Technology Readiness in Michigan Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grant Overview Technology Readiness in Michigan Website: Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grant State School Aid Focus: The development or improvement of a district’s technology infrastructure, including, but not limited to, hardware and software, in preparation for the planned implementation in 2014-2015 of online growth assessments Follow us on Twitter @22itrig New videos for each activity Consortium Leadership • Rural Northern Michigan Consortium (Copper Country ISD) • Intra-Michigan Consortium (Wexford-Missaukee ISD) • Greater Michigan Educational Consortium (Genesee ISD) • Kent ISD Consortium (Kent ISD) • Southwest Michigan Consortium (Kalamazoo RESA) May 2014 7 Funding Breakdown Year One Year Two Year Three (Proposed) Funds to Local Districts and $15,905,400 Funds to Local Districts Consortia and Consortia $15,300,000 Funds to Local Districts and Consortia $17,007,000 Funds to Activities $18,094,600 Funds to Activities $16,000,000 Funds to Activities $20,900,000 Funds to Connectivity $16,000,000 Funds to Connectivity $13,700,000 Funds to Connectivity $3,593,000 Total $41,500,000 Whole School Technology Total $50,000,000 Total $ 5,000,000 $50,000,000 Use of District Participation Funds Year One Accomplishments Cost Savings TRIG Cost Savings Year One As of June 30, 2014 Direct Savings Category O ne - District P a rticipa tion $ Indirect Savings Designated Funds T o Be Spent 14,692,246 480,000 Category Two - Consortia Cate gory Thre e - E-Ra te 1,501,615 118,500 TRIG Ope ra tions Office - SEN De sign 413,280 MTRAx Cla ssroom Re a dine ss 1,523,674 De vice P urcha sing 5,003,590 10,247,472 - 145,000 Da ta Inte gra tion Asse ssme nt & Curriculum $ 2,509,500 - 851,394 - Category Four - Consortia 733,154 18,501,693 Category Five - SEN Build Total Categories T otal Savings from T RIG $ 21,219,510 $ 16,999,915 $ 18,501,693 $ 56,721,117.66 Classroom Readiness 1673 teachers across the state completed a 30 hour course to give them the skill to create a technology rich classroom environment Cost Savings Spotlight – E-Rate Wexford-Missaukee ISD 4x bandwidth at same cost Cost per Mb After TRIG Cost per Mb Pre TRIG $0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 Year Two – Current Work Participation Funds have all been distributed Need to be spent by June 30, 2015 Five areas of Technology • Network Services • Device Purchases • In-Building Wireless Connectivity • Online/Digital Assessments Statewide Activities Statewide Activities Vision – SEN To have all of K-12 Buildings in the state have zero limits on bandwidth usage and seamless access to data center services To make sure all students in the state have the resources needed to be technology ready for their future Current draft of the SEN Backbone Regional meetings with K12 and vendors are underway to identify synergies between local initiatives the SEN backbone design. SEN Session Friday 10:20 -11:20 E-Rate – Major Milestones Drive costs down as low as possible Simplify E-Rate filing Make sure all legal assurances are met Maximize E-Rate benefits for schools E-Rate Current Work RFPs for Telecommunications and Internet Services, VOIP, and Web hosting have all been posted. Bid development tool is getting close to completion. Sessions are being held to educate about the E-Rate 2.0 changes. E-Rate Session Friday 9:00 -10:00 Vision – Device Purchasing To make instructional technology affordable for all MI K-12 districts through a Statewide Device Purchasing Program To ensure that all have the capability to participate in online assessments and high quality online learning experiences To develop a self-sustaining program by 2016 Device Purchasing Sales by Date Sales by Device Type Personal Learning Device Total Desktop Total Total Devices Sold 127,971 19,607 147,578 Chromebook Notebook iPad Other Tablet Desktop Total Devices Sold 68,598 26,668 28,511 4,194 19,607 147,578 Incentive per PLD Incentive per Desktop $50.81 $25.40 *All data is not yet fully verified. Cost Savings Spotlight – Device Purchasing Savings across the state Statewide Activities Vision-Michigan Technology Readiness Tool (MTRAx) To provide districts a method to measure their readiness for online testing For MTRAx to become the Technology Planning Tool Statewide • Infrastructure • Instructional and • Other data required to facilitate meaningful technology