What Is Psychology - Annawan Public Schools

An Introduction
Psyche – essence of life
Psychology – study of life
What Is Psychology
Psychology is the science of behavior and
mental processes.
Science – careful, controlled observation
Behavior-The actions that others see in you.
Mental processes – private thoughts, emotions,
feelings, motives that others cannot directly
What Is Psychology
What Is Psychology
• Wilhelm Wundt
• First laboratory in psychology, 1879
• William James
• Lab in Harvard University, 1875
• Many people founded psychology
What Is Psychology
Wundt and Titchner
 Observe contents of own mind
 Describe sensations
 Structure of mind
J. Henry Alston
Studies of sensations of heat and cold
What Is Psychology
Max Wertheimer
Gestalt psychology
Gestalt – the whole
Phi phenomenon – the whole is different from
the sum of its parts
What Is Psychology
William James
Interested in what the mind could do
Influenced by Darwin’s theory of evolution
Critical of structuralist view
What Is Psychology
Hermann Ebbinghaus
Measurement of memory
 Meaningful and nonsense information
Mary Calkins
Memory and related bits of information
Paired associates method
What Is Psychology
Cognitive psychology
Modern version of functionalism
Strongly influenced by Gestalt and structuralism
Cognitive processes – functions of human
Cognition – all intellectual processes
What Is Psychology
Founded 1st psychology lab in France
Developed way to measure intelligence
Identify intelligent children for extensive
education in France
Test modified in U.S.
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
Psychometrics – measurement of mental
What Is Psychology
Behaviorists influenced by Darwin and
learning from experience
Ivan Pavlov
Conditioning – simple form of learning
Precise scientific way of studying learning
What Is Psychology
John Watson and Margaret Washburn
Impressed by Pavlov’s scientific precision
Behaviorism - human behavior learned through
classical conditioning
Should study only overt behavior
B.F. Skinner
Strict behaviorist – no mental processes
What Is Psychology
Social learning theory
Broader version of behaviorism
Albert Bandura
Most of behavior learned from others in society
Important theoretical view today
What Is Psychology
Mental processes that we are unaware of
Sigmund Freud
Founder of psychoanalysis
Unconscious mind
Innate motives
 Conflicts influence behavior
 Sexual and aggressive are most important
What Is Psychology
Humanistic psychology
Maslow, Rogers, and Frankl
Human fate based on conscious decisions
Society is cause of self-defeating unconscious
mind – bombarded with inaccurate information
Self-concept – our view of what we are like
 Negative information causes anxiety
 Difficult to have accurate self-concept
What Is Psychology
Sociocultural perspective
People are different – gender, cultural heritage,
age, sexual orientation, and unique experiences
Derived from social anthropology
Shaped by social learning theory – personalities,
beliefs, attitudes, and skills learned from others
Full understanding within sociocultural context
What Is Psychology
Interested in relationship between biological
nature and psychological nature
How structures of brain influence behavior
Influenced by Darwin’s theory of evolution –
compare different species and humans
Neurons and complex connections
Active and inactive states of human brain
What Is Psychology
Sociocultural perspective
Culture – patterns of behavior, beliefs, values
shared by a people
Ethnic group – persons who are descendants of
common group of ancestors
Ethnic identity – one’s sense of belonging to a
particular ethnic group; sharing their culture
What Is Psychology
Sociocultural perspective
Gender identity – viewing oneself as female or
Cultural relativity
 Think in relative terms, not judgmental
 All cultures are different, none inferior
 Usually more differences within groups than between
What Is Psychology
Sociocultural perspective in psychology
Psychology overemphasizes same, neglects
History of psychology – Prejudiced against
females and people of color
 Roadblocks in education and employment
 Today – formal barriers dropped but some
prejudice still exists
What Is Psychology
Studies behavior of animals and humans
Influenced by Darwin’s natural selection
Spontaneous change or mutation in gene – the
fittest survive
Fitness – reproducing offspring to carry
mutated gene to future generations
Hard wired differences in men and women
What Is Psychology
Positive psychology movement
Study positive aspects of human lives
Seligman – positive psychology as new school
of thought
 Study health and happiness
What Is Psychology
Applied psychologists – research studies
Basic areas of modern psychology
Biological psychology
Sensation and perception
Motivation and emotion
• Cognition
• Personality
Developmental psychology • Social psychology
Sociocultural psychology
What Is Psychology
Applied areas of modern psychology
Clinical psychology
Counseling psychology
Educational and school psychology
Industrial and organizational psychology
Health psychology
What Is Psychology
Relationship between psychology and
Psychiatrist – M.D. degree , residency training in
psychiatry and medical internship
Psychologist – Ph.D. or Psy.D., internship in
clinical psychology
What Is Psychology
Human beings are biological creatures
Every person is different, yet much the same
Can fully understand people in their social
Human life is continuous process of change
Behavior is motivated
Humans are social animals
People are active in creating experiences
Behavior can be adaptive or maladaptive
What Is Psychology