

University of Bahrain

Information Technology College

Information System Department

Management Information System ( ITBIS 251)

Light Host Management System

Done by:

Muhammed Hassan Adel - 20080055

Hussain Mohammed Saleh - 20073406

Supervised by:

Dr. Orlando S. Catuiran

Miss. Maram Al-Mahmeed


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 1

CHAPTER 2: BACKGROUND .............................................................................................................................. 1

CHAPTER 3: INTERVIEW ................................................................................................................................... 1

CHAPTER4: ANALYSIS THE INTERVIEW ............................................................................................................. 4


F UNCTIONAL PROCESS ....................................................................................................... 4


C ROSS -F UNCTIONAL ......................................................................................................... 5


P ROJECT O BJECTIVE .......................................................................................................... 5


E NTITY R ELATIONSHIP D IAGRAM (ERD) .......................................................................... 5




........................................................................................................................... 6








........................................................................................ 7

CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................ 10



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Table of Table

T ABLE 1 : I NTERVIEWS 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 1

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Table of Figure

F IGURE 1: E NTITY R ELATIONSHIP D IAGRAM 1 ........................................................................................................ 6


....................................................................................... 6


.................................................................................................................................... 8


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Chapter 1: Introduction

Systems analysis is a process of collecting factual data, understand the processes involved, identifying problems and recommending feasible suggestions for improving the system functioning. This involves studying the business processes, gathering operational data, understand the information flow, finding out bottlenecks and evolving solutions for overcoming the weaknesses of the system so as to achieve the organizational goals.

The major objectives of this project are to find answers for each business process: what is being done how is it being done, who is doing it, when is he doing it, why is it being done and how can it be improved? It is more of a thinking process and involves the creative skills of the system analyst.

In this report we are going to show our work with Light Host Company, we make an interview with one of the mangers there, we ask him about the company and what information system are they using, also we ask him about the current problems in the system and we create a simple system to help him.

Chapter 2: Background

Light Host is a web hosting company, they have started since 2011, they are three IT student, they have started by searching for customers in 2010 to study if the business will be feasible or not, after they have some customers, they buy a package from server provider in USA and selling the website service.

Chapter 3: Interview

An interview is a conversation between two people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee and to collect some requirement of the system.

In the following table there is some information about interviews that we have make.

Table 1 : Interviews 1

Interviewer Muhammed Hasan Adel

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System used in Light Host Company

Agenda Date: 10 Jul 2012

Time: 13:00

Duration: 45 minutes

He was friendly and has a lot of information about the company.

Interviewee Muhammed Hasan Adel

Question Note and answers

Interviewee Information

Q1. What is your background (both academic and experience)?

Academically I have a secondary grade and studying computer science at University of Bahrain, I have worked with servers and website since I was in secondary school.

Q2. How did your background lead you to this position?

My old experience help in communicating with customer and solve some problem in server.

Q3. How did you become interested in this type of work?

I feel programming for online application is easier than create a desktop application, web application can do the same work of desktop application in addition to that it has a cloud feature that can help the user access his file or data every time and everywhere.

Q4. How long have you worked in this field?

2 years.

Q5. What is the most challenging/rewarding aspect of your work/career?

The biggest problem we face is a system requirement collection, when we ask the staff of the company / organization about their task and if they can give us sample of their work, some staff changes his normal behaviors, the most challenge we face is customer’s changes.

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About the company.

Q7. Describe your company

/organization in general:

We are a web hosting company; we provide a web hosting services. Web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web.

Q8. Describe the department We are only three persons working in this company, so at in your organizations: the moment we are merging all departments together; however, every person of us has a specialization in one part of the company.

Q9. Who is your supplier Our supplier is another web hosting company but it is not in and how you contact with? Bahrain, we buy a package from them and sale those as a websites, the first package that we bought was containing a

10 websites it cost us about ~20$/month, now we upgrade to next level.

We contact with our provider through an internet, they are use some type of billing system to send a bills and accept payment.

Q10. Who is your customer Our customers are anyone who want to create a website, and how you get them? blog, forum, or any type of web application. Our client can be anyone with any educational degree.

We get our client from some programming and designing shop in Bahrain.

Q11. How does the system We start by collecting the customer by advertising in our work? website and social network, the customer than contact us by email or phone to order a package, we take his personal information e.g. name, telephone, organization name, than we ask him to choose a domain, final we create an account

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for him in our WHM “web hosting manager system” and link his domain with his account, also we create another account for the customer to use it in support department.

