Project Proposal Template (Small Grants and Strategic Projects) I. PROPONENT’S PROFILE A. Name of Proponent Organization and Contact Details Name of Proponent Organization (Attach an organizational brochure, if any) Address Telephone Fax Email Website B. Legal Personality Nature of Organization _______ NGO _______ PO _______ CBO Government Agency of Registration Date of Registration Inclusive Dates of Inactivity, if any From: To: Reason for Inactivity Total No. of Years of Activity _________ Years From: To: C. Organizational Mandate Vision Mission Goals Core Activities Organizational approach to project implementation (please explain) Target Population/s D. Organizational Structure Insert Organizational Chart here Highest Governing Body/Person Composition Core Functions Names of Officers No. of Paid Staff Managerial Staff ______ ______ Technical Staff ______ ______ Administrative Staff ______ ______ E. Organizational Capacity Membership in Networks: Positions Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Women IPs Women IPs Women IPs Total No. of Years of project management/ implementation experience Previous experience/s relevant to the proposed project (biodiversity, natural resource management, sustainable development): Inclusive Years Project Title Total Project Cost Funding Partner Previous projects with SGP: Inclusive Years Project Title Years with Audited Financial Statement (please attach Audited Financial Statements in the last three years immediately preceding this application) Total Project Cost Funding Partner II. PROJECT BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE A. Description of the Project Area i. Biodiversity importance of the area ii. Size of the area iii. Relevant socio-economic-cultural data, including resource use and dependency, poverty, ethnicity iv. Biodiversity issues, problems and concerns attending the area Key environmental problem/s to be addressed by the proposed project General description of the proposed solution/response to the problem/issue/concern (For strategic projects: please briefly describe the strategic role of the propose project) B. C. D. III. PROJECTS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Project Goal: General Objective: Project Objectives Specific Objective 1: Output 1.1: SGP-5 Target Outcomes Outcome ___: Specific Objective 2: Specific Objective 3: Specific Objective 4: Output 1.2: Output 2.1: Output 3.1: Output 4.1: Outcome ___: Outcome ___: Outcome ___: Outcome ___: IV. Project Outputs Contribution to SGP5 Indicators (Cite specific contribution to indicators, e.g., 100,000 hectares of new PLS) STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS A. Project Partners Name of Office/Organization/Group B. Project Beneficiaries Office/Organization/ No. of Individuals or Stakeholder Group Families, Women, IPs (if stakeholder group) Indicative Roles/Partner’s Commitment Benefits What aspects of the proposed project will benefit them C. Stakeholders that can facilitate project implementation and success Office/Organization/ No. of Individuals or How they can How project will Stakeholder Group Families, Women, facilitate project harness their IPs (if stakeholder support group) D. Stakeholders that might adversely affect project implementation and success Office/Organization/ No. of Individuals or How they might How project will Stakeholder Group Families, Women, adversely affect prevent or address IPs (if stakeholder project their possible group) adverse impacts V. PROJECT APPROACH A. Project Duration i. Starting and ending dates ii. Reason for the duration ii. If the project is for more than one year, please explain the milestones for each year B. Project Location i. Description of site, or vicinity map showing the site in relation to a bigger landscape or seascape ii. Size of the project site in hectares iii. Reason for choosing the site C. Project Results Framework Indicator General Objective Specific Objective 1 Specific Objective 2 Specific Objective 3 Specific Objective 4 Specific Objective 5 Specific Objective 6 Baseline End of Project Targets Source of verification Risks and Assumptions Management Response VI. A. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN AND TIMEFRAME Project Governance i. Institutional Setup (Please describe the flow of decision-making and reporting authority for the project. A project organization structure can also be inserted here) ii. Project Staffing Requirements Position Qualifications Functions Term/ Level of Effort Availability Source of Salary/Fee Project Management (Full-time/Parttime) (Available/To be recruited) (Project, LGU, etc.) (Full-time/Parttime) (Available/To be recruited) (Project, LGU, etc.) (No. of person days) (Available/To be recruited) (Project, LGU, etc.) Project Staff Project Consultants iii. Training Needs of Project Personnel Name/Description of Training Purpose of Training Possible Training Supplier (if known) B. Workplan General Objective: Specific Objective 1: Target Key Activities Outputs Timeframe Q1 Year 1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Year 1 Q2 Q3 Specific Objective 2: Target Key Activities Outputs Q4 Q1 Year 2 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year 2 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year 2 Q2 Q3 Q4 Timeframe Specific Objective 3: Target Key Activities Outputs Q4 Q1 Timeframe Q1 Year 1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 C. Plan to Ensure Community Participation Implementation Phase Plan to Ensure Community Participation Project Planning and Design Project Implementation Project Monitoring and Evaluation D. Gender Mainstreaming (Please describe how the project takes into consideration the roles and needs of men and women [with a focus on the needs of women], and how this would be reflected in the results and benefits of the project.) E. IP Sensitivity (Please describe how the project takes into consideration the rights of IPs/ICCs, and how this would be reflected in the results and benefits of the project.) F. Knowledge Management (Please describe how you plan to capture, share and disseminate the knowledge, lessons learned and good practices gained through the implementation of the project.) VII. MONITORING AND EVALUATION PLAN Monitoring and Evaluation Matrix Objectives/ Objectively Target Verifiable Outputs/ Key Indicators Activities General Project Performance Project Baseline Mid-Term Terminal Output Monitoring Specific Objective 1 Target Outputs: Key Activities: Project Management Policymaking Body Targets: Key Activities: Management Targets: Key Activities: Staff Targets: Key Activities: Means of Verification M&E Person to Methodology Do M&E Frequency/ Target Date VIII. SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY MATRIX Project Investments and Results with Potential or Need to be Maintained, Mainstreamed, Scaled Up or Replicated Institutions or Organizations that can help in sustainability Prevailing Conditions (e.g., policy, technology, institutions) that can affect sustainability Project response to help ensure conditions favorable to sustainability IX. Partnership Commitments The proponent may quote or adapt the following paragraphs: The proponent recognizes that should this proposal be approved, the project shall form part of the community of initiatives being supported by SGP-5, and that the proposed project’s activities, outputs and outcomes contribute to the national and global benefits of SGP-5. Thus, this project proposal manifests the proponent’s commitment to partner with SGP-5 and all SGP-5 grantees. As such, it shall participate and cooperate in site level and SGP-wide partnership endeavors, including cross-cutting capacity-building interventions, knowledge and idea sharing activities that SGP-5 shall initiate. The proponent also commits to adopt a Monitoring and Evaluation System that is consistent with the SGP-5 M&E System, particularly monitoring its contributions to the success indicators of SGP-5. It shall participate and cooperate in M&E activities of SGP-5 done at the site and national levels. In addition, the intellectual products of this project shall form part of the body of knowledge on natural resource and biodiversity conservation, thus, except when the law provides otherwise, shall be made available for legitimate public access and use. DENR, UNDP, GEF and SGP shall have the right to access and cite these intellectual products as part of the products of SGP. The proponent shall at all times acknowledge that these knowledge products were produced through SGP. Publication of knowledge products produced through this project shall conform to the branding guidelines of SGP. X. BUDGET A. BUDGET SUMMARY Items Proposed Budget (in PHP) Year 1 SGP Direct Project Costs Specific Objective 1 Specific Objective 2 Monitoring and Evaluation Salaries and Benefits Sub-Total Administrative Costs Grand Total Proponent Community Year 2 Others SGP Proponent Community Others B. DETAILED BUDGET TEMPLATE (see separate Excel Sheet for readily usable format) XI. ANNEXES TO THE PROPOSAL A. B. C. D. E. Proof of Registration with a government agency List of fund sources in the past five years Audited Financial Statements for the (last 3) years Letters of commitment of partners, if any Endorsement by NCIP for proposals that will involve IPs/ICCs, or PAMB for projects that will be implemented in NIPAS sites