Afghanistan By: Becky Williams The Land Afghanistan is located in South Asia The landforms of Afghanistan are mountains, valleys, hills, and plains Natural Resources: oil, gasoline, petroleum, coal, copper, talc, barites, sulfur, lead, zinc, iron, ore, and salt The Land cont… Water Systems: Afghanistan is divided into 4 regions; north, south, east, and west The south basin holds the majority of the country’s water There are many rivers that run through Afghanistan providing water to the people Climate/Vegetation Temperature varies from -10 degrees Celsius in winter to 34 degrees Celsius in summer From the count in 1994, there are 123 species of animals in Afghanistan Some of these include: mice, bats, snow leopard, tiger, bears, fox, monkey, hedgehog, and porcupine Some of the common vegetation consists of: evergreens, oaks, locoweed, mimosa, sagebrush, and wormwood Government Hamid Karzai is the president of Afghanistan The first and second vice presidents are, in order: Mohammed Fahim Khan, and Abdul Karim Khalili The government is an Islamic Republic The life expectancy is 44.4 years The population is 28,395,716 people as of July 2009 History Battle of Ghuznee The Battle of Ghuznee was the beginning of the first Afghan war The British and Indian soldiers of the Bengal and Bombay army, along with the army of Shah Shuja fought together against the Afghans of Dost Mohammed Outcome: The British and Indian army won Afghanistan War 1978-1992 Anti-Communist Muslim Afghan guerrillas vs. Afghan government and Soviet The assassination of Sardar Muhammad Daud Khan made relations tight Because of another coup in 1979, there was an invasion of Soviet forces The war came to an end when the Afghan government collapsed Economy The major exports are: opium, fruits and nuts, handwoven carpets, wool, cotton, hides and pelts, and precious and semi-precious gems The percentage of the total population of Afghanistan that has the ability to read is 28.1 The national currency of Afghanistan is Afghani Culture Traditional clothing for the women is kalaa Afghani (Afghan women’s dress) It consists of tombaan (pants), parahaan (overdress), chaadar (head covering), and payzaar (footwear) Traditional clothing for the men is tombaan, payraan (overshirt), kullaa (hat or cap), and payzaar In the cold, men often wear a waaskaat (vest), pokool (hat), and shaal (shawl) along with the basic items Dari, Pashto, Uzbek, and Turkman make up the majority of the languages spoken in Afghanistan The most practiced religions are Sunni Muslim and Shia Muslim Places to Visit The Bolan pass Mosque Mausoleum of Timur Shah Hindu Kush • Bamiyan Works Cited " AQUASTAT - FAO's Information System on Water and Agriculture ." FAO: FAO Home. (accessed March 23, 2010). "Afghanistan Online: Animals found in Afghanistan." Afghanistan Online. (accessed March 23, 2010). "Afghanistan War —" Infoplease: Encyclopedia, Almanac, Atlas, Biographies, Dictionary, Thesaurus. Free online reference, research & homework help. — (accessed March 23, 2010). "Afghanistan's Web Site - Plant and Animal Life." Afghanistan's Web Site: Afghanistan | Afghan | إ غانستان. (accessed March 23, 2010). "Animal Info - Afghanistan." Endangered Animals - Rare, Threatened and Endangered animals & mammals . (accessed March 23, 2010). BBC News. "BBC News - Afghanistan country profile." BBC NEWS | News Front Page. (accessed March 23, 2010). CIA, The. "The World Factbook." Afghanistan. (accessed March 22, 2010). Daly, Catherine. "Clothing, Traditional—Afghanistan | Encyclopedia of Modern Asia Summary." Book Summaries, Study Guides. (accessed March 23, 2010). Nabil. "Afghanistan." The Community of Learners at EEV and TEAM. (accessed March 23, 2010).