Vasily Muchak Graviton: The Universe – that's us!

Vasily Muchak
The Universe – that’s us!
In this paper we attempt
to grasp – the immensity
and stay within common sense.
First a word about the central tenet of STR, the foundation of the
mathematical system, which are in plain sight, but somehow escaped the critical
analysis of VA Atsukovsky in his' Shine and poverty theory of relativity. It is about
Inertial reference systems (IRS) in the SRT.
In STR, there are countless IRS moving relative to each other uniformly - so
say the relativists. What is the feature of these frames of reference? "They are
free body, resting at some point in time, is at rest indefinitely." Dear maths! In all
the universe there is no single body moving uniformly in a straight line, and even
more at rest, the magnitude of relative velocity does not depend on the distance
between the moving bodies - even if they are located in different galaxies! Inertial
frame of reference is immaterial, but they are arranged material WATCH!
Mathematicians believe INTANGIBLE frame MAY have speed!
In STR, there are countless IRS moving relative to each other uniformly - so
say the relativists. What is the feature of these frames of reference? "They free
the body at rest at some point in time, is at rest indefinitely." Dear maths! In all
the universe there is no single body moving uniformly in a straight line, and even
more at rest, the magnitude of relative velocity does not depend on the distance
between the moving bodies - even if they are located in different Galaxy! Inertial
frame of reference is immaterial, but they are arranged material WATCH!
Mathematicians believe INTANGIBLE frame MAY have speed!
Esmli a student, teacher handing the theory of mechanisms and machines,
say, thought of like that - it would be referred to a psychiatrist! Mathematics also
go to the WAC for a degree in physics and mathematics! Subsequently, they are
reluctant to acknowledge that the term "velocity" occurs only once, when the
material body, I stress the material, begin to move from one position to another.
No body - no speed!
Inertial reference system (IRS) a base station - pseudoscientific!
Another hidden postulates of quantum mechanics - a measurement of
the energy of moving elementary particles in the electron - volts. . This
tenet is:
The forces of interaction of elementary particles with the
electromagnetic field does not depend on the velocity of the particles!
In the Theory of Relativity, the relative speed of change and size, and
for a time, and the existence of these particles. The forces of
interaction are constant. What does this lead by the example of a
credible experiment:
E.B. Alexandrov. Theory of Relativity, a direct experiment with a curved
beam. "Chemistry and Life» № 3 2012.
The experiment: Check ballistic theory Ritz.
The experiment, of course, denied the APC, but in the process obtained
results, which are of great interest, in which the authors drew attention
to the original way. The article says: "The nominal electron energy of
450 MeV, which is characterized as an ultra-relativistic beam, because
the rest energy of the electron is about 0.5 MeV. At this energy the
electron velocity is different from the speed of light is less than onemillionth of a share. "
This phrase authors of the experiment point to the fact that in the
course of the experiment the electron velocity is not measured and
calculated by the well-known formulas stations and shall be equal to
299,792.1 km / s. (numbers hidden in parts of the "s", not to "lit up"
ahead of time.)
The authors report: "In the second version of the experiment was
directly measured pulse velocity SI found equal 299000km / s."
Incredibly, the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation did not
see the results of experiments carried out by sensationalism:
In the same medium, the speed of the electrons exceeds the speed of
the emitted photons at 792.1 km / s.
SRT laws prohibit it!
The experiment shows the inconsistency of SRT formulas by which
elementary particles in accelerators allegedly reach ultra-relativistic
Perhaps the nominal leader of the experiments did not notice, but one
should be the only possible conclusion:
1. The actual speed "ultra-relativistic" of electrons is much less than
that calculated by the formulas of STR. Designed (by multiplying by «h»
of the numerator and denominator for the wavelength), the term for
measuring the energy of the accelerated particles "Electron - Volt" has
no right to exist in science, for the powers of the electromagnetic
interactions depend on the speed of the charged particles!
. In the formulas of the stations for the electromagnetic interaction of
the forces are no boundary conditions (V = C, F1 = F2 = 0). To take
account of the boundary conditions, we multiply on the right side of the
Lorentz factor for the conversion of electric and magnetic fields of a
moving point charge. Disappears growth of mass and momentum to
infinity with increasing speed. Experimental confirmation of the work
- changing forces of electromagnetic with the Lorentz factor (B=const).
Direct measurements of the energy of the accelerated electrons in a
linear accelerator at the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (Senior
Research Fellow, Academy of Sciences of China Liangzao Fan) showed
that the actual energy of the electrons was far less calculated from the
formulas stations, in which the energy is measured in "electron volts,"
as shown in tables 4 and 5.
The experimental results (4 and 5) data in a single table:
Operating energy MeV linear
The design speed of the electrons
Estimated increase in
temperature 0C
The measured increase in
0,9982с 0,9988с 0,9992с 0,9995с
temperature 0С
The real energy of the electrons at the exit of the accelerator was in
the 10 - 18 times less than expected, calculated from the formulas SRT!
