Marine Corps Community Services
Camp Allen
1251 Yalu Street
Norfolk, VA 23515-4693
Telephone: 757-445-1277
Fax: 757-444-6198
21 Mar 2011
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
From: Director, MCCS
To: Distribution List
Ref: (a) Federal Firearms Regulations Reference Guide,
ATF Publication 5300.4
(b) Marine Corps Community Services Business Operations
Manual, MCO Order 1700.30
Encl: (1) Firearm Safety Declaration Form, MCCS Camp Allen
(2) Qualification to Possess Firearms or Ammunition
(DD Form 2760)
(3) Firearms Dealer Employee Registration (Form SP-69A)
(4) Authorized Firearm Vendors
(5) Purchase Order Worksheet
(6) Clearing Barrel Procedures
(7) Firearms Transaction Record Part I – Over the
Counter (ATF Form 4473)
(8) Virginia Firearms Transaction Record (Form SP-65)
(9) Marine Corps Exchange Sales Slip (MCCS 410)
(10) Report of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of
Pistols and Revolvers (ATF Form 3310.4)
(11) Non-Licensee Worksheet
(12) Special Order Department Terms and Conditions Form
(MCCS 400)
(13) Price Quote Sheet
(14) Federal Firearms Licensee Firearms inventory
Theft/loss Report (ATF Form 3310.11)
1. Purpose. To set forth procedures for the receipt, handling, accounting and sale of firearms at the Elmore Marine Corps
Exchange (MCX).
2. Responsibility.
a. It is the responsibility of the Director of Business
Operations and the Store Manager to distribute this Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP) to all applicable MCX associates and to ensure their understanding of its contents.
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
b. It is the responsibility of all MCX associates to comply with this SOP and to make the Director of Business Operations, the Store Manager and/or the Asset Protection Manager aware of any deviations.
3. Action.
a. All associates that may be required to work behind the gun counter must complete the Firearms Safety and Weapons
Handling course taught by a certified National Rifle Association
(NRA) instructor from the Camp Allen Indoor Shooting Range and must sign the Firearm Safety Declaration Form (Encl 1) acknowledging that the training took place. This training must be attended prior to ever entering the Gun Counter area.
b. Prior to being assigned to the gun counter, all personnel hired to staff the gun counter must adhere to paragraph 3a and complete forms DD Form 2760, Qualification To
Possess Firearms (Encl 2) or Ammunition and SP-69A, Firearms
Dealer Employee Registration (Encl 3).
c. Annually, prior to 28 February, all associates that may be required to work behind the gun counter must complete a documented refresher Firearms Safety and Weapon Handling course.
d. All original signed forms will be maintained in each associates personnel file. MCX Manager/Assistant Manager will keep a copy of all gun counter associates Form SP-69As on file in the manager’s office.
4. Purchasing.
a. Glocks are to be ordered from Ed’s Public Safety under the Headquarters MCX Law Enforcement program.
b. All other firearms and accessories may be ordered from the authorized firearm vendor list (Encl 4).
c. The ordering associate will forward a Purchase order worksheet (Encl 5) to the buyer who will approve and email a
Purchase Order number.
d. The ordering associate will list the quantity, cost price and retail price on the order worksheet from the source (cost price divided by .77 = retail price).
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
5. Bound Book. A Bound Book is the official written log that is used to record the acquisition and disposition of all firearms. Reference (a) provides guidance.
a. Record the following information into the Bound Book immediately upon initial arrival for each firearm:
(1) Manufacturer or how otherwise acquired;
(2) Type;
(3) Model;
(4) Caliber;
(5) Gauge; and
(6) Serial Number.
b. A record of sale or other disposition must also be entered into the Bound Book. The record shall show the date of the transaction, and the name and address of purchaser. As per reference (a) the information required by this paragraph shall be recorded no later than the seventh day of disposition.
6. Receiving Resale Firearms and Ammunition.
a. Only associates that have received an Employee
Identification Number (EIN) from the State Police are authorized to receive or sign for firearms or ammunition.
b. When receiving firearms, associates will assume that all firearms sent from any source are loaded and ready to fire, and will follow Clearing Barrel Procedures (Encl 6).
c. Associates will ensure that the serial number on the firearm matches the serial number on the invoice. If the serial number does not match, the vendor must be notified immediately.
d. All firearms, ammunition and optics must be received into store inventory. Universal Product Code (UPC) discrepancies must be entered using Integrated Business Intelligence Suite (IBIS) system for correction. Print the receiving sheet and forward to the Receiving Supervisor. The print-out must match the merchandise received. File the invoice at the gun counter.
