JUnit in Action
©2011 by Manning Publications Co. All rights reserved.
Slides Prepared by: Dr. Samer Hanna
Needed downloads to run this book’s
1) Java 2 Standard Edition JDK
Current version is JDK 6 update 22
2) Eclipse IDE
Note: Eclipse documentation is available at:
Ch. 1 ■ JUnit jump-start
Ch. 2 ■ Exploring core JUnit
Ch. 3 ■ Mastering JUnit
Ch. 4 ■ Software testing principles
Ch1. JUnit jump-start
This chapter covers
■ Exploring JUnit
■ Installing JUnit
■ Writing our first test
■ Running tests
• JUnit (http://www.junit.org) is open source software
• released under IBM’s Common Public License Version
1.0 and hosted on SourceForge
• JUnit quickly became the de facto standard framework
for developing unit tests in Java.
• DEFINITION A unit test examines the behavior of a
distinct unit of work. Within a Java application, the
“distinct unit of work” is often (but not always) a single
• By contrast, integration tests and acceptance tests
examine how various components interact.
• A unit of work is a task that isn’t directly
dependent on the completion of any other task.
Setting up JUnit
• In order to use JUnit to write your application tests, you need to
add the JUnit JAR file to your project’s compilation classpath and
to your execution classpath.
Follow these steps:
• Download the JUnit distribution (junit-4.10 or newer) from
• Unzip the distribution zip file to a directory on your computer
• In this directory, unzipping will create a subdirectory for the JUnit
distribution you downloaded (for example, C:\junit4.6)
Adding junit-4.6.jar to our external jar
files using Eclipse
• To run all the examples in this book we should tell
Eclipse where it can find the junit-4.6.jar (or later) jar file
and this is done by the following steps:
• Go to project menu
• Choose properties
• Choose Java Build Path
• Choose Add External Jars
• A Jar Selection window will be opened and you can
browse to the folder where the junit-4.10.jar file is stored
and select this file.
Now you are ready to use JUnit
Testing with JUnit Example
The JUnit CalculatorTest program
CalculatorTest details
• At 1, we start by defining a test class.
• The only restriction is that the class must be public; we
can name it whatever we like.
• It’s common practice to end the class name with Test.
• At 2, we mark the method as a unit test method by adding
the @Test annotation.
• A best practice is to name test methods following the
testXXX pattern.
• JUnit doesn’t have method name restrictions. You can name your
methods as you like; as long as they have the @Test annotation,
JUnit will execute them.
• At 3, we start the test by creating an instance of the Calculator
class (the “object under test”).
• At 4, as before, we execute the test by calling the method to test,
passing it two known values.
• At 5, the JUnit framework begins to shine! To check the result of
the test, we call an assertEquals method, which we imported with
a static import on the first line of the class
assertEquals method
• The Javadoc for the assertEquals method is as
* Asserts that two doubles or floats are equal to within a
positive delta.
static public void assertEquals( double expected,
double actual, double delta)
• In the previous example, we passed assertEquals
these parameters:
• expected = 60
• actual = result
• delta = 0
• Because we passed the calculator the values 10 and 50,
we tell assertEquals to expect the sum to be 60. (We pass
0 as the delta because we’re adding integers.)
• When we called the calculator object, we tucked the
return value into a local double named result.
• Therefore, we pass that variable to assertEquals to
compare against the expected value of 60.
• If the actual value isn’t equal to the expected value, JUnit
throws an unchecked exception, which causes the test to
• Most often, the delta parameter can be zero, and we can
safely ignore it. It comes into play with calculations that
aren’t always precise, which includes many floating point
• The delta provides a range factor. If the actual value is
within the range expected - delta and expected + delta,
the test will pass.
• Every developer should perform some type of test to see
if code works.
• Developers who use automatic unit tests can repeat these
tests on demand to ensure that new code works and
doesn’t break existing tests.
• Simple unit tests aren’t difficult to create without JUnit,
but as tests are added and become more complex, writing
and maintaining tests becomes more difficult.
• JUnit is a unit testing framework that makes it easier to
create, run, and revise unit tests.
Summary (Cont.)
• In this chapter, we scratched the surface of JUnit
by stepping through a simple test.
• JUnit has much more to offer.
• In chapter 2 we take a closer look at the JUnit
framework classes (different annotations and
assertion mechanisms) and how they work
together to make unit testing efficient and