These experiments conclusively show:
The mathematical apparatus stations, based on the "virtual" (no mass)
frame (IDF), just like the SRT – pseudoscientific.
Formulas of quantum mechanics to calculate the energy and
momentum of the accelerated particles do not reflect objective reality.
These experiments conclusively show that the approval of the Lords of
the corporation "Theoretical Physics" and the discovery of the very
existence of the "Higgs boson" - deliberate deception!
4.Derived in (4) the dynamic black-body radiation formula ( the formula
is based - the laws of conservation of energy and momentum) h  m0 c 2
2c 2   2
(2) is correct, as there is no approval of the
reviewer, that the energy of ultra-relativistic particles in this formula is
"substantially undervalued." The results of calculations based on this
formula are the same calculations by Planck's formula.
2h  3 
c 2 hkT 1 
 but Planck's formula, as opposed to derived in (4), can
not say anything about the photon energy with which can emit a specific
elementary particle and when this might happen.
"The predominant principle of nature to me
Harlequin is the principle - the Emperor of the Moon
(which whom, although, I had no the honor to discuss it.)
The principle of this is that the properties of things
always and everywhere are the same, what
they are now here. This principle informs philosophy
the simplest and most convenient – intelligible form "
G. V. Leibniz.
Specialists in SRT that there are 4 types of fundamental interactions:
1) Electromagnetic.
2) Strong.
3) Weak.
4) Gravity.
To each kind of interaction, its “field” corresponds.
Mathematics convince us that the interaction between elementary
particles (attraction or repulsion) is the result of the exchange of
quanta of "fields", with absolutely ignore the question: what forces
cause the nucleons create in his "bowels" these "quanta", spewing
them without disrupting its structure and absorb back?
Coexist in the same space are 4 types of "fields", not interacting
with each other, but interacting, at least, with the protons! Each
nucleon fields of material creates 3 sets of bosons (different), 8 sets of
gluons (also of different types), and a proton to the same - some of the
photons, and each moment sends them correctly selected areas,
without compromising the integrity of the surface. The weight of some
of the "kids" exceeds that of their parent
The law of conservation of energy? No problem. Called these particles
are "virtual" and extend to them the principle of uncertainty, making
the mathematical operations on terms that make this principle, at the
same time freeing them from the performance of Newton's second law.
And to completely solve the problem, have announced their essentially
unobservable. Alas, this did not end the problem of relativists.
Showed character our real old friend - the electron.
Being in the atom, he did not want to radiate, but refused to run
on the orbit! Obstinate attitude to mathematics with understanding
electron - instead of the electron orbits in the atom introduced
"orbitals." It sounds like something! For particularly meticulous added
clarification: the term orbital does not mean that the electrons move in
orbits, and there simply is likely to find them. Electrons captured
Relativists have forgotten that, in accordance with the laws of
electrostatics and electrodynamics (on the scale of the atom had not
yet abolished), all of the electron shell of an atom can move only as a
spatial whole, where each electron - a very limited ability to move
because of opposition from neighbors . The second option - not in a
hurry, and got a place to take and shake, subject to fluctuations in the
flow of gravitons.
In SRT all the processes in the micro is based on the uncertainty
principle, in fact happened, it seemed in the recent past is impossible found that of "black holes" spewed streams of matter. It turned out works the same principle of uncertainty!
Today this principle - the basic law of physics according to STR.
Relativists reason it shamefully hidden. Not being able to offer a
natural solution to the problem of stability of the atom, they launched
a noisy company in the media on the latest observations and
discoveries in space, confirming the predictions of relativity.
First - the "horror stories": dark matter, black holes, almost next door
to us, the planet-destroyer. There is also good news: the Higgs boson is
almost stubborn detected. And most importantly, finally, to the delight
of science fiction and ordinary people, it is proved that the space of our
universe has many dimensions: 9, 11 and even 26. All this strongly
inspired credulous listeners.
First introduced the four-dimensional Einstein mathematical trick multiply two terms (c * t) and added to the three dimensions that exist
in our normal world. All ingenious and simple.
But there is one caveat. The term "speed" (c) as an independent
concept of the universe does not exist. The concept of speed is
inseparable from the presence of the moving body, and for this
inseparable pair already there is a term - "impulse" (momentum). That
is the term used Newton, bringing the laws of motion. The term
"speed" exists only in the mind of man. The term "time" as the physical
reality of the Universe is not existing. As they say, two negatives make
an affirmative. Almost 100 years exploring the universe by looking at it
through the eyes of an illegitimate child. This is a direct consequence of
the fact that theoretical physics is taught mathematics.
Physical definition of the term "field"
300 years have passed since that moment, as the words were
"I see that many who find solace in mathematical research, that turn
from the metaphysical, seeing in the light, and in this - the darkness.
