Transcription - Madison County Schools

1. What is transcription?
2. Where does transcription occur in the cell?
3. What role does Helicase play in transcription?
4. What is a Replication Fork?
5. What role does Polymerase play in transcription?
6. Write out the mRNA strand that would be made
from the following DNA sequence:
7. What is translation?
8. Where does it occur in the cell?
9. What is the function of a ribosome?
10. What is a codon?
11. How many bases are in a codon?
12. How many amino acids does 1 codon “code”
13. What is an amino acid?
14. What does tRNA stand for (full name)?
15. What is the function of a tRNA molecule?
16. What is an anticodon?
17. How many bases are in an anticodon?
1. What is transcription? DNA making mRNA
2. Where does transcription occur in the cell? nucleus
3. What role does Helicase play in transcription?
Separates strands of double helix (DNA).. or Unzips
/ unwinds DNA by breaking hydrogen bonds
4. What is a Replication Fork? Point at which the two
strands of DNA separate
5. What role does Polymerase play in transcription?
Builds single stranded mRNA by adding RNA
nucleotides to DNA template
6. Write out the mRNA strand that would be made
from the following DNA sequence:
7. What is translation? mRNA making protein
8. Where does it occur in the cell? Cytoplasm
9. What is the function of a ribosome? To make
10. What is a codon? 3 base group on mRNA that
codes for a single amino acid
11. How many bases are in a codon? 3
12. How many amino acids does 1 codon “code”
for? 1
13. What is an amino acid? Building block / part of
a protein
14. What does tRNA stand for? Transfer Ribonucleic
15. What is the function of a tRNA molecule?
Transfer amino acids
16. What is an anticodon? 3 base group located on
tRNA that binds to the codon on the mRNA