NURS 205 Introduction to Leadership Course Name: Introduction to Leadership NURS 205 Course Number: Academic Program: Campus: Los Angeles Nursing BSN Section A: Instructor’s Name Phone Number: E-mail: Office location: Office hours: Sheryl Abelew MSN RN I. Instructor’s Contact Information, Course Pre and Co-Requisites Contact instructor via email or by appointment only 120 0930-1130 Course Prerequisites Course Co requisites NURS 100, 101L, 120, 121L, 200, 210L, 201, 211L or theequivalent NURS 204, 214L II. Mission and Outcomes University Mission At West Coast University, we embrace a student-centric learning partnership that leads to professional success. We deliver transformational education within a culture of integrity and personal accountability. We design market-responsive programs through collaboration between faculty and industry professionals. We continuously pursue more effective and innovative ways through which students develop the competencies and confidence required in a complex and changing world. College of Nursing Mission The mission of the College of Nursing is to provide evidence-based and innovative nursing education to culturally diverse learners; preparing nurses to provide quality and compassionate care that is responsive to the needs of the community and the global society. College of Nursing Philosophy The philosophy of the College of Nursing is the education of nurses who become lifelong learners and critical thinkers. The philosophy reflects beliefs that education is a continuous process, occurring in phases throughout an individual’s lifetime West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 1 Page 1 April, 2011 NURS 205 Introduction to Leadership Program Learning Outcomes Term: Class Meeting Dates: Class Meeting Times: Class Meeting Location: Class Credit Hours Class Credit Length Class Required Texts, Learning Resources 1. Synthesize knowledge derived from liberal arts and sciences with a conceptual framework as a basis for professional nursing practice. 2. Utilize nursing process in health promotion, restoration, and disease and illness prevention. 3. Apply evidence-based practice in providing therapeutic nursing interventions for patients and families in a wide variety of health care, and community setting. 4. Apply critical thinking skills in providing culturally sensitive and developmentally appropriate nursing care to patients who are experiencing simple and/or complex health problems in a variety of settings. 5. Provide health care education to individuals, families, and aggregates. 6. Develop measurable goals that demonstrate the willingness to become a life-long learner in building expertise as a member of the nursing profession. 7. Utilize effective communication to interact with patients, families, and the interdisciplinary health team. 8. Assume responsibility for the delegation and supervision of the delivery of nursing care to subordinates based on the subordinate’s legal scope of practice and ability. 9. Demonstrate application of the AACN 9 Essentials. 10. Be eligible to apply for the registered nursing licensing examination in order to be employed as a registered nurse in a variety of settings. III. Course Information Term 9 of BSN of Program June 21, 2011 – August 16, 2011 1230-1600 Room 212 2 semester credits/3.34 contact hours per week/30 hours per term 9 Weeks American Psychological Association. (2009).Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.).Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC (2007). Content Mastery Series Leadership and Management. Overlook Park, KS Boyd, D., Considine, C., &Saccoman, E. (2008). NCLEX-RN Review (HESI). Houston, TX: Health Education Systems, Inc. California Board of Registered Nursing (2010). Nurse Practice Act Rules and Regulations. Sacramento, CA: Author Lipe, S.K. & Beasley, S. (2004). Critical thinking in nursing: A cognitive skills workbook. Philadelphia, PA: Lipincott Williams & Wilkins. Evolve Online Learning Center. Case Studies & Practice Tests West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 2 Page 2 April, 2011 NURS 205 Introduction to Leadership Class Required Texts, Learning Resources (continued) Class Recommended Texts, Learning Resources Sullivan, E.J. & Decker, P.J. (2009).Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Available anywhere with Internet access) Patron Indentification #: 52516 Opposing Viewpoints InfoTrac- magazine articles Medical Encyclopedia Medical Dictionary Current information on dozens of topics Ebsco Databases: (Available anywhere with Internet access) UserID: west Password: coast Full text periodical articles EBRARY: (Only available on the WCU campus) 43,000+ full text books Course Catalog Description Provides information related to the leadership and management role when working within a team to help diverse clients achieve optimal wellness. Organizational skills, time management, delegation, and teaching skills are emphasized. Course Learning Outcomes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The student will be able to discuss leadership theories, leadership styles, and distinguish between leadership and management. The