Main reason for this, I believe, is that the general concepts that are
considered all know, due to the negligence and the fragility of the
human mind have become indistinct and dark, and common definitions
can not be called even surface - to the extent they do not explain ...
people at every step are metaphysical terms and seduced thought that
they understand that just learned to pronounce. "
G. V.Leibniz, "Selected Works", page 244.
Therefore, before analyzing the fundamental interactions, let us
analyze the physical definition of the term "field", an indispensable part
of all theories of interactions relativists. Alas, such a definition does not
exist in the SR. There is nothing surprising. Here is the statement of
Nobel Laureate in Physics:
« Indeed, for all the splendor of mathematics lies in the fact
that in it we do not know how to interpret. "Richard Feynman,"
The Feynman Lectures on Physics ", Vol 1, p 212, ed. 1967
In this - the major cause bogs formed in theoretical physics.
"Field" the math works on the principle of cloth on the ground. It
produces everything needed for more crazy theories (such is the
definition of truth in SR), because in the "field" is everything in a virtual
What sort of physical properties must have a "field", and whether it
exists as a physical reality?
To date, as far as I know, all agree that there are at least two
fields, electromagnetic and gravitational. Through these fields in all
directions should apply oscillatory processes. These fields should be
uniform, with no preferred direction. No one disputes that there are
photons of light as a physical reality. In the modern interpretation, they
are the quanta of the electromagnetic field. In this agreement ends.
There are debates since Newton. Some argue that a photon - a particle,
the other that the wave - the centaur of the electromagnetic field. In
the literature, I came across a brilliant in its "simplicity" and "clarity"
description of the "quantum" of the field: "Quantization means moving
from the fields to the operators." Briefly and succinctly. Mathematicians
are not interested, and that, in fact, varies and is quantized.
Lord of mathematics! Catching physics, let's terms (including the
term "quantum") clear physical definition. All existing theories of
interactions there are no forces that prompt photons "appear", "move"
and "disappear", and so there is no physics. To understand the world,
you need to know "what talking about!"
Let us consider what must have the same properties as the
electromagnetic field, so that through him all directions spread
oscillatory process for an unlimited period of time without changing its
1.With the passage of the wave part of the electromagnetic "field"
should be able to move relative to each other. It follows that the
medium is the "field" should be void, distributed in space.
2. Through the "field" of freely pass solids. Therefore, in the "field"
should be individual particles separated by voids.
The origin and propagation small local perturbation of the medium.
(The formation of waves on the sea surface wind availability is not
enough!). There must be forces that seek to restore the balance.
These forces must increase in proportion to the deviation from
equilibrium. On the surface, these forces are generated by gravity
and intermolecular interactions.
The "fields" of modern physics theorists of these forces is not and,
therefore, they can not occur oscillation processes.
Since the "field" of the propagation of waves no preferred
direction, all the particles of the field must be exactly the same, both
in size and in shape. Their form should be close to spherical.
Ability to complete the vibrations through the "field" can be
implemented in two versions:
1. Field particles are fixed, they can only fluctuate around its mean
position. Collisions of particles passing waves must be absolutely
elastic, or oscillations will quickly fade, and therefore, the
formation of clusters in the field of any of these particles is not
possible. In this case, to provide a known speed of propagation of
electromagnetic waves, the field must have the properties of
ultra-strong crystal field with the particles in the lattice, and
hence the need to introduce a mechanism of interaction between
the particles of the field that holds them in place.
This is the way "in the bad infinity."
In addition, in this embodiment, the essence that drives the
substance to the movement, would be an accessory substance.
And as in inelastic collisions of bodies in motion armatures are
generally not preserved, then eventually all motion would cease.
The Universe shows us clearly that this variant of the field has not
been claimed.
2. Particles "fields" chaotically moving at a constant speed.
In this version of the "field" - the root cause of gas and the perpetual
motion of matter since the creation of the world.
Elementary particles interact with each other and electrically, and
gravity, and the weak, and the protons and neutrons are involved in
strong interactions. In one space can not exist four "fields" that interact
with the same elementary particles, and do not interact with each
other. Hence the only possible conclusion:
In the Universe there is a single "field" for all interactions.
”Permanent duration (continuous) motion of the matter, since it is
based on an a priori basis, there is a need (perpetuitas est necessitas
phaenomenen), and to the extent that the degree of movement does
not decrease the duration of the movement as a whole, the driving
force is inexhaustible. Because it does not move (locomotiva), and
moves the original and internally, as the reproductive, the beginning of
its equal weight to the duration, and the pervasive, weightless and
incompressible material is limited in space and time just by itself. That's
why it aired as a hypothetical substance of some sort driving forces
(such as heat and light matter), you can not arbitrarily put in physics,
for which he is not actually true, it applies only to the transition from
the metaphysical science began to physics and disempowered positive
properties ".
