Summer Work for Honors Physics Newport High School Summer 2014 Haven’t you heard? Physics is cool! It’s true, we will be doing a lot of fun things in Honors Physics next year. In addition to the written work we will be doing, I have planned a number of exciting labs and demonstrations that will help you connect the principles we learn in the classroom with real life. The central purpose of physics is to explore the way the world works. We want to understand why things act the way they do, especially when that behavior is counterintuitive. In our class, it will always be important to ask “why?” Once we understand why the world works the way it does, then our capacity to control the world is increased. (Think of light bulbs, airplanes, and computers. The list goes on...) Interesting topics we will explore include many of the following: free fall vectors projectiles inertia and forces Newton’s laws of motion friction circular motion terminal velocity work, energy, and power conservation laws momentum impulse rocket propulsion rotational motion torque gyroscopes springs pendulums law of gravity planetary motion Page 2 of 26 Table of Contents Assignment Title Page 1 Seven Qualities of an Honor Student 4 2 Ten Reasons Every High School Student Should Study Physics 6 3 The Scientific Method 8 4 The Engineering Process 10 5 Seven Fundamental Measures 12 6 The Metric System 13 7 Significant Figures 15 8 Math Review: Fractions 17 9 Math Review: Exponents 18 10 Math Review: Scientific Notation 19 11 Math Review: Products of Sums 21 12 Math Review: Geometry 22 13 Math Review: Trigonometry 23 14 Math Review: True or False? 25 Page 3 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 1: Seven Qualities of an Honor Student Intelligence •This quality is not just about being “smart”. It is being “smart” enough to identify what you do not know or understand and then actively seeking sources of help. This also includes knowing when you “get it” and when you need to ask for extra help during class or after school. Self-Motivation •This quality describes your attitude and your mindset. Enrollment in this “honor” level class is voluntary. Your desire to learn the material should be your chief motivation, not your desire to get an "A". You must understand that your teacher will not plead or beg an honors level student to do the assigned work. You should be ready and willing to learn each day. Integrity / Character •This quality is about doing the right thing in all situations. If you have integrity, you do not cheat on any assignment, be it a test, quiz, project or homework. You do your own work. If you have integrity it means you do not help others to cheat, be it providing homework for someone to copy or providing the questions / answers for a test or quiz in class or for another class. Work Ethic / Industriousness •This quality means that the work you turn in is of your highest quality. You show complete and organized work on all assignments (tests, quizzes, homework, projects) clearly identifying how you arrived at the solutions. Showing just answers does not show any work ethic at all and is unacceptable. Industriousness means that you use all available time to learn and improve. This could simply be starting your homework if there is time left in class. It could mean asking questions about a concept of which you are unsure. When given an extended problem / project / reading assignment industriousness means that you start on the assignment promptly and not wait until the night before the due date to begin. This quality means you do not do work for another class or play games on your iPad during class time. Safety •Honors students treat the lab and lab materials with respect. While they may not yet know all the safety regulations, they do know that horsing around or misbehaving in the lab can potentially cause injury or worse to themselves and their peers. Honors students do not need to be told how to behave properly in a lab, or when to appropriately observe safe and correct lab techniques. Honors students ensure the lab is cleaner than when they found it. Labs should be read, at a minimum, the night before. You should highlight and write notes on your procedure. All prelab assignments should be done promptly and if there are questions you should discuss those with your teacher BEFORE the class period in which you are supposed to perform the lab. Inquisitiveness •This quality means that if you have a question you ask the question as soon as possible. An honors student does not just sit there and take notes, they think: Did I understand? Does it make sense? What if? Do not make the mistake of assuming that a concept you do not understand now in class will all make sense later on. Being inquisitive also means taking advantage of all opportunities to help yourself including: your teacher in and out of class, your textbook, online resources, other students who understand the concept, etc. Ingenuity •This quality is about applying knowledge, not just rote memorization. An honors student is able to devise solutions to problems they have never seen before. They are able to take what they have cumulatively learned in this class and all of their current and previous classes and apply it toward the solution of a