CURRY COLLEGE 1071 BLUE HILLS AVE MILTON, MA. 02186 Course No.: PSY 3120 Title: Instructor: Daryl E. Graves, MEd., LCSW Credits: 3 Semester: Spring 2016 Web Site: Office Hours: Tuesday: 5:00-5:30PM Tuesday: After Class Phone: (781) 588-0000 (cell) (617) 353-4542 (office) Email: Course Text: Counseling Theory Title: Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy Author: Gerald Corey Publisher : Cengage Publishing (Boston, Independence, KY.) Course Objectives: 1. To give the student a comprehensive introduction to the profession of Counseling. 2. To introduce the student to the basic terminology involved in counseling and counseling theory. 3. To provide a social, psychological, cognitive, physical, and emotional context for exploring the process of counseling and the various approaches to the profession. 4. To give the student a greater insight into his/her own individual value system, attitude, and thinking patterns regarding the importance of counseling, and to understand how various sociohistorical issues help shape his/her interactions with their environment and society, and how these factors influence the development of counseling theories. 5. To practice and develop objective thinking and communication skills, on both an individual and group basis, as they pertain to understanding the concept of counseling and counseling theory. 6. To understand the history and ethical issues involved in the counseling profession, and to allow the student, through personal research, analysis, and interpretation the opportunity to understand and apply their knowledge of human behavior in understanding issues prevalent in today’s world. 7. To encourage the student to challenge him/herself in his/her quest for personal and professional growth as the student seeks to reach his/her full academic, intellectual and personal potential. Course Description: An inquiry into various theoretical models in counseling theory. The course will present an overview of the philosophical foundations of counseling theory and the history of counseling in the United States and Europe. This course will emphasize the socio-historical context from which theorists devised theory, and analyze how these factors may have contributed to their own knowledge and understanding of counseling. Course Methodology: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lecture Class Discussion Response papers Video Presentations Assigned Readings Student Evaluation and Grading: Class Participation / Discussion / Attendance / Attitude Response Papers * ( Three (3)- Each worth 10 % ) Research Paper / Oral Presentation (pick one option) Final Exam (Format TBA) 20 % 30 % 25 % 25 % * Response Papers: Response papers (personal perspective) relate to topics discussed in class ( lectures, discussions, videos, etc.). Papers are to be at least one typed page ( may be longer) in length ( double-spaced, standard margins, 12 font print.). Missed Exams and Assignments: You must call (781) 588-0000 or E-mail on the day of the missed exam or assignment and leave the following information: your name, the date and time of your call, your instructor’s name and the course, and a brief message. Failure to do so will result in a refusal by the instructor to grant a discretionary make-up. Classroom Policies: 1) Students are expected to attend all classes. Your attendance and class participation are keys to the success of the class. If you are late due to traffic or a family situation, it is okay. Your attendance and participation in the class is important to all of us. 2) There will be no make-up exams or assignments except under extenuating circumstances. These circumstances will be evaluated on an individual basis, and are not precedent setting. 3) All assignments, unless otherwise stipulated, must be handed in on standard size paper Assignments must be typewritten or printed. Neatness is mandatory. 4) It is expected that students will offer respect to their instructor, their classmates, and themselves. As members of a college class, students are expected to act as adults and in return will be treated as such. Any student not adhering to this policy will be asked to leave class and may, at the discretion of the instructor, be removed from class. Students are expected to adhere to the basic principles of common courtesy and mutual respect. 5) Students are expected to be responsible for their own work, both on assignments / projects and on exams. Any student suspected of cheating will be given a failing grade for that assignment or exam, and may, at the discretion of the instructor, receive a failing grade for the class. 6) NO LAPTOPS MAY BE USED BY STUDENTS DURING CLASS 7) ALL CELL PHONES ARE TO BE TURNED OFF/MUTED AND OUT OF SIGHT Test and Assignment Due Dates: Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Monday 26th …..…..…...Syllabus Review 2nd. ….……….Research Paper / Oral Presentation Topic due 9th. .. ……...…..Response Paper #1 due 16th. ..……...…...Research Paper / Oral Presentation Rough Draft due 23rd.. .. ………...Response Paper # 2 due 1st.. . ………..…Response Paper # 3 due 8th. …...……….Research Paper / Oral Presentations due Review for Final Exam May 15th..........….…..Oral Presentations (if needed) Final Exam Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Attendance: Courses are conducted on the basis that it is necessary and desirable for all students to attend all class meetings. To the extent that excessive absences result in a student’s performing unsatisfactorily in required classroom activities, the student may be withdrawn for the course. Class attendance is considered essential to attain academic objectives at Curry College. Since there are mutual obligations as well as constant learning opportunities between faculty members and students within the classroom, it is expected that students will attend all classes for which they are registered. If illness, accident or extenuating circumstances make it impossible for a student to attend class they should notify their instructor. Discussion Topics: Topics to be discussed during the course may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) Counseling as a profession Ethics & values in counseling Client / Therapist relationships Freud / Psychoanalysis Erik Erikson Alfred Adler Carl Jung Humanism Maslow (Hierarchy of Needs) Carl Rogers (Client Centered Therapy) Karen Horney (Role of Anxiety in Behavior) Behaviorism ( Watson, Skinner) Behavioral Therapies Existentialism Gestalt Cognitive Therapies Family Therapies Office Hours: Tuesday 5:00 - 5:30 PM and Tuesday after class Time will be set aside by the instructor for individual consultation or assistance by appointment. Students are encouraged to seek additional assistance when needed or desired. Students should feel free to e-mail or call the instructor using the contact information on the syllabus. ACADEMIC HONESTY Curry College values the integrity and effort