plans MTRAx Fall 2014 data collection • Submit/confirm your data by 11/14/2014 • Development to support new MDE requirements in progress Future enhancements – Spring 2015 • Instructional measures • Technology planning • Low effort data collection • New interface Vision – Data Integration To streamline the use of educational information statewide related to common data & common solutions Data Integration Deploying 5 Regional Data Hubs Close to going live on inbound integrations for pilot districts on the 5 identified student information systems Phase 2 development is nearing completion, which will provide outbound integrations and reporting Phase 3 development work has been quoted and will complete functionality needed to meet the project goals Data Hub Conceptual Model Statewide Activities Vision – Classroom Readiness Prepare MI Educators to increase their technology proficiency Plan and implement online assessments Provide “Any Time, Any Place, Any Way, Any Pace” learning Classroom Readiness This year 7038 teachers are enrolled in the T3 course. 283 buildings and 113districts are involved in the course. Vision – Assessment and Curriculum Provide Schools with knowledge, skills, and resources to use data from assessment to inform instructions and support student learning. Vision – Assessment and Curriculum Development of digital textbooks for social studies courses The textbooks will be based on the Inquiry Arc from the C3 framework and will align to Michigan standards In the first year, books will be created for fourth-grade United States Studies, fifthgrade United States History, sixth-grade World Geography, and High School Economics Statewide Activities TRIG Workshops • MTRAx Focus Groups o Technology Planning o Instructional Measures • E-Rate 2.0 • MiSEN Design • Device Purchasing Focus Groups • Data Services Collaborative Grant in your Region • How to Manage the Data Hub Cockpit Year Three May 2014 41 TRIG 3.0 District Requirement #1 To be eligible for participation funding, districts must agree by November 14, 2014, in MEGS+ to meet the following requirements: The district agrees to participate in one statewide or regional consortium identified through the application process and report spending estimates under the new participation requirements. The district agrees to limit participation funds spending for technology readiness efforts. •Districts whose readiness scores in MTRAx are classified as ‘Not Ready’ as of November 14, 2014, are expected to utilize their participation funds toward expenditures which are aimed at improving those scores. •Districts with ‘Ready’ scores in MTRAx will limit participation funds spending toward technology readiness efforts such as: •Online/Digital Assessment, including universal diagnostic screening tools, In-building Wireless Connectivity, Network Services (e.g. additional bandwidth, content filtering), Computer/Device Purchasing, Technology Readiness for instruction and Data Collaborations that support online assessment readiness. TRIG 3.0 District Requirement #2 To be eligible for participation funding, districts must agree by November 14, 2014, in MEGS+ to meet the following requirements: The district agrees to be represented in TRIG sponsored statewide 470 bids for E-Rate funding and consider using the awarded vendors, although districts will not be bound to purchase from the bid. The district agrees to apply for all of its eligible E-Rate Priority 1 Service(s) where such participation is economically advantageous to the district. TRIG 3.0 District Requirement #3 To be eligible for participation funding, districts must agree by November 14, 2014, in MEGS+ to meet the following requirements: In instances where the ISD or district manages its own wide area networks (WANs), the ISD/district will, if requested, allow for the connection of the ISD/district WAN to the State Education Network (SEN). The ISD/district will permit installation of electronics and/or software provided by this grant required for implementing and performance monitoring of the SEN. This is with the understanding that the electronics and/or software provided by this grant will not negatively interfere with or control the ISD’s/district’s servers, routers, switches, or other WAN equipment determined necessary and installed by June 30, 2015. TRIG 3.0 District Requirement #4 To be eligible for participation funding, districts must agree by November 14, 2014, in