new problem. Page 4 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 1: Seven Qualities of an Honor Student 1.) While reading the 7 Qualities of an Honor Student, it would be natural for someone to self-reflect and consider to what extent she or he embodies each quality. Using a 5-point scale where a 1 means “Not Like Me” and a 5 means “A Lot Like Me”, circle the number that best represents how you would rate yourself. Remember, for any self-reflection to be helpful, it must be honest. Your responses are between you and your teacher and no judgments will be made. A Lot Like Me Quality 4 5 Safety 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 Inquisitiveness 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Ingenuity 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Quality Not Like Me Intelligence 1 2 3 Self-Motivation 1 2 Integrity / Character 1 Work Ethic / Craftsmanship 1 CIRCLE YOUR RATING CIRCLE YOUR RATING Not Like Me A Lot Like Me 2.) Which of the 7 qualities is your greatest strength? __________________________________________ In complete sentences, explain your choice using specific examples. 3.) Which of the 7 qualities is your biggest area for growth? _____________________________________ In complete sentences, explain your choice using specific examples. 4.) As you think about this particular area of growth, what might be some things you can do to develop this quality? Again, be specific and use complete sentences. Page 5 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 2: Ten Reasons Every High School Student Should Study Physics For most students taking a high school physics class is a challenge, but it's well worth the effort for the following reasons: A. Most modern technology involves physics. Any technology involving electricity, magnetism, force, pressure, heat, light, energy, sound, optics, etc. comes from physics. Even though the basic knowledge required for products like fertilizers, drugs, plastics, and chemicals comes from chemistry and biology, these items have to eventually be manufactured, and manufacturing is dominated by physics-based technology. B. An understanding of physics leads to a better understanding of almost any other science. Like technology, virtually all branches of science contain at least some physics. Physics has been called the most basic science and in many cases is required in order to understand concepts in other sciences. Physics sharpens skill at performing experiments, as does Biology and Chemistry. However, it differs in that most commonly used sensors are based on a principle of physics. This includes simple pressure and temperature measuring devices all the way to complex devices like mass spectrometers (used in chemical analysis), MRI imaging machines, and electron microscopes. Physics is the basis for all types of analytical and measuring systems. C. Physics classes help polish the skills needed to score well on the ACT and the SAT. Physics classes provide practice in both algebra and geometry. These are the types of mathematics most likely to occur on the ACT and the SAT. However, physics is not just a math class. To work physics problems, students must be able to read and comprehend short paragraphs then develop problem solving strategies from them. Physics helps develop both math and verbal skills. D. College recruiters recognize the value of physics classes. College recruiters tend to be favorably impressed by transcripts containing challenging classes like physics. They know it is relatively easy to attain a high GPA by taking a light course load. Some technically oriented college programs will deny entrance to students who have not taken high school physics. E. College success for virtually all science, computing, engineering, and premedical majors depends in part on passing physics. College physics is required or all of these majors. Engineering is largely applied physics. Pre-medicine majors typically must take the same number of physics as biology classes! About 25% of the science knowledge required for the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is based on physics. Studies indicate that a high quality high school physics course helps significantly reduce the failure rate in college-level physics. Students themselves typically indicate that high school physics is a significant factor in their ability to handle college-level physics material. F. Physics classes hone thinking skills. Physics is a whole brain subject requiring students to use both right and left brain regions for translating complex verbal information into pictures and finally into mathematical models in order to solve problems. In addition to the subject's content knowledge, physics requires students to develop higher level thinking--a useful skill in any endeavor. G. The job market for people with skills in physics is strong. Engineers are applied physicists and comprise the second largest profession in America (second only to teaching) with about 1.4 million members. By comparison, there are about 600 thousand medical doctors and only around 100 thousand biologists. However, even medical doctors and most biologists have to take college-level physics courses. Knowledge of physics is a prerequisite for many forms of employment. H. A