Basic Concepts in Individual and Population Health (2) Preventing a chronic disease: the individual approach Ian McDowell, Paula Stewart 28 October 2008 1 Reminder: SIM Web Site www. 2 “Rickety Agnes” 71 year-old lady with swollen & painful joints. • She is more concerned about her rent payments than in losing weight. • What balance of symptomatic treatment versus tackling behavioral & environmental factors? • How do we think about the chain of causation that is supporting her condition, and where best to intervene? 3 The Broader Conception Disease (from session I) Determinants Social circumstances; services available, etc. Risk Factors Preclinical Phase Clinical Phase Postclinical Phase Individual outcome Lifestyles Biological (diet, onset of exercise, addictions, disease etc.) Symptoms Therapy Diagnosis Impact on family work; economic impact, etc. 4 (Green words are links) Prevention Strategies (tertiary prevention) Promoting health & primary prevention Determinants Social circumstances; services available, etc. Risk Factors Rehabilitation, Support Preclinical Phase Clinical Phase Postclinical Phase Individual outcome Lifestyles Biological (diet, onset of exercise, addictions, disease etc.) Symptoms Therapy Potential Diagnosis improvement by screening Secondary prevention, or screening Impact on family work; economic impact, etc. Palliation (i.e. prevent loss of quality of life) 5 Thinking about causes • If we want to prevent disease, we need to modify truly causal factors. How do we identify causes? • There is never a single cause, but many levels of interacting causal factors: ‘upstream determinants’ through to ‘proximal causes’ • Useful to distinguish “How?” questions (causal mechanisms) from “Why?” questions (reasons why something occurred) • Biological science is good at the mechanisms. The goal of ‘nomothetic’ science is to derive general laws • The ‘why’ questions seem more difficult; social sciences seek to explain individual cases: ‘idiographic’ science. • This also reflects the distinction between the causes of cases, and determinants of incidence rates. 6 Example of a causal chain for arthritis, combining general and individual factors Personal factors Environmental factors Patterns of food supply & pricing Costs of alternatives Culture Local climate Work life & activities Economic influences Diet & exercise patterns Body weight Will breaking the links be sufficient to prevent the disease? Age, sex, socio-economic status, etc. Had to continue working? Ethnicity, genetics, etc.? Previous injury? Level of Susceptibility Arthritis 7 Alternative way to think about etiological factors 3 categories of factors to consider: Environment (food availability & options, etc) Agent (wear & tear? biochemical changes?) Host (body weight; lifestyle activities, etc.) Cf. Fireman’s mantra: a fire requires air, fuel and heat 8 “Why?” questions: Determinants of Health • “Determinants” a widely used term; somewhat vague • Refers to background causal influences that affect the general level of health in a population (“Why do women live longer than men?”) • Often refer to broad forces that are difficult to alter • Determinants predict incidence rates in populations, but don’t specify mechanisms • Individual variation from population rate is influenced by “risk factors” • Determinants closely linked to theme of population health and will return in the third session in this series. 9 Determinants of Health (Health Canada’s list) • Biology • Personal health practices; social support • Environmental quality – physical hazards (quality of air, water, food production, roads, …) – socio-economic (work opportunities, social networks, community norms,….) • Public policies/legislation – income, housing, taxation, speed limits…. • Health and social services (type, quality, access) 10 Two philosophical approaches to explanation • • • • Aristotelian To make facts teleologically understandable Applied to actions & intentional agency “Why?” questions Used in human & social sciences • • • • • Galilean To explain & predict Commonly applied to events Causal mechanisms Generally “how?” questions Used in natural sciences Both are relevant to medicine. If you are going to treat Agnes successfully, you need to understand why she behaves as she does, not just how her arthritis grows. 11 Enough philosophy... let’s take a practical approach! Criteria to assess causation • Temporality (cause should precede effect) • Strength of association (weak causes unlikely to produce major effects) • Dose-response (is there a gradient of effect?) • Reversibility (if cause removed, does effect disappear?) • Consistency (does it happen in every study?) • Biological plausibility (how may it work?) • Specificity (does only this factor produce the effect?) • Analogy (have you seen similar effects elsewhere?) 12 Study Designs for Identifying Causal Factors Observational designs: • Cohort (a.k.a. ‘longitudinal’ or ‘follow-up’) study • Case-control study Experimental designs: • Randomized controlled trial • Quasi-experimental studies 13 Observational Design (1) Prospective Cohort Study Begin enquiry here & work forwards Population Sample people without the disease Outcomes Disease (a) Some have the factor (c) No Disease Disease (b) Some do not (d) No Disease (lapse of time) Statistic = Relative Risk [RR] = (a/c) divided by (b/d) (= ratio of incidence in exposed compared to non-exposed) RR > 1 implies a hazard; RR < 1 implies a protective factor 95% CI are usually presented: e.g., RR = 1.9 (95% CI 1.5, 2.3) Note: as you begin with people who do not have the disease, you can calculate incidence but not prevalence 14 Design (2): Retrospective Case-Control Study Begin enquiry here & look backwards Exposed (a) Review history Not Exposed (b) Exposed (c) Not Exposed (d) Review history Select Cases (have the disease) Sample of Controls (who do not have the disease) Statistic = Odds Ratio [OR] = (a/b) divided by (c/d) This shows how many times more likely were the cases to have been exposed than the controls. OR values interpreted in same way as RR Population Note: as you begin with people