student will be able to analyze various organizational structure/management theories as they relate to nursing practice. The student will be able to compare and contrast variety of health care delivery models. The student will utilize critical thinking skills when assigning and delegating nursing care/tasks based on the RNs, LVNs, and UAPS scope of practice. The student will be able to discuss change theory, change management, conflict resolution, and strategies to promote innovation. The student will be able to analyze the impact of group dynamics and therapeutic communication patterns on work teams and groups of patients. The student will be able to analyze ethical and legal dilemmas in nursing and health care by applying ethical decision making frameworks and legal principles to them. West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 3 Page 3 April, 2011 NURS 205 Introduction to Leadership Course Learning Outcomes (continued) 8. Teaching Strategies Lecture/Discussion Small group discussion provides a forum for questioning Simulation exercises in small groups Use of videotapes and class presentations provide the opportunity to integrate concepts and strengthen critical thinking skills. Formative Assessment of Student Learning: Will not count more than 80% of final grade Summative Assessment of Student Learning: Will not count more than 20% of final grade Participation: Student Participation will not account for more than 10% of the final grade. The student will be able to explain the process through which laws, legal requirements, and policy are established and how to participate in the political process. IV. Evaluation Methods, Grading Formative Assessment: Assignment/Assessment Activity Role Transition Paper Resume / Interview Class Presentation - Groupwork Group Assignment (homework) Examinations Summative Assessment: Final examination Due Date Points 5 5 5 5 60 20 Student must attain a score of at least 76% out of the 80% examinationoriented part of the total course grade. In other words, if the total number of points available in a given class is 100, then a minimum of 80 of those points are earned by taking examinations, and a student must earn at least 61 points of the 80 points (76%) out of those exam questions in order to pass the course. Assuming the student attains the minimum 76% (61 points), then the 20% non-examination activities (20 points) are added to calculate the final course grade. Note – A student can attain 76% of the combined examinations and still fail the course if not attaining enough points from non-examination assignments. West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 4 Page 4 April, 2011 NURS 205 Introduction to Leadership West Coast University Grading Scale (reflective of final course grade. See associated policy in Catalog) West Coast University Attendance Policy Grade A V. Policies and Procedures WCU Numerical Scale Points for non program specific courses 4 90-100 Nursing and Dental Hygiene Specific Numerical Score 91-100 B 3 80-89 84-90 C 2 70-79 76-83 D 1 60-69 64-75 F 0 59 and below 63 and below TC N/A Transfer Credit Transfer Credit W N/A Withdrawal Withdrawal I N/A Incomplete CR N/A Credit Incomplete Credit granted for 75% or higher on a challenge exam or Credit awarded for NURS 199 Satisfactory attendance in courses is a requirement of the university and linked with student success. The percentage of attendance is calculated on the basis of the clock hours identified and varies by the type of course or major. For example, 30% of a three credit lecture course is 13.5 hours. Absences in excess of 30% of any course will result in a grade of “F” and the student will be required to repeat the course. Nursing students may not be absent for more than 20% of a NURS lab or clinical course identified as “L”. Dental hygiene students may not be absent for more than 20% of any DHYG course whether theory or clinical. If any student is absent from the University for more than 14 consecutive calendar days, excluding holidays, and no contact has been made during that period, the student will be withdrawn from the University. Students must provide the Academic Dean or Dean of Nursing with written documentation verifying the required military leave and length of time requested. West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 5 Page 5 April, 2011 NURS 205 Introduction to Leadership Course Completion Requirements Students are expected to participate in class. Participation includes being present in the class, participation in discussions, and active engagement in the lecture/learning activities. Students must achieve a passing grade of B or better, submit all required assignments, complete all required quizzes and examinations, and meet the standards of the University attendance policy. Unscheduled quizzes may be given periodically throughout the term. The quizzes may include previously covered content and/or content to be covered during the current day’s class session. Unless designated as a group project by the instructor, all student papers and assignments must be completed by the individual student and represent the student’s own original