knowledge of physics is helpful for understanding the arts. Physics is the science of sound and is needed for understanding how musical instruments work. Physics is also the science of light and is key to understanding visual artwork including paintings, photograph, stage lighting, filmmaking, etc. Even literary works have been influenced by physics. William Faulkner, for example, used the symbolism of time dilation in The Sound and the Fury. Many commonly used expressions in everyday language come from physics, including quantum leap, free fall, light years, black holes, resonance, and being on the same wave length. I. To understand physics is to better understand politics, history, and culture. Due to global warming, the supply and use of energy is a highprofile 21st century issue. However, it's always been a defining issue--even in primitive cultures. The bow and arrow, for example, profoundly altered the effectiveness of hunting and warfare by giving people a device that stored energy then released it suddenly as a deadly projectile. Changes in energy use and supply produced the industrial revolution in the 1800s and ushered in all kinds of inventions from reliable internal combustion engines to practical electrical devices. The most significant historic event of the 20th Century, WWII, began for the United States, with the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese using battle tactics shaped by an understanding of projectile motion physics and ended with a nuclear bomb blast enabled by physicists. J. Physics offers a deep and unique perspective in itself: There is quite simply no other area of study quite like it. Page 6 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 2: Ten Reasons Every High School Student Should Study Physics 5.) As you consider the ten reasons listed in the article, which 3 would you say appeal to you the most? Using complete sentences, explain why using specific examples. 6.) What are some reasons you signed up for this course? Again, using complete sentences, list and explain at least 3 reasons why. 7.) As a student who has been in school for many years, what are your expectations of me as your teacher? Yep, complete sentences again. Page 7 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 3: The Scientific Method What is the Scientific Method? It is a series of steps used to help solve a problem. Step 1. Make an Observation. After making an observation of the natural world, define the problem and make sure only one problem is being studied. ALL scientific experimentation starts with observation. Step 2. Research the problem (question). Use all available resources to collect data on the subject being covered. Libraries, Internet, books, magazines, personal interviews, etc. Step 3. Develop a hypothesis (educated guess). Make it a short definitive statement. It may be an "if-then" statement. The “if” part will become the hypothesis and the “then” part should be the results received at the end of the controlled experiment. Remember your hypothesis can be changed if the results do not support it. Step 4. Develop a controlled experiment. A controlled experiment is an experiment that contains only one experimental variable. An experimental or independent variable is the thing being tested (what the scientist changes). Everything else in the experiment or all other variables must be the same. These variables are also called the controlled variables. Keeping these variables the same allows the experimenter to show that it was the experimental variable that caused the results. The dependent variable is what changes when the independent variable changes - the dependent variable depends on the outcome of the independent variable. Data should be organized into charts, tables, or graphs. Step 5. Analyze the data and come up with a conclusion. Data may be quantitative (numbers) or qualitative (appearance, properties, etc.). The conclusion may or may not support the hypothesis. Additional experimentation must then take place to build documentation concerning the problem. If the hypothesis is proven wrong, change the hypothesis, not the data. Scientists must be unbiased. WHAT FOLLOWS: Scientific research must be published, but first it must be reviewed by peers (other scientists) and verified for accuracy. Research may result in a scientific theory or law. Read each scenario below & use your knowledge of the scientific method to help answer the questions. 8.) Flower Flourish Jeremy has decided that he really likes Candace. He wants to start a flower garden so he can grow lots of flowers to give to her. He bought a special fertilizer called Flower Flourish to see if will help his plants produce more flowers. To test this, he planted two plants of the same size in separate containers with the same amount of potting soil. He then placed one plant in a sunny window and watered it every day with fertilized water and he placed the other plant on a shelf in a closet and watered it with plain water every other day. Will this experiment help Jeremy answer the question of whether the fertilizer help produce more flowers? If you answered “Yes,” then identify the independent, dependent, and controlled variables. If you answered “No,” then what advice would you