who already have the disease, you cannot calculate incidence or prevalence 15 In both designs, we compare rates to try and identify causal factors This may not be as simple as you would like… Crucial concepts: Confounding and Standardization 16 Osteoarthritis is a disease of elderly people. If the population is getting older, this will complicate a comparison of change in the disease over time. Hospital Separation Rate for Osteoarthritis by Age Group and Sex Canada, 2005/06 1,600 1,400 Separations per 100,000 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 <1 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85+ Males 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 9 18 42 85 163 290 495 759 1,017 1,084 885 482 Females 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 9 14 32 76 185 380 639 950 1,263 1,385 1,107 533 Age Group Males Females ICD 10: M15-M19 Source: Public Health Agency of Canada, 2008 using Statistics Canada and Canadian Institute for Health Information Data. 17 The numbers of elderly people has been growing, y = 26.18xnumbers + 368.92x + 10904 so the mere aging of the population would increase Osteoarthritis Hospital Separations R = 0.9648 with arthritis. Canadian Trends Over Time 2 2 250 70,000 60,000 Green line: crude rate; blue line = age-standardized. Purple = linear regression; red = curvilinear regression 50,000 150 40,000 30,000 100 Separations Separations per 100,000 200 20,000 50 10,000 0 0 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 Year 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 y = 0.0165x 2 + 1.8782x + 61.112 R2 = 0.9243 Separations Crude Rate Age Standardized Rate ICD10 codes: M15-M19. Poly. (Age Standardized Rate) Poly. Standardized rate uses 1991 Canadian Population. Includes only the(Separations) ten Canadian Provinces. Source: Public Health Agency of Canada, 2008 using Statistics Canada and Canadian Institute for Health Information Data. 18 “Confounding” by age: hence a need for standardization. Death rates by age, per 1,000 population Baltimore city, 1965 Race All ages < 1 yr 1-4 yr 5-17 18-44 45-64 65+ White 14.3 23.9 0.7 0.4 2.5 15.2 69.3 Black 10.2 31.3 1.6 0.6 4.8 22.6 75.9 Note: whites have higher overall rate, even though they have lower rates in each age-group! This paradox arises because of the much higher mortality rates in the 65+ age-group, and because fewer blacks reach this age, so contribute fewer cases overall So, What Do We Do? Answer: calculate death rates in each age (maybe also sex) group separately. This is called ‘standardization’, or ‘adjustment’, of the rates. Imagine you want to compare two or more populations to identify a causal factor. Standardization removes the confounding effects of extraneous variables (most often differences in age between the populations). 20 How do you do this? 1. Classify each population into age groups and calculate rates (here, mortality) separately for each age-group in the two populations 2. Apply these rates to the corresponding agegroup in a standard (reference) population, normally the whole country, and work out how many deaths will occur 3. This produces two hypothetical sets of mortality figures, but they are now comparable because you have removed the different agestructures of the 2 original populations. 21 Mortality from osteoarthritis, Canada, 1950-2004. The yellow bars show numbers of deaths, and the green line expresses this Osteoarthritis Mortality as a rate per thousand. Blue line corrects Canada, 1950-2004 for changing age structure. 0.6 200 180 0.5 160 120 0.3 100 Deaths Deaths per 100,000 140 0.4 80 0.2 60 40 0.1 20 0.0 0 1950 1952 1954 1956 1958 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Year Deaths Crude Rate Age Standardized Rate ICD10 codes: M15-M19. Note that the coding schemes for this condition changed in 1968, 1978 and 2000 and this may influence trends. Standardized rate uses 1991 Canadian Population. Source: Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control, Public Health Agency of Canada, 2007 using Statistics Canada, Vital Statistics Data. 22 Back to Arthritic Agnes... How can we influence her behaviour? – Give her advice? Hmmm... – Peer influence? How to arrange? – Top down: government policy, legislation, etc? [We’ll discuss this in the third lecture] Models for understanding unhealthy behaviours – Health belief model - cognitive • Describes ‘predisposing’, ‘enabling’ and ‘reinforcing’ factors – Stages of change model 23 Health Belief Model (originally by G.M. Hochbaum, 1958) Perceived Susceptibility to Disease Modifying Factors · Demographics (age, sex, ethnicity, etc.) · Personality, social class, etc. · Knowledge about the disease, etc. Perceived Severity of Disease Perceived Threat of the Disease Perceived benefits of taking action, minus Perceived barriers to action Cues to Action · Raised awareness (mass media, etc) · Personal advice (physician, etc) · Symptoms · Illness of family member or friend Likelihood of Taking Recommended Health Action Stages of Change (J. Prochaska, 1985) • Pre-contemplation (no intention of changing) • Contemplation (intends to act +/- 6 months) • Readiness for action (preparing for change in immediate future) • Action (is making, or has made changes) • Maintenance (working to prevent relapse) 25 Other ideas for individual behaviour change • Health Risk Appraisal – A computerized way to present patients with information on their health risks that also computes the potential survival benefits of altering their health behaviours (e.g., if you quit smoking, this is how much longer you can expect to live). • Patient decision aids – Invented in Ottawa, a systematic way to help patients reach difficult decisions (e.g., whether to have surgical or medical treatment) that require balancing information on risks and benefits. 26 Buzz Groups Maintaining a healthy body weight among adults • What are the predisposing factors? • What are the barriers? • What are the enabling factors? • What are the reinforcing factors? • For each one, how would you intervene to improve the factor? What is the doctor’s role in such action? 27