work. Group projects are designated as such so that all other assignments are individual assignments and are to be completed by the student and NOT as a group assignment. Each student is responsible for his or her own learning which includes all aspects of the work required for a class. In order to maintain security and confidentiality, student assignments must be submitted directly to the instructor via the method(s) approved by the instructor. Do not fax papers to the campus. Do not e-mail papers to instructors without written permission from the instructor. Students who do not successfully pass a course and therefore must repeat the class are required to earn a minimum grade of ‘B’ on the course they retake. Students who fail to earn a minimum grade of ‘B’ on a repeated course will be academically disqualified from the University. West Coast University Make-up Work Policy In order to meet course outcomes students may be required to make up all assignments and work missed as a result of absences. The faculty may assign additional make-up work to be completed for each absence. Hours of make-up work cannot be accepted as hours of class attendance. Students are required to be present when an examination is given. If unexpectedly absent for a documented emergency situation (i.e. death in the immediate family), it is the student’s responsibility to arrange for a make-up date by contacting the faculty member within 48 hours of the original assessment date. The make-up work must be completed within five (5) school days of the originally assigned date. Students who do not take the exam on the scheduled make-up date or who do not contact the instructor within 48 hours will receive a zero score for that assessment activity. The highest score possible on a nursing or dental hygiene make-up examination is passing grade (e.g., if a student obtained a perfect score (100%) in the make-up examination, the grade will still be recorded as a passing grade). Lack of preparation at the scheduled exam time is not an acceptable excuse for not taking an examination or quiz. West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 6 Page 6 April, 2011 NURS 205 Introduction to Leadership Classroom Policies Academic Integrity Policy Students are expected to dress professionally during class time, as they will in their future roles and positions. No children are allowed in class or unattended on campus. Personal use of cell phones, Blackberries or any other electronic devises in the classroom during class time is not permitted. Unauthorized use may lead to faculty member confiscation of the device for the remainder of the class. Consistent breaches of this policy will be addressed by the University as a student conduct issue. Behavior that persistently or grossly interferes with classroom activities is considered disruptive behavior and may be subject to disciplinary action. Such behavior inhibits other students' abilities to learn and the instructor’s abilities to teach. A student responsible for disruptive behavior may be required to leave class pending discussion and resolution of the problem. Consistent breaches of this policy will be addressed as a student conduct issue. Academic honesty, integrity, and ethics are required of all members of the West Coast University community. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner reflecting the ideals, values, and educational aims of the University at all times. Academic integrity and honorable behavior are essential parts of the professionalism that will be required well beyond graduation from WCU. They are the foundation for ethical behavior in the workplace. A student who acts in an unethical or unprofessional manner on an assignment will receive a grade of zero for that assignment. A second incident of unethical or unprofessional behavior may result in administrative termination from the university. In its commitment to academic honesty and accurate assessment of student work, West Coast University uses a plagiarism-detection web-service to help prevent plagiarism. Consequently, instructors reserve the right to submit student assignments to the website to check for similarities between student submissions and the internet, various research databases, and the web-site’s database of previous student submissions. Students may be required to electronically submit their work to the instructor or to the website, and by taking WCU courses, students agree that all assignments are subject to plagiarism detection processes and Academic Honesty policies. Assignments submitted to the website by the student or instructor will become part of the service’s database and will be used for plagiarism prevention and detection. Student papers, however, will remain the intellectual property of the authors. Any submitted papers that are not the student’s original work will be considered plagiarism, in violation of the Academic Honor Code. For clarification of plagiarism, please refer to the WCU Catalog, Dean or Instructor. West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 7 Page 7 April, 2011 NURS 205 Introduction to Leadership Academic Dishonesty The University considers