Chapters 1 & 2 -

Pre-AP Chemistry Final Exam Review
Chapters 1 & 2
1. What is Chemistry the study of?
2. What is matter?
3. What are 5 traditional areas of study in Chemistry?
4. What is Organic Chemistry? What is Inorganic Chemistry?
5. Pure Chemistry vs. Applied Chemistry
6. What are some of the central themes in Chemistry?
7. Who was Lavoisier and how did he help to transform chemistry?
8. What is the word Chemistry derived from?
9. What is Alchemy?
10.What are the steps in the Scientific Method?
11.Independent variable vs. Dependent Variable
12.What is a model? What is a theory?
13.What is Scientific Law?
14.Who was Alexander Fleming?
15.What is the most reliable source of information about new discoveries?
16.What are extensive properties? What are intensive properties?
17.What is mass? What is volume?
18.What is a substance?
19.What is a Physical Property?
20.What are the three states of matter?
21.Vapor vs. Gases
22.How can Physical Changes be classified?
23.What is a mixture and how can it be classified?
24.What are the two types of mixtures? What is the difference?
25.What is another word for homogenous mixture?
26.What is a phase?
27.What is Distillation? What is filtration? What is their purpose?
28.What is the difference between compounds and elements?
29.What is a Chemical Change? How does it differ from Physical Change?
30.Can elements be broken down? What about compounds? If so, what
methods could be used to do so?
31.What is the difference between substances and mixtures?
32.What do chemists use to classify elements and compounds?
33.Who was John Dalton?
34.Who was Jöns Jacob Berzelius?
35.Chemical symbols are abbreviations for the names of elements in what
36.What is a periodic table? How is it useful?
37.How is the periodic table arranged?
38.What always occurs during a Chemical Change?
39.What is a Chemical Property?
40.What is a chemical reaction?
41.Reactant vs. Product
42.What are the four possible clues that a chemical change has occurred?
43.How can you determine for sure that a chemical change has taken place?
44.What is the Law of Conservation of Mass?
Chapter 4
What is an atom?
How was the atom discovered?
Who was Democritus? Why is he important?
What does Dalton’s Atomic Theory consist of?
How was John Dalton able to study atoms even though he couldn’t observe
them directly?
6. How was Democritus’ idea of the atom different from Daltons?
7. What instruments are used to observe an atom?
8. What are the three kinds of subatomic particles?
9. Is Dalton’s theory still accepted today? If so, what has changed?
10.Who was J.J. Thomson?
11.What is the plum-pudding model?
12.What is an electron? How was it discovered?
13.What is a cathode ray?
14.Who was Robert Millikan? Why is he important?
15.How small is an electron?
16.Who was Eugen Goldstein and what did he discover?
17.What are protons?
18.Who was James Chadwick and what did he discover?
19.What are neutrons?
20.What are quarks?
21.Who was Ernest Rutherford? Why is he important?
22.What is the gold-foil experiment? Why is it significant?
23. What makes one element different from another?
24. What is an atomic number? What purpose does it serve?
25.What kind of charge do atoms have?
26. What is a mass number?
27. How can you calculate the number of neutrons?
28. What is an isotope?
29. How do isotopes of an element differ?
30. How are the atoms of one element different from the atoms of another
31.How are the isotopes of the same element different?
32. Why are atoms with different numbers of neutrons still considered to be
the same element?
33. What is amu?
34. What is atomic mass of an element?
Chapter 5:
1. Who was Neils Bohr?
2. What does the Bohr model entail?
3. What are energy levels?
What is a quantum of energy?
Why is the Bohr model better than the Rutherford model?
Who was Edwin Schrodinger?
What is the quantum mechanical model? Why is it important?
How the quantum mechanical model and the Bohr are model the same?
How are they different?
9. What is an atomic orbital?
10. Which orbital is represented by a sphere?
11. Which orbital is represented by a dumbbell-shape
12. What describes where an electron is most likely to be found?
13. A maximum of how many electrons can occupy and orbital?
14. What is the formula used to calculate the maximum number of electrons
that can occupy a principle energy level?
