Cell Basics

Microsoft Excel 2010
WHA Community Education Course
Excel Basics
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Getting Started:
Getting to Know Excel 2010
1. The Interface
2. Working with Excel Environment
 The Ribbon
 The Quick Access Toolbar
 The Backstage
Creating and Opening Workbooks
3. Video: Creating Workbooks in Excel 2010
4. Opening a new workbook
5. Opening an existing workbook
1. Open Excel 2010 on your computer. A new blank workbook will appear on the
2. Try minimizing and maximizing the Ribbon.
3. Click through all of the tabs, and notice how the Ribbon options change.
4. Try switching page views.
5. Add any commands you want to the Quick Access toolbar.
6. Close Excel without saving the workbook.
Cell Basics:
For this training we are going to be using
materials from the GCF LearnFree.org
Introduction to cells and cell content
1. Video: Cell Basics in Excel 2010
2. Open Cell Basics Sample Worksheet
 The Cell
 Selecting a cell
 Selecting multiple cells
 Cell content
 Text
 Formatting attributes
 Comments
 Formulas and functions
 Inserting content
 Delete content within cells
Microsoft Excel 2010
WHA Community Education Course
Excel Basics
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
 Deleting cells
 Copy and paste content
 Cut and paste cell content
 Accessing more paste options
 Accessing formatting commands by right-clicking
 Drag and drop cells
 Use fill handle to fill cells
3. Challenge
 Open Excel Basics Practice sheet
 Select D3, and notice how its cell address appears in the name box and its
content appears in the formula bar.
 Try inserting text and numbers.
 Use the fill handle to fill in data to adjoining cells both vertically and
 Cut cells and paste them into a different location.
 Delete a cell, and note how the content underneath it shifts up to fill its
 Try dragging and dropping some cells to other parts of the worksheet.
Modifying Columns, Rows, and Cells
Working with columns, rows, and cells
1. Video: Modifying Cells, Rows, and Columns in Excel 2010
2. Open Modifying Columns, Rows, Cells Worksheet
 Modiify column width
 Set column width with a specific measurement
 Modify row height
 Set row height with a specific measurement
 Insert rows
 Insert columns
 Delete rows
 Delete columns
3. Wrapping text and merging cells
Microsoft Excel 2010
WHA Community Education Course
Excel Basics
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Challenge - Use your open worksheet
1. Modify the size of a column. If you are using the example, make the
column that contains board members' names larger.
2. Modify the size of a row to be 46 pixels. If you are using the example,
modify all the rows that contain text (rows 1-11).
3. Insert a column between columns A and B.
4. Insert a row between rows 3 and 4.
5. Delete a column or row.
6. Try merging some cells. If you are using the example, merge the cells in
the top or title row (row 1).
7. Try using the Text Wrap command on some cells. If you are using the
example, wrap the text in the column that contains addresses
Formatting Cells
 Formatting Text
 Video: Formatting Cells in Excel 2010
 Open Formatting Cells Worksheet
 Change font
 Change font size
 Use bold, italic, and underline commands
 Add a border
 Change font color
 Add a fill color
 Change horizontal text alignment
 Change vertical text alignment
Formatting numbers and dates
Microsoft Excel 2010
WHA Community Education Course
Excel Basics
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Challenge – Use Formatting Cells Worksheet
Open an existing Excel 2010 document. If you want, you can use this example.
Select a cell and change the font, size, or color of the text. If you are using the example,
change the title in cell A1 to the Verdana font, size 16, with a font color of green.
Select a portion of the content in one cell, and make only that portion bold. For
example, if the words Weight (pounds) are in a cell, make only the word Weight bold.
Add a border to a group of cells. If you are using the example, add a border to the
descriptions in row 3.
Change the fill color of a group of cells. If you are using the example, add a fill color to
row 3.
Try changing the vertical and horizontal text alignment for some cells.
Try changing the formatting of a number. If you are using the example, change the date
format in column A.
Simple Formulas
 Simple Formulas
 Video: Simple Formulas in Excel 2010
Open Simple Formulas worksheet
 Creating simple formulas
 Creating formulas with cell references
 Create a formula using the point-and-click method
 Editing a formula
Write a simple division formula. If you are using the example, write the formula in cell
B18 to calculate the painting cost per square foot.
Write a simple addition formula using cell references. If you are using the example,
write the formula in cell F5 to calculate the total budget.
Write a simple subtraction formula using the point-and-click method. If you are using
the example, subtract the Expand Bathroom cost (C6) from the Total cost (C11).
Calculate your answer in C12.
Edit a formula using the formula bar.
Microsoft Excel 2010
WHA Community Education Course
Excel Basics
Tuesday, February 24, 2015