plagiarism and falsification of documents, including documents submitted to the University for other than academic work, a serious matter that may result in a failure in the class or dismissal from the program. All student work is to be submitted to faculty and represent the student’s original work. All students are required to follow the American Psychological Association (APA) writing guidelines. All sources used as references must be properly identified Students who violate university standards of academic integrity are subject to disciplinarysanctions, including failure in the course and suspension from the university. Since dishonesty in any form harms the individual, other students and the university, policies on academic integrity will be strictly enforced. Familiarize yourself with the Academic Integrity guidelines and the Academic Honor Code in WCU catalog and program handbooks. Testing and Examination Policy The university testing policy stipulates that no phones or other electronic devices, food or drink, papers, hats or backpacks can be taken into the examination area. In specific courses the faculty may have additional requirements. Talking during testing or sharing of information regarding the test questions is not allowed. Once the exam results are available, the students will be offered a test review. The student will be provided with a test copy (not applicable to HESI, ATI exams), answer sheet, and a copy of his or her Scranton, which must all be returned unchanged upon completion of review. No written or oral notes can be taken when a student reviews his or her exam. The school encourages students to review their test results as soon as the exam is completed. HESI (or ATI) exam results are available for review on line through the Elsevier (or ATI) website usually within 24 hours of completing the exam. Students are encouraged to use this information to tailor their remediation in areas of weakness as identified by subjects missed on the HESI or ATI exam. The HESI and ATI testing policy require that you may not share any of the testing information with anyone at any time. Please read it carefully as this is a legal document you are signing and will be legally held accountable to uphold, when taking these examinations. See Testing policy and Academic Honor Code in WCU catalog and/or Nursing Student Handbook. Reasonable Accommodations Any student requesting accommodations based on a verified disability is required to register with the Director of Student Services each semester. A letter or clinical evaluation form from a learning specialist showing proof of a learning disability and what accommodations are required to assist the student, is required to be on file with the Director of Student Services. A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from that office. Please be sure the letter is delivered to your instructors at the beginning of each term so they may appropriately assist you. Changes to the Course Schedule Any changes to the course schedule as outlined in this syllabus will be thoroughly discussed with students attending the class prior to implementation. West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 8 Page 8 April, 2011 NURS 205 Introduction to Leadership Additional Program or Accreditation Requirements AACN Essentials forBaccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice The purpose of this section of the syllabus is to guide the student in understanding how the ACCN 9 Essentials are incorporated into their education and to provide guidance to them in developing their individual portfolios. The Essentials that are met in NURS 205 Introduction to Leadership include the following: Essential II, Basic Organizational and System Leadership for Quality Care and Patient Safety Outcome 4 – Demonstrate an awareness of complex organizational systems. o Analyze various organization structure/management theories as they relate to nursing practice. Essential V, Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Requirements Outcome 1 – Demonstrate basic knowledge of healthcare policy, finance, and regulatory environments, including local, state, national, and global healthcare trends. o Explain the process through which laws, legal requirements, and policy are established and how to participate in the political process.for Quality Care and Patient Safety Outcome 4 – Demonstrate an awareness of complex organizational systems. o Analyze various organization structure/management theories as they relate to nursing practice. Essential V, Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Requirements Outcome 1 – Demonstrate basic knowledge of healthcare policy, finance, and regulatory environments, including local, state, national, and global healthcare trends. o Explain the process through which laws, legal requirements, and policy are established and how to participate in the political process. Essential VI, Interprofessional Communication and Collaboration for Improving Patient Health Outcomes Outcome 3 – Incorporate effective communication techniques, including negotiation and conflict resolution to produce positive professional working relationships. o