize students with social processes, phenomena and relationships, the ways of their development, but also the mutual relationships and dependencies, as well as the context of society as a totality, with a special emphasis on the social aspects of the reality of law. Develop in students the ability for critical thinking; the use of theoretical concepts for understanding phenomena in their own society as well as the comparison with others, creatively apply sociological concepts to everyday experience of students. Encourage critical - analytical, thoughtful, eloquent and erudition abilities of students, understanding of cause effect relationships in social relations, and the formation of personal views on the situation in the society. To enable students to understand and interpret social phenomena and processes and partly research them. 1. Introduction to the course and detailed Sociology Curriculum and its subject: the definition, the level and structure 2. The sociological approach to the study of social processes, relations and structures 3. The basics of sociological tradition: the appearance, historical and disciplinary development 4. Sociological theories: Classical Sociological Theory. The level and structure. Basic theoretical concepts 5. Sociological theories: Contemporary Sociological Theory and sociology of modernity 2.15. Expected outcome of the course 2.16. teaching: Types of 6. Methods and techniques of social facts. Methodological tasks, kinds and types of research. Strategy, stages and methods of research 7. The structure of society. Social group as an elementary sociological category. Characteristics, types and characteristics of social groups. Social norms, values and roles 8. Social institutions: types and functions of the basic social institutions 9. Social stratification: Social stratification through history (castes, ranks, classes). Classes and ranks in modern societies. Sex and social inequality. Racial and ethnic differences in pluralistic societies. Poverty 10. Culture and Society. Socialization in conditions of intertwined cultures and high technology and communications. Socialization and individual freedom 11. Belief systems: religion and ideology 12. Social movement and social change (concept and types of social phenomena, processes and relationships) Globalization: New standards, new inequalities, new social relations. The role of transnational corporations in the economic and cultural integration of the world 13. Sociology of law determination of area, theoretical sources, selected theoretical problems, research and application 14. Social norms, values and roles. Social control and deviance. Political Sociology: the concept of power, elite and distribution of power, resources and forms of power 15. State and Politics: the concept and theory of law, democracy, elections, parties and interest groups It is expected that the student after passing the exam for the course Fundamentals of Sociology will be able to: t is expected that the student after passing the exam for the course of power: • Distinguish, define and explain the basic concepts of sociology • Explain, distinguish, interpret and compare various sociological theories, schools and trends of classical and modern approach (with regard to various social problems and various relevant social issues) • To explore the social processes at an elementary level • Analyse and explain the relevant social phenomena, processes and trends of modern societies • To define, analyse and explain the basic social institutions, and explain the influence of social and historical context to them • Explain the mutual relationship between social interaction, social norms, values and roles. • Describe and explain the concepts of social control and deviance • Explain the interrelationship between the state and the policies towards the civil society sector • Identify, compare and explain the place and role of modern Croatian society with respect to the different social processes in the framework of a globalized world • Identify the role of legal culture and sociology of law in the process of bridging the gap between rights on paper and rights in practice lectures independent work tasks 2.17. Comments: seminars and workshops multimedia and network exercises laboratory long distance learning mentoring tasks (other) blended e-learning field lectures 2.18. Assessment methods Students are required to attend classes, seminars and take an exam (written and oral). Minimum required attendance is 70% for all sessions. Assessment will cover what you have studied in class and what you are expected to have acquired as an independent learner. The design of the tasks and the criteria by which they are assessed will give you the opportunity to demonstrate all aspects of your learning: strategies, skills and knowledge. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.7. Course name Corporate social responsibility Barbara Pisker, PhD, Higher Lecturer English, Croatian 1.8. Lecturer 1.6. Language 1.7. Study program (undergraduate professional study) 1.8. Course status (C,O) 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE 2.19. aims and objectives Course 2.20. plan Course Undergraduate Professional Study of Trade business Compulsory 1.6. Semester 1.7. ECTS Credits 1.8. Teaching (hours L+E+S+elearning) 1.9. Course abbreviation 1.10. Course code Winter or Spring 4 30L+15S ETI39 114576 Develop students' sense of responsibility for all interest stakeholders, business organization that teaches and integrates the changing expectations of society in their risk management, change and opportunity. To enable students to different approaches and ways of setting up new platforms and current business practices that meet the expectations of their business environment. Stimulate students' critical evaluation of current issues, aspirations and responsibilities, as well as the transformation processes and systems of all involved interest influential social groups. Enable students to understand, interpret and implement the concept of corporate social responsibility in the company's business. 