Name________________________________FS-___ FS Review for SPRING FINAL EXAM ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS ON YOUR OWN PAPER. Chapter 10 Blood and Blood Spatter BRIEFLY DEFINE THE FOLLOWING TERMS(drawings may be used) Angle of impact Point of origin Back spatter Satellite Cohesion Spike or spine Point of convergence 1. What is meant by PASSIVE, PROJECTED and TRANSFER(conctact) patterns 2. Draw and label each of the following patterns: arterial spurt, void, wipe, swipe, pool, flow, cast off. Classify each as passive, projected or transfer 3. Explain how blood can be both class and individual evidence. 4. What are the first 3 steps in blood analysis? 5. Draw and Explain how lines of convergence are made and used to determine the point of origin. (2-D or 3-D) 6. List 6 pieces of information that can be determined from the analysis of blood spatter. 7. List 4 factors that can affect the shape of blood drops 8. Use a drawing to explain the differences in high, medium and low velocity spatter. 9. What is blood typing and how can it be used in an investigation? Chapter 17 Handwriting Analysis, Forgery and Counterfeiting Briefly define the following terms Exemplar Questioned document Forgeries Fraud Counterfeiting 1. Give 5 examples of a questioned document 2. List and draw examples of 8 handwriting characteristics 3. Briefly explain what is meant by alterations, erasures and obliterations 4. List two examples of how these alterations can be detected