MEGS+ to meet the following requirements: The district agrees to participate in any necessary surveys/data collection processes sent out by the MDE or the TRIG Operations Office to inform the work of the various activities (maximum of three total per fiscal year). TRIG 3.0 District Requirement #5 To be eligible for participation funding, districts must agree by November 14, 2014, in MEGS+ to meet the following requirements: The district understands that its ISD must also agree to these requirements for the district to receive participation funds. TRIG District Participation Participating TRIG Districts: ● Overall o Receive Participation funds ● Device Purchasing Activity o Purchase from the TRIG bid via SPOT and receive discount o Receive device purchasing incentives o Eligible for value-adds such as PD and personal purchase programs ● Classroom Readiness Activity o Participate in Classroom Readiness T3 course o Participate in Classroom Readiness T3 course (Non-public schools can participate at their own expense) ● Data Integration Activity o Participate in Data Hub Project o Utilize the Data Hub connectors o Access the Data Hub dashboards and data quality reports Non-Participating TRIG Districts: ● Overall ● Device Purchasing Activity o Purchase from the TRIG bid via SPOT and receiving the discount ● Classroom Readiness Activity o Participate in Classroom Readiness T3 course (Non-public schools can participate at their own expense) ● Data Integration Activity TRIG District Participation (con’t.) Participating TRIG Districts: Non-Participating TRIG Districts: ● E-Rate Activity o Utilize Statewide E-Rate bids o Utilize Statewide bids for other products and services o Attend E-Rate trainings o Utilize the bid evaluation tool o State E-Rate Coordinator representation ● E-Rate Activity o State E-Rate Coordinator representation ● Assessment and Curriculum o Access the recorded Webinar ● Assessment and Curriculum o Access the recorded Webinars ● MTRAx Activity o Complete MTRAx and print all reports o Utilize new tech planning process ● MTRAx Activity o Complete MTRAx and print all reports o Utilize new tech planning process ● Data Services Collaborative o Participate in technology collaboratives within your TRIG consortia ● Data Services Collaborative o Participate in technology collaboratives within your TRIG consortia TRIG 3.0 Vision TRIG 3.0 Executive Summary TRIG 3.0 Vision Full Report Located on the TRIG Website Homepage Strategic Readiness Support The TRIG Operations Office will leverage all statewide activities for the purpose of ensuring every district is “test-ready.” New goals for Strategic Readiness Support: Developing and implementing a process to identify the highest need districts to achieve 100 percent test readiness Developing and implementing a plan to provide the supports needed for each district to achieve test readiness Other important information District Incentives for Participation in the Michigan Interim Assessment Field Testing Districts may have several schools participate in one or more subjects and grade levels. Each participating school must individually register. Content areas to be field tested include: English language arts (ELA) and mathematics for grades K, 1, and 2 High school science courses (Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics) High school social studies courses (US History & Geography, World History & Geography, Civics, and Economics) If Earth Science high school courses are offered to 8th grade students, schools may consider offering the Earth Science interim assessment to these 8th grade students District Incentives for Participation in the Michigan Interim Assessment Field Testing School Districts will earn a $3.00 minimum participation incentive per completed test for the Fall 2014 Interim Assessment Field Test NEW - MDE is also seeking schools to administer the field tests on iPads and Chromebooks. This separate window encompasses only these devices and runs from October 20 - November 14, 2014. Tests completed as a part of this separate window will also qualify for the TRIG participation incentive as well. Upcoming Deadlines November 7 • Paper – Pencil Waiver Due November 14 • MTRAx Submission Due • MEGS+ TRIG Applications due (level 5) • • District Participation Consortium membership Checklist is available here Questions? Contact Information: Tim Hall Technology Readiness Infrastructu re Grant Project Director thall@