I.Kant, "On the driving forces of the matter on the modalities."
These particles gravitationally do not interact (like photons), but they are
material. That particle fields are the entity that causes the substance to the
motion, and radiated into space in the form of photons of various energies, the
total momentum is equal to the number of the lost motion of material bodies
when they collide.
Source of all interactions in the universe - not elementary particles, as is stated in
the SR, and the particles constituting the field. These particles are known to
physicists for over 100 years under the name "quantum of action" - the Planck
constant h. The reality of their existence is confirmed by experiments with the
photoelectric effect and the distribution of spectral power in the black body
On the term "quantum of the electromagnetic field"
As shown, the passage of the waves through the electromagnetic
«field» it can not form any clusters of particles in this “field”, as well as
their collision is entirely elastic character.
The experiments show:
1. 1. Quanta of the electromagnetic field - photons - are formed only
with the participation of elementary particles, when braking or
changing the direction of the velocity (but absolutely elastic
collision radiation does not, despite the acceleration). When
braking, the particle electromagnetic field emitted photons with
energies E = 1h, which instruments are not recorded (9).
The synchrotron radiation is generated by the collision of the
accelerated particles with molecules of the gas remaining in the
chamber of the accelerator despite the high vacuum.
2.The higher speed of elementary particle is the higher the energy
of emitted photon.
Allow for the fact that the particles are of the essence of the field,
which encourages elementary particles to the motion, the following
the field of the particles is closely related to the moving elementary
particles, and, in all probability, is within them, keeping the direction
and magnitude of its momentum. Perhaps the final shape of the
photon becomes the moment of emission.
The of photons emitted by the elementary particles, is given by E=hν.
Planck constant «h» at the Solvay Congress in 1911 appropriated the
term "quantum of action", and «v» - frequency.
It appeared in the
SRT another postulate, because the physics of the transverse wave
energy is proportional to the product of the square of the wave
amplitude to the square of its frequency!
Central to this formula was not the universal constant «h», and the
In SRT photon - the wave has no amplitude!
None of the participants of the congress did not see that with this
dimension «h» disappears quantum nature of the nature of light, as the
frequency difference can be infinitesimal. That the value of «h» - the
smallest, by the theory of black-body radiation and confirmed
experimentally in the study of the photoelectric effect. Times smaller
than the particles involved in the emission process does not exist, in the
formula E = hν lowest numerical value "v" must be equal to "1."
Moreover, for the same reason “ν” can only take integer values
(multiplication by a fractional number suggests the possibility of the
addition of a part - but often, it does not exist!) and, therefore, points
to the (1h) in a photon.
Planck «h» a photon with the lowest energy existing in nature. Photon
momentum, p  h , therefore, the lowest photon (1h) is a carrier of the
smallest momentu that exists in the material world: Ph 
6,626 10 34
 2,2110 42 кг  м  с 1
Planck «h» should have the dimensions of energy.
Photons are composed of particles of the field and, of course, are
the particles. In the formula E = hv - "v" must have the dimension of,
and not the frequency. In STR photons (electromagnetic field
fluctuation) do not interact with each other, but interference is fine,
«agree» to whom move!
Interference, contrary to popular belief, does not confirm, and
refutes the wave nature of light!
Confirmed experimentally that the photon has momentum, and in
the mechanics there is a law of conservation of momentum. With the
passage of photons through a narrow slit that law is almost always
broken - the direction of the photons changes, which is why the
interference pattern is formed on the screen. Photons flying center gap
does not change its direction of motion. The reason is elementary - the
interaction of photons with the edges of the slit. The closer to the edge
of the slit the photon flies, the more rejected, as well as the interaction
of photons with the edges of the slit are of quantum nature, there is a
typical interference pattern, regardless of the order in which the
photons pass, and how often they do it. Experiments with single
photons refute the wave nature of the interference!
According to the laws of mechanics, photons with lower pulse
(lower-energy) will deviate strongly. This creates the illusion that the
photon has wave properties - the more energy the shorter the length of
its “wave”
Physics textbooks are full of images showing the appearance of the
waves, their distribution and interaction with each other, a reflection of
the obstacles, pass through the narrow gap and all that is transferred to
the photons of light. In mathematical terms - no different.
But is it?
What are the characteristics of these waves in terms of physics?
Above all, these fluctuations occur at the interface between two media,
the physical properties of which differ from each other at least in 1000.
Photons of light moving in a homogeneous medium.
With the passage of the waves must occur forces seeking to return
to the position of the particle environment equilibrium. But this is not
enough - medium particles should have the inertia to pass the
equilibrium position and continue passing the equilibrium position, that
is, they must have mass.
Mathematicians are not interested in the forces themselves, no the
nature of their origin.
Oscillating string emits energy in the direction perpendicular to its
spread. Waves on the surface of the water, after passing through a
narrow slit, sharply reduce its amplitude, that is energy. Nothing like
this happens with photons of light – they can travel for billions of years!
