Syllabus 2015 - Arlington High School

Mr. Holloway’s Ancient History Class
Course Description: Students will examine the major periods of Ancient History from prehistoric
times to 1500 AD/CE. Major emphasis will be given to the Neolithic Revolution, world religions, the
development of river valley civilizations, and the rise and fall of Egypt, Greece, and Rome. If time
allows, we will work our way up until The Enlightenment and Renaissance.
Grading Categories
50% Test/ Quizzes
30% Classwork
20% Written Work/Projects/Homework (Flexible Catch-All Category)
Supplies Needed
-3 ring binder with 3 section dividers (Notes, Maps, Vocabulary)
-Pen or pencil (student choice). Even on Test Days
-Refer to my “Wish List” regarding paper.
Classroom Rules
1. Students will RESPECT themselves.
2. Students will RESPECT their peers.
3. Students will RESPECT the teacher.
* Don’t create a problem, and there won’t be a problem!
Sign up for Class Reminders
Parents and students can stay aware of what’s going on in our class by receiving text message
notifications, emails, or even direct messaging through the “Remind” App. Whether it’s sending out a
message about an assignment, finding out about school cancellations, or reminding you about that
map quiz you forgot to study for, this is an excellent way to stay ‘in the know’ and up to date. It’s also
completely confidential, and no private or personal information has to be given at any point.
Information for enrolling for the updates is listed below, but make sure you sign up for the class
period that you or your child is in.
*If you have “Remind” on your phone or tablet: Simply type in the following code to join the class, in
order to receive notifications:
*For Texting Notifications, simply send the code that was assigned to you or your child’s class to
this phone #: 81010. This is a number assigned to my class.
*For Email Notifications, simply email the following address per class that you or your child is in,
and you can actually leave the message section and subject boxes empty. Simply press send…
Tardy Policy
-We will strictly follow AHS’s policies in regards to student tardiness, which are as follows…
1st Tardy- Warning 2nd Tardy- Detention 3rd Tardy- Detention 4th-6th: escalates from ISS to OSS.
1st Issue- Teacher to Student Talk; 2nd Issue- Teacher to Parent; 3rd Issue- Referral
Late Work
-1 class meeting late: 70% credit
-2 class meetings late: 50% credit
-3 class meetings late: 30% credit
*Any work that students might have missed will always be located on my front table in the classroom.
Also, if students were present and received their copy of a Study Guide, but miss the Review Game, they
are still expected to take the test on the day that they return to class. The Review Game is nothing more
than an opportunity to earn bonus points, and will cover the exact same information that students have
on the Study Guides. Students and parents can email me any questions they might have about the Study
Guides, if their child has been absent.
-Students will have a classroom set to use at school, but students and parents may request a book to
take home, as long as they are aware that they are responsible ‘financially’ for any damages that
might occur. The notes and handouts that I provide in class, will include everything that students
will need to know, and be tested on.
Teacher Wish List
#1 Copy paper 8.5 x 11 (Please, please, please)
#2 Pack of Multi-Colored Markers (Crayola or Off-Brand)
#3 Titleist or Nike Golf Balls (Just kidding…not really)
*Parents and students, my #1 need year in and year out, is copy paper. If I am going to be able to
provide students with the notes, maps, and handouts they will need to succeed in my class, I have to
have the materials in order to do just that. With your help, this would result in one less textbook for
your child to have to carry around. I’ll provide everything else, if you can help with the paper.
Feel free to contact me at any time with any concerns or questions you might have. I look
forward to working with you this year, in order to ensure your child’s success in my class. Please
sign below, that you have read and understand the syllabus and expectations that are in place
for my class.
-Mr. H
Parent/Guardian Signature:______________________________________________________