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department e. Every firearm received must be logged in the Notebook, the
Bound Book (within 7 days), and the computer data base.
7. Purchasing requirements.
a. For military personnel:
(1) Virginia Driver’s License at least 30 days old, military ID, and proof of address that matches driver’s license;
(2) Out of state drivers license, military ID, Permanent
Change of Station (PCS)orders. Ultimate Activity Location must be Virginia and reporting date must fall within 3 years of the date of purchase. If that requirement is not met customer must provide an extension letter from his/her command to verify they are still stationed in Virginia.
(3) For non-immigrant aliens, the same requirements listed in paragraph 7a(1) and 7a(2) above apply plus an Alien
Resident card (Green Card) and proof of address that is at least
90 days old. Examples of appropriate documents to establish
State residency are utility bills from each of the last three months prior to the sale. The purchaser must also provide hunting license/permit.
b. For military dependents:
(1) Virginia Driver’s license that is at least 30 days old;
(2) Dependent Military ID card; and
(3) Second proof of address with the same address of the first document.
c. For NATO personnel:
(1) Virginia Hunting License;
(2) Virginia Driver’s License that is at least 30 days old;
(3) Current Visa; and
(4) Two forms of proof of address.
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
d. For multiple handgun purchases:
(1) Virginia Concealed Handgun Permit;
(2) Customers that do not possess a Concealed Handgun
Permit are limited to one handgun purchase per 30 days with no limit on long gun purchases.
8. Age requirements.
a. Long guns and long gun ammunition – 18 years of age or older;
b. Handguns and handgun ammunition – 21 years of age or older.
9. Sale of Firearms. When a firearm is sold, all requirements of state and federal laws must be complied with. The sales person selling the firearm will perform the following tasks:
a. Verify ID and age of purchaser;
b. Verify all requirements listed in paragraphs 7 and 8 of this SOP;
c. Have the customer read, fill out and sign ATF Form 4473
Firearms Transaction Record – Part 1 Over the Counter (Encl 7) and form SP-65 Virginia Firearm Transaction Record (Encl 8).
d. Verify information on the filled-out forms with the ID provided. Check that the forms are complete and correct;
e. Make a copy of all documentation provided and annotate the receiving date of the firearm on the store copy;
f. Compare the serial number of the firearm and its container with the customer;
g. Perform background check on the Virginia State Police website or by phone at 1-800-446-4036;
h. Complete seller’s portion, enter firearm information and sign forms ATF Form 4473 and SP-65;
i. Enter the approval number if received. If delayed or denied, enter the corresponding information on ATF Form 4473;
j. After background approval, process the transaction
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department through the cash register;
k. Staple the yellow copy of the Marine Corps Exchange Sales
Slip, MCCS 410 (Encl 9) to the receipt;
l. Log the firearm out of the Notebook. The Firearms
Consultant must make an entry in the Bound Book and the computer data base within seven days of the transaction.
m. Arrange for a MCX manager or supervisor to escort the customer out of the building. The manager or supervisor must ensure that all paperwork is completed correctly by the customer and the associate. The manager or supervisor will then escort the customer out of the building and hand the firearm to the customer as per reference b.
10. Multiple Handgun Sale.
a. Fill out form ATF Form 3310.4, Report of Multiple Sale or
Other Disposition of Pistols and Revolvers (Encl 10). This form is used to report all transactions in which an unlicensed person has acquired two or more pistols and/or revolvers at one time or during five consecutive business days. An authorized person will have presented a Concealed Handgun Permit or Multiple Handgun
Purchase Certificate.
b. The form is to be submitted no later than the close of business on the day in which the multiple sale or disposition occurs and fax the form to 1-877-283-0288.
c. File the form at the gun counter in the filing cabinet.
11. Transfers from another Federal Firearm Licensee (FFL).
a. Log in requests for transfer in the notebook, to include seller’s name, address, telephone number, fax number, the firearm, and the customer’s information; and
b. Fax or email a copy of the Elmore MCX Federal Firearms
License to the seller.
c. Upon a transfers initial arrival to the receiving warehouse, it must be immediately logged into the receiving warehouse daily receiving log.
d. When receiving the firearm from the receiving area, all
Associates will assume that all firearms sent from any source
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department are loaded and ready to fire and will follow Clearing Barrel
Procedures; and
e. Log the firearm in the Notebook. The Firearms Consultant must make an entry in the Bound Book and the computer data base within seven days of the transaction.
f. To process the Transfer to the customer:
(1) Contact the customer when the firearm arrives;
(2) Perform background check on the Virginia State Police website or by phone at 1-800-446-4036;
(3) Charge a $45 transfer fee (class, subclass 0901) on the register;
(4) Log the transfer out in the Notebook. The Firearms
Consultant must make an entry in the Bound Book and the computer data base within seven days of the transaction.
