ARTICULATION AGREEMENT Fall 2015 INSTITUTION: MASS BAY COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRANSFER INSTITUTION: BRYANT UNIVERSITY MBCC: Business Administration Credit(s) Bryant University: Business Administration First Semester Open Elective AC101 Financial 4 Accounting CS104 Microcomputer 3 CIS 201 Intro to Information Applications Technology and Analytics CT100 Critical Thinking 3 GFCL 100 Global Foundations of Character and Leadership EN101 Freshman English 1 3 WRIT 106 Writing Workshop MG101 Princ. of Management 3 MGT 200 Management Principles And Practices History Sequence 3 HIS Humanities Survey Course Second Semester AC102 Financial Accounting 2 4 ACG 203 Financial Accounting EN 102 Freshman English 2 3 LCS 121 Intro to Literary Studies MK 103 Principles of Marketing 3 MKT 201 Found of Marketing Management History Sequence 3 History Elective – LA Elective Math Elective Sugg. MATH 104, 4 MATH 101, 201, or 121 105 or 200 Third Semester AC 206 Managerial Accounting EC 201 Principles of Macroeconomics Literature Sequence Science Elective with lab 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Humanities Elective Choose LI, HU or PH Literature Sequence Choose LI 203 thru 231* 3 ECO 113 Microeconomic Principles GFCL 100 Global Foundations of Organizations and Business or LGSL 211 Legal Environment of Business LCS Humanities Survey Course 3 *Literary Mode of Thought 3 3 ACG204 Managerial Accounting ECO 114 Macroeconomic Principles Liberal Arts Elective Scientific Mode of Thought w/lab Social Science Mode of Thought Social Science Elective Sugg. PS or SO courses Fourth Semester EC 202 Principles of Microeconomics Business Elective Sugg BU100 or LA221 3 Credit(s) 3 4 3 3 Science Elective TOTAL CREDITS 3/4 68/70** Scientific Mode of Thought Transfer Credit 3/4 61/62** *Note: Students must complete the articulation agreement to receive credit for our Literary Mode of Thought. Otherwise the course transfers as liberal arts elective credit. **Note: Students will transfer into junior year at Bryant with 2 years to complete a BS degree. The maximum number of credits a student can transfer is 62 or 20 courses. The application fee is waived with the completion of the associate degree above** This agreement applies to Accounting, Computer Information Systems, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Global Supply Chain Management, HR Management, Management and Marketing For further information Bryan Wint, Coordinator, Transfer Affairs MBCC Brenda Doran, Director, Transfer Admission BU