Examine change theory, change management, conflict resolution, and strategies to promote innovation. West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 9 Page 9 April, 2011 NURS 205 Introduction to Leadership Additional Program or Accreditation Requirements (continued) Outcome 4 – Contribute the unique nursing perspective to interprofessional teams to optimize patient outcomes. o Analyze the impact of group dynamics and communication patterns on work teams. o Analyze ethical and legal dilemmas in nursing and healthcare by applying ethical decision making frameworks and legal principles to them. Essential VIII, Professionalism and Professional Values Outcome 1 – Demonstrate the professional standards of moral, ethical and legal conduct. Discuss the ethical, legal, and value based dimensions of nursing and healthcare. West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 10 Page 10 April, 2011 NURS 205 Introduction to Leadership CRITICAL THINKING ASSIGNMENTS 1. Role Transition Paper: RN, LVN AND UAP PRACTICE (5%) Guidelines: Complete a two page APA style paper on the differences in roles of the RN, LVN andUAP. Use the nurse practice act as a guide when contrasting the responsibilities of theRN vs the LVN and UAP. 2. Resume and Interview Assignment (5%) Guidelines: Submit two copies of a typed resume. Do not staple them together, staple eachseparately. Use guidelines from the class handout. There is no specific format youare required to use for this assignment. Consider including in your resume: A careerobjective; education with dates and degrees; scholarships and honors; work experience(for each job identify your abilities and strengths along with the job title, employer, datesof employment, job responsibilities, significant accomplishments and special skills,problem solving or leadership abilities, promotions); extracurricular activities. Prepare a written response to the following interview questions as if you were talking to the nurse manager who is considering hiring you: A. What contribution can you make to this organization? B. How would you use this opportunity to tell someone how terrific you are and whythey might benefit by hiring you? Note: There is no right length to this answer. C. What are your career goals? (Use a time frame of the next 1 to 3 years) These questions are designed to facilitate your thinking as youtransition from your student role, and prepare you to answer these questions with confidence in an interview situation. Do not place the answers to the questions on the same sheet as your resume. Do notstaple them to your resume. Use a cover sheet and APA format for your written response to the interview questions. West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 11 Page 11 April, 2011 NURS 205 Introduction to Leadership Critical Thinking in Nursing Cognitive Skills Workbook Assignments: Group Work (5%): HOMEWORK– Group Assignment Working in your assigned group and topic, pleaseretypethe scenario, andquestion(s)and provide answer(s). Include the names of all in the group to insure credit. Problem Solving: pp. 31-33, Scenarios 1-6 Decision Making: pp. 53-57, Scenarios 1-7 Priority setting pp.77-79; Scenarios 1-6 Organizational Structure pp.250-252 Scenarios 6-12 Cognitive Skills & Nursing Process pp. 110-113 Scenarios 1 & 2 Delegation: pp. 144-146, Scenarios 1-2 plus evaluating competencies of Caregiver Application of Judgment in Nursing Activities: pp. 277-280 Scenarios 1-5 Cognitive Skills in the Nursing Process pp. 162-163 Scenario 1 Ethical Decision Making pp. 252-256 Scenarios 1-12 CLASS PRESENTATIONS - ATI (5%) This assignment involves working in small groups in order to present a comprehensive review ofthe principles of leadership according to your ATI book. Each group will be assigned contentfrom the text by the instructor. Length of the presentation will be approximately 10-15 minutes pergroup. PowerPoint presentation must accompany oral report. ****Note: All of the above assignments must be typed** West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 12 Page 12 April, 2011 College of Nursing PRESENTATION RUBRIC NAME: ________________________________________ PRESENTATION TOPIC: ___________________________ CRITERIA Content accuracy, utilization of current and pertinent information is used 40 Information is complete, accurate, appropriate, and integrated effectively. CRITERIA Content has logical organization 10 Content is organized logically with fluid transitions to capture and hold attention throughout the entire presentation. 5 Presentation completed in the allotted time. CRITERIA Content appropriate for time allowed Pertinent references and citations Source materials are incorporated logically, insightfully, and elegantly; sources are documented accurately DATE: ____________ COURSE: __________ 30 Information is somewhat complete, accurate, appropriate and integrated effectively. 8 Organization of the content is congruent; transitions are evident. 20 Information is scant, mostly accurate, and not integrated effectively. 10 Information is mostly inaccurate, not complete, and not integrated effectively. 