Miss. Fagan’s Class Newsletter for September Parents, thank you for a great kick off to this school year! With your tremendous support, the transition to 3rd grade has been a smooth ride. Please continue to keep up the important job of signing your child’s agenda daily, as well as overseeing the completion of their homework. I ask that you sign the agenda every night and have your child bring it in signed the next morning. One of their many responsibilities in class, is to write down their homework every morning and then turn it in to be signed by me at the end of the day. They are also responsible for bringing home their homework. Please stress to them that they need to be paying attention, as I do remind them at the end of the day of what needs to be done for homework. I do give them one chance for homework, before they have to pull a color card for no homework. Please remember that I update my website every day, so if there is something you are concerned about, please look at my website. I also update the calendar with important upcoming events and assignments. I will also update it with class pictures and events as the year continues. Please continue to turn in any Scholastic order forms. We will do an order each month. Ordering from Scholastic also allows the class to receive free books for the classroom library. Thank you very much for your continued support, as I have felt so welcomed here to St. Vincent. If you have any questions or concerns please email me at dawn.fagan@stvfschool.org Miss. Fagan Upcoming Events 9/11: Dress in Red, White and Blue-$1.00 9/11: Blue Mass 7:00 PM 9/17: School Portraits-Formal Uniform Reminder to Students/Parents School Hours – 7:50- 3:00. Please have your child on time and ready to learn. Please try to make any appointments after school hours. If you’re picking up by car, have your car name displayed and ready to go. Eat a nutritious breakfast each morning. Our lunch is early in the day, so please provide a daily healthy snack. Miss. Fagan is available every Wednesday afternoon for extra help. Vocabulary tests are given every 2 weeks. We have just finished Unit 1 and we are now starting Unit 2. Please remember that homework is given Monday-Thursday. Sometimes addition homework is given because the student did not finish the assignment in class. Websites to use and love! Vocabulary Workshop: vocabularyworkshop.com Reflex Math: reflexmath.com ST. VINCENT FERRER SCHOOL Hearts to God Minds to Learning Talents to Service Stewards of the Earth Page 2 Watch us Learn… Reading Math As we dive right into our reading, it is important that we are able to read books on our own levels. I have sent home your child’s AR Reading Levels in their agenda last week. Please make sure that they are reading a book that is on their level. We have started out Novel Study! We are reading the classic book, The Mouse and The Motorcycle by Beverly Clearly. As we read each chapter in groups, we will also be answering comprehension questions that go along with that chapter. After every 4 chapters, we will take a test. I ask that every student takes home their study guide to study before the test. As always, their test is an OPEN BOOK test. Please stress that they can look in the book for the answers. At home, our goal is for students to read at least 20 minutes independently on a daily basis. You can help assist us at home by simply having your child read books that they are interested in and that are on their AR Level. Making sense of numbers all around us! In class, we are discovering how numbers work and connect with one another. We have started off with Multiplication! How can you help at home? Please encourage your child to use the strategies that we learn in class. We have made a reference sheet with all the multiplication skills that we have learned so far, to use as we complete our multiplication facts. Also, as you naturally use these skills in the realworld, make it a point to discuss its use with your child. Also, please make sure that your child is using their flash cards to help them memorize their facts and Reflex Math. Reflex Math is a great tool for learning math facts. Your child must be on it at least 3 times a week, as it is taken for a weekly grade. Grammar September’s focus will be working on nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. We will also be working on subject/predicate agreement. We will also be working on writing narrative stories! Science Everyone is a scientist in our class! Our students will be learning what all of the ins and outs in what it takes to be a scientist. Some of these skills include learning how to investigate plants. We also have a resource that we will use on a weekly basis called Science Studies Weekly. This is a “newspaper” type resource packed with lots of interesting facts about science!