1. Corporate social responsibility (CSR): the definition, the level and structure 2. Corporate social responsibility (CSR): the emergence, disciplinary and historical development 3. Corporate social responsibility (CSR): key players. Interest stakeholder: concept, types and requirements 4. The concept of moral responsibility of an enterprise. 5. Modern capitalism and ethical dimensions of entrepreneurship. Development and progress as ethical and ecological category 6. Areas of CSR: Economic sustainability 7. Areas of CSR: Company commitment for strategic application of sustainable development (SD) and CSR 8. CSR Croatia: historical overview, status, legal framework, mechanisms, organizations, tools 9. CSR Croatia: comparative analysis and synthesis 10. Regulations and trends: institutionalization and internationalization 2.21. Expected outcome of the course 2.22. teaching: 2.24. Types of Assessment methods 11. Regulations and trends: institutionalization and internationalization 12. Corporate Social Responsibility and its effects. Social responsibility as part of corporate citizenship. 13. Desirable activities to ensure corporate social responsibility 14. The basic challenges and recommendations for the development of corporate social responsibility 15. Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility: new opportunities and benefits to the market, efficiency, consumers, financial impacts, reputation and values It is expected that the student after passing the exam for the course Sociology will be able to: • Define and explain the specificity of corporate social responsibility • Distinguish, define and explain the basic concepts of corporate social responsibility • Explain, distinguish, interpret and compare various theories, schools and trends of corporate social responsibility • Explain the mutual relationship between social interaction and the formation of economic interests • Explain the interrelationship between corporate social responsibility and sustainable development • To define, analyse and explain the ethical dimension of entrepreneurship and moral responsibility of enterprises • Implement the concept of corporate social responsibility in a concrete company • Identify, compare and explain the place and role of the contemporary Croatian society in the concept of corporate social responsibility • Identify and evaluate the role of corporate social responsibility with regard to respect for the needs of the environment in which it operates lectures 2.23. Comments: independent work tasks seminars and workshops multimedia and network exercises laboratory long distance learning mentoring tasks blended e-learning (other) field lectures Students are required to attend classes, seminars and take an exam (written and oral). Minimum required attendance is 70% for all sessions. Assessment will cover what you have studied in class and what you are expected to have acquired as an independent learner. The design of the tasks and the criteria by which they are assessed will give you the opportunity to demonstrate all aspects of your learning: strategies, skills and knowledge. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.9. Course name 1.10. Lecturer Sociology Barbara Pisker, PhD, Higher Lecturer 1.6. Semester 1.7. ECTS Credits Winter or Spring 3+1 English, Croatian 1.7. Language 1.8. Study program (undergraduate professional study) 1.9. Course status (C,O) Undergraduate Professional Study of Accounting Undergraduate Professional Study of Trade business Obligatory 1.8. Teaching (hours L+E+S+elearning) 1.9. Course abbreviation 1.10. Course code 30L+15S E12+ESII ET12+ETSII 34806+35270 39020+39025 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE 2.25. aims and objectives Course 2.26. plan Course To familiarize students with socio- economic processes, phenomena and relationships, the ways of their development, but also the mutual relationships and dependencies, as well as the context of society as a totality, with special emphasis on the social aspects of economic phenomena. Develop students ability for critical thinking ; the use of theoretical concepts for understanding the socio - economic phenomena in their own society as well as the comparison with others, creatively apply sociological concepts to everyday experience of students. Encourage student’s critical - analytical skills, understanding of cause - effect relationships in the socio-economic relations and the formation of personal views on the situation in the society. Enable students to understand, interpret, and partly exploration of socio-economic phenomena and processes. 