‘PARTNERING IN PROGRESS’ STRATEGY MEETING FOR AGRI-PROFOCUS AGRI-HUB RWANDA Report November, 2012 Introduction: The Agri-ProFocus Agri-Hub in Rwanda is a network of professionals enhancing coherent and demand-driven support to producer organizations and their business partners. The network has been built in the years 2009-2012 around a joint program to develop innovative ways to promote rural entrepreneurship, called IPER (Initiative pour la Promotion de l’Entrepreneuriat Rural). The thematic focus of the network is on rural finance, gender in value chains, farm-firm relations and capacity development for producer organizations. On 16th of November 2012, Agri-ProFocus Agri-Hub Rwanda organized a strategy meeting to discuss about tangible activities to be carried out by the network in 2013. The meeting was held at Top Tower Hotel where Agri-Hub members from Public and Private Institutions, local and International NGOs as well as individual entrepreneurs; gathered to define how their network should stimulate innovative solutions to various issues hampering farmer entrepreneurship and food security in Rwanda. A total of 54 participants attended this meeting. Strategy meeting of Agri-ProFocus Agri-Hub Rwanda Agenda of the day: Time 9:30 9:35 9:45 10:00 10:15 10:45 11:15 11:45 1:00 2:00 2:45 3:30 16:30 Activity Welcome note Opening Round introduction of participants + expectations What happened since Musanze (Last annual meeting of Agri-Hub) Presentation of APF Strategy: 2013-2016 Coffee break Questions and answers Reflection on the future of Agri-Hub Rwanda Lunch Choice of innovation communities Activity planning for 2013 Presentation of Action plan Closure + Cocktail Facilitation Esperance Mukarugwiza Netlyn Bernard Participants Esperance Mukarugwiza Jan Willem Eggink Jan Willem Eggink + Participants Jan Willem Eggink + Participants Participants Participants + Jan Willem Eggink Participants Minutes of the strategy meeting The welcome note was given by Mrs. Esperance Mukarugwiza, the Country Coordinator of Agri-Hub Rwanda. In her remarks, she thanked all the participants for the role they are playing in promoting farmer entrepreneurship in their scope of activities, and for their commitment to Agri-Hub network proven by an astonishing turnout for the same strategy meeting. The Agri-Hub Coordinator used the same opportunity to introduce Ms. Netlyn Bernard, the Country Program Manager for ICCO in Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. ICCO is a member of Agri-ProFocus coalition and acts as the Lead Organization for Agri-Hub Rwanda. Finally, Ms. Bernard was invited to officially declare the meeting open. In her remarks, Ms. Netlyn Bernard, alluded on her very first trip in the region earlier this year. “The first country I visited in the Great Lakes Region was Rwanda…. I was impressed by the energy and the spirit of local agricultural actors”, the Country Coordinator of ICCO noted. Particularly, Ms. Bernard told participants how the enthusiasm of Agri-Hub Rwanda inspired her in taking the lead in recently created Agri-Hubs in Burundi and DR Congo respectively. While concluding her remarks, she expressed her excitements for participating in Agri-Hub Rwanda’s strategy meeting by insuring all network members that ICCO will keep its support to the network not only as the lead organization but also as a committed member of the coalition itself. Introduction participants and what they expect from the meeting. What happened since Musanze? This session focused on activities carried out by the network since the last annual meeting of Agri-Hub Rwanda in February 2012. The Coordinator of Agri-Hub Rwanda informed the participants about a major conclusion that emerged during the February meeting, which was to create one single Agri-Hub for the entire Great Lakes region. However, after several reflections on that idea, instead, it was agreed to start different Agri-Hubs for each country and have some common thematic issues to work as a team grouping all the three Agri-Hubs. In addition, Mrs. Esperance Mukarugwiza, also gave an overview of what was done regarding the APF’s knowledge agenda. 