(5) Arrange for a MCX manager or supervisor to escort the purchaser out of the building. The manager or supervisor must ensure that all paperwork is completed correctly by the customer and the associate. The manager or supervisor will then escort the customer out of the building and hand the firearm to the customer per reference b.
(6) Complete Marine Corps Exchange Sales Slip, MCCS 410 and retain the original white copy for our records. DO NOT give the yellow copy to the transferee as this transaction is not a sale. Instead, shred the yellow copy.
12. Transfers Received from Non FFL Holders.
a. Follow all the requirements listed in paragraph 7 and 8 of this SOP.
b. Log the firearm into the Non-Licensee worksheet(Encl 11).
c. Submit the Non-Licensee spreadsheet quarterly via email to the ATF Industry Records Branch.
d. Once emailed, retain/file at the gun counter.
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
13. Storing, displaying and showing firearms/ammunition.
a. At no time will a firearm delivered to the store be left unattended in the receiving area of the MCX.
b. Display and storage of firearms and ammunition is highly sensitive and shall be subject to exacting and stringent security measures. At no time shall a relaxed or neglectful atmosphere exist when controlling, storing, or accounting for weapons and ammunition.
c. All firearms displayed on the sales floor will have a trigger lock or lever lock properly attached.
d. Firearms will be secured either in lockable display cases or in the secure storage area. Firearms that are displayed in authorized secure cases do not have to be moved each night.
These are cases where the upper display section is lowered into the bottom secure portion of the display or a steel-rolling door is lowered from the front and secured to the base.
e. All displays and storage areas will be kept locked at all times. Keys to the storage areas will be maintained in the store safe during non-operating hours.
f. Firearms will be stored separately from ammunition. At no time will ammunition be left unattended or be displayed for purchase. Ammunition will be locked and stored in the ammunition storage area at all times. Keys to ammunition storage area will be maintained in the store safe during non-operating hours.
g. Only authorized associates will be allowed in areas where firearms and ammunition are stored. A list of authorized associates is posted at the entrance to the gun department.
h. Associates preparing to show a firearm to a customer will assume that the firearm is loaded and ready to fire, and will take steps to ensure that the firearm is clear prior to presenting it to the customer. When handing a firearm to the customer, the employee shall have the customer look at the firearm to ensure they know the firearm is clear and make a verbal declaration to that effect.
Associates will then instruct the customer to point the firearm at the target placed over the long gun cabinet during the visual inspection of the firearm.
i. Each associate will show only one firearm at a time to one customer at a time.
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
14. Special Orders.
a. A minimum non-refundable deposit of 30% of the total sale is required.
b. The customer will fill out a Special Order Department
Terms and Conditions form (Encl 12).
c. Contact the vendor, order the merchandise requested and submit the Purchase Order to the buyer. Fill out information listed for the customer on Purchase Order worksheet. This will allow the buyer to recognize it as a special order and will expedite processing.
d. To ensure that special orders are processed in a timely manner, the vendor will be contacted within 3 weeks of receiving the purchase order number if merchandise has not arrived. Notify the buyer if any attempt to contact the vendor is made.
e. When the firearm has been received, contact the customer.
f. Perform the background check with information provided on the ATF Form 4473 Firearms Transaction Record and Form SP-65
Virginia Firearm Transaction Record on the Virginia State Police website or by phone at 1-800-446-4036.
g. The customer must pay the balance of the purchase price prior to accepting delivery.
15. Price quotes.
a. The customer will fill out a Price Quote Sheet (Encl 13);
b. Check the current price file for the MCX price;
c. Check availability with the source; and
d. Call the customer with price and availability.
16. Optics - All optics valued at $50 or more will be entered into the Optics Logbook by serial number, UPC and date received.
17. Security and Oversight.
a. Daily.
(1) The designated associate shall count all firearms, including those that have been sold and held for pick-up. Count
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department guns at opening and closing and compare to the control total in the count book.
