POLYMERS Polymers: A polymer is a compound of high molecular mass formed by the combination of a large no. of small molecules. The small molecules which form therepeating unitin a polymer are called asmonomers. The process by which the monomers are converted into polymers is called as polymerization.e.g. n CH2 = CH2 Polymerisation ethene – (CH2 – CH2 – )n Polyethene (monomer) (Polymer) Homopolymers and Co-polymers: Depending upon the nature of repeating structural unit, the polymers are divided into two categories: 1. Homopolymers: Polymers whose repeating structural unit is derived from only one type of monomer unit are called as homopolymers. e.g. in case of polyethene n CH2 = CH2 ethene – (CH2 – CH2 – )n Polyethene 2. Co-polymers: Polymers whose repeating structural unit is derived from two or more type of monomer units are called as copolymers. e.g. in case of Nylon 66, n H2N – ( CH2 )6 – NH2 + n HOOC –(CH2)4 –COOH HexamethylenediamineAdipic acid (monomer) – n H2O (monomer) [– HN – (CH2)6– NH – OC –(CH2)4 – CO –]n III Classification based upon Synthesis: On the basis of synthesis, polymers can be classified as : 1. Addition polymers: In these polymers, the monomer units simply add on one another, without losing molecule such as water, alcohol etc. This generally occurs among molecules, which contain double bond. e.g.Polyethene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride etc. 2. Condensation polymers: In these polymers, the monomer units combine together with simultaneous loss of simple molecule such as water, alcohol etc.e.g. Nylon,Terylene, Bakelite etc. IV Classification based on Molecular Forces: 1. Elastomers: “Polymers in which the intermolecular forces of attraction are weakest are called as elastomers.” . Examples of elastomers are Vulcanized rubber, Buna-S etc. 2. Fibers: “Polymers in which the intermolecular forces of attraction are strongest are called as fibres.” Examples of fibers are nylons, terylene, decron, polyacrylonitrile etc. 3. Thermo plastics: “Polymers in which the intermolecular forces of attraction are in between those of elastomers and fibers are called as thermoplastics”. Due to less intermolecular forces of attraction, they can be easily moulded on heating. Examples are polyethene, polystyrene, PVC , Teflon etc. 4. Thermo setting polymers: These are the polymers which undergo permanent change on heating and become hard and infusible. On heating, they form crosslinks and become very hard. e.g. bakelite, melamine-formaldehyde resin etc. Some Commercially important Polymers I Addition polymers : 1. Polyethene or polyethylene: (a) Low density polyethene (LDP): n CH2 = CH2 ethane 473 K 1500 atm (– CH2 –CH2 –)n poly ethene Uses : (i) As a packing material in the form of thin plastic films , bags etc. (ii) In insulating wires & cables. (iii) In the manufacture of toys, bottles etc. (b) High density polyethene(HDP) : It is prepared by the polymerization of ethene in the presence of Triethylaluminium& Titanium tetrachloride ( known as Zeigler - Natta catalyst). n CH2 = CH2 340 K, 6-7 atm (– CH2 –CH2 –)n (C2H5)3Al + TiCl4 Uses : in the manufacture of buckets, tubs, bottles, toys, pipes etc. 4. Polyacrlonitrile (PAN) or Orlon: (–CH2 – CH–)n n CH2 = CH I I CN CN Vinyl cyanide (acrylonitrile) Polyacrylonitrile Uses: for making blankets, sweater, carpets etc. 6. Poly vinyl Chloride (PVC): n CH2 = CH I Cl (–CH2 – CH–)n I Cl Vinyl chloride Polyvinylchloride (PVC) Uses: (i) In making rain coats, hand bags, plastic dolls, shoe-soles, vinyl flooring etc. (ii) As an insulating materials for wires & cables. (iii) In making gramophone records & hose pipes. etc. 7. Polytetraflouro ethylene (PTFE or Teflon) : heat (–CF2 –CF2–)n n CF2= CF2 press. tetraflouroethylenepolytetraflouroethylene(teflon) Uses: (i) As a martial resistant to heat & chemical attack. (ii) For coating of non- stick cook wares. (iii) For making gaskets, pump, packing, valves, seals, non-lubricated bearings etc. II. Condensation Polymers: These are of followingthree types: (A) Polyesters (B) polyamides (C) Formaldehyde resins O II (A) Polyesters: They involves ester ( – C – O – ) linkage. e.g. 1. Terylene (or Decron) :It is a polymer of ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid. n HO – CH2 – CH2–OH + n HOOC ethylene glycol –[O – CH2 – CH2– O – OC COOH terephthalic acid –nH2O 425K CO –]n Terylene (or Decron) Uses: (i) For making cloth by mixing with cotton. (ii) For making magnetic recording tapes, tyrecord , seat belts etc. 2. Glyptal: It is a polymer of ethylene glycol and phthalic acid HOOC COOH –H2O n HO–CH2–CH2–OH + n OC CO – O–CH2–CH2–O– Glyptal Uses: (i) In the manufacture of paints and lacquers. (ii) For making building material such as asbestos, cement etc. O II (B) Polyamides: These involve amide (–C– NH –) linkage. e.g. 1. Nylon – 6,6 : It is a polymer of hexamethylenediamine and adipic acid. n H2N – ( CH2 )6 – NH2 + n HOOC –(CH2)4 –COOH – n H2O HexamethylenediamineAdipic acid [– HN – (CH2)6– NH – OC –(CH2)4 – CO –]n Uses: (i) in making bristles for brushes. (ii) In textiles e.g. in making soaks and sweaters by mixing with cotton. 2. Nylon 6, 10 : It is a polymer of hexamethylenediamine and sebacic acid . n H2N – ( CH2 )6 – NH2 + n HOOC –(CH2)8 –COOH – n H2O HexamethylenediamineSebacic acid [– HN – (CH2)6– NH – OC –(CH2)8 – CO –]n 3. Nylon- 6 ( orPerlon) : Its monomer is called as caprolactum, which is obtained from cyclohexane, Caprolactum is hydrolysed to get ε-amino caproic acid which is then polymerized to obtain Nylon-6. O Oxidation H NOH NH2OH – H2 O H2SO4 N N O cyclohexanecyclohexanonecyclohexanoneoximecaprolactum H2O, Δ, Polymerisation [– HN – (CH2)5–CO –]n Nylon-6 H2O H2N – (CH2)5 – COOH ε -Aminocaproicacid Uses: In making tyres, fabric, ropes etc. 2. Melamine–formaldehyde Resin: Melamine and formaldehyde copolymerization to form Melamine –formaldehyde resin as shown: undergo Uses: It is used in making unbreakable crokerye.g cup, plate, tray etc. Natural Rubber: It is prepared from Latex, which is obtained from Rubber trees. It is a polymer of 2- methyl 1, 3 butadiene (isoprene) Vulcanized Rubber: As natural rubber becomes soft in summer and hard in winter, therefore it is improved by the process Vulcanization. It involves heating of natural rubber with 3-5% suplhur. Sulphur forms cross- links between polymer chain and thus make rubber harder & stronger. S S Sulphur S S S Heat S S Synthetic Rubbers: 1. Neoprene: Uses: (i) In making bells , hoses , shoe-heals, stoppers etc. (ii) In making containers for storing petrol & oils. 2. Buna–S : ( or SBR) : It is prepared by copolymerization of 1,3 butadiene and styrene , in the presence of Sodium. 3. Buna-N: Itis a copolymer of 1,3- butadiene and acrylonitrile (vinyl cyanide), uses: (i) For storage of petrol, lubricating oils and organic solvents. (ii) In making oil seals, hoses and tank livings Some Commercially Important Polymers: BIODEGRADABLE POLYMERS VSA of One Mark 1. What is the Monomer present in Un Breakable Plastics. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name the monomer present in Non stick appliances. Give one application of Bekalite. Name the monomer present in Nylon-6? What does designation 6,6 mean in the name Nylon 6,6? SA-1 of Two Marks 1. Arrange the following polymers in an increasing order of their intermolecular forces. Ans: (i) Nylon- 6,6, Buna – S , Polythene (ii) Nylon- 6 , Neoprene, Polyvinyl chloride. Buna - S,Polythene, Nylon- 6,6 Neoprene, Polyvinyl chloride ,Nylon- 6 2. What are the biodegradable polymers? Give one example of a biodegradable aliphatic polyester . Write the structures of monomers used and one use of each of 3. the following polymers. (a) Teflon (b) Buna – N 4. Differentiate between addition and condensation polymers with suitable example of each. 5. SA-2 of Three Marks: 1. Explain following process with example Chain growth polymerization. Step growth polymerization. 2. What is Vulcuonization? How does it changes the properties of natural rubber? 3 4. Write the information asked for in the following polymers: i) Bakelite – materials used for preparation ii) PVC – Monomer Unit. 5. Describe Free radical mechanism in polythene.