offer Jeremy to improve his experimental design. Explain. Page 8 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 3: The Scientific Method 9.) Snack Crackers Dr. Doofenschmirtz is not the smartest evil villain in the Tri-state area, but he believes he can improve his brain power by eating his new snack crackers called Cheesy Brain Enlargenators. In order to test this hypothesis, he recruits several of his evil friends to help him with an experiment. He created an intelligence test and gave it to his evil friends at the beginning of the experiment and then his evil friends ate one snack with each meal every day for three weeks. Afterwards, they took the test again. Analyze the data in the chart. Based on the data, did the Cheesy Brain Enlargenator snack crackers help his evil friends become smarter? Explain your answer. Test Scores Friend Before Hans 64% Rolf 78% Fritz 82% Dieter 72% After 80% 78% 84% 70% 10.) Mega-Bubble Phineas and Ferb know what they are going to do today. They are going to compete in the Danville Mega-Bubble Contest. In order to win, they need to know which bubble gum will make the biggest bubbles. To prepare for the contest, they purchased five different brands of bubble gum. They need your help to decide which brand to use during the contest. Write an experiment to test the bubble size of the five bubble gum brands so they can win the contest. Where’s Perry? Page 9 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 4: The Engineering Process The engineering design process is a series of steps that engineering teams use to guide them as they solve problems. Anyone can do it! To determine how to build something (skyscraper, amusement park ride, bicycle, music player), engineers gather information and conduct research to understand the needs of the challenge to be addressed. Then they brainstorm many imaginative possible solutions. They select the most promising idea and embark upon a design that includes drawings, and analytical decisions on the materials and construction, manufacturing and fabrication technologies to use. They create and test many prototypes, making improvements until the product design is good enough to meet their needs. Engineers design and build all types of structures, systems and products that are important in our everyday lives. The engineering design process is a series of steps that engineering teams use to guide them as they solve problems: Understand the need: What is the problem? What do we want to accomplish? What are the project requirements? What are the limitations? Who is the customer? What is our goal? Gather information and conduct research - talking to people from many different backgrounds. Brainstorm different designs: Imagine and brainstorm ideas. Be creative; build upon the wild and crazy ideas of others. Investigate existing technologies and methods to use. Explore, compare and analyze many possible solutions. Select a design: Based on the needs identified, select the most promising idea. Plan: Draw a diagram of your idea. How will it work? What environmental and cultural considerations will you evaluate? What materials and tools are needed? What analyses must you do? How will you test it to make sure it works? Create: Assign team tasks. Build a prototype and test it against your design objectives. Push yourself for creativity, imagination and excellence in design. Does it work? Analyze and talk about what works, what doesn't and what could be improved. Improve: Discuss how you could improve your product. Make revisions. Draw new designs. Iterate your design to make your product the best it can be. Engineers use their science and math knowledge to explore all possible options and compare many design ideas. This is called open-ended design because when you start to solve a problem, you don't know what the best solution will be to meet the requirements. The process is cyclical and may begin at, and return to, any step. The use of prototypes, or early versions of the design (or a model or mock-up) helps move the design process forward by improving your team's understanding of the problem, identifying missing requirements, evaluating design objectives and product features, and getting feedback from others. Engineers select the solution that best uses the available resources and best meets the project's requirements. They consider many factors before they implement a design: Cost to make and use, quality, reliability, environmental consideration, safety, functionality, ease of use, aesthetics, ethics, social and cultural impact, maintainability, testability, ease/cost of construction and manufacturability. They also consider sustainability - how the development, use and ultimate disposal of the product might impact people and our planet. Page 10 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 4: The Engineering Process 11.) NASA Scientists are currently planning for a manned landing on the planet Mars. One device that would be useful to the astronauts that travel to Mars would be a device that takes waste water and purifies it so the astronauts can reuse it. Using the engineering process described on the previous page, describe the process the engineers might use to develop this piece of equipment. Use complete sentences, and