of it’s students. Claiming authorship of the work done by others is not acceptable. This includes, but is not limited to, copying the answers of another student, submitting or restating the work of another student without proper citation, and falsifying information of authorship. Curry College expects that students will write appropriate papers for courses when required. On the rare occasion in which a student’s learning may benefit from writing a paper applicable to more than one course, the student must prior written approval from both instructors. Such approval is to be attached to the front of both copies of the paper when submitted. Ample assistance in writing and referencing skills is available at the Academic Enrichment Center, the Levin Library, and from individual instructors. Academic dishonesty may result in an “F” for the test/paper/project involved, or for the course. This is at the discretion of the instructor. A letter to this effect may be sent to the student, and a copy kept on file in the Dean’s office. Upon a second offense, the Dean’s office has the authority to dismiss the student from Curry College. ( Curry Course catalogue) PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is the use of ideas, words, or work of another person without giving proper credit. Copying from another person during an exam is a form of plagiarism. Anyone found guilty of submitting plagiarized work will be given a failing work for the work in question, and will have their name submitted to the proper authorities for further academic disciplinary action. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Curry College recognizes that people with disabilities may require assistance in order for them to engage in life equitably. Students seeking accommodations will usually be required to provide documentary evidence of the disability and functional limitations involved. If you as a student qualify as a person with a disability, you may want to discuss the need for reasonable accommodation with your instructor. You should make this contact at the start of the semester. Formal requests for accommodations should be made to the Student Disabilities Office at the start of the semester. Students will be notified by the Student Disabilities Office of all decisions regarding their request. RESEARCH PAPER Course Counseling Theory Instructor Professor Daryl Graves, MEd., LCSW Topic You are to write a paper that explores and analyzes an approach to Counseling or some aspect of the counseling process that is of interest to you. You are to research the key elements of the theory or topic, discuss the basic dynamics of the theory or topic, and discuss why you feel the approach or topic that you have chosen is an effective approach or important to the field of professional counseling. The topic must be approved by the instructor.. Length The project is to be a minimum of 2500 words in length ( Approximately 9 – 10 pages ). The paper may be as long as you need it to be to fulfill the goals of your research. Format A title page listing the topic, student’s name, due date, course title, and the instructor is to be used. The conclusion of the paper should include the student’s feelings towards the subject matter, and any conclusions or evaluations established as a result of the research. A detailed outline of your project is to appear at the beginning of your paper (after the cover page). Reference Page A minimum of 5 references are to be cited during research on the project. Each reference should be listed on the reference page at the end of the paper. Documentation When quoting directly from a source, or taking data from a source, proper documentation should be used. Footnotes should be on the bottom of the page that the quote or data appears. End notes will be accepted. In-text citations may be used. Grade Weight The Research Paper is worth 25% of your grade Content (informational value), organization and the overall presentation will be the criteria used in evaluating the project. Due Date _____________ Individual Presentation Guidelines Overview: Each member of the class will offer a presentation to the class on some aspect of Counseling Theory of interest to them. The topic must be approved by the instructor. The presentation is to be wellresearched, using a minimum of three outside resources (more may be used). Brief video or DVD, overhead transparencies, or power point presentations may be used as aids in the presentation. The presentation will include relevant data regarding the topic, and will reflect the importance and/or interest of the topic to today’s society. Handouts to the “audience” will include: 1. A brief outline of the data to be presented 2. Three points of interest to be used in the follow-up Q/A discussion 3. Any relevant handouts the presenter wishes to give the audience Presentation Length: 20 – 25 minutes (individual) or 25-30 minutes (group) including Q/A period Evaluation: Based on content, verbal /nonverbal communication skills, overall professionalism and effectiveness of the presentation A comprehensive outline and summary of the topic being presented, along with a bibliography of the resources used in the research and presentation will be submitted to the instructor prior to the oral presentation. The name of the presenter should appear on the summary. Time will be set aside at the end of each class for each person to use the academic resources of Curry College to research and prepare their presentation. Grade Weight: 25% of grade Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the use of ideas, words or work of another person without giving proper credit. Copying from another student during an exam is also a form of plagiarism. Be sure to give credit on all research for the individual / group projects. Please submit a copy of your resources used in the preparation and presentation of your project. Anyone found guilty of submitting plagiarized work will be given a failing grade for the work in question, and may have their name submitted to the Office of the Dean of Students for appropriate disciplinary action. Research Paper / Oral Presentation Rough Draft (Sample) 1.) OUTLINE (Example: your outline may vary according to your information) A complete and detailed outline of the research project should be submitted. Use standard outline form: I. A. 1.) 2.) B. 1.) 2.) II. A. 1.) 2.) B. 1.) 2.) III. A. 1.) 2.) B. 1.) 2.) 2.) BIBLIOGRAPHY A listing of POTENTIAL resources for your project List in alphabetical order by author’s last name Include dates, publishers, book titles, magazine information (if a magazine is used), websites, etc. REMEMBER: On the reference page of your final draft, list only those resources that are actually cited in your research paper or final presentation 3.) FIRST TWO (2) PARAGRAPHS OF YOUR PAPER / PRESENTATION (INTRODUCTION) ROUGH DRAFT DUE DATE: ____________________________________