WOODLAND HILLS HIGH SCHOOL LESSON PLAN SAS and Understanding By Design Template Name: Mr. Dan Schuller Date: 4/28 – 5/2/14 Unit 7 Edline was updated this week: Y Length of Lesson: 5 days Content Area: Ecosystems and Their Interactions – My class website was updated this week: Y STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS LESSON TOPIC: Ecosystems Cycles in Ecosystems Ecological Succession BIG IDEAS: (Content standards, assessment anchors, eligible content) objectives, and skill focus) UNDERSTANDING GOALS (CONCEPTS): Students will understand: Ecosystems Biotic and abiotic factors of ecosystems Matter and energy in an ecosystem Habitat and niche Biomes and Aquatic Life Zones Cycles in an ecosystem Ecological succession VOCABULARY: Biosphere; food chain; ecosystem; food web; organism; producer; species; consumer; population; herbivore; community; secondary consumer; habitat; carnivore; biotic factor; omnivore; abiotic factor; tertiary consumer; scavenger; decomposer; trophic level; energy pyramid; soil horizon; limiting factor; carrying capacity; niche; homeostasis; biome; deciduous; coniferous forest; desert; ecological succession; climax community; primary succession; secondary succession; pioneer species; MODULE B—Continuity and Unity of Life ASSESSMENT ANCHOR BIO.B.4 Ecology PA Standard 4.6: Ecosystems SAI 1: Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry. National Science Standards: SPSP 3a, 3b, 3c, 4b, & 6d. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What is an ecosystem? What are the biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem? How does matter and energy move through an ecosystem? Why is soil important? What is the carrying capacity of an ecosystem? What are habitats and niches? What is homeostasis? What are biomes? How does matter cycle in an ecosystem? What are the stages of succession? STUDENT OBJECTIVES (COMPETENCIES/OUTCOMES): Students will be able to: Compare the interaction of biotic and abiotic components in an ecosystem. Analyze the effects of abiotic factors on specific ecosystems. Describe how the availability of resources affects organisms in an ecosystem. Explain energy flow in a food chain through an energy pyramid. Explain trophic levels. Evaluate the efficiency of energy flow in a food chain. Explain the concept of carrying capacity in an ecosystem. Identify the major biomes and explain their similarities and differences. Assess the effects of latitude and altitude on biomes. Describe an element cycle and its role in an ecosystem. Explain the consequence of interrupting natural cycles. Identify causes of succession. Identify and explain the succession stages in an ecosystem. STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE PERFORMANCE TASKS: Case Studies Key vocabulary You Solve Its! Lesson Review Questions Lab Investigations Field Study Activities Kits Active Readings (Reading Anchor) FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: White boards Discussion Summarizing main ideas Open-ended questions Response cards OTHER EVIDENCE: Class participation Unit Exam STAGE III: LEARNING PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES: ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT: MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: Computer INTERVENTIONS: Redirection during class. One on one assistance. ASSIGNMENTS: Unit vocabulary Guided note packets Note-taking Partnering Cooperative Learning Summarizing Whole Class Response SCAFFOLDING: Guided notes Build Vocabulary Chunking Teacher Prompting Build on Prior Knowledge OTHER: Picture of the Day Power Point with guided note packets Class discussion Lab investigations Assignments (Class & Home) MINI LESSONS NUMBER/DATE DAY Monday 148 4/28 Computer projector Textbooks Folders Handouts Lab Materials Laptops CONTENT AREA READING: Text Reading Active Readings Case Studies Moving seat to a more productive location. After class/school tutoring. Corrections on assignment/exam. Extension/Extended time to complete assignment/exam. Alternative assignment. Conference with other staff. (roster teachers, counselors or administrators) Conference with parent. DAY Tuesday DAY Wednesday 149 4/29 150 4/30 Active Readings Lab write ups/reports Lab investigations POTD sheets Case Studies DAY Thursday 151 5/1 DAY Friday 152 5/2 TOPIC Interdisciplinary Exploration Mountains Mountains Desert Biomes Desert Biomes OBJECTIVE(S) By the end of the lesson each student will be able to: Read and respond to questions on several Rain Forest animals. Watch a video on mountain biomes. Watch a video on mountain biomes. Identify the characteristics of a Desert Biomes. Identify the characteristics of a Desert Biomes. Class time to work on the Interdisciplinary Exploration on Science. Turn in Checklists Planet Earth video on Mountain Biomes. Planet Earth video on Mountain Biomes. New Guided note packet. New POTD Finish and turn in the Interdisciplinary Exploration on Science. Grade Review Power Point notes on Deserts. PROCEDURES / TECHNIQUES To reach objectives Make-up tests. Homework: Pd. 8 – Grassland Biomes Test Pd. 8 - Grassland Checklist Due on Weds. Pd. 8 - Grassland Checklist Due on Weds. Turn in Checklists. Continue with Power Point notes on Deserts.