your imagination!! Page 11 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 5: The Seven Fundamental Measures In Honors Physics, good measuring techniques will be required in order to be successful in lab activities. Obtaining accurate and precise data through measurement is a critical skill to learn, develop, and refine. There are a wide variety of physical quantities which can be measured, but there are only seven fundamental measures. A fundamental measure is a measurement that is not based on any other unit of measure. For example, speed is not a fundamental measure because it is based on distance and time (think miles per hour). Units of measure that are based on other measures are called derived units. Do a little research and find the name, unit, and definition of the seven fundamental measures. Record your answers in the chart below: Name Unit Definition 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Page 12 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 6: The Metric System The International System of Units – the Metric System – is usually referred as the SI. The metric system is used by scientists throughout the world, and is based on units of ten. Each unit is ten times larger or ten times smaller than the next unit, and these units are specified by the use of prefixes. Symbol K Ha C C A V J N Hz m g t W Pa Gy Sv Bq a d h min s L Unit Kelvin Hectare Degree Celsius Coulomb Ampere Volt Ohm Joule Newton Hertz Metre (meter) Gram Tonne, metric ton Watt Pascal Gray Sievert becquerel Year Day Hour Minute Second Litre Quantity Absolute temperature Area Celsius temperature Electric charge Electric current Electric potential energy Electric resistance Energy, work Force Frequency Length Mass Mass Power Pressure, stress Radiation (absorbed dose) Radiation (does equivalent) Radioactivity Time Time Time Time Time Volume Prefix Exa Peta Tera Giga Mega Kilo Hecto Deca Symbol E P T G M k h Da Deci Centi Milli Micro Nano Pico Femto Atto d c m METRIC 2.54 cm 1m 1 km 1L 250 mL 1 kg 28.3 g C Some commonly used Metric Units Length: the distance from one point to another Meter (m) A meter is slightly longer than a yard 1 m = 1000 mm 1 m = 100 cm Mass: the amount of mass in an object Gram (g) A paper clip has a mass close to a gram 1000 g = 1 kg n p f a Mult. Factor 1018 1015 1012 109 106 103 102 101 100 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-6 10-9 10-12 10-15 10-18 Example 106 m = 1 Mm 103 g = 1 kg m 10-2 m = 1 cm 10-3 m = 1 mm 10-6 m = 1 m ENGLISH = 1 inch (in.) = 39.37 inch (in.) = 0.62 miles (mi) = 1.06 quarts (qt) = 1 cup (c) = 2.2 pounds (lb) = 1 ounce (oz) 5 F 32 9 Volume: the amount of space taken up by an object Liter (L) A meter is slightly morer than a quart 1 L = 1000 mL Temperature: the measure of energy in an object. Celsius ( C) 0 C freezing point of water Kelvin ( K) 100 C boiling point of water -273 C = 0 K lowest temp possible 19 Which metric prefix means 100? 22 If your mass is 73 kg, what is your mass in grams? 20 Which metric prefix means 1/100? 23 How many millimeters are there in a meter? 21 What does milli- mean? 24 How many millimeters are there in a kilometer? Page 13 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 6: The Metric System Using the abbreviations for the base units on the previous page, write abbreviations for the following metric units: 25 Milligram 28 Kilogram 31 Micrometer 26 Centimeter 29 Centigram 32 Milliliter 27 Kilometer 30 Decimeter 33 Megagram Write the name for each metric unit abbreviated below: 34 mm 37 km 40 mL 35 cg 38 cm 41 Mm 36 kg 39 dg 42 m Calculate the equivalence between the metric units: 43 1g= cg 48 1m= Mm 53 1L= L 44 1m= km 49 1 hg = mg 54 1 km = m 45 1m= cm 50 1g= dg 55 1 am = nm 46 1 cg = g 51 1 mL = L 56 1 dg = g 47 1 kg = g 52 1 cm = m 57 1 Mm = m Calculate the equivalence between the units: 58 268 mg = g 61 6 in. = cm 64 0.00015 g = g 59 500 = M 62 0.025 m = cm 65 36 hm = km 60 247 km = m 63 100 EV = aV 66 0.05 km = cm What metric unit of measurement would you use to measure the following quantities? 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 The amount of juice you drank at breakfast The amount of water you used in the shower this morning. The distance from here to Las Vegas, Nevada. The amount of energy in a liter of gasoline. The thickness of a piece of notebook paper. The frequency of WEBN’s radio signal. The mass of a skateboard 74 75 76 77 The amount of salt you put on your French fries. The amount of water your family uses in one year The distance from here to the moon. The amount of farmland on a wheat farm. 78 The width of a piece of paper 79 The temperature on Pluto 80 The mass of the Earth Page 14 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 7: Significant Digits It should be no surprise to you that in science a number with units represents some physical quantity. But did you know that it also says something about the measurement process that produced it? For example, suppose Jill and Fred are dancing together at the Homecoming dance, and the distance between them is determined to be about 30 cm. It would be fair to say that the precision of the measured distance between them is on the order of tens of centimeters. In other words, no attempt was made to