Photon - a particle!
Single photon and momentum - are indivisible and indestructible.
Maxwell equations describe only the emission of alternating electric
currents and are not associated with the emission of elementary
particles. This radiation is an extension of an oscillatory process of
polarization of the ether (5). It is not quantized and, in contrast to
photons of light scattered in space.
In support of this assertion, and suggest experiments P. Cahill, who
found that the speed of photons in an optical fiber is independent of its
orientation in space, and the speed of electromagnetic radiation in the
cable-dependent! Above it was shown that the space can be only one
"field." Therefore, the gravitational interaction "serve" the same
"electromagnetic field."
The only possible conclusion:
Planck's constant h ≡ PHOTON lowest energy ≡ graviton
Electric charges do not exist.
The same interaction at the level of elementary particles is presented as the
interaction of electric charges, and the macroscopic world - like gravity. An
indirect confirmation of this is the same form of the laws of mechanics and
𝑚 𝑚
|q ||q |
electricity. 𝐹g = 𝐺 1 2 2 , Fk = k 1 2 2 and others.
The mechanism of these interactions is presented in (4)
What appears as magnetism, connected directly with gravitons. Probably,
there are two types of gravitons, are different in that the macro appear as poles
of a magnet. Magnetic monopoles can exist only in close connection with
Gravitons are the very essence of that support in perpetual motion the entire
Each collision of a photon with a counter graviton reduces its energy on «1h».
This is the cause of the red shift in the emission of distant galaxies.
Internal contents of all interactions in nature is the graviton exchange between
the interacting bodies and partial emission of gravitons in the form of light
photons of different energies. It would be wise to set the dimension of physical
quantities on the basis of the graviton, as the least momentum that exists in the
physical Universe.
The term "ether" should again receive the citizenship as more general notion
including gravitons and photons of all energies.
"Energy" points to the predominance of ether flow in a certain direction within
the particular area of the space.
The term "force" characterizes the total excess of the quantity of gravitons in
the specified direction over the others per unit time.
Interaction between elementary particles.
When justifying the proposed option interactions between elementary
particles author proceeded from the following:
1.Elementarnye particles have a spherical surface and consist of gravitons. In
the annihilation of particles and antiparticles a photon.
2. The flow gravitons passing through a spherical surface, is refracted. In
this case, the total momentum of the past gravitons changes. Under certain
conditions, between elementary particles located near any force of attraction or
The observed interaction between elementary particles happens when the
electron has the properties of diverging lens, and proton - collecting. Full
justification is given in (4).
3.Priroda often uses the same mechanism for different purposes.
The interaction of two electrons.
Since the area of the hemisphere more than the area of its diametrical section
- the forces of repulsion.
The so-called classical electron radius - this is not the radius of its surface, and
the minimum distance at which the electrons are close to each other.
The interaction between the electron and the proton:
It is surprising, but the interactions are implemented as well as in a
hundred - the exchange of photons, with the difference that the
electrons do not need them "to give birth."
The interaction between the two protons (strong):
In the microcosm of all the elementary particles are "shake" under the influence
of an ever-changing flux of gravitons in different directions, so by increasing the
size and randomness of these oscillations. In the physical content of the
uncertainty principle and the scale of its impact on the final result of interactions
in the physical world. The same process is at the heart “tonelny” effect.
Gravitational interaction.
The gravitational interaction as converging lenses for gravitons are the physical
bodies of spherical shape. It is such a body formed with their full compressing
falling on them from all directions flows of gravitons. The density of matter in the
celestial objects increases as traffic to their center, so the focal length for each
layer are different, and the gravitational "constant" depends on the distance to
the star. This masks the fact that the masses of the planets are calculated
assuming «G» constant.
The gravitational interaction between two bodies.
The gravitational interaction causes material bodies falling on air flow, the
direction of which the limited solid angle 2α. Passing through the spherical body,
they are refracted by the laws of optics, and their total momentum in the
direction of the axis connecting the centers of the bodies at the inlet than at the
outlet. A force that tends to bring together the body to each other, creating the
illusion of their "mutual attraction." The flow of air from other directions are
mutually balanced. More details on this issue is discussed in (4)
dynamic version of the blackbody radiation formula
(detailed explanation is given in 4)
1.Going through a material body, a part of the incident flux is absorbed
gravitons elementary particles from which they are generated photons.
2. The speed of the emitted photons of light relative to the equilibrium flow of
gravitons is constant and does not depend on:
a. The speed of the emitting particle (body as a whole does not radiate!).
b. The energy of the emitted photons.
3. Substance of stars in equilibrium and the star emits (excluding the surface
layers), as a black body, in spectral power distribution of stars in the radiation
obeys Planck's radiation law.