0 Information is inaccurate, inappropriate, and no integration is evident. POINTS 6 Organization of the content is somewhat congruent and transitions are not always evident. 4 Organization of the content is not congruent and transitions are never evident. 2 Content lacks organization; transitions are abrupt and distracting. POINTS 4 Presentation completed no more than 1 minute over allotted time. Source material is used logically and proficiently; sources are accurately documented 3 Presentation completed no more than 2 minutes over allotted time. Sources are incorporated logically and adequately; sources are documented accurately for the most part 2 Presentation completed no more than 3 minutes over allotted time. Source material is inappropriatel y or unclearly incorporated; documentatio n is infrequent 1 Presentation completed no more than 4 minutes over allotted time. Source material is never incorporated or incorporated inappropriately or unclearly; documentation is inaccurate POINTS West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 13 Page 13 April, 2011 College of Nursing CRITERIA Method of Delivery: Use of visual aids is appropriate Method of Delivery; Handout/outli ne CRITERIA Maintains eye contact and keeps the audience interested; presents information without reading Keeps audience interested and/or allows opportunity for interaction 5 Creative, original, reflects the purpose of the presentation. Well written with proper grammar, spelling, and medical terminology. 10 Eye contact is effectively established; audience is attentive; does not refer to written notes 4 Creativity and originality is evident. 3 Creativity and originality is somewhat evident. 2 Creativity and originality is slightly evident. 1 Creativity and originality is not evident. Mostly well written with minimal grammatical and spelling errors. 8 Eye contact is established; most of the audience is attentive; refers to written notes occasionally Adequately written with minimal grammatical and spelling errors. 6 Eye contact is minimal; most of audience is not attentive; mainly refers to written notes Not well written with many grammatical and spelling errors. 4 Eye contact is hardly established; audience is not attentive; must refer to notes constantly Inappropriate, sloppy, and takes not pride in the written handout. Language is memorable and usage is felicitous; tone is appropriate; interaction with audience takes place Most language is memorable and usage is accurate; tone is appropriate; some interaction with audience takes place Language is not very memorable; language usage is usually accurate; tone is often inappropriate ; minimal interaction Language is not memorable and inaccurate; tone is inappropriate ; no interaction with the audience Language is confusing and inaccurate; tone is distracting; no comments from the audience 2 No eye contact is made; audience not listening; reads information West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) POINTS POINTS Page 14 Page 14 April, 2011 College of Nursing CRITERIA Keeps voice clear, audible and understandab le. 5 Voice clear, loud and articulate; gestures are paralinguistic cues are used to reinforce important ideas; no excessive of vocalized pauses (ah, um) Professional appearance Professionally dressed. Is not dressed provocatively. 4 Voice mostly clear and articulate, able to hear; gestures and paralinguistic cues are mostly used to reinforce important ideas; some vocalized pauses are used Dress is somewhat professional. 3 Voice is clear difficult to hear and understand; paralinguistic cues are sometimes used to reinforce ideas; several vocalized pauses are used 2 Voice unclear, garbled, and difficult to understand; gestures and cues seldom used; vocalized pauses are used frequently; student is not articulate 1 Student cannot be heard or understood; gestures and cues are not used to reinforce ideas; vocalized pauses distract from overall message Dressed but not professional, in jeans and tennis shoes. Dressed but not Dressed unprofessional, unprofessionally shorts, sandals. and/or provocative. POINTS TOTAL COMMENTS: STUDENT SIGNATURE: DATE: INSTRUCTOR SIGNATURE: DATE: West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 15 Page 15 April, 2011 NURS 205 Introduction to Leadership Section B: Course Outline Week/ Date 1 6/21/11 Class Objectives Content Outline 1. Describe factors influencing health care. 2. State the reasons cultural diversity is essential to health care managers. 3. Describe the traditional and integrated models of care. 4. Discuss how leadership theories explain leadership and management. 5. Describe shared governance andhierarchy. 6. Discuss types of health care organizations found in the community. 7. Discuss the different types of healthcare organizations in regard to financing and reimbursement plans. 8. Discuss organizational system theory within the health care setting 9. Describe the management roles in nursing practice 10. Differentiate between nurse leaders and nurse managers Nursing Management & Organizations 1. Describe the change theories/process. 2. Describe Lewis’ three changestrategies. 3. Describe the following change agent strategies: power-coercive, empirical rational,and normative-re-educative. 