Context - Written Explanations a Guide

Written Explanations are like statements of intentions or mission statements
whereby we analyse our own responses. What is our motivation and inspiration
behind the response we write?
Written Explanation Guidelines
1. My interpretation of the prompt is… This may involve a simplification of
the prompt.
2. My contention or general main point is that…
3. I have chosen this particular style because…
4. I have chosen this particular form because…
5. My intended audience are those…
6. I have made relevant references and linked to the text(s), task material
news of the world and my own general knowledge and personal
experiences – for example, what parts of the text(s) were referred to? Did
you use quotes? How did you incorporate the atmosphere of the text into
your response? If you referred to an article or current event issue, how
were you inspired by it?
7. My vocabulary is both a mixture of sophistication and metalanguage
associated with the context topic
8. You may refer to yourself in the first person
9. Aim for between 150-200 words.
Topic: Future Worlds.
Prompt: "Science, technology, politics and social organizations have ceased
serving humanity; they have instead become our masters."
Style: Persuasive essay.
The prompt in my interpretation informs me that humanity has become so
reliant on Science, politics and social organisations that we have the need to
debate whether they are ruling us or us ruling them.
I am against this prompt, this idea. Science and technology go hand in hand.
But we created them so that we could utilise them to aid us in our daily lives.
Something does not get created so that they may rule the creator. The creator
rules the created. We are just simply reliant on science and technology.
Masters rely on slaves, slaves do not rely on masters; science and technology
do not rely on us. The same goes for politics and social organisation.
Humanity created them. However, politics at some stage will rule. Such as
communism, Nazism, tyranny, authoritarian and totalitarian. These are all
political views that rule over society. The main point I’m trying to make is, we
are free, we are not slaves, we are the masters to all these.
I chose to use a persuasive form because it is an attempt to persuade people,
and like most people, I like people agreeing with me. The persuasive essay
style of writing was chosen because of its simplicity and its effectiveness.
The essay is aimed at people who are either afraid or paranoid and have
come up with this argument. When they see the essay, people will hopefully
have switched their point of view. But there will be some people who are
most likely attached to their opinion for the rest of their lives that will never
agree with the essay no matter how much logic it contains.
In the essay, I have referred to the text, V for Vendetta, and other films such
as The Matrix, Wall-E, Terminator and even a video game Portal 2. These all
have one thing in common. It is that humanity prevails eventually and rules
over the creations, governments and organisations that they have made.
The tone used in the essay is variable, aggressive, relentless and empathetic.
The vocabulary that I have utilised is technological and reasoning. It contains
great complexity, which will bring a level of sophistication to my response.