Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 1
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Declare StreamReader and StreamWriter object variables
Open a sequential access file
Determine whether a sequential file exists
Write information to a sequential access file
Align the text written to a sequential access file
Read information from a sequential access file
Determine whether the computer has finished reading a sequential access file
Close a sequential access file
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 2
Files to which information is written are called output files , because the files store the output produced by an application
Files that are read by the computer are called input files , because an application uses the information in these files as input
Here is a list of different file types:
Sequential access files
Random access files
Binary access files
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 3
A sequential access file is often referred to as a text file, because it is composed of lines of text
Sequential access files are similar to cassette tapes in that each line in the file, like each song on a cassette tape, is both stored and retrieved in consecutive order
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 4
1. Declare either a StreamWriter or StreamReader object variable
2. Create a StreamWriter or StreamReader object by opening a file; assign the object’s address to the object variable declared in Step 1
3. Use the StreamWriter object to write one or more lines of text to the file, or use the StreamReader object to read one or more lines of text from the file
4. Use the StreamWriter or StreamReader object to close the file
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 5
Dim strLine As String, objStreamReader As System.IO.StreamReader
'determine whether the file.txt file exists
If System.IO.File.Exists("file.txt") = True Then
'create a StreamReader object by opening the file for input objStreamReader = System.IO.File.OpenText("file.txt")
'process the loop instructions until there are no more characters to read
Do Until objStreamReader.Peek = -1
'read a line of text from the file strLine = objStreamReader.ReadLine()
'display the line in a message box
MessageBox.Show(strLine, "File Example", _
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
'close the file objStreamReader.Close()
'display an appropriate message
MessageBox.Show("The file.txt file does not exist.", "File Example", _
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End If
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 6
'declare a StreamWriter object variable
Dim objStreamWriter As System.IO.StreamWriter
'create a StreamWriter object by opening the file for append objStreamWriter = System.IO.File.AppendText("file.txt")
'write a line of text to the file objStreamWriter.WriteLine(Me.NameTextBox.Text)
'close the file objStreamWriter.Close()
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 7
In Visual Basic .NET
Use a StreamWriter object to write a sequence of characters —referred to as a stream of characters or, more simply, a stream —to a sequential access file
Use a StreamReader object to read a stream (sequence of characters) from a sequential access file
Before you create the appropriate object, you first must declare an object variable to store the address of the object in the computer’s internal memory
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 8
Refer to Figure 9-7 in the textbook, which illustrates all of the methods used to open a sequential access file
CreateText method – Creates a file for writing a text stream objStreamWriter = System.IO.File.CreateText(“memo.txt”)
AppendText method – Opens a file appending text to the end of the file objStreamWriter = System.IO.File.AppendText(“sales.txt”)
OpenText method – Opens a file to read a stream of text objStreamReader = System.IO.File.OpenText(“a:\reports\pay.txt”)
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 9
Avoid errors by using the Exists method
If System.IO.File.Exists(“pay.txt”) Then
Returns True or False
The Exists method returns the Boolean value True if
filename exists; otherwise, it returns the Boolean value
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 10
Write method Leaves the file pointer after last character objStreamWriter.Write(“Good”) objStreamWriter.Write(“ Morning”) ‘ Writes on the same line
Good Morning
WriteLine method Appends the line terminator to the end of line and leaves the file pointer ready for next line objStreamWriter.WriteLine(“Good”) objStreamWriter.WriteLine(“ Morning”) ’ Each is on a separate line
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 11
The Space function inserts spaces objStreamWriter.Write(Space(10) & “A” & Space(5) & “B”
PadLeft – Pads a string on the left with specified character
Dim sngNetPay As Single = 767.89, strNet As String strNet = FormatCurrency (sngNetPay) strNet = strNet.PadLeft(15, “*”)
Results in “********$767.89”
PadRight – Pads a string on the right with specified character
Dim strName As String = “Sue” strName = strName.PadRight(10)
Results in “Sue ” (the string “Sue” and seven spaces)
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 12
For intRegion = 1 To 3 strSales = InputBox(“Sales amount”, “Sales”) strSales = Format(strSales, “standard”) objStreamWriter.WriteLine(strSales.PadLeft(8))
Next intRegion
Result (assuming the following sales amounts: 645.75, 1200, 40.80
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 13
ReadLine Method – Read a line of text from the file strLine = objStreamReader.ReadLine()
Peek method – Looks to see if there is another character to read
Do Until objStreamReader.Peek = -1
Reads the stream from the current position to the end of the stream.