1. Gender in Value Chain: under this agenda, a trajectory was initiated in partnership with KIT. Since May, 15 coaches from local organizations under the supervision of a national head coach, took part in the trajectory which saw all the organizations drafting gender action plans to be implemented in agricultural clusters where they operate. Currently, these organizations are learning from each other in regard to methods and implementation approaches vis-à-vis the gender action plans. 2. Access to Finance: the major activity under the farm finance agenda is the “Finance Fair”. The last edition of this event was held in Musanze at the same time as the annual meeting of Agri-Hub which was also the first ever Finance fair to be organized in Rwanda. This event proved to be a success as several deals between “agri-preneurs” and banks were made while the banks benefited by a substantial increase in their customer portfolios. A similar event is being organized in Rusizi (Western Province) and is scheduled on 4th-5th of December 2012. The planning is being spearheaded by AgriProFocus members (IFDC, SNV, Terrafina), AMIR (Association of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda), One Acre Fund-Tubura, RAB (Rwanda Agriculture Board) and Rusizi district JADF (Joint Action for Development Forum). Additionally, Insurance companies and BDF (Business Development Fund) have also been invited to be part of the organizing committee. 3. Organized Farmers as partners in business: Analyzing, facilitating and learning from firm-farmer relations was one of the core activities of Agri-Hub Rwanda in 2012. Efforts in this theme focused on ‘the provision of economic services to members of producer organizations’. 5 initial case studies have been conducted in cassava, maize, wheat, dairy and patchouli value chains. Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation (WUR-CDI) and the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) facilitated the work on this topic, in close collaboration with Agri-ProFocus head office and Agri-Hub Rwanda. 4. IPER (Initiative pour la promotion de l’entreprenariat rural): This was a joint program initiated by Dutch members of Agri-ProFocus working in value chain development in Rwanda. The focus of this facility also known as “the basket fund” was to stimulate farmer entrepreneurship by co-financing innovative ideas in agricultural clusters. 5. The ning: Agri-Hub Rwanda has an online platform where its members can virtually interact, exchange information, and make business deals. As for mid-November, 261 professionals affiliated to 52 organizations, are members of this platform. The platform is regularly updated and members are using it the platform to share and access up-to-date information on agriculture sector in Rwanda and beyond. Agri-Pro Focus Strategy 2013-2016 This was a presentation by Jan Willem, the Network Facilitator from Agri-Pro Focus support office in Arnhem, the Netherlands. Agri-ProFocus at a glance: Currently, the Agri-ProFocus coalition is made up of 36 members mainly from the Netherlands, namely: Agri-ProFocus members come from public and private entities, knowledge institutions and the civil society. These partners work as a team and collaborate towards a common vision of “seeing a world in which farmers earn a decent living and contribute to sustainable food security”. This is the same formula that is exported to overseas countries where Agri-ProFocus members are active. So far 12 Agri-Hubs have been created across the African continent: These agri-hubs work as market places where people share expertise and do business. The Agri-ProFocus network shares knowledge and co-creation through network development and coordination, business partnership brokering, being a platform for debate and learning, and formation of innovation communities. These activities contribute towards effective support systems such as improvements in government policies, more and fair bank-farm deals, new and innovative services, improvement of farm-firm relations, as well as more partnerships and investments. The end objective of these initiatives is to have strong farmer entrepreneurs with a higher income, more employment, increased competitiveness, and finally having balanced livelihoods. This presentation ended