Workshop “Interaction between Hard Probes and The Bulk” in 2006 RHIC & AGS annual users’ meeting Open data table of hydrodynamic simulations for jet quenching calculations Tetsufumi Hirano Institute of Physics, University of Tokyo Original work: TH, Yasushi Nara Collaborators: Masatsugu Isse, Akira Ohnishi, Koji Yoshino Motivation • Important Key Topics @ RHIC – Elliptic flow – Jet quenching – Color Glass Condensate – Particle ratio – Recombination –… • My sole question: – Are we able to get a consistent picture at RHIC? The Five Pillars of RHIC Wisdom Adapted from T.Hallman Talk@ICHEP04 Ideal hydro Early thermalization + soft EOS Statistical model Quark recombination constituent q d.o.f. …suggest appealing QGP-based picture of RHIC collision evolution, BUT invoke 5 distinct models, each with own ambiguities, to get there. pQCD parton E loss u, d, s equilibration near Tcrit CGC Very high anticipated initial gluon density Very high inferred initial gluon density Example 1 Particle ratio PHENIX white paper Hydro: P.Huovinen Data: PHENIX Elliptic flow Issue: Conventional ideal hydro could not reproduce particle ratio. Solution: Introduction of chemical freezeout in hydro. N.Arbex et al.(’01), TH and K.Tsuda(’02), D.Teaney(’02) Interpretation: Accidental reproduction by ideal hydro. Necessity of dissipation in the hadron phase. TH and M.Gyulassy(’06) Example 2 Color Glass Condensate Results: Kharzeev and Levin(’01) Data: PHOBOS Hydro: P.Huovinen Data: PHENIX Elliptic flow Issue: CGC initial conditions were not implemented in hydro. Solution: Introduction of CGC initial conditions in hydro. TH and Y.Nara(’04) Interpretation: Larger eccentricity from CGC (talk by Y.Nara) Necessity of dissipation even in the QGP phase! Hirano,Heinz,Kharzeev,Lacey,Nara, PLB636(’06)299. Large Eccentricity from CGC Initial Condition (talk by Y.Nara) Hirano and Nara(’04), Hirano et al.(’06) Kuhlman et al.(’06), Drescher et al.(’06) y x Pocket formula (ideal hydro): v2 ~ 0.2e @ RHIC energies Ollitrault(’92) Do we get a consistent picture also in high pT? • Bjorken scaling solution, is often assumed in most jet quenching calculations. Life time of partonic phase? (tf<5-10 fm/c) Transverse flow/profile? • Sharp edge profile is assumed in some high pT elliptic flow calculations. Contradict to low pT v2. Violation of Npart2/3 scaling in RAA(Npart) Hirano and Nara (’02) We can interpret the data if we use Bjorken formula. (Manifestation of scaling.) However, in realistic situations, partons are confined into hadrons at some density. Thus, a naive scaling is broken in peripheral regions. We make our full 3D hydro results open to public! 3D hydro+jet CGC+3D hydro T.H. and Y.Nara (’02-) Not the hydro code itself, but the numerical data table of hydro simulations. It’s already open! /parevo/parevo.html /parevo/parevo.html What is Available? Solution of full 3D hydro simulations: •Thermalized Parton density r •Temperature T (>Tc) •transverse flow (vx,vy) @ (t, x, y, hs) Applying Suggestion: Up to you! Jet quenching Thermal radiation (photon/dilepton) Recombination Coalescence Meson Baryon Information along a path Information on surface Information inside medium Functions Current version: getrho(tau,x,y,eta): Local parton density gettemp(tau,x,y,eta): Local temperature getvx(tau,x,y,eta): Local vx getvy(tau,x,y,eta): Local vy getInitialPosition(b,tau0,x,y,eta0): Initial parton position with binary collision getInitialPosition(p0,phi0): Initial parton momentum with power law tail Next version: getglv1st(tau,x,y,eta,p0): GLV 1st order getglv1sts(tau,x,y,eta,p0): GLV 1st order neglecting kinematics moliere(p0): Elastic scattering angle opacityela(p0,opa): Elastic scattering angle at chi T.Hirano et al.(’06) Updates in Near Future Centrality dependence Rapidity dependence • Glauber-BGK model Npart:Ncoll = 85%:15% • CGC model Matching I.C. via e(x,y,h) A Glimpse of Code (1) Density, temperature, and flow at (t,x,y,h) A Glimpse of Code (2) Energy of jet seen from a co-moving fluid element: Calculation of energy loss T.Hirano, M.Isse, Y.Nara, A.Ohnishi, K.Yoshino, (in preparation). Application Example: Hadronization through Jet-Fluid String Space-time evolution of the QGP fluid Open data table Energy loss GLV 1st order String Fragmentation PYTHIA (Lund) In Rudy Hwa’s language, this model describes shower-shower, shower-thermal, NOT thermal-thermal. Comparison btw two mechanisms Lorentz-boosted thermal parton distribution at T=Tc hyper surface from hydro simulations pT distributions GLV 1st order (simplified) formula 20-30% centrality Effective parton density from hydro Independent fragmentation C=2.5-3.0 Jet-fluid string C=8.0 Neglecting many effects Fitting the pT data is our starting point. •Fluctuation of the number of emitted gluon •Chemical non-equilibrium in the QGP phase •Higher order in opacity expansion •Cronin effect … v2 @ intermediate-high pT p 20-30% centrality v2(JFS) ~ 0.1 at b~8 fm without assuming an unrealistic hard sphere High pT v2 puzzle!? STAR, PRL93,252301(’04) Mechanism 1 A fluid parton combines with a jet parton and forms a hadronic string in a way that total momentum is conserved. In order to compensate this effect, one needs additional parton energy loss in comparison with independent fragmentation scheme. This enhances v2. Mechanism 2 Direction of jets ~Radial on average Direction of string momentum is tilted to reaction plane in comparison with collinear direction. Direction of flow ~Perpendicular to surface Summary • We are now in the next stage to understand the RHIC data. (Can we establish a consistent picture?) • Visit our site! /~hirano/parevo/parevo.html • Hadronization through jet-fluid strings as an application example of the open data table. Hydrodynamics in OSCAR •AZHYDRO Ver.0.0 (2+1) D hydro Author: P.Kolb •BJ_HYDRO Ver.1.1 (1+1)D hydro Author:A.Dumitru, D.H.Rischke Caveat: “No-Go theorem” for hadron EOS in chemical equilibrium Only relevant EOS is “rapp250.dat” in AZHYDRO. TH and M.Gyulassy(’06)