No Two Days Will Be the Same!

Inglemoor HS / Keep in folder or binder for reference
International Baccalaureate
B i o l o g y (HL)
Year 2 Syllabus, 2014-15
preparation, and encourages advanced and
continuing education.” (CTE 2005). IB Bio HL Year 2
students can elect to receive occupational education
credit or science credit to best meet their graduation
“Biology is a scientific expression of our desire to know
nature. We are most likely to save what we appreciate,
and we are most likely to appreciate what we
- Authors N. Campbell & J. Reece
Welcome to IB Biology, Year 2!
In IB Biology Year 1, we studied core biological
principles, exploring biochemistry, cells, metabolism,
DNA, genetics, defense against disease and ecology.
We transformed ordinary bacteria into
bioluminescent ones, watched our baby Drosophila
grow into responsible parents, and admired the
unique intertidal zone creatures of Rosario Bay,
Deception Pass State Park. This year, we embark on
our final units of study*:
Plant Science
Evolution (Option D)
Human Health and Physiology
Neurobiology & Behavior (Option E)
You will also have the opportunity to conduct the
Group 4 Project, a 10-h interdisciplinary problem
solving experience, and study for the IB examination
(see ‘Marks’).
No Two Days Will Be the Same!
Working individually and collaboratively, IB Bio students
experiment, discuss, write, create visuals, build models,
analyze data, scrutinize video clips, and more! Expect
home study assignments every night. Internet access is
Supplies Needed For Class
Besides “the usual” (pens, pencils, paper, folder or
binder), students are required to bring to class DAILY
(or, store there):
 Text – Campbell Biology 9e, Reece et al. (online)
 Composition book journal with bound pages.
No spiral or perforated-page notebooks, please.
Colored pencils
Glue stick or scotch tape
Metric ruler (one comes with IHS Handbook)
Scientific calculator
Planner (the IHS Handbook is free!)
Recommended: Small pair of scissors.
Due date for supplies: _______________. Thanks!
IB Biology HL is aligned with the Career
and Technical Education (CTE)
Standards for Biomedical Science. CTE
“allows students to achieve high
academic standards, gain leadership skills, explore
options for high-skill, high-wage employment
Internal assessment
Each student in IB Bio Year 2 continues to build his/her
portfolio of investigations, including evidence of Group 4
Project participation. By the end of March when we
submit our IA work to IB, the Practical Scheme of Work
(PSOW) will reflect more than 60 hours of laboratory
* Course objectives, assignments, homework keys, schedules, and lab documents can be accessed at
Inglemoor HS / Keep in folder or binder for reference
As in 2013-14, your grade in IB Bio is computed by
dividing the points earned by the total points possible.
About 25% of points come from lab, 25% from daily
work, and 50% from quizzes and exams. Grades will be
posted online and by I.D. number in the classroom.
A student’s mark in IB Biology, a
number from 3 to 7, is mailed to
his/her chosen college after
graduation to help admissions
officials decide on placement and/or advanced standing.
It is a good idea to ask prospective colleges about their
IB exam credit policies. The mark is calculated from
Internal Assessment (lab work, 24%) and External
Assessment (May 2015 IB Bio HL
Exam, 76%). Sitting for IB exams is
part of the IB program experience.
Significant outside study time is
recommended to excel on this
comprehensive and difficult (!)
SENIORS, get ready for
a stellar year! 
Beth Stewart, IHS Science
Message phone: 425.408.7302;
Please allow 48hr
* Course objectives, assignments, homework keys, schedules, and lab documents can be accessed at