What is personal property?

Identification of multiple
Sombor, 29.04. – 01.05.2011.
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
Short introduction:
• Name and last name
• Organisation
• One word that comes on to your mind
based on todays work
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
• Has someone out of you has
ever been discriminated?
• Example?
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
Let stand up everyone who:
IS SATISFIED WITH HOTEL ... Let him look around him....
HAS LEARNED SOMETHING NEW TODAY... Let him look around him....
HAS BEEN BEFORE ON SIMILAR WORKSHOP... Let him look around him....
HAS FINISHED FACULTY... Let him look around him....
IS A BANK DIRECTOR... Let him look around him....
IS LIVING WITH HIS PARENTS... Let him look around him....
IS USING A WHEEL CHAIR... Let him look around him....
IS A WOMEN... Let him look around him....
DOESN’T HAS HIS OWN HOUSE... Let him look around him....
LIVES IN COUNTRY... Let him look around him....
IS ROMA... Let him look around him....
IS UNEMPLOYED... Let him look around him....
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
• Has someone out of you has ever
discriminated someone else?
• Example?
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
• You want to book a place on traing called »Transeuropa Express« which links
Lisabon with Vladivostok. Trip lasts for seven days and you will be travelling in kushet
car which you must share with three other people. In continuing is given a list of
possible travel companions. Which one of them you would accept in your coupe?
Whith whom you would not be travelling?
Fat stock exchange expert form Switzerland
Italian D.j. who obviosly has a lot of money
Young artist which is HIV positive
German nationalist which is regullary travelling to Russia
Young Russian which studioes in Paris and which is gay
French farmer who speaks nothing but french and carries a basket of cheese of very
characteristic smell
Fan from Liverpool who is going on a football game
Dutch professor which is agresive feminsit
Blind pianist from Austia
Midaged Rumanian which is usiang a wheel chair
Wife of a new rich man from Eastern Europe which is travelling to Paris to renew her
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
• Let everyone choose for themselves with three people
that would like to travel and the three people you do not
want to travel
In small groups share information about desirable and
undesirable companions and the reasons for a personal
Try to arrange in groups of three companions who are
acceptable to all members of the group, and three of
which are unacceptable.
Let each group in plenary present his choice and then
evaluate the exercise.
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
• ... oneequal, stiff and simplified seeing of some
people or groups
• ... Is seen in believe that all the members of certain
group will behave or have the same feauters, for
which is believed that they have.
• ... Stereotypes often divides a large number of
people and with that they are hardly to change
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
• ... Is attitude (opinion + emotions + intentions) whicj is not
based on knowing things or serious thinking, but on apparent
• Apparent base is created in a way that partial feature is taken
usually morally exaggerated as significant (although they are
by the rule minor and insignificant), and then few of this cases
are generated on whole population
• Prejudice are reflected in the fact that one person,
independently of the real evidences, is developing favorable or
non-favorable relation to someone or something, who is
resistant on change despite eventual afterwards evidences.
• In a social context, prejudice is often taken as an excuse for
hatred, which is permitted by smugglers in the social
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
... means distinction, positive or negative between
people and things. If the person is treated unfairly
and to their detriment, just because it belongs to a
group of people, it is negative discrimination.
Through the denial of certain rights, discrimination
results in inequality, subordination and / or
revocation of the political, educational, social,
economic and cultural rights.
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
• Prohibition of discrimination is the foundation of a democratic
• Numerous international documents are guaranteeing nondiscrimination.
• Serbia as a country in transition is on track to eventually reach the
standards of modern society.
• Adoption of the Anti-Discrimination Law is certainly a significant step
in that direction.
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
• Prohibition of discrimination is constitutionally
guaranteed human right.
• Article 21. of Serbian Constitution prohibits
discrimination, although its not explicitly defined the
concept of discrimination.
• Numerous other provisions of the Constitution, especially
those contained in Part Two of the Constitution - Human
rights and minority rights and freedom - directly or
indirectly are related to the discrimination.
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
• There are laws that are entirely devoted to the
prohibition of discrimination but only of certain social
groups, as is the case with law prohibiting discrimination
against people with disabilities in 2006.
• It was noticeable that the violation of the prohibition of
discrimination against various groups or individuals in
their personal capacity (ethnic minorities, sexual
orientation ,Roma, disabled, etc..) does not decrease,but
it enhances ...
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
"Discrimination" and "discriminatory treatment" means any
unjustified distinction or unequal treatment, or omission
(exclusion, restriction or preference), in relation to
individuals or groups as well as their family members or
persons close to them, in an open or covert way, which
is based on race, color, ancestry, citizenship, nationality
or ethnic origin, language, religious or political beliefs,
gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, property,
birth, genetic characteristics, health, disability, marital
and family status, prior convictions, age, appearance,
membership in political, trade union and other
organizations and other actual or supposed personal
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
In education
In employement
In health care
Violence against women
Early arranged marriages
Sexual taboos
Nonexistance of women in political life
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
• Example 1
Senegalese Silvio el Muarabi went with friends
from Serbia in the evening raft "Happy Brothers"
on the bank of the Sava river.