As the temperature of the star remains constant, in thermodynamic
equilibrium with matter and radiation is. Therefore, the higher the energy of the
particle, the more energy it emits a photon.
And as the speed of the emitted photons relative to the equilibrium flow
of gravitons the same regardless of their energy, the speed of the emitting
particles relative to the equilibrium flow of gravitons at the time of radiation
should be the same and equal to zero. Nonequilibrium flows of gravitons in
various regions of the Galaxy have a different direction, so the speed of photons
of light from stars of different regions of the Galaxy may be different from the
Of thermodynamic equilibrium between matter and radiation that all the
kinetic energy of the emitted particle carries the emitted photon.
Hence, according to Carnot's theorem:
h 
m 2
h-Planck ( graviton)
v-number of gravitons in a photon
m  m0 
-the mass of the “rest” of the emitting elementary particles with
gravitons are in it, because we can not reject the (pay)is not what you have.
- - mass of the "rest" of the emitting elementary particles.
 - velocity of the emitting elementary particles relative to relative to the
equilibrium flow of gravitons.
Transform the resulting equation:
h 
2h   m0  2  2  m0 2  h 2
c 
 2 
2c 2   2
m0 2  h  2  2   h
c 
And finally: h  m0 c 2
2c  
at   с h  m0 c 2
However, the spontaneous emission photon single subatomic particle can
not, since the photon "carries" the pulse is only
momentum of an elementary particle emitting.
, but it is less than the total
h 
m   m0  2   m0  h 2  m0  m0 c 2 2
 2 
c 
2c   c
2 
 m0  m0 2
0 
2 
2c   2
 2c   
m  m0 1  2
 2c  
 (4)
p  m  m0
At   0
At   c
p  m  2m0
The fundamental difference from Einstein's SRT which at
 с
p .
For radiation need another party, who "take" from the emitting particle
unnecessary part of the pulse. To do this, you need another elementary particle
collision with which (or flying near the critical distance) induces radiation.
Synchrotron radiation is caused by the collision of accelerated electrons with
molecules of gas remaining in the accelerator chamber.
All processes in the micro-reversible, so the derived formula should be fair and for
the reverse process - the absorption of photons by the elementary particles.
Consider the photoelectric effect - the process of absorption of photons by
electrons. Feature of this process is that the speed of the emitted electrons is
many orders of magnitude smaller than the speed of light.
Then: h  m0 c 2
2c 2   2
𝑚э 𝑣 2
+ 𝐴 (𝑎𝑡 𝑣 ≪ 𝑐)
It is a famous Einstein formula for the photoelectric effect, which is a
special case of the formula I derived. The photo-effect all the momentum and
energy of the photon is transferred to the electron beam. In accordance with the
laws of mechanics, this always happens when they encounter material bodies
have the same momentum and moving in the same direction. After the collision,
they move as a unit. It is at this conclusion based version and a dynamic formula
of blackbody radiation. Therefore, the photoelectric effect experimentally
confirmed the scientific validity of assumptions made in the derivation of the
black-body radiation.
How to estimate the derived formula h  m0 c 2
2c 2   2
the first time giving an answer to the most important question to understand the
world: why so in the RAS? Placed below the scanned pieces I received a review.
Ex. № 11216– 105 от 07.06.2006г :
Московская обл., Черноголовка
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тел.: 702-93-17, (096)-217-1958
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Р.сч. 40503810140280113005
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в Ногинском ОСБ 2557/50 < f ( £
А- f Y / 7 С г 7 u - J
МОБ СБ РФ г. Москва
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Уважаемый гр. Мучак B.C.
Ваше письмо было передано на рассмотрение в Институт теоретической физики
им.Л.Д.Ландау. Приводим отзыв рецензента.
Уважаемый гр. Мучак B.C.
Ваше письмо было передано на рассмотрение в Институт теоретической физики
им.Л.Д.Ландау. Приводим отзыв рецензента.
К сожалению, представленная работа демонстрирует непонимание автором
основ современной физики и основана сплошь на недоразумениях.
Нет нужды говорить, что формула (2) полностью противоречит имеющимся
экспериментальным данным - энергии ультрарелятивистских частиц по ней оказываются
сильно недооцененными. Кроме того, как уже отмечалось выше, автору, по-видимому,
Needless to say, that formula {2) is completely contrary to the IME ¬
yuschimsya experimental data - the energy of ultrarelativistic particles in it
are greatly undervalued. In addition, as noted above, the author seems
This conclusion, the reviewer confirmed that the derived formula gives
the correct value of the energy of elementary particles in the range of speeds
from 0 to 0.9 C.
Why is she "underestimates" the energy of ultra-relativistic particles? The
speed and energy of these particles is not measured and calculated according to
the formulas of SRT, which is untrue. Calculations overestimate the actual energy
of these particles! Is vividly revealed in the aforementioned article by
Academician EB Aleksandrov and experiments directly measuring the energy of
the accelerated electrons, performed at the Academy of Sciences of China Liangzao Fan.