strContent = objStreamReader.ReadToEnd()
Close method – Close the file when you are finished objStreamReader.Close() objStreamWriter.Close()
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 14
Download and Open the “Seqfile” Zip folder
Read Tutorial 9 Lesson A
Run laFile solution
Read page 571 exercise 14
Run laModified File solution
Read page 572 exercise 15
Run laImports File solution
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 15
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Add a DateTimePicker control to a form
Control the appearance of a DateTimePicker control
Format the text that appears in a DateTimePicker control
Set and retrieve the information stored in a
DateTimePicker control
Retrieve the system date and time
Display a form immediately
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 16
DateTimePicker control allows the user to select either a date or time, and then displays the selected information in a specified format
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 17
The DateTimePicker control’s ShowUpDown property determines whether a list arrow button or up and down arrow button appear on the control
If the property is set to its default value, False, the control contains a list arrow button
If, on the other hand, the ShowUpDown property is set to True, up and down arrow buttons appear on the control
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 18
You can use the Format property to control the format (style) of the date or time displayed in the DateTimePicker control
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 19
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 20
When you add a DateTimePicker control to a form, Visual Basic .NET retrieves the current date and time from your computer system’s clock, and assigns both values to the DateTimePicker control’s Value property
You can verify that fact by viewing the Value property in the Properties list
The DateTime object is simply an object that represents a date and an optional time
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 21
Example Results
Me.PayDateTimePicker.Value 11/12/2004 9:07:00 AM
Me.PayDateTimePicker.Value.ToLongDateString Friday, November 12, 2004
Me.PayDateTimePicker.Value.ToShortDateString 11/12/2004
Me.PayDateTimePicker.Value.ToLongTimeString 9:08:00 AM
Me.PayDateTimePicker.Value.ToShortTimeString 9:08 AM
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 22
objectname.Value = New DateTime(year, month, day[, hour, minute, second])
Me.PayDateTimePicker.Value = New DateTime(2004, 2, 3)
Me.PayDateTimePicker.Value = New DateTime(2004, 9, 7, 5, 30, 18)
Me.PayDateTimePicker.Value = New DateTime(2004, 1, 6, 17, 30, 18)
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 23
Example using “11/12/2004 9:07 AM”
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 24
The text that appears in a DateTimePicker control is stored in the control’s Text property
Visual Basic .NET automatically assigns to the Text property the contents of the Value property formatted using the setting specified in the Format property; this is illustrated in
Figure 9-31 of the textbook
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 25
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 26
The system date is the current date according to your computer system’s clock
The system time is the current time according to your computer system
You can retrieve the system time using the syntax
TimeOfDay[.methodname], where methodname
(which is optional) is ToLongTimeString,
ToShortTimeString, or ToString(formatting characters)
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 27
The pseudocode for the CarriageForm Load event procedure is shown in Figure 9-34
The syntax of the form’s Show method is simply Me.Show()
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 28
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 29
The pseudocode for the AddButton Click event is shown in Figure 9-40 of the textbook
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 30
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 31
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Add a PrintDocument control to a form
Print text using the Print and e.Graphics.DrawString methods
Code a PrintDocument control’s PrintPage event procedure
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 32
Before you can print a document within a
Windows application, you need to add a
PrintDocument control to the form
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 33
The Print method causes the PrintDocument control’s PrintPage event to occur
You use the PrintPage event to indicate the information you want to print, as well as how you want the information to appear in the printout
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 34
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 35
In this case, the PrintPage event procedure should print the contents of the events.txt file in a report format
The report should contain a report header , which describes the contents of the report, and three columns of information
The first column should list the event names, the second column the event dates, and the third column the event prices
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 36
You use the e.Graphics.DrawString method to print text on the printer
Some print fonts are proportionally spaced, while others are fixed-spaced, often referred to as mono-spaced
Fixed-spaced fonts use the same amount of space to print each character
Proportionally spaced fonts use varying amounts of space to print characters
Tutorial 9: Sequential Access Files and Printing 37