JWG Career Research Project

JWG Career Research Project (75 points)
Note: This is a project that includes Career Research and a PowerPoint Presentation. It is your
semester final, and presentations will be on Exam Day. Guests will be invited to see your
business professional performance.
1. Complete the Career Cruising Assessments
a. Matchmaker:
i. Cut and paste your results here.
ii. Click on careers that sound interesting to you.
iii. List three that you think you would actually strongly consider.
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
b. My Skills: Print your results
c. My Learning Style: print your results
2. Take the Princeton Review Career Quiz at http://www.princetonreview.com/Careers.aspx
i. Cut and paste your results here, including your “Interest Color” and your
“Usual Style” color and their descriptions.
ii. Click on careers that sound interesting to you.
iii. List three that you think you would actually strongly consider.
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
3. If you don’t have a list of six jobs, or if you are really interested in careers that didn’t come
up, fill in the blank spots above with ideas of your own. You need at least five to create your
4. Using the following websites, create a notebook of information on five of your six jobs.
a. U.S. Department of Labor: http://www.acinet.org (CareerInfoNet).
i. Click on “Occupation Information”
ii. Click on “Occupation Profile”
iii. Use the menu search or the search bar to find your career
iv. Review the information and click on “printer-friendly version” and print out
the pages for your portfolio.
b. http://www.onetcenter.org (O*Net)
i. Search for your career
ii. Review the information and print the report
c. http://www.bls.gov/oco (Occupational Outlook Handbook)
i. Use the occupation groups or the search bar to find your career
ii. Review the information and click on “printer-friendly version” and print out
the pages for your portfolio.
You can also poke around at these sites if you are interested and have time:
d. Wall Street Journal: http://collegejournal.com
e. U.S. News and World Report: http://usnews.com
f. JobSmart/JobStar: http://www.jobstar.org
5. Answer 10 or more of the following questions for two of your career choices. Answer
length will vary depending on the question; however, consider 3-5 complete sentences as an
appropriate base-line.
a. What education is needed for this career? (Explain type of education, where one can
get it and how long it would take.)
b. What training is needed for this career? (Explain type of training, where one can get
it and how long it would take.)
c. Who are the largest employers for this career /field?
d. Where can one find work in this field? (i.e. factories – hospitals – gov’t – schools –
e. What is the average starting salary?
f. What is the average ten-year salary?
g. What is the long-term outlook for this career? (Will the need increase, decrease, stay
the same, be eliminated?)
h. What are the working conditions? What are some of the hazards or disadvantages
(i.e. health risks, moving to other locations for advancement, temporary or seasonal
employment, etc.) of the job?
i. What are the responsibilities on the job?
j. Are there any professional associations that are necessary to be a member of this
k. Does one have to join a union? How? Explain.
l. What are some related occupations?
m. Are most of the workers in this field male or female? (Would this make a difference
to you in choosing this occupation? Why or why not?)
n. What do three people in the career say about their jobs? (You may research your
answer to this question and/or briefly interview someone you know in this career.
Remember, this should be written in quote form.)
6. Choose one career that you are most excited about and create a Powerpoint to demonstrate
what it will take for you to get there.
Your Career Exploration PowerPoint project must include the following information and use
the format described below. The PowerPoint must include a minimum of 10 slides,
including your title slide with your information as well as pictures and graphics.
The criteria are listed below:
Slide 1: A title slide that includes your career choice, name, date of presentation, class, and
instructor’s name.
Slide 2: A slide that gives an overview or synopsis of the career choice. It must detail and define the
job title and the nature of the work. What is it? Define it as if we don’t have a clue.
Slide 3: A slide that details the education that is needed to qualify for this job and the continuing
education requirements in order to maintain and/or progress within the chosen profession.
Slide 4: A slide that details the skills needed to perform the job.
Slide 5: Work environment. Discuss and describe in detail the work environment. How does this
environment reflect your interests, your personality, your goals and your values as discovered in class
through activities earlier in the semester?
Slides 6-10: Additional personal information; your insight into the career. Consider what this career
would be like over the long term. Include interesting, informative, or surprising information that you
learned about the career. Is it a career that you could see yourself doing and remaining happy in for
the rest of your adult working life? Be detailed in your information.
Formatting Criteria
 Slides must be constructed in a way that is visible and easily readable to those watching
 Each slide must contain enough information to address all the criteria using bulleted points.
 You must adequately explain all the bulleted points contained in each slide.
 Graphics/visuals/animation effects should heighten and enhance the understanding of each slide’s
 Your presentation should be appealing to the eye and it should reflect a high level of effort and
 You will also be graded on the quality of your presentation, including such elements as eye
contact, body language, and speech clarity and volume. Reading the PowerPoint directly off the
screen to your class will result in a low grade for this category.
 Save your presentation on your "W” drive, a jump drive/flash drive and/or Google Docs.
ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR WORK. It should be in at least two (2) different locations.
 You will also need to print your slides and hand them in when you do your presentation
(consolidate to six (6) slides per page). Consider printing on both sides to conserve paper.
** Notes:
1. Failure to present on the designated day will result in a zero for presentation. We have just one
day to do this.
2. Presentation must be between 5-7 minutes long. Points will be deducted if criteria is not met.
Student is completely
prepared, has
obviously rehearsed,
and is NOT reading off
of the slides.
Project includes:
Project includes: cover Project is missing one Project is missing two
cover slide (with date slide (with date and
of the following: cover or more of the
and career name), well career name), answers slide (with date and
following: cover slide
thought-out answers to to 5 of the questions
career name), answers (with date and career
at least 5 of the
from Part A of the
to 5 of the questions
name), answers to 5 of
questions from Part A paper, and the
from Part A of the
the questions from
of the paper, and the education or training paper, or the education Part A of the paper, or
education or training required after high
or training required
the education or
required after high
after high school.
training required after
school. (x 3)
high school.
Facial expressions and Facial expressions and Facial expressions and No engaging facial
body language
body language
body language seem
expressions or body
generate a strong
sometimes generate a faked. The career
language attempted.
interest about the
interest about the
presented is one with Student did not
career in others. The career in others. The which the student can generate much interest
career presented is
career presented is
see him or herself
in the career being
clearly one with which clearly one with which pursuing.
presented. Presenter is
the student can see him the student can see him
leaning on furniture or
or herself pursuing.
or herself pursuing.
not looking at the
Student's presentation Student's presentation Student's presentation The student uses no
is neat, appealing to
is neat, appealing to
is neat, appealing to
slides OR the slides
the eye and reflects
the eye and reflects
the eye.
created detract from
considerable effort and moderate effort and
the presentation.
Student seems pretty
prepared but uses the
slides as a guide for
Student is dressed
Student is dressed
professionally in
professionally except
business casual attire, for shoes
including appropriate
shoes, pants or skirt
and appropriate blouse
or shirt
Presentation is 5-7
Presentation is less
minutes long.
than 4 minutes long.
Component Point Value
Student is somewhat
prepared but is
reading at least 30% of
the time off of the
Student is somewhat
prepared is reading at
least 50% of the time
off of the slides.
Student is dressed
Student is not dressed
professionally only in 1 professionally at all.
aspect (shoes,
shirt/blouse, or
Presentation is less
than 3 minutes long.
Presentation is less
than 2 minutes OR
more than 7 minutes.