1. Introduction to the course and detailed Sociology Curriculum and its subject: the definition, the level and structure 2. The sociological approach to the study of social processes, relations and structures 3. The basics of sociological tradition: the appearance, historical and disciplinary development 4. Sociological theories: Classical Sociological Theory. The level and structure. Basic theoretical concepts 5. Sociological theories: Contemporary Sociological Theory and sociology of modernity 6. Methods and techniques of social facts. Methodological tasks, kinds and types of research. Strategy, stages and methods of research 7. The structure of society. Social group as an elementary sociological category. Characteristics, types and characteristics of social groups. Social norms, values and roles 8. Social institutions: types and functions of the basic social institutions 9. Social stratification: Social stratification through history (castes, ranks, classes). Classes and ranks in modern societies. Sex and social inequality. Racial and ethnic differences in pluralistic societies. Poverty 10. Culture and Society. Socialization in conditions of intertwined cultures and high technology and communications. Socialization and individual freedom 11. Belief systems: religion and ideology 12. Social movement and social change (concept and types of social phenomena, processes and relationships) Globalization: New standards, new inequalities, new social relations. The role of transnational corporations in the economic and cultural integration of the world 13. Economic Sociology 2.27. Expected outcome of the course 2.28. teaching: 2.30. Types of Assessment methods 14. Work and property. Work, employment and leisure. Division of labor and social development. Ownership and control in modern capitalism. The ownership of the material and intellectual resources. The influence and power of corporations. Protection of workers' rights. The global labor and capital market 15. Ecology, ethics and economics. Modern capitalism and ethical dimensions of entrepreneurship, biotechnology and bioethics, development and progress as ethical and ecological category It is expected that the student after passing the exam for the course Sociology will be able to: • Define and explain the specificity of the sociological approach • Distinguish, define and explain the basic concepts of sociology • Explain, distinguish, interpret and compare various sociological theories, schools and trends of classical and modern approach (with regard to various social problems and various relevant social issues) • To explore the social processes at an elementary level • Analyse and explain the relevant social phenomena, processes and trends of modern societies • To define, analyse and explain the basic social institutions, and explain the influence of social and historical context to them • Apply a sociological perspective on the economic phenomenon • Explain the mutual relationship between social interaction and the formation of economic interests • Identify, compare and explain the place and role of the contemporary Croatian society in the different socioeconomic processes in the framework of a globalized world • Recognize the role of socio-economic responsibility of enterprises with regard to respect for the needs of the environment in which it operates lectures 2.29. Comments: independent work tasks seminars and workshops multimedia and network exercises laboratory long distance learning mentoring tasks blended e-learning (other) field lectures Students are required to attend classes, seminars and take an exam (written and oral). Minimum required attendance is 70% for all sessions. Assessment will cover what you have studied in class and what you are expected to have acquired as an independent learner. The design of the tasks and the criteria by which they are assessed will give you the opportunity to demonstrate all aspects of your learning: strategies, skills and knowledge. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Entrepreneurship in Trade Course name 1.11. Lecturer Katarina Štavlić, univ.spec.oec., Higher Lecturer 1.6. Semester 1.7. ECTS Credits Winter/Spring 7 English, Croatian 1.8. Language 1.9. Study program (undergraduate professional study) 1.10. Course status (C,O) 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE 2.31. objectives 2.32. description Specialist Graduate Professional Study - Commerce Obligatory 1.8. Teaching (hours L+E+S+elearning) 1.9. Course abbreviation 1.10. Course code 45P + 45S PT TP14/70933 Course The main objective of the course is to enable students for understanding the basic concepts of entrepreneurship, meaning enterprises in the economic environment, as well as key features of entrepreneurial activity in the company. An additional objective is to enable students to understand and explain the the characteristics of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial behavior. Also, an additional objective is to train students for starting their own business ideas from conceptualization, through the identification of business opportunities, as well as setting up a business model that connects these necessary resources, organizationallegal form and form of government. Course Defining entrepreneurship. The nature and importance of entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurial mindset. Creativity, business ideas and opportunities analysis. Entrepreneurial culture and confidence. Enterprise and entrepreneurial environment. Corporate entrepreneurship. Small and medium enterprises. Innovation and entrepreneurship. Business plan: the establishment and the beginning of a business venture. Financing business venture. Entrepreneurship in trade. The concept and basic functions of the management process of the trade companies. Foreign trade operations and entrepreneurship. Strategic entrepreneurship. Challenges of Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century. Having successfully completed this course student will be able to: 1. Identify and explain the importance of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial orientation for the economic development of some economies. 2.33. Expected outcome of the course 2. Identify and analyse the legal and institutional framework as support for the development of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia. 3. Recognise the explanation of the meaning, significance and content of the business plan and know how to apply it when you start a business venture. 