Photons emitted by the stars of light formed in the depths of their "fall"
on the surface on all sides flow of gravitons, which are partially absorbed by the
elementary particles and the density of stars flow decreases as you move inland.
The surface layers of stellar matter are the average acceleration towards the
Moving to the center of the particle will collide with particles moving in
other directions. When they collide, two types of interactions:
1.In the collions did not change the direction of the velocity of an
elementary particle with respect to the equilibrium flow of gravitons (in collisions
of atoms and molecules and their interacting elementary particles). Radiation
does not occur, but only exchange of momentum - perfectly elastic collision.
2.In the collision speed of one of the elementary particles, relative to the
equilibrium flow of gravitons, reversed - there is emission of a photon whose
energy is determined from the derived formula.
So deep into the star than gravitons move and re-emitted photons.
Energy photons moving into the star gradually increases and emerging - is
reduced to a lesser extent due to a decrease in the density of matter moving
toward the surface maximum energy of the emitted photons depends on the
mass of a star or planet (planet should radiate more energy than they receive
from the stars). So deep into the star than gravitons move and re-emitted
photons. Energy photons moving into the star gradually increases and emerging is reduced to a lesser extent due to a decrease in the density of matter moving
toward the surface maximum energy of the emitted photons depends on the
mass of a star or planet (planet should radiate more energy than they receive
from the stars).
So the problem is solved in the stars of the second law of
thermodynamics. Neither the station nor the other theories do not even have the
access to the physical mechanism of this problem! Without solving this problem,
our Universe can not exist, no matter what frame of reference and no changes
have created math!
If a star with the planets is in a nonequilibrium flow of gravitons, the radiation
from the star, and the output of energy from the planet's interior should be
observed particularly oriented towards the prevailing flow of gravitons. These
features actually found in the Sun and the Earth - the largest number of powerful
earthquakes in the world, and powerful solar flares occur in the northern
hemisphere in line with the movement of the solar system with respect to the
equilibrium state of the so-called "background radiation." (A.A. Efimov,
A.A. Shpitalnaya: "On motion of the solar system relative to the background
Mass of elementary particles.
Mass of elementary particles occurs as a result of their interaction with the
nonequilibrium flow of gravitons, and therefore does not differentiate between
inertial and gravitational. As the speed of particle relative to the equilibrium flow
of gravitons, their mass should increase, as is observed in experiments at
accelerators. In regions of space with an equilibrium flow of gravitons gravity is
absent, and the mass of elementary particles is minimal.
Inertial motion in the modern sense did not exist. In moving relative to the
equilibrium state of the ether body of equilibrium flows of gravitons occurs that
prevents the movement. Therefore, the moving body in space will drift, obeying
flow fluctuations of gravitons (like sliver in the water). Going into a region of
space with an equilibrium flow of gravitons, it gradually stops without affecting
other bodies.
Galileo's law of inertia is wrong. Thought experiments without studying the
causes of the phenomenon does not always lead to the truth. By introducing the
term "coasting", Galileo decided nothing. All the problems of modern physics
"closed" terms without understanding the causes of the observed phenomena.
Aristotle was closer to the truth than Galileo, and thought deeply.
"... We believe that we have knowledge when we know the reasons for the
subsequent success can be accessed after removing the previous difficulties ...
Those who examine, not paying attention primarily to difficulties similar to those
who do not know where to go, and it also remains unknown even found what they
were looking for, or not. "
Aristotle, "Metaphysics", pp. 97-99.
It is written about 2350 years ago, but it - job evaluation theorists relativists in
the last 100 years.
The solar system is moving nonequilibrium flow of gravitons and, in all
likelihood, over time it will be in the central region of the Galaxy. This is the "fate"
of all stars. Mass stars and planets will also vary with almost the same amount
they contain atoms. There may be traces of it on the ground.
Consider, on the basis of the hypothesis of the gravitational interaction, there is a
limit to the increase in mass of the heavenly bodies.
The very existence of our Universe suggests that such a limit exists, no matter
- is created by God, or whether it has always existed. As shown above with the
promotion of inland Stars free gravitons decreases, and the energy of the photons
and the velocity of the particle increases. When the mass of the star reaches a
certain value (here it will be necessary to work mathematicians) in the center of
the star, a region, the speed of the elementary particles that come close to the
speed of photons, and this area will become transparent for gravitons. The
pressure in this volume of the star equal to the pressure of the ether and this
increase in pressure will stop, because the flow of pulses equal in all directions. As
the mass of the star volume of this region will increase. It will be a star - a giant,
but its mass is many orders of magnitude smaller than the mass of horror
relativists - the "black hole" in the center of our Galaxy, so as the law of gravity
does not exist and the stellar mass calculations based on it - exaggerated.