with a series of questions and answers. The questions mainly focused on how to this strategy of Agri-ProFocus can be adapted to specific Rwandan contexts while local actors continue to learn from their peers in developed and developing countries. All questions were answered at a satisfactory level. Our future: After answering all the questions raised, the next session was about defining what needs to be done in 2013 as far as Agri-Hub Rwanda is concerned. Jan Willem Eggink asked participants to form groups of 3 people who are not familiar to each other. These groups were tasked to discuss what they want to benefit from the network and what they will be contributing. After that exercise, the same groups presented the results of their discussions and provided clarifications where necessary. Results from group discussions Results from group discussions were categorized into 3 types: those that are already being done by Agri-Hub but need to be emphasized, new innovation activities, and finally new innovation communities formerly known as thematic groups. Ongoing activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Increase membership base; Ning trainings, Profiling organizations, Information sharing, Online market place, Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. Agribusiness innovation award, Meet with agribusiness leaders (cocktails), Sharing success stories, Agricultural education event (AGVET), Innovation communities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Finance, Farm – Firm, Information Communication Technology and Media (market information & Extension services), Post harvest and food, Development of agricultural business clusters, Soil conservation, Gender in value chains. The role of innovation communities is to find new like-minded people, join forces and collaborate together in the network and around one common theme. Annex 1. Innovation communities planning Innovation Community 1. Soil conservation Activities in 2013 - - 2. Post harvest &Food - 3. 4. 5. Development of Agricultural business clusters ICT& Media Firm-Farm relations - - Community puller Telephone E-mail Organize events with local government authorities (they need to be empowered on environmental need assessment as they plan for community activities – UMUGANDA) Organize workshops with cooperative leaders. (The objective is to create small committees for soil conservation in each cooperative). Faustin MULIGO 0788520125 muligof@yahoo.fr Networking with existing post harvest firms through visits, internet, etc. SWOT analysis of the post harvest and food industry in Rwanda, Adopting innovative practices (trainings & new technologies) Facilitate in networking of all partners and stakeholders in different food and cash crop chains, Facilitate extension services and capacity building for producers Innovation and fund release, Access to profitable markets with stable linkages (domestic & international) Farmers’ exchange opportunities, Participatory and continued action-research approach (involvement of farmers in researches), Encourage and strengthen specific clusters/platform on local and national level. Eg: maize, cassava, rice, potatoes, etc. Stimulate innovative ideas (funding facility), Facilitating market linkages, Build capacities for rural entrepreneurs. Virtual marketing to sell and buy goods, Radio &TV shows and jingos Video and CDs to disseminate agricultural practices Workshop on market information involving agro-based industries, Event on ICT integration in agriculture, Designing and developing agricultural software Facilitate the improvement of producer vs buyer relationships, Stakeholder discussions at district level (ongoing for coffee), Celestin NZARAMBA 0788305483 Nzaramba7@yahoo.fr nzaramba@ipdrwanda.org John TWIRINGIYUMU KIZA O788828440 twijohn79@yahoo.fr Sylvie UMUTESI 0785040300 Umutesi.sylvie@hotmail.com Shaun SKELTON 0784193931 s.skelton@spark-online.org 6. Finance - Research on new farm-firm relations, Examples of successful agri-businesses. - Invite banks, MFIs, Insurance companies, networks, BDF, BNR, AMIR to join the network, Organize/participate in the finance fair in partnership with other stakeholders, Organizing presentations about