4. Identify and evaluate risks for launching a business venture. 2.34. teaching: 2.36. Types of Students' assessment lectures seminars and workshops exercises long distance learning blended e-learning field lectures independent work tasks multimedia and network laboratory mentoring tasks 2.35. Comments: (other) Students are required to attend classes, practice sessions and take an exam (written and oral). Minimum required attendance is 70% for all sessions. Assessment will cover what you have studied in class and what you are expected to have acquired as an independent learner. The design of the tasks and the criteria by which they are assessed will give you the opportunity to demonstrate all aspects of your learning: strategies, skills and knowledge. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.12. name Course 1.13. Lecturer 1.9. Language 1.10. Study program (undergraduate professional study) 1.11. Course status (C,O) 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE 2.37. objectives Course 2.38. description Course The European Integration Ph.D. Mirjana Jeleč Raguž, collegiate professor English, Croatian Professional Study of Accounting Optional 1.6. Semester 1.7. ECTS Credits 1.8. Teaching (hours L+E+S+elearning) Winter 4 30 L + 15 S EI 1.9. Course abbreviation 1.10. Course code EI33 / 46754 The main objective of the course is to enable students for understanding the European Union Integration Process and main EU politics and its implications. An additional objective is to enable students to understand the project cycle according to EU methodology and to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for creating the logical framework of the project. Introduction. The historical development of the European Union (EU). The institutional framework of the EU. 2.39. Expected outcome of the course 2.40. teaching: 2.42. Types of Students' assessment Legal Basis of the EU. The European Single Market and the Four Freedoms. The budget of the EU. EU funds. Project Cycle Management (PCM). Having successfully completed this course student will be able to: 1. Explain the historical roots and exogenous variables that affected the process of the European integration. 2. Define the European Union and interpret its structure. 3. Analyse the functioning of the EU and its institutional system and explain the decision-making process in the European institutions. 4. Describe and interpret the EU legal order and the Acquis communautaire. 5. Interpret the concept and content of the European Single Market and its implications. 6. Explain the revenues and expenditures of the EU budget. 7. Explain the EU funding finances programmes that further EU policies. 8. Identify the potential sources of funding for own project idea and to write the logical framework of the EU project. lectures 2.41. Comments: independent work tasks seminars and workshops multimedia and network exercises laboratory long distance learning mentoring tasks blended e-learning (other) field lectures Students are required to attend classes, practice sessions and take an exam (written and oral). Minimum required attendance is 70% for all sessions. Assessment will cover what you have studied in class and what you are expected to have acquired as an independent learner. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.14. name Course 1.15. Lecturer 1.10. Language Macroeconomics Ph.D. Mirjana Jeleč Raguž, collegiate professor English, Croatian 1.6. Semester 1.7. ECTS Credits 1.8. Teaching (hours L+E+S+elearning) 2. 4 45P + 15 V 1.11. Study program (undergraduate professional study) 1.12. Course status (C,O) 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE 2.43. objectives Course 2.44. description Course 2.45. Expected outcome of the course 2.46. teaching: 2.48. Types of Students' assessment Undergraduate Professional Study Obligatory M 1.9. Course abbreviation 1.10. Course code E16/34810 The aim of the course is to understand the basic macroeconomic concepts, the main macroeconomic aggregates and methodology of macroeconomic analysis. The aim is to enable students to understand behaviour of an economy over time, exploring the causes of fundamental macroeconomic problems (such as, for example, unemployment, inflation, budget deficit and foreign trade balance) and consider the influence of monetary and fiscal policy on economic performance. Introduction to Macroeconomics. Measuring Output of the Macroeconomy. The Fundamental Macroeconomic Problems (business cycles, unemployment, inflation, deficits). The Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand Model (AS/AD model). History of Macroeconomic Thought. Fiscal Policy. Money, Financial Sector and Monetary policy. Foreign Exchange Market and Foreign Exchange Rates. Economic Growth. Having successfully completed this course student will be able to: 1. Describe and explain basic macroeconomic concepts, indicators and macroeconomic problems. 2. Explain basic macroeconomic models, such as the aggregate supply and aggregate demand model and apply them practically. 3. Explain and critically assess the impact of measures and instruments of fiscal and monetary policy on aggregate demand and supply and on economic situation in a country. 4. Describe the exchange rate mechanism and its effects on foreign trade and other segments of national economy. lectures 2.47. Comments: independent work tasks seminars and workshops multimedia and network exercises laboratory long distance learning mentoring tasks blended e-learning (other) field lectures Students are required to attend classes, practice sessions and take an exam (written and oral). Minimum required attendance is 70% for all sessions. Assessment will cover what you have studied in class and what you are expected to have acquired as an independent learner. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.16. name Course 1.17. Lecturer 1.11. Language 1.12. program (undergraduate professional study) Study 1.13. Course status (C,O) 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE 2.49. objectives Course 2.50. description Course 2.51. Expected outcome of the course The Basic Economics Katarina Štavlić, univ.spec.oec., Higher Lecturer English, Croatian Undergraduate Professional Study of Trade business Undergraduate Professional Study of Accounting Obligatory 1.6. Semester 1.7. ECTS Credits 1.8. Teaching (hours L+E+S+elearning) Winter/Spring 7 45 L + 15 S PE 1.9. Course abbreviation 1.10. Course code E01 / 47610 The main objective of the course is to enable students for understanding the knowledge of economics and microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis. An additional objective is to enable students to understand and explain the conditions which effects the supply and demand markets and to analyse the measures and instruments of economic policy. Introduction. About the economy The use of economic resources. Demand - term, the law of demand and the elasticity of demand. Supply - term, the law of supply and the elasticity of supply. Market balance. Consumption and customer choice. Production and manufacturer`s choice. Basic macroeconomic concepts and macroeconomic problems. Having successfully completed this course student will be able to: 1. Explain the he concepts of economics, economics, microeconomics and macroeconomics 2. Identify and analyze the law of supply and demand, and the factors that affect the changes in the market balance. 3. Analyse the Croatian labor and capital markets. 4. Recognise the market structure and its relevance to macroeconomic equilibrium in an economy. 5. Explain and analyse the role of the state in economic trends in an economy. 2.52. teaching: 2.54. Types of Students' assessment lectures seminars and workshops exercises long distance learning blended e-learning field lectures independent work tasks multimedia and network laboratory mentoring tasks 2.53. Comments: (other) Students are required to attend classes, practice sessions and take an exam (written and oral). Minimum required attendance is 70% for all sessions. Assessment will cover what you have studied in class and what you are expected to have acquired as an independent learner. The design of the tasks and the criteria by which they are assessed will give you the opportunity to demonstrate all aspects of your learning: strategies, skills and knowledge. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.18. name Course 1.19. Lecturer 1.12. Language 1.13. Study program 1.14. Course status (C,O) 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE 2.55. aims and objectives Course Accounting for Entrepreneurs I Verica Budimir, PhD, Collegiate Professor English, Croatian Undergraduate Professional Study Obligatory 1.6. Semester 1.7. ECTS Credits 1.8. Teaching (hours L+E+S+elearning) 1.9. Course abbreviation 1.10. Course code Winter 6 45T+30E RP1-ENG (ili AFR1)? E17/34811 The basic aim of this course is to understand basic accounting concepts, accounting books, rules of recording business changes in the accounting books and financial statements of entrepreneurs. The aim is to enable students to recognize the elements of financial statements and prepare financial statements of entrepreneurs. 2.56. plan Course 2.57. Expected outcome of the course 2.58. teaching: 2.60. Types of Assessment methods 1 Introduction 2 Accounting principles and standards as a framework for financial reporting 3 Characteristics, content and stages of the accounting process 4 Financial Report 5 Balance Sheet 6 Balance sheet items, the elements of the financial position, balance sheet equation 7 The preparation of the balance sheet 8 The elements of business success 9 Profit and loss account 10 Cash flow statement 11 Recording of business events 12 The preparation of financial statements 13 Actions before concluding business books 14 The users of accounting information 15 Revision Having successfully completed this course you will be able to: • explain the stages of the accounting process, • analyse business transactions, bookkeeping and accounting books, • interpret accounting account and application of the chart of accounts in the accounting of entrepreneurs, • vary the rules recorded in the accounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses, choose and apply the appropriate rule in accounting of business events, • interpret the financial statements of entrepreneurs, • identify and evaluate elements of the financial statements of entrepreneurs, • conduct the proceedings inventory, • make a correction of accounting errors, • compare the criteria for evaluation of elements of financial statements. lectures 2.59. Comments: independent work tasks seminars and workshops multimedia and network exercises laboratory long distance learning mentoring tasks blended e-learning (other) field lectures Students are required to attend classes, practice sessions and take an exam (written and oral). Minimum required attendance is 70% for all sessions. Assessment will cover what you have studied in class and what you are expected to have acquired as an independent learner. The design of the tasks and the criteria by which they are assessed will give you the opportunity to demonstrate all aspects of your learning related to accounting for entrepreneurs. The final exam will test what you have achieved and what you are able to do in real life conditions of preparing financial statements for entrepreneurs.