With further increase of the internal structure of the mass of the giant will
become unstable and even a relatively small decrease in the flux density of
gravitons in any direction will lead to massive emissions of matter and radiation.
The frequency of such emissions will lead to the formation of spiral arms in the
Galaxy. The same mechanism works in a supernova explosion. Perhaps the matter
initial chemical composition of the star.
Density fluctuations in the flow of matter and radiation erupting interacting with
variable density flow of gravitons in the environment, lead to the formation of
vortices of matter and its new condensing embryos star and the planet. (5)
A vicious cycle of movement of material within the Galaxy. The arrow of time is
not working in the Galaxy scale. The universe as we know it now, can last forever.
Universe is stationary, one will not get lost, and in the areas between the majority
of the flow of gravitons galaxies close to the equilibrium, and they practically do
not interact with each other. Like any law, it there are exceptions.
The inverse square law is valid only up to a certain distance, as in the electric and
the gravitational interactions.
At some distance from the body structure of the change in the flow of gravitons
passing through a material body, blurred chaotic motion of gravitons from other
areas, and the gravitational influence of the material body to another body begins
first decrease faster than the inverse square law, and then disappears.
In accordance with the proposed mechanism of interactions around the
material bodies whose density increases from the center to the surface, the
gravitational interaction will decrease faster than the inverse square law, from
the very beginning.
In this connection, the gravitational "field" of the moon. Continuous
vibration of the lunar surface after a reset of American missile - media,
suggests that the shell of the moon is more dense than its deep part. If
this is the reality, the force of gravitational interaction on the moon will
fall faster than the inverse square law.
Furthermore, the possible existence of the heavenly bodies, the force of gravity
which is missing. This distribution density may be of asteroids that pass close to
the Sun at perihelion. If so, the space probes «NEAR» and "Hayabusa" should
have found this anomaly during maneuvers around the asteroid Eros and Itokawa,
Similar anomalies were detected and probes sent beyond the solar system.
Against the background of the provisions of the settlement that could create the
illusion of acceleration, and in the future they will stop or under the influence of
fluctuations in the flow of gravitons will change its direction without apparent
external cause.
Gravitational waves are ordered oscillations of gravitons in the Universe does not
exist, but there are fluctuations in the moving direction of the prevailing
gravitons, like currents in the deep ocean. Celestial bodies move in space, obeying
these trends with the inertia. Inertia due to the fact that these bodies are in the
direction of gravitons retain its momentum until are replaced with other graviton
As for the solar system, if the flow of gravitons now increases the speed of the
movement, then we can expect warming, otherwise - cooling. The greenhouse
effect does not play a determining role.
The basis of all conservation laws - the law of conservation of gravitons.
All elementary particles consist of gravitons.
The energy of the Universe - in gravitons!
Learning to build non-equilibrium flows of gravitons small masses of matter (and
this is possible, at least in theory), we can transform them into different types of
motion of material bodies. We do not need any thermal or nuclear or
thermonuclear power plant. I hope that government officials have the courage to
stand up for common sense and science to at least reduce subsidies delusions
About eternal
Our body - is waking system, ready at any time to fulfill orders mental host. In a
strict sequence driven hundreds of muscles. Thus there millions of chemical
reactions with the localization of a particular cell (the original components are in
steady state).
Dear orthodox materialist!
What causes electrons to change their position in the molecule?
Think about this question.
Electromagnetic signals are not involved in this for the reason that they come
after the electrons have already started to move!
There are forms, which every moment we know everything that happens in the
body, and it can operate at the molecular level the flow of gravitons (or
polarization) to move electrons.
We call it the soul. It is part of the entity whose name is God. For others - the
Supreme Intelligence Parabrahm ....
Experimental verification.
Measure the gravitational "constant» G on the modern setting of Cavendish's the
feature that:
1. Body with large and small masses to be spherical, is a must.
2. Density of bodies should increase evenly from the center to the outer surface.
It will be quite a different value of the gravitational constant "G", up to a negative
To determine the prevailing direction of the flow of gravitons at the moment (that
is, to determine - whether the solar system is moving at the moment with the
acceleration or deceleration) blackbody temperature must be measured in the
"black" box, fixing its position in space in three orthogonal directions (both sides
from zero. Downstream. generally, will undergo treatment different values black
body temperature at the same temperature in a "box." This will determine the
prognosis of climate change on Earth.
3.Akademik Aleksandrov E.B. bring the experiment to its logical conclusion - the
same setup experimentally determine the speed and energy of the "ultra" of
For Academician Alexandrov E. B. as chairman of the RAS Commission to
Combat Pseudoscience - a debt of honor.
In the internet version of "Graviton Universe - that we" includes fragments of
other works by the Author.
I want to express my gratitude to A.M. Tchepikov ( for
the joint discussion considered in this paper concerns, has facilitated a reasoned
justification of certain provisions, especially be useful as well as our views on the
content of these problems are very different. Author.
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