measure the distance between Jill and Fred down to the nearest micron. In fact, for reasons discussed below, it probably wouldn’t make sense even to try. So what would you think if someone told you that he had determined that the distance between Jill and Fred was actually 28.0026911014723 cm? That should set off red flags in your head. The inclusion of so many significant digits in this number implies that it is precise to within about 10-15 meters—the approximate size of a proton! I can immediately think of three big reasons why this is not likely to be the case. A. It would be extremely difficult to measure distances on this scale without some very specialized tools. It’s pretty hard to imagine someone trying to measure Jill and Fred with an electron tunneling microscope or a laser interferometer out on the dance floor, but it sure is fun to try! B. How does one determine endpoints for such a measurement? The thickness of a person can easily be 10 cm. Keeping this in mind, it really doesn’t make sense to try and measure the distance between Jill and Fred to any accuracy better than tenths of meters. If you wanted to be really careful, you could define a person’s position to be at their center of mass. If you had a way of determining where that was, you could start talking about more precise measurements of the distance between Jill and Fred. C. Even with precise endpoints for your measurement, it still would not be practical to try and measure the distance between Jill and Fred to the nearest femtometer. Even the slightest breath of air on either of their parts would probably change the result of the measurement by a distance on the order of a millimeter. (That’s a trillion femtometers!) And even if you could convince them to stop breathing, you’d still have their pulses to deal with. With Jill and Fred dancing, you can bet that the distance between their center of masses is always changing on a scale even bigger than that. 81.) Do a little research and find the rules for counting significant figures. Write them in the space below: Page 15 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 7: Significant Digits In our honors physics course, most of the numbers we use will have three significant digits. So, before you start the course, it is a good idea to make sure you know how to round numbers correctly to three significant digits. You probably think it’s a snap, and in most cases it is, but there are two special cases that seem to confuse students. A. For some reason, people tend to want to round a number like 6.999942 down. If we were rounding to five significant digits, then that would be the right thing to do (giving us 6.9999). But we want to round this number to three significant figures. The correct answer is 7.00, not 6.99. Make sure you understand why. B. The second case involves what I like to call “hanging 5’s”. A hanging 5 shows up whenever the number you are trying to round is exactly half way between two values you might choose to round it to. For example, if you’re rounding to three significant figures, then 69.35 has a hanging 5 (because it’s exactly half way between 69.3 and 69.4), whereas 69.351 does not (because it’s closer to 69.4). In elementary school you probably learned that you should always round 5’s up. That’s one simple approach to rounding, but it probably isn’t the best from a statistical standpoint because it introduces a bias into your data. What does that mean? Essentially, it means that, on the average, you round up more than you round down. A better approach involves rounding hanging 5’s up half of the time, and down the other half of the time. In honors physics, we will accomplish this by rounding hanging 5’s such that the last significant digit of our rounded number is even. In other words, 69.35 would be rounded up to 69.4, but 69.25 would be rounded down to 69.2. How many significant figures do the following numbers have? 82 1234 87 1090.0010 83 0.023 88 0.00120 84 890 89 340000 85 91010 90 0.00090 86 9010.0 91 0.09010 Round the following measurements to three significant figures. 92 0.003115 97 0.0001554 93 1020012 98 8125 94 780.5 99 0.000065979 95 1699 100 0.003908 96 918.010 101 72.0015 Page 16 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 8: Math Review – Fractions In my experience, students have more trouble with the algebra in Honors Physics than they do with the physics! Your algebra, geometry, and trig skills should be well-polished. So, the remaining material in this packet will all focus on these areas. The first area I have noticed Honors Physics students struggle in deals with the manipulation of fractions. As practice, express the following quantities as a single fraction. No fractions should appear inside the numerator or denominator of your answer. x y y x 1 102 c c b a 107 103 A/B 2 C /D 108 t 3 t sint tant cos t 109 ax xy xy ay k r / kr 1 104 1 k2r 2 1 105 3 x x2 2 x 110 m / n2 m2 / n 106 y y 1 111 G 2G M M Page 17 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 9: Math Review – Exponents It is also very common for students to struggle with exponents. Again, practice is really the best way to get your head around the meaning of an exponent. The Laws of Exponents are summarized below: Express each of the following quantities as x to some power. 