(2) The Firearms Consultant shall review the previous day’s transactions (sale or receiving) to ensure the Bound Book and all required forms are filled out and signed properly.
(3) Upon closing, secure all firearms and keys, clean showcase glass and sales area, and vacuum carpet.
b. Weekly.
(1) Update broken firearms data;
(2) Wipe guns with a lubricant to prevent corrosion; and
(3) Mail carbon copies of SF-65 forms to the State
c. Monthly.
(1) The Store Manager or Assistant Store Manager, along with the Firearms Consultant, will do an inventory of all firearms by serial number and reconcile that inventory to the data base and the Bound Book.
(2) The Store Manager or Assistant Store Manager will check all required forms for that month for accuracy and compliance with requirements.
d. Discrepancies in the daily or monthly inventory shall be reported to the activity manager or designated official and the
Asset Protection Manager. If a discrepancy cannot be reconciled within 24 hours, ATF officials shall be notified by phone to report the missing firearm and within 48 hours ATF Form 3310.11
FFL Firearms Inventory Theft/Loss Report (Encl 14) must be submitted. An incident report shall be prepared and sent to the
Business Operation Asset Protection Analyst at DC, M&RA (MR).
The Command must also notify NCIS or PMO to start an official investigation.
18. The Director of Business Operations and the Store Manager will review this SOP annually or when requirements change and execute corrective action where necessary.
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
This is to certify that I, ____________________________________, am thoroughly familiar with the firearm safety and the measures required for their safe use. I have been provided instruction, by the Camp Allen Indoor Shooting Range instructor staff, on
Firearm Safety, Weapons Handling and proper firearms clearing procedures. I understand that the unsafe handling of firearms affects my personal safety and the safety of all MCX patrons. I agree to abide by these rules at all times.
Associate Signature:___________________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Enclosure (1)
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
Qualifications to Possess Firearms or Ammunition – DD Form 2760
Enclosure (2)
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
Firearms Dealer Employee Registration – Form SP-69A
Enclosure (3)
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
STATE POLICE Q&A 1-804-674-2292
Ellett Bros
Sig Sauer
Cathy Racine
Russ Smith
Clyde’s Armory
Big Rock Sports
Matt Hodges
Jack Gooldy
Gary Plumlee
Ed’s Public Safety Don Anderson
Tracy Oneill
Robin Pruett
Authorized Firearms Vendors
FAX# 1-804-674-2791
FAX# 1-800-578-7223
1-800-541-4867 ext 3516
1-540-907-7633 1-800-367-4867
1-706-549-1842 ext 204
1-800-545-5654 1-770-474-6084
Enclosure (4)
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
Purchase Order Worksheet
Enclosure (5)
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
This is a two person process. Ensure you get another associate to assist.
1. Place the firearm on safe.
2. Keep your finger straight and off the trigger.
3. Insert the firearm muzzle into the clearing barrel. Keep the muzzle in the barrel for the rest of this process.
4. Remove the magazine and hand it to the associate assisting you.
5. Lock the action to the rear. Pay attention to a round extracting. If a round ejects, the associate assisting you will retrieve it and hold on to it.
6. Visually and physically inspect the chamber and magazine well to ensure it is clear.
7. Let the associate assisting you know that it is clear and have them verify by visually inspecting the chamber and magazine well.
8. Send the action home and close ejection ports.
9. Place the firearm on safe.
Enclosure (6)
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
Firearms Transaction Record Part I – Over the Counter
ATF Form 4473
Enclosure (7)
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
Virginia Firearms Transaction Record – Form SP-65
Enclosure (8)
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
Enclosure (9)
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
Report of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of Pistols and
Enclosure (10)
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
Non-Licensee Worksheet
Enclosure (11)
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
Special Order Department Terms and Conditions – MCCS 400
Enclosure (12)
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
Price Quote Sheet
Associate’s name: ________________________
Price Quote Sheet
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Weapon: Type: (circle one) Pistol
Associate’s Initials:
Out of Stock:
Rifle Shotgun Other
Price Quoted:
In Stock:
Color: Qty:
Price Quoted:
In Stock:
Associate’s Initials:
Out of Stock:
**Note: Quote is not guaranteed. Prices are subject to change.
Firearm Status Check One Month
Two Months
Three Months
Four Months
Call customer if still interested
Enclosure (13)
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department
Federal Firearms Licensee Firearms Inventory Theft/Loss Report –
ATF Form 3310.11
Enclosure (14)
Standard Operating Procedures for the Firearms Department