Civil Rights and Social Change

Civil Rights and Social
Domestic Issues 1950s-1970s
January 31, February 1 2012
• WALThe Civil Rights movement marked a period
of social turmoil and political reform, resulting in
the expansion of rights and opportunities for
individuals and groups previously discriminated
• WALThat activism and a series of Supreme
Court decisions advanced equal rights for
African-Americans in the 1950s and 1960s
• WALThat Landmark S. C. decisions beginning in
1954 have guaranteed civil rights for Americans
January 31, February 1 2012
• Prior Knowledge Chart
• PPT- Civil Rights Overview
– Take Notes
• Small Group Jigsaw
– In groups of FOUR, Complete Guided
Reading Worksheet for one of the sections
(29.1-29.3, 28.3)
• Sounds of the Civil Rights Movement
January 31, February 1 2012
• Complete Political Cartoon Activity
• Must complete the analysis questions for
one of the cartoons
– Questions can be found on the Written
Response Worksheet
February 2, 3 2012
• WALThe Civil Rights movement marked a period
of social turmoil and political reform, resulting in
the expansion of rights and opportunities for
individuals and groups previously discriminated
• WALThat activism and a series of Supreme
Court decisions advanced equal rights for
African-Americans in the 1950s and 1960s
• WALThat Landmark S. C. decisions beginning in
1954 have guaranteed civil rights for Americans
February 2, 3 2012
• Review Homework
• Create a timeline of Key Civil Rights
Events in your notebook using the Cicero
“At a Glance Timeline Chart”
• Label each event on a map of the United
• View segments of the Film “Eyes on the
Prize” and Take notes on each Civil Rights
Event (Who, What, When, Where, Why?)
February 2, 3 2012
• View speeches by MLK and John Lewis
(Portrayed by Actor Danny Glover) and
compare the content as well as the style of
delivery (Written Response Worksheet)
• March on Washington for Jobs and
– “I Have a Dream” Speech
– John Lewis Speech
February 6, 7 2012
• WALThe Civil Rights movement marked a
period of social turmoil and political
reform, resulting in the expansion of rights
and opportunities for individuals and
groups previously discriminated against
• WALThat activism and a series of
Supreme Court decisions advanced equal
rights for African-Americans in the 1950s
and 1960s
February 6, 7 2012
• Views segment of Eyes on the Prize
– Birmingham, 1963 (20 minutes)
• Read documents: Statement by Alabama
Clergymen and Letter From a Birmingham
Jail (20 minutes)
– Complete #2 on Written Response Worksheet
• In groups, Complete Civil Rights Review
Worksheet #1-5
February 6, 7 2012
Complete # 4 and 5 on Written Response
4. Create a T-chart of de jure and de facto
5, Read Civil Rights Leaders: MLK and
Malcolm X; Conduct Research and compare
the similarities and differences to Booker T.
Washington and WEB DuBois; UNIA v NAACP
with that of Malcolm X and MLK.
February 8, 9 2012
• WALThat Activism pushed for the federal
government to end segregation and
ensure the voting rights for African
February 8, 9 2012
On board, share Venn diagram comparing MLK and
Malcolm X
Discuss the motives and ideals of WEB Dubois and Booker T.
Washington as well as the organizations NAACP and UNIA
Read Segments of The Ballot or the Bullet and explain
Malcolm X’s political philosophy. (Written Response
Read and Summarize The Black Panther Party 10
Point Plan. What famous American Document is
invoked? (Written Response WKST)
View RFK Announcing MLK’s Death; How does the
crowd respond. What does RFK implore of the crowd?
(Written Response WKST)
February 8, 9 2012
• Conduct research using
and complete a chart of key Supreme
Court cases
– Type the name of the case in the “search” bar,
– Summarize
• Facts of the Case
• Question
• Conclusion
February 10,13 2012
• WALThat Lyndon Johnson’s liberal domestic
policy was a continuation of The New Frontier
and the ew/Fair Deal, and solidified the
Democratic platform
• WALThat Reforms made in the 1960s have had
a long lasting effect on the American justice
system by increasing the rights of minorities
• WALTWhat were LBJ’s goals in creating The
Great Society? (racial injustice, equal
opportunity, poverty) What pieces of legislation
February 10,13 2012
• In groups, complete a chart of Successes
and Failures of LBJ’s Great Society and
compare with that of JFK’s New Frontier
– Utilize Facts on File Worksheet
• Review the Homework Chart
• View segments of The Presidents: LBJ
and complete a set of focus questions
• Compete Section Quizzes
February 10,13 2012
• Prepare for Chapter 29/28.3 Key Terms
February 14,15 2012
• WALTo demonstrate our knowledge of the
Civil Rights Movement
• WALThat Latinos and Native Americans
confronted injustices in the 1960s
• WALThat Campaigns for civil rights and
economic justice won better
representation and opportunity for Latinos
and Native Americans
February 14,15 2012
• Take 5 minutes to CRAM- utilize section quizzes
• Complete Key Terms Quiz
• When finished, complete Guided Reading on Chapter
31, Section 1
– Utilize Facts on File: Cesar Chavez and the Chicano Movement
and The American Indian Movement and Native American Civil
• Compose a series (at least 3) of If…Then statements
which address the effects of the social movements of the
1960s, include the impact of minority groups other than
the mainstream African American Civil Rights movement.
(Written Response WKST)
February 14,15 2012
• Read 31.3, 33.3 and complete a Guided
Reading Worksheet
– 33.3 posted onlin or can be transferred into
your notebook
February 16,21 2012
• WALThat Through protests and marches,
women confronted social and economic
barriers in American society
• WALhat The rise of the women’s
movement during the 1960s advanced
women’s place in the work force and
February 16,21 2012
• Jigsaw Guided Reading Chapter 31.2
• Read Excerpt of Betty Friedan’s Feminine
• Complete a set of Focus questions using
statistical data from 2009 Time Magazine Article
• Read Pro v Con: Equal Rights Amendment and
debate the reasons for ratification
• Read If Men Could Menstruate by Gloria
Steinem. What is your reaction? (Written
Response WKST)
February 16,21 2012
• Research and share contemporary music
lyrics which are anti-establishment
• Complete Other Minorities Worksheet
– Print out or copy into notebooks
February 22,23 2012
• WALThat The ideals and lifestyle of the
counterculture challenged the traditional
views of Americans
• WALThat the music, art and politics of the
counterculture have left enduring marks on
American society
• WALThat Issues involving healthcare,
education, civil rights and equal rights for
women continue to challenge America
February 22,23 2012
• Jigsaw Guided Reading Chapter 31.3
• Listen to 1960s Counterculture lyrics and
discuss the anti-establishment, eastern
philosophy, themes inherent
• Utilize Facts on File: The Counterculture
• Review Homework
– Other Minorities Worksheet
February 22,23 2012
• Prepare for TEST on Civil Rights and
Social Change
February 24,27 2012
• WALT demonstrate our knowledge of Civil
Rights and Social Change
February 24,27 2012
• Complete Multiple Choice and Matching
• Complete Written Response