We use “ClientExec” it is an Online Billing and Help Desk

Support, Operational CRM.

Q12. Do you have a problem Yes, our problem is about showing general information in in current system? simple way, our system now show the information in details, it will be better if we have a basic system that show general information about the customers and packages, this will help us to create future services according to the system report.

Chapter4: Analysis the interview

The Light Host Company use Supply chain management system (SCM) to pay and upgrade the package from supplier, also SCM provide the company with last news about the supplier.

Also the Light Host Company use Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) to help the customer to login into the company website and check the invoices or submit a support ticket, this system help the company to keep track with customer needs and manage the web hosting accounts.

4.1 Functional process

The light host company uses Sales and marketing systems, the sales and marketing system area that is responsible for finding clients, making sales, and generating revenue. This is the part of your business that makes its rain cash flows.

Sales and marketing systems are efficient; the company uses an excellent sales system that allows the manager to monitor the sales operation, but it did not show an overview of the operation so we create a simple system to solve this problem.

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4.2 Cross-Functional

The company use Customer Management system, it allows the customer to login in specific side of the website to submit a support ticket and get the last new about the company. This process is efficient so no need to re-engineer it.

4.3 Project Objective

We are going to create a small system to help the company in making decision and help it to improve the service, the system will created using Microsoft Access, it will contain a database that contains the general information about the system, and provide some useful function to help the manger in decision making.

4.4 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

An entity-relationship diagram is a data modeling technique that creates a graphical representation of the entities, and the relationships between entities, within an information system.

This ERD shows all entity and relationship between the user of the system and the system.

The table of package will store all information about the packages, the client table will take all information about the customers, the customer will order a website, the website feature will be stored in package table, and also the customer can send a support ticket “complain”, the information of the tickets will be stored in ticket table, the manager can add different types of ticket type, these types will sored in ttype attribute.

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Bandwidth sqlDatabase

DeskSpace ssh price ftpaccount subdomain


M website domain

M cdate edate cid name

Client gender

1 has email active


Ticket ttype

Figure 1: Entity Relationship Diagram 1

4.5 Mapping

title priority message

Figure 2 :Entity Relationship Diagram 2- Mapping

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4.2 Designing System Database

Database design is the process of producing a detailed data model of a database. This logical data model contains all the needed logical and physical design choices and physical storage parameters needed to generate a design in a Data Definition Language, which can then be used to create a database. A fully attributed data model contains detailed attributes for each entity.

The term database design can be used to describe many different parts of the design of an overall database system. Principally, and most correctly, it can be thought of as the logical design of the base data structures used to store the data. However, the term database design could also be used to apply to the overall process of designing, not just the base data structures, but also the forms and queries used as part of the overall database application within the database management system.

The design process consists of the following steps:


Determine the purpose of your database - This helps prepare you for the remaining steps.


Find and organize the information required - Gather all of the types of information you might want to record in the database, such as product name and order number.


Divide the information into tables - Divide your information items into major entities or subjects, such as Products or Orders. Each subject then becomes a table.


Turn information items into columns - Decide what information you want to store in each table. Each item becomes a field, and is displayed as a column in the table.

For example, an Employees table might include fields such as Last Name and Hire



Specify primary keys - Choose each table’s primary key. The primary key is a column that is used to uniquely identify each row. An example might be Product ID or Order ID.


Set up the table relationships - Look at each table and decide how the data in one table is related to the data in other tables. Add fields to tables or create new tables to clarify the relationships, as necessary.

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Figure 3 : Package table


Figure 4: Website table



Refine your design - Analyze your design for errors. Create the tables and add a few records of sample data. See if you can get the results you want from your tables. Make adjustments to the design, as needed.


Apply the normalization rules - Apply the data normalization rules to see if your tables are structured correctly. Make adjustments to the tables.

The following tables show the design of our database that used in our system:


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Figure 5: Client table


Figure 6: Ticket table


Figure 7: TicketType table

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Chapter 5: Conclusions

5.1 learned from this project

I have learned from this project a lot of things:

1Be able to solve Business problems utilizing real life case studies with the aid of

Microsoft Access How to collect system requirement.

2How to analysis requirement.

3How to take an interview with people.

4How to work in group.

5How to create an ERD for the system.

6Understand a business domain and functional, cross-functional process.

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