Sleep Guided Notes

Module 20: Sleep, Dreams, and Body Rhythms
Bell Ringer: Sleep True and False Quiz
• Consciousness:________________________________________________________________________
Body Rhythms
Biological Rhythms
• Periodic ___________________________ _____________________
• Can affect physiological functioning
• Fall into ___________ main categories
– Circadian Rhythms
– Infradian Rhythms
– Ultradian Rhythms
Circadian Rhythms
• Biological rhythms that occur ______________________________________________________
• Example: Sleep-wake cycle and ________________________________
Ultradian Rhythms
• Biological rhythms that occur __________________________________________
• Example: Stages of sleep throughout the night
Infradian Rhythms
• Biological rhythms that occur ______________________________________________________________
• Example: Women’s menstrual cycle & bear’s winter _____________________
Are you sleep deprived?
Sleep and Sleep Deficit
Sleep Deprivation Effects
• Decreases efficiency of
__________________ functioning
• ___________ and accident issues
• Contributes to hypertension,
impaired concentration,
_________________, etc.
Why We Sleep
• Sleep control center in the brain
• Monitors changes in _________
or __________in the environment
• Changes levels of hormones in the body
• ______________________________________________________________________
• Linked to the ____________________________ cycle
• Melatonin level ____________ during the ______________ and decreases with exposure to morning light
Reasons for Sleep
• Two primary reasons:
– Preservation: ___________________________________________________________________
– Restoration: ____________________________________________________________________
Early Bird or Night Owl Quiz
1. I am most alert during the
2. I feel that I have the most energy during the
3. I feel that I remember material better if I read it or hear it in the
4. I am most productive during the
5. I come up with my best ideas during
6. I feel that I am most intelligent during the
7. I prefer recreation during the
8. Based on what feels best for me, I would get up
9. Based on what feels best for me, I would go to sleep
10. During the 1st hour after I wake up in the morning, my alertness and energy is
Morning or Evening
Morning or Evening
Morning or Evening
Morning or Evening
Morning or Evening
Morning or Evening
Morning or Evening
Before 8am or After 8am
Before 11pm or After 11pm
Fairly good or Fairly low
Sleep Stages, REM, and Dreaming: The Stages of Sleep
Electroencephalograph (EEG)
• Machine that amplifies and records waves of electrical activity that sweep across the brain’s surface
• Electrodes placed on the scalp measure the waves
• ______________________________________________________________________________
Stage 1 Sleep
• Breathing is ____________________________.
• Brain waves become irregular.
• It is _________________________________________________, who will insist they are not asleep.
• Rarely lasts longer than ________________________________
Stage 2 Sleep
• ______________________________________________________________________.
• First time through stage 2 last about 20 minutes.
Stages 3 and 4 Sleep
• Slow wave sleep
• First time through stage 4 is about 30 minutes and is where _____________________________________.
Sleep Stages, REM, and Dreaming:
REM Sleep
• Stages 1 - 4 considered N-REM (_______________________________ sleep)
• Rapid eye movement (REM Sleep) as eyes move ____________________________________________
• Vivid dreaming occurs in REM sleep
• Considered “_______________________________________ sleep”
• Term coined by William Dement
Paradoxical Sleep
• During REM sleep brain wave patterns are similar to when a person is _______________________
• ______________________________________________________________.
• REM sleep is sometimes called paradoxical sleep as one’s physiology is close to that of being awake but the
brainstem ______________________________________________________________________.
Sleep Stages, REM, and Dreaming: Why Do We Dream?
Information-Processing Theory
• Dreams serve an important ____________________________________ by sorting and sifting through the
day’s ___________________________________
• Research suggests ________________sleep helps memory storage.
Physiological Function Theory
• Neural activity during REM sleep ___________________________________________________________.
Activation-Synthesis Theory
• Dreams are the mind’s attempt to __________________________ random neural firings in the brain as
one sleeps.
Sleep Disorders and Sleep Problems
• ___________________________________________________________________________________.
• Sleeping pills tend to inhibit or suppress REM sleep; ____________________________________
• Alcohol ___________________________________________________; also worsens the problem
• Studies show most people __________________________________ how long it took them to get to sleep
Sleep Apnea
• Sleep disorder characterized by ______________________________________________ during sleep and
consequent momentary _____________________________________________.
• Tend to be __________________________________________
• Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine
• ______________________________________________________________________________.
• Person may lapse directly into _______________________________
• Nervous system getting aroused tends to _________________________________________
• Formal name for ______________________________________
• Starts in the deep stages of _________________________ sleep
• Person can ___________________or ___________________and ________________________________
• Rarely has any ___________________________ of the event
Night Terrors
• ____________________________________________________________________________________
• Unlike nightmares
• Happens during _________________________ sleep; mostly _____________________
• The children seldom remember the event.
Other Sleep Disorders
• Bruxism: ________________________________________
• Enuresis: ________________________________________
• Myoclonus: _________________________________________________occurring during__________sleep
– Everyone has occasional episodes of myoclonus