15.What are electron configurations?
16.What are the three rules for writing electron configurations of elements?
17. What does the aufbau principal state?
18. What does the Pauli exclusion principal state?
19. What is a spin? How is a spin of an electron represented?
20. What does Hund’s rule state?
21. Write the electron configuration for C, K, Cl, and Ne
22. What is the amplitude of a wave?
23.What is wavelength?
24. What is frequency?
25. What are hertz?
26. What is electromagnetic radiation?
27. What is a spectrum?
28. What is the atomic emission spectrum?
29. What equation must be used to solve for an unknown wavelength?
30. What is the photoelectric effect?
31. What is Planck’s constant?
32. What are photons?
33. What is ground state?
Chapter 6
1. How did chemists begin to organize the known elements?
2. Who was Doberenier? What is a triad?
3. Who was Mendeleev? How did Mendeleev organize his periodic table?
4. How is the modern periodic table organized?
5. How many periods are in the periodic table?
6. What happens to the properties as you move across a period?
7. What is periodic law?
8. What are the three broad classes of elements?
9. How does the IUPAC classify elements?
10.What are metals?
11.What are metalloids?
12.What are non-metals?
13. What colors on the periodic table identify these broad classes of
14.What information is usually displayed in a periodic table?
15. What color classifies gases on the periodic table?
16.What color classifies solids on the periodic table?
17. What color classifies liquids on the periodic table?
18. What color classifies elements not found in nature on the periodic
19. What are alkali metals? What group are they found in?
20. What are alkali earth metals? What group are they found in?
21. What are halogens? What group are they found in?
22. How can elements be classified based on electron configurations?
23. What are noble gases? Where are they found on the periodic table?
What is unique about noble gases?
24. What are transition metals? Where can they be found on the periodic
25. What are inner transition metals? Where can they be found on the
periodic table?
26. What are the trends among elements for atomic size?
27. What is atomic radius?
28. What are ions and how do they form?
29. What is a cation?
30. What is an anion?
31. What type of element tends to form anions?
32. What type of element tends to from cations?
33. What is ionization energy? What is the trend on the periodic table?
34. What is ionic size? What is the trend on the periodic table?
35. What is electronegativity? What is the trend on the periodic table?
Chapter 7
1. What are valence electrons?
2. What are electron dot structures?
3. Draw the electron dot structures for C, Mg, S, and Be
4. What is the octet rule?
5. How are cations formed?
6. How are anions formed?
7. What holds oppositely charged anions together in an ionic compound?
8. What is a halide and how is it formed?
9. What is an ionic compound?
10.What is the electrical charge of an ionic compound?
11.What is an ionic bond?
12. What is a chemical formula?
13. What are the three properties of ionic compounds discussed in class?
14. How can you model the valence electrons of metal atoms?
15. What are metallic bonds? What do they do?
16. What are the properties of metals?
17. How are metals and ionic compounds different? How are they similar?
18. What crystalline structure of metals has eight neighbors?
19. What two crystalline structures of metals have twelve neighbors
20. What are alloys and why are the important?
21. Which is the most important alloy today?
22. In what ways can alloys differ from their component element?
Chapter 8
1. Elements that consist of single atoms in nature are called what?
2. Which are the only two elements that exist in nature as uncombined
3. What is a covalent bond?
4. What is a molecule?
5. How does a molecule form?
6. What is a diatomic molecule?
7. What is a molecular compound?
8. What is a molecular formula?
9. What is a single covalent bond?
10. What is a structural formula?
11. What is an unshared or lone pair?
12. What a double covalent bond?
13.What is a triple covalent bond?
14. What is octet?
15.What is a polyatomic ion? How is it formed?
16. What are some exceptions to the octet rule?
17. What is bond dissociation energy
18. What are resonance structures? Why were they used by chemists?