Security at the raft refused to accept Silvio
el Muarabi , despite the efforts of his friends.
A person who provides the catering facility on
that occasion said that "in this restaurant
object Black people can not enter "
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
Example 2
Milan Milanović purchased online electronic ticket from
low-cost airline company "Serbian Air" on the line
Belgrade - Frankfurt. At the airport, when you lift tickets,
clerk refuses to issue a ticket to Milanović which he
already purchased and refers him to a refund, because
the internal regulations of the airline company is that a
person which has more than 120 kg in weight must
purchase two airline tickets so as not to "disturb" the
other passengers because the seats on the plane is
relatively small. According to "assessment“ of the clerk,
Milanović's weight was "higher" than allowed.
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
What is personal property?
• Personal property is any characteristic that is associated
with an individual personality. As a rule do not apply only
to one but to a number of others.
Sex, gender identity, race, color, sexual orientation, for
example, are the personal characteristics of an
individual, but the following personal characteristics an
individual typically "shared" with greater or lesser
number of others.
Persons who "share" the same personal attributes are
called group.
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
Personal property of a person is not
discrimination. Discrimination exists only if
the personal property of an individual or
group leads to an unjustified distinction or
unequal treatment, or failure (exclusions,
restrictions or preferences) to such person
or group of persons or their family.
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
What is discrimination in education
and vocational training?
This is a special case of discrimination in the law that established the field
must be respected by all entities participating in the educational and
Legislator guarantees everyone the right to preprimary, secondary and higher education and vocational training under
equal conditions, in accordance with the law and at the same time prevent
person or group of persons based on their personal characteristics, difficult
or impossible
entry into the educational institution, or to opt out of these institutions, that
they are difficult or deny the possibility of monitoring teaching and
participation in other educational or training activities, and that students
by a personal capacity, and that abuse in any other way unjustified
distinction between them and treats them unequally.
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
What is discrimnation in area of employement?
This is a special case of discrimination related to the field of work (Article
16) and that includes all "employers" (state agencies and enterprises and
entrepreneurs) that their actions may violate the prohibition of
The law in this particular case, prohibits discrimination in the labor field,
or violation of equal opportunities for employment
and enjoy equal rights in terms of field work, such as
right to work, to free choice of employment, to promotion, the
training and vocational rehabilitation, to equal pay for
work of equal value, to just and favorable conditions of work, on vacation,
to education and entry into the union as well as to protection against
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
What is the basis of baning discrimination?
• The basis of baning discrimination is the principle of
Law Against Discrimination (Article 4) which stipulates
that all are equal and enjoy equal status and equal
protection, regardless of personal characteristics, and
that everyone is obliged to respect the principle of
equality and discrimination.
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
• Equal opportunities are the term used to indicate
the policies, principles and measures to be
carried out to provide equality of all people in all
walks of life.
Equal opportunities Equal rights / same
opportunities for all people regardless of
gender, class, culture, language, mental or
physical ability, nationality or religious affiliation.
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
Affirmative Action
Sensibility / sensitivity - the
ability to respect other
people's feelings - if you
expect other people to
understand your feelings pain, pride, love, do you
understand other people's
How to change our behavior?
Empathy - the ability to put youreself in other
peoples position - for example, get ready to
tell the joke about the Roma. How would you
feel that you have the Roma hear this joke?
Or, if you are of Serbian nationality would you
think that the same joke, only the Serbs
starring funny? A good method to enjoy the
situation is to imagine that someone very
close to you in this situation ...
Think about the consequences
of our behavior and actions of
other people - what
consequences a certain
behavior or actions have? Are
you perhaps reduce one's
chances to get a job? Are you
seriously hurt someone?
Understanding - their motives,
prejudices, stereotypes and
behaviors. Ask yourself what you
"know" about a group, you really
know or have heard, or so
everyone thought. Why do you
think? Watch some of his actions,
behavior toward someone who is
gay or has a disability. Analyze
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
why you did so?
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
• "In our society there are people like you and me
who are every day faced with injustice simply
because they are different than most. They are
different because they have a different skin
color, because they are women, believe in a god
or other sexual orientations. get rid of such
injustices and inequalities is what is
fundamentally about equal opportunities. "
Phil and Tony Spinks Klements,
How to deal with injustice
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com
Thank you for attention
Ivana Koprivica
063 523 219
Kulturno Umetničko Društvo „Rumunka”
Pionirska 48, 25272 Bački Monoštor
Tel. +381 25 807 863
E-mail: rumunka@gmail.com