Vitamins, Minerals, and Water

Vitamins, Minerals, and Water
Describe the function and food source of 7 vitamins.
Describe the function and food source of 7 minerals.
Identify the importance of drinking enough water evry
Vitamins: class of nutrients that contain carbon
and are needed in small amounts to main tain
health and allow growth.
Fat Soluble Vitamins: A,D,E,and K…they dissolve
in fat, most can be stored in fat tissue and
remain in the body for a long time.
Fat Soluble Vitamins
• A … milk; yellow and orange fruits and
vegetables; dark-green, leafy vegetables; eggs;
cheese; butter
• D…fish oils, fortified milk, liver, egg yolk, salmon,
butter, tuna; produced in the body by exposure of
skin to ultraviolet light (UV) in sunlight
• E…vegetable oils, beans, peas, nuts, dark-green
vegetables, whole grains
• K…leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and
broccoli; also produced in the intestine by
Fat Soluble Vitamins
• A…keeps eyes and skin healthy; needed for
growth and for strong bones and teeth
• D…promotes absorption of calcium and
phosphorus in the intestine; needed for strong
bones and teeth
• E…protects cell membranes from damage by
reactive oxygen (free radicals)
• K…aids in blood clotting
Water Soluble Vitamins
All of the B vitamins and vitamin C are water
Antioxidant is a substance that is able to protect
body structures from a highly chemically
reactive form of oxygen called a free radical.
Free radicals are normal byproducts of
Water Soluble Vitamins
• B1…most vegetables, pork, liver, peas, beans, enriched and whole
grains and cereals, nuts, and seeds.
• B2…milk; meat; eggs; whole grains; green, leafy vegetables; dried
beans; enriched bread, cereal, pasta.
• B3…meat, liver, fish, enriched and wholegrain breads and cereals,
peas and beans, seeds
• B5…whole grains, meat, liver, broccoli, eggs, nuts, peas, beans
• B6…whole grains; liver; meat; fish; bananas; green, leafy
vegetables; peas; beans
• B12…meat, liver, dairy products, eggs
• Folate…green vegetables, liver, whole and fortified grains, peas,
beans, orange juice
• Biotin…liver, yogurt, egg yolk, peas, beans, nuts
• C…citrus fruits, melons, strawberries, green vegetables, peppers
Water Soluble Vitamins
• B1…needed to produce energy from carbohydrates; helps the nervous
system to function properly
• B2…needed to produce energy from carbohydrates; important for growth
and healthy skin
• B3…needed to produce energy from carbohydrate, fat, and protein;
needed for the nervous system and healthy skin
• B5…needed to produce energy from carbohydrate, fat, and protein
• B6…needed for protein metabolism, the production of hemoglobin in red
blood cells, and for the nervous system
• B12…necessary for forming cells (including red blood cells) and for a
healthy nervous system
• Folate…needed for forming cells (including red blood cells); helps prevent
birth defects
• Biotin…necessary for metabolism
• C…promotes healthy gums and teeth, the healing of wounds, and the
absorption of iron; acts as an antioxidant to protect cells from damage
Minerals: Chemical elements that are needed for
certain processes, such as enzyme activity and
bone formation.
Calcium…milk; dairy products; dark-green, leafy vegetables; tofu; legumes;
shellfish; bony fish
Iodine…iodized salt, seafood
Iron…red meat, whole and enriched greens, dark green vegetables, peas,
beans, eggs
Potassium…meat; poultry; fish; bananas; oranges; dried fruits; potatoes;
green, leafy vegetables; peas, beans
Sodium…table salt, high-salt meats (ham), processed foods, dairy products,
soy sauce
Magnesium…milk; dairy products; green, leafy vegetables, peas, beans
Phosphorus…cereals, meats, milk, poultry
• Calcium…needed for development and maintenance of bones and
teeth, transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction, blood
• Iodine…needed for production of thyroid hormones and normal cell
• Iron…necessary for production of hemoglobin
• Potassium…needed for maintenance of fluid balance, transmission
of nerve impulses, and muscle contraction
• Sodium…needed for the regulation of water balance in cells and
tissues and for transmission of nerve impulses
• Magnessium…needed for bone growth, metabolism, and muscle
• Phosphorus…needed for bone formation and cell reproduction
• Nutrient Deficiency: The state of not having
enough of a nutrient to maintain good health.
• Supplements are available for those who
cannot meet their vitamin or mineral needs
with foods. However, supplements are not
normally recommended for healthy people
who can meet their nutrient needs through
their normal diet.
• We can only live without water for a few days.
• About 60% of the body is water.
• Water is essential because it is necessary for
almost every function that keeps us alive.
• 64 oz. daily…our bodies loose water through
excretion of urine and solid wastes, by
evaporation through breathing, through the skin
as we sweat.
• Water cannot be stored so intake must balance
with body loses.
Why Water is Important
• It transports nutrients and oxygen through the
body and helps to get rid of wastes from the
• It provides the proper environment for the
body’s chemical reactions to occur.
• It helps regulate body temperature.
This occurs when more water is lost than is taken in by
Fevers, vomiting, and diarrhea all increase water loss.
Exercising also makes your lose water…sweating.
Exercising in hot weather can cause you to lose up to a
quart of water in an hour.
• Symptoms: thirst, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite,
dry eyes and mouth, and dark colored urine. As
dehydration becomes more severe it results in nausea,
difficulty concentrating, confusion, and disorientation.
If the dehydration is severe enough, death can occur.