112 1 x 117 1 x b 122 113 x 118 x5 x4 123 114 xa xb 119 1 124 115 x 120 1 x 125 116 x 121 x 126 3 2 a b Page 18 of 26 x2 x 2 3 x 1 xa x3 xx x2 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 10: Math Review – Scientific Notation In both scientific and engineering work, it is very common to have to work with extremely large or extremely small numbers. For example, the Sun has a mass of 1,988,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg. When scientists and engineers are plotting the path of a spacecraft traveling to another planet, the gravity of the sun must be taken into account and calculations involving the sun’s mass must be done. It would be very inconvenient to have to write that extremely long number. Similarly, a scientist might need to complete a calculation involving the mass of a proton, which is 0.000000000000000000000000001672621636 kg. It would be miserable to have to write that number when doing calculations. Instead, scientists and engineers take advantage of the powers of 10 and write the numbers more concisely. For example, the mass of the sun is equal to 1,988 x 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (which is 10 27). So the mass could be written as 1,988 x 1027 kg. However, scientists have agreed to make the first number in this “shortcut” a number bigger than or equal to 1 and less than 10. So the 1,988 would be converted to 1.988 x 1000 making the mass of the sun 1.988 x 1030 kg. This shortcut way of writing numbers is called scientific notation. 127.) How would you write the mass of a proton in scientific notation? _______________________________________ The rules for converting numbers between standard notation and scientific notation are summarized here: Standard Notation Scientific Notation 1. Move the decimal in the original number to the right of the first nonzero digit to obtain a number > 1 and < 10. 2. Count the number of places moved to determine the exponent. a. Original number 10 or >10 - - - - positive exponent b. Original numer < 1 - - - - negative exponent 3. Multiply the number obtained in step 1 by 10 to the power (exponent) found in step 2. Scientific Notation Standard Notation Observe the exponent 1. Positive exponent - - - - move the decimal to the right the same number of places as the exponent and drop the power of 10. 2. Negative exponent - - - - move the decimal to the left the same number of places as the exponent and drop the power of 10. Page 19 of 26 Engineering notation is very similar to scientific notation. The difference is that engineers use powers of 10 that are divisible by 3. This means that the first number can be any number >1 and < 1,000. Page 20 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 10: Math Review – Scientific Notation Directions: Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. If a question is false, write the correct answer to make the statement true. 128 129 104 is the same as 10,000. T F 101 is the same as 100. T F 100 is the same as 1. T F 130 131 132 10- 5 is the same as 0.00001 T F 10- 2 is the same as 0.02. T F T F 133 The long form of 500, 000 is equal to the scientific notation 5 X 105. T F 134 The long form of 0.0089 is equal to the scientific notation 8.9 X 10-4. T F 135 The long form of 23.76 is equal to the scientific notation 2.376 X 101. T F 136 The long form of 1386 is equal to the scientific notation 1.386 X 103. T F 137 The long form of 0.0084 is equal to the scientific notation 8.4 X 10-4. T F 138 The scientific notation 2.376 X 104 is equal to the long form of 237,600. T F 139 The scientific notation 7.844 X 106 is equal to the long form of 78,440,000. T F 140 The scientific notation 4.95 X 10-3 is equal to the long form of 0.000495. T F 141 The scientific notation 3.9 X 106 is equal to the long form of 390,000. T F 142 The scientific notation 2.894452 X 10-2 is equal to the long form of 289.4452. Write these numbers in scientific notation Write these numbers in standard notation. 143 1,230,000 148 1.57 x 107 144 0.00237 149 6.32 x 104 145 4,267,000,000,000 150 7.2 x 10-3 146 0.0000000068877 151 3 x 10-6 147 6,700,100,000,000 152 9.7361x 10-5 Page 21 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 11: Math Review – Products of Sums Do you know how to FOIL? You should. Expand the following products, term by term. When you’re done, all quantities should be expressed as a sum of products, rather than as a product of sums. a b a b 153 5s s 2 5 154 mx b 2 155 m n 11 m n 156 A 2 B2 A2 B2 157 z 1 z 2 z 1 158 Page 22 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 12: Math Review – Geometry In order to model real-world situations, we will need to be able to represent objects using geometric figures. Calculating the perimeter and area of plane figures as well as the surface area and volume of three dimensional solids will be important. Make sure you have these geometric formulas committed to memory since we will be using them frequently in class. Write down the geometric expression for each of the following: 159 Area of a circle with radius r 168 Perimeter of a right triangle with horizontal leg b and vertical leg a 160 Circumference of a circle with radius r 169 Area of a square with side length s 161 Volume of a sphere with