A Beautiful Mind Questions

“A Beautiful Mind” Movie Questions
Complete paragraph or short essay style answers are required. Answer all parts of the
questions. Responses will be submitted for grade. Discussion will follow.
1. What are your impressions of John Nash in the opening third of the film while he's
attending graduate school at Princeton? How would you describe his attitude toward
intellect — his own and that of others?
2. What ‘clues’ made you first suspect that there was something ‘not right’ about Nash
(your own social perceptions)?
3. If you were the psychologist examining John Nash, what symptoms did he exhibit that
would lead you to conclude he suffered from schizophrenia (you may refer to textbook)?
4. What treatments were utilized with John Nash and how effective do you think each
were/why? What treatments might be used today?
5. Refer to your text for current explanations for the causes and biochemical origins of
schizophrenia. What do we think happens in the brains of schizophrenics?
6. What scenes in the drama best illustrate Nash's underdeveloped social skills? How
does he describe himself in relationship to other people?
7. John F. Nash is described in the movie and in many articles as a true genius. What is
your definition of a genius and do you think Nash meets the definition of true genius?
8. Isaac Newton wrote in a letter to fellow scientist Robert Hooke, "If I have seen further
it is by standing on the shoulders of giants" and Ralph Emerson said "Genius borrows
nobly". Do you think these statements are true? Do they apply to Nash as well?
9. How does John Nash’s ‘beautiful mind’ manifest itself when you compare his social
interactions at the beginning of the film with the nonverbal interplay between John and
Alicia during his Nobel Prize acceptance speech? (The story is about a journey of the
mind as well as a person: specific observations and your opinions).
10. What are you overall feelings about the movie? What did you like? Dislike? Explain
and use examples.