Jeopardy - L


Four agents



Mead and




Cooley Desocializatoin

Just for fun

Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100

Q $100

Q $100

Q $100

Q $200

Q $200

Q $200

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Q $300

Q $300

Q $300

Q $400

Q $400

Q $400

Q $400

Q $500

Q $500

Q $500

Q $500

Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from H1

What are the four agents of


$100 Answer from H1

1. Family

2. School

3. Peers

4. Mass media

$200 Question from H1

What agent of socialization is the

Only agent not primarily controlled

By adults?

$200 Answer from H1


$300 Question from H1

What is hidden curriculum? Name an

Example of something found in L-S

Hidden curriculum?

$300 Answer from H1

Hidden curriculum: the informal

And unofficial aspects of culture

That children are taught in school.

$400 Question from H1

Name two positive effects that mass

Media has on society.

$400 Answer from H1

1. Displays role models for children

To imitate

2. Provides children with ideas about

Values in their society.

$500 Question from H1

Name three things the child is able to

Learn through the family.

$500 Answer from H1

1. Think and speak

2. Internalize norms, beliefs, values.

3. Form some basic attitudes

4. Develop a capacity for intimate and personal relationships.

5. Acquire a self image

$100 Question from H2

What perspective did Mead and

Cooley develop?

$100 Answer from H2

Symbolic interactionism

$200 Question from H2

What did Mead and Cooley


$200 Answer from H2

Belief that human nature is biologically


$300 Question from H2

In which stage of Mead’s three stages

Do children begin to imitate behaviors

Without understanding why?

$300 Answer from H2

Imitation stage

$400 Question from H2

Which part of the self is the part

That is “self” formed through


$400 Answer from H2


$500 Question from H2

What is the process of the looking-

Glass self?

$500 Answer from H2

1. Imagine how we appear to others

2. Imagine the reaction of others to our appearance

3. Evaluate ourselves according to how

Imagine others have judged us.

$100 Question from H3

What is a total institution?

$100 Answer from H3

Places in which people are separated

From the rest of society and controlled

By officials in charge.

$200 Question from H3

Replacing personal possessions with

Standard issue items promotes sameness

Among the residents as a way to

Accomplish what?

$200 Answer from H3


$300 Question from H3

Name a reward for resocialization.

$300 Answer from H3

Extra food, special responsibilities,

Periods of privacy.

$400 Question from H3

Name two punishments for not


$400 Answer from H3

1. Physical punishment

2. Physical isolation

$500 Question from H3

In Georgia state prison systems name

Two ways in which they resocialize

And desocialize prisoners.

$500 Answer from H3

Resocialize: store system, room checks,

Making bed etc.

Desocialize: shower, shave etc.

$100 Question from H4

Which perspective stresses how

Socialization contributes to a

Stable society?

$100 Answer from H4


$200 Question from H4

How do conflict theorist view


$200 Answer from H4

As a way for the powerful to keep

Things the same.

$300 Question from H4

How would symbolic interactionism

View the media’s influence on


$300 Answer from H4

Through words and pictures, children’s

Books expose children to the meaning

Of love, manners, and motherhood.

$400 Question from H4

Network television programs encourage

Social integration by exposing the

Entire society to share beliefs, values,

And norms would be thought of by

What perspective?

$400 Answer from H4


$500 Question from H4

$500 Answer from H4

Conflict theorists: newspaper owners

And editors exercise power by setting

The political agenda for a community.

$100 Question from H5

Which is the largest state in the

United States?

$100 Answer from H5


$200 Question from H5

What Beatles song lasted the longest

On the charts for 19 weeks?

$200 Answer from H5

Hey Jude

$300 Question from H5

Which is the top selling album to

Sell more than 10 million copies?

$300 Answer from H5

Garth Brooks

$400 Question from H5

Which famous document starts with:

“When in the course of human events?”

$400 Answer from H5

Declaration of independence

$500 Question from H5

Which US president stated: “I am the

President of the United States and I

Am not going to eat my broccoli”

$500 Answer from H5

George W. Bush

Final Jeopardy

Who would the Feral Children be?

Final Jeopardy Answer

Who is Anna, Isabelle, and Genie

Feral children: are children

That are raised outside society

With little or no human contact.
