Review Worksheet

Name _______________________________ Date _____________ Block __________
Cell Energy Review Questions
1.What is the source of all energy on Earth?
2.Photosynthesis converts energy from _______________ into _______________, a
form of chemical energy.
3.What organisms are capable of performing this function? Give at least 2 examples.
4.What part of the plant is responsible for producing the most food? Label the parts of a
5.What tissue of the leaf is responsible for producing the most food? Label the tissues
of a leaf.
6.What organelle of a plant cell is responsible for producing the most food? Label the
parts of a chloroplast.
7.Where in the chloroplast do the Light reactions occur?
8.Where in the chloroplast does the Calvin cycle occur?
9.Which chemicals transfer energy from the Light Reactions to the Calvin Cycle?
10.What does NADPH become when is releases electrons?
Name _______________________________ Date _____________ Block __________
11.What does ATP become when energy is released?
12.Where in a chloroplast will you find the most chlorophyll?
13.Explain why plants with a lot of chlorophyll do not grow well under green light.
14.Write the equation for photosynthesis below. Underneath the chemicals, identify
which part of photosynthesis each chemical is a reactant or product of (LR or CC).
_____________  _____________ + _____________
15.In a hypothetical experiment, a scientist enclosed two plants into two plastic bags.
Both were ivy plants, had the same starting mass, were given the same amount of
water and had the same amount of soil and sunlight. However, the scientist would talk
to one of the plants through a small opening three times a day. He would always reseal
the bag. After two weeks, he found the masses of each plant and found that the plant
he talked to had more mass than the plant he did not talk to. Explain the results.
1.Cellular Respiration converts energy from _______________ into
_______________, a form of chemical energy.
2.This process is _______________ and can only occur in the presence of
3.What organisms are capable of performing this function? Give at least 5 examples.
4.What organelle (part of the cell) is responsible for carrying out Cellular Respiration?
5.Label the parts of a mitochondrion.
Name _______________________________ Date _____________ Block __________
6.What are the 3 main reactions that occur in Cellular Respiration?
7.Where in the cell does Glycolysis occur?
8.Where in the mitochondrion does the Krebs Cycle occur?
9.Where in the mitochondrion does the Electron Transport Chain occur?
10.Explain why it is beneficial for a mitochondrion to have more cristae?
11.Write the equation for Cellular Respiration below. Underneath the chemicals,
identify which part of Cellular Respiration each chemical is a reactant or product of (G,
KC or ETC).
_____________  _____________ + _____________
12.Which chemicals transfer energy from the Kreb Cycle to the Electron Transport
13.What does NADH become when it releases electrons?
14.What does FADH2 become when it releases electrons?
15.What enzyme is responsible for making ATP? How does it work?
16.What does oxygen do that is so important?
17.Which part of cellular respiration releases CO2?
18.How much ATP can be produced from 1 molecule of glucose?
19.Explain why there is only a net production of 2 ATP from glycolysis.
20.A small water plant is placed in a solution of Bromothymol blue. BB turns a yellow
color when it absorbs CO2 from the air (it makes the solution acidic). Explain why when
the plant is in the sunlight, the solution remains blue, but when placed in darkness for
several hours, the solution turns yellow.
Name _______________________________ Date _____________ Block __________
Anaerobic Respiration:
1.When oxygen is NOT present, ____________________ converts glucose (chemical
energy) into ATP.
2.This process occurs in the _______________ of the cell. And only produces _____
3.It is called _______________ since it can occur without oxygen.
4.Alcoholic Fermentation can occur in _______________ and _______________ cells.
It produces ____________ and _______________.
5.Lactic Acid Fermentation can occur in _______________ and _______________
cells. It produces _______________.
6.Name food products from each type of Fermentation.
Critical Thinking Questions:
1. Compare and contrast Alcoholic Fermentation with Cellular Respiration.
2. Describe the relationship between Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration.
3. Explain the importance of recycling NAD+ in Fermentation
4. Explain how breathing is related to Cellular Respiration.
5. Explain the benefits of Aerobic Respiration over Anaerobic Respiration. Explain
the benefits of Anaerobic Respiration over Aerobic Respiration.