radius r 170 Perimeter of a square with side length s 162 Surface area of a sphere with radius r 171 Volume of a cube with edge length s 163 Volume of a cylinder with base radius r and height h 172 Surface area of a cube with edge length s 164 Surface area of a cylinder with base radius r and height h 173 Area of a rhombus with base b and height h 165 Area of a triangle with base length b and height h 174 Volume of a cone with base radius r and height h 166 Area of a rectangle with width w and height h 175 Volume of a pyramid with base area A and height h 167 Perimeter of a rectangle with width w and height h 176 Area of a trapezoid with base b, top a, and height h Page 23 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 13: Math Review – Trigonometry You should know the value of the sine and cosine functions at each of the following first quadrant angles: 0 ,30 ,45 ,60 , and 90 . In case you don’t remember, it’s actually pretty easy to learn these because of a neat pattern that emerges. 0 30 sin Pattern: Simplifies to: 0 0 /2 1/2 1 /2 cos Pattern: Simplifies to: 1 4 /2 3 /2 3 /2 45 2 /2 2 /2 2 /2 60 3 /2 1 /2 90 4 /2 3 /2 1 2 /2 1/2 0 /2 0 You should also know the value of the sine and cosine functions at the analogous angles in each of the other three quadrants, namely: 120 , 135 , 150 , 180 , 210 , 225 , 240 , 270 , 300 , 315 , 330 , and 360 . The results in these three quadrants actually don’t require any additional memorization because they’re so similar to the values in the first quadrant (given in the table above). There are only two potential differences. The sign may be different, and the order that the values appear in the table may be reversed. So how can you be sure? I like to imagine little plots of the sine and cosine functions in my head. That way, it’s immediately obvious to me what the correct sign should be (positive whenever the function is above the x-axis and negative whenever it is below the x-axis), and whether the values should be increasing or decreasing as increases (increasing if the slope is positive and decreasing if the slope is negative). Another useful tool is the unit circle (a circle with a radius of 1 that happens to be centered at the origin). Since cos is the x-coordinate of the position of a point on the circle, the cosine is negative in the second and third quadrants (on the left side of the unit circle, where x is less than zero), while the cosine is positive in the first and fourth quadrants (on the right side of the unit circle, where x is greater than zero). Likewise, since sin is the y-coordinate of the position of a point on the circle, the sine is negative in the third and fourth quadrants (on the bottom half of the circle, where y is less than zero), while the sine is positive in the first and second quadrants (on the top half of the circle, where y is greater than zero). Similar arguments can help you determine where sine and cosine are each increasing (with increasing ) and where each of them is decreasing. Page 24 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 13: Math Review – Trigonometry sin 1 1 cos , sec , csc , and cot for all values of , you should be able cos cos sin sin to quickly evaluate each of the six trig functions at each of these angles (without a calculator). As practice, evaluate the following trigonometric functions without looking at the chart or diagrams above. Then, knowing that tan 177 sin 45 182 cot 135 178 tan 60 183 csc 330 179 sin 30 184 cos 150 180 cos 240 185 sec 270 181 sec 0 186 tan 210 Page 25 of 26 Honors Physics Summer Packet Assignment 14: Math Review – True or False? Real problems frequently involve several mathematical and/or scientific principles at once. In practice, it can be easy to make little mistakes, even when you understand the associated principles fairly well. When this happens, it usually leads to a wrong answer. That’s why it’s always important to ask yourself if your answer makes sense. You should check both the numerical value of your answer, and the associated units. For example, of the following three statements, two are obviously wrong. Can you spot which ones? A. The amount of time it takes to fly from Baton Rouge to Dallas is approximately 5.4 103 s. B. The radius of Earth’s orbit around the sun is approximately 3.19 102 m. C. The speed of a bullet is approximately 1000 m/km. Once you’ve determined that an answer is wrong, you should go back and check your work to try and determine where you made the first mistake (so that you can correct it!). Consequently, it’s important for you to be able to identify little mistakes when you review your work. Hone your mistake-sniffing skills by determining which of the following statements are true (‘T’) and which are false (‘F’). You should also try to identify what the mistake was that lead to any false statements. Good luck! 187 ab a b c c c T F 197 f 3 f 3 0 T F 188 j j j2 j j j 3 j2 T F 198 s2 1 s2 T F 189 b x b x 2 b x x 2 T F 199 x x5 T F 190 e2x e x e x T F 200 1 s2 T F 2 3 s 2 191 K 3 K 2 32 T F 201 3 x 10 3x 10 T F 192 K 3 K 2 32 T F 202 yk y z ykz T F 2 2 193 x log x 1 log x x 1 T F 203 p3 px 1 px 4 T F 194 x x x yz y z T F 204 h2h2 1 T F T F 205 T F T F 206 T F 1 H 195 H 1 196 2325 215 Page 26 of 26 x y z x y z sin2 x sin x 2