4. Describe nurses’ role in initiating change. Skills in Nursing Management Initiating and Implementing Change Specific Course Activity Introduction Organizational Design Delivering Nursing Care Leading, Managing and Following Student Assignments Sullivan, & Decker, Ch 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Read the California Nurse Practice Act 2010 Assign Critical ThinkingWorkbook Assignments andGroup Presentations. Role Transition-Paper Due Week 3July 5, 2011 West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Page 16 April, 2011 NURS 205 Introduction to Leadership Week/ Date 2 6/28/11 3 7/5/11 Class Objectives Content Outline 1. Explain Quality/Risk Management 2. Define power and politics and how used for improving quality of care. 3. Explain critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. 4. Describe the role of communication in leadership. Management and Improving Quality Understanding Power and Politics Thinking Critically, Making Decisions, Solving Problems Communicating Effectively 1. Discuss the five rights of delegation, process, and benefits. 2. Provide examples of ineffective delegation. 3. Describe strategies for building and managing teams. 4. Discuss conflict process, model, and resolution. 5. Explain goals and strategies for time management. Key Skills in Management Delegating Successfully Building and Management Teams Handling Conflict Managing Time Specific Course Activity West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Student Assignments Sullivan & Decker Ch 6, 7, 8, 9 Lipe& Beasley Ch 1, 2, 3 Role Transition Paper Due Week Sullivan & Decker Ch 10, 11, 12, 13 Lipe& Beasley Ch 4, 5, 6 Exam 1 Page 17 April, 2011 NURS 205 Introduction to Leadership 4 7/12/11 1. Discuss the budgeting process. 2. Differentiate capital versus operating budget. 3. Determine personal budget (FTE). 4. Explain principles of interview. 5. Describe creative and flexible staffing. 6. Describe staff development process and methods. 7. Define performance appraisal and interview. Managing Fiscal Resources Budgeting and Managing Fiscal Resources Recruitment and Selecting Staff Staffing and Scheduling Motivating and Developing Staff Evaluating Staff Performance Critical Thinking Workbook Assignment Due Sullivan & Decker Ch 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Lipe& Beasley Ch 7, 8, 9, Group Presentation 1-4 Resume/Interview Due Week 6 July 26, 2011 West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Page 18 April, 2011 NURS 205 Introduction to Leadership Week/ Date 5 7/19/11 6 7/26/11 7 8/2/11 Week/ Date Class Objectives Content Outline 1. Explain reducing turnover and retention. 2. Discuss absenteeism Specific Course Activity Coaching, Discipline and Terminating Staff Reducing Turnover/Retaining Staff Managing Absenteeism and other Staff Problems 1. Describe collective bargaining for nurses. 2. Discuss workplace violence. 3. Describe factors causing stress and itsconsequences. 4. Describe stress strategies. 5. Discuss elements resume writing. 6. Prepare responses to interview questions. 7. Discuss tools for advancing one’s career. 1. Discuss client advocacy, advance directives, and informed consent. 2. Discuss ethical practice, HIPAA and Patient Care Partnership. 3. Describe Nurse Practice Act, standards of care, torts, malpractice, and negligence. 4. Discuss resource management for cost effective care. 5. Describe injury prevention, security codes, and incident reports. 6. Discuss strategies for prioritizing client care. 7. Discuss delegating and supervising skills. Class Objectives Student Assignments Sullivan & Decker Ch 19, 20, 21 Exam 2 Preventing Workplace Violence Handling Collective Bargaining Issues Taking of Care of Yourself Managing Stress Career Advancement Resume/Interview Due Sullivan & Decker Ch 22, 23, 24, 25 Lipe& Beasley Ch10, 11 Dr. MOORE????? Group Presentation: ATI Leadership and Management Exam 3 Client Advocacy, Advance Directives and Informed Consent Ethical Practice, Client Rights, and Confidentiality Legal Responsibilities Resource Management Injury Prevention, Security Plan, and Reporting Incidents Prioritizing Client Care Assigning, Delegating, and Supervising Content Outline Specific Course Activity West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Student Assignments Page 19 April, 2011 NURS 205 Introduction to Leadership 8 8/9/11 9 1. Describe conflict resolution strategies. 2. Provide required orientation classes for new staff. 3. Discuss time management strategies. 4. Discuss disaster management. 5. Discuss importance of interdisciplinary team’s collaboration for quality care. 6. Describe the role and responsibility of the case manager. Group Presentation: ATI Leadership and Management Group Presentation 5-9 Conflict Resolution Staff Development and Performance Improvement Time Management Disaster Planning and Emergency Management Referrals, Consultation, and Collaboration with Interdisciplinary Team Continuity of Care, Case Management, and Discharge Planning Final Exam 8/16/11 West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Page 20 April, 2011