insurance/guarantors/finance, Culture of saving through media, - 7. Gender in Value chains Design an award for innovative MFIs/banks/insurance Sharing good stories, Write-shop on success stories and publish the results, National workshop on gender in value chain, Organize a market place for gender in value chain. Patrice BIRASA 0788340091 Patrick.birasa@terrafina.nl Annex 2. List of participants No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Mr./ Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Name Organisation HATEGEKIMA Felicien NZABARINDA Isaac OUDES Anne MUNYANEZ J.M. Noel BAYINGANA Gaspard KAMWANZI Moses UMUTESI Sylvie MULIGO Faustin DUSANGEMUNGU Leonidas NDAYISENGA Placide NDABAMENYE Joseph MUHIZI Leonard GAHIGA GASHUMBA SHYIRAKERA Vincent YUMVABOSE Phenias NTALE Alex UWINTWALI Lilian TWAHIRWA Tharcisse MAKIURA Doga NZARAMBA Celestin BIGIRIMFURA Jean Paul RUZIGA Emmanuel NDAGIJIMANA Narcisse SHAUN Skelton KANTARAMA Cesarie NDAYISABA Anysia HODARI Joseph Conner Wear NGAMIJE Delphin BIZIMANA Justin LE GUEVEL Syvlie LUYIGA Fiona KABAGAMBE Wilson KAMPAYANA J. De Dieu MUPENZI Gerard UCOOPAMU UCOOPAMU INADES FOR-BES LTD. R.G.C.C. Gardens-For-Health M-AHWII LTD. SODECO RAB RAB UNICOOPAGI ARDI NDFFR PUM Researcher Chamber of ICT M-AHWII LTD. KOTUKA M-AHWII LTD. AIPD COOPEDU-IMF NAEB Farmers’ Chamber SPARK MBAKUNGAHAZE M-AHWII LTD. Nyanza Dairy Plant Gardens-For-Health DUTERIMBERE-IMF Faida Green Farming Consultant Vision Finance AEE-Rwanda MICRO ENSURE Centre IWACU Type of organisation Producer Org Producer Org NGO Company Company NGO Company NGO Public Public Producer Org NGO Producer Org BDS Private Public Company Producer Org Company Company Company Public Public BDS Producer Org Company Company NGO Company Company Private Company NGO NGO NGO Location E-mail North North International North National Kigali National National National National South National National International National National National Kigali International South National National National International South National National Kigali National East International International National International National ucoopamuunion@yahoo.fr Isaac-nzabarinda@yahoo.com anneoudes@gmail.com Munyajn2007@yahoo.com brigasp@yahoo.fr moses@gardensforhealth.org Umutesi.sylvie20@hotmail.com Muligof@yahoo.fr leonidasdusenge@yahoo.com Placidendayisenga@gmail.com jndabamenye@yahoo.fr vmuhizi@yahoo.fr ggahiga@yahoo.com vincemuse@yahoo.com yumphem@yahoo.fr ntale@ictchamber.org.rw Lilian.herone@hotmail.com Kotuka2020@yahoo.com Jonna11joe11@gmail.com Nzaramba7@yahoo.fr bugirimfura@coopedu.rw Romeo.mugabo@gmail.com nezanar@gmail.com s.skeleton@spark-online.org Cesakan2007@yahoo.fr Richany12@gmail.com Jhodari2002@yahoo.co.uk connerwear@gmal.com dg@duterimbereimf.co.com jbizimana@gmail.com Sylvie.leguevel@gmail.com fluyiga@vfcrwanda.com wkabagambe@ae.rwanda.org Jean.kampayana@microensure.com centreiwacu@gmail.com 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. NSENGIYUMVA Camille KAGENZA J.Marie Vianney SEMAKUZA Aloys NYANDWI Eugene MAJYAMBERE Anatole NDAVI Muia N. KAMINEZA M. Chantal RUKUNDO Roger MUTUYIMANA Jean Claude MUKAMANA Laurance KAGARAMA John SIMPUNGA Innocent TWIRIMGIYUMUKIZA John ERIK Van Wavelen BIRASA Patrick MURASIRA Pascal MUKARUGWIZA Esperance EGGINK Jan Willem BERNARD Netlyn FECOPPORWA MINAGRI BAIR DUHAMIC-ADRI KIST TECHNO SERVE UNICOAPIGI CARITAS RWANDA AJEMAC IFDC BDF UGAMA/CSC IBAKWE SNV Terrafina APF Agri-Hub APF Agri-Hub Agri-Pro Focus ICCO Producer Org Public NGO NGO Learning Inst. NGO Producer Org NGO NGO NGO BDS NGO NGO NGO NGO Network Network Network NGO National National West National National International West International West International National National National International International International International International International camillensengy@gmail.com kagenzabugingo@yahoo.com sealoys@yahoo.fr Nyandwi.eugene@duhamic.org.rw Anatolemajyambere@yahoo.fr nmuia@tns.org unicoapigi@yahoo.fr rrukundo@caritasrwanda.org Ajemac1@yahoo.fr laurance@ifdc.org j.kagarama@bdf.rw simpungai@yahoo.fr Twijohn79@yahoo.fr evanwaveren@snvworld.org Patrick.birasa@terrafina.nl Pmurasira.agrihub@gmail.com Emukarugwiza.agrihub@gmail.com Jweggink@agri-profocus.nl Netlyn.bernard@iccokia.org