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Presented by Prof. Mei Renyi
I. The importance of reading
A. Input & output in language learning
B. Reading as important input
II. Two types of reading
A. Intensive reading
B. Extensive reading
III. Review
I. The importance of reading
A. Input & output in language learning
Input reading listening produce
Output speaking writing
The more input, the more output.
I. The importance of reading
B. Reading as input
1. Reading is the best way to improve your understanding of the language. And understanding is the first step to grasping the language. e.g.
(1) You will be graded on these matters.
(2) He read anger in her eyes.
(3) The progress of the evacuation was watched with anxious eyes and growing hope.
I. The importance of reading
B. Reading as input
2. Reading is the main source of language material.
I. The importance of reading
B. Reading as input
3. Reading will open windows to the world—enrich your knowledge of the world, of cultures in other countries and of history.
I. The importance of reading
B. Reading as input
4. Reading can acquaint you with the subtlety and beauty of the language.
(1) It paled into insignificance.
(2) They went out into the glaring white sunlight.
II. Two types of reading
A. Intensive reading
B. Extensive reading
II. Two types of reading
A. Intensive reading
1. Definition
2. Goals
3. Focus-preview vs review
4. Steps
5. Difficulties in comprehension.
A. Intensive reading
1. Definition
To read intensively is to concentrate effort on a short piece in order to learn the basic skills of the language.
A. Intensive reading
2. Goals e.g.
To introduce you to the different features of the English language
(1) grammar: tenses
(2) vocabulary: wind up
When I wind up my watch, I start it.
When I wind up my essay, I end it. foot to foot the bill
A. Intensive reading
2. Goals
To improve your reading comprehension
To arouse your interest in the texts (in articles written in English by native speakers)
To help you develop your ability in working independently.
A. Intensive reading
3. Focus preview vs review
Which is more important in intensive reading?
A. Intensive reading
3. Focus
(1) It helps you improve your ability in solving problems independently.
A. Intensive reading
3. Focus
(2) It makes it possible for you to come to class with some preparation and clear purpose.
I know.
I think I know.
I don’t know.
A. Intensive reading
3. Focus
I don’t know.
The progress of the evacuation was watched with anxious eyes and growing hope.
A. Intensive reading
4. Steps
Before class
In class
After class
Before class
(1) Survey a text
Enrichment Reading Band 2 P. 3-4
Key ideas: Classroom interaction
Role of the teacher
Students’ role
Memorizing vs inquiring mind
Pure lectures few
Title of the piece: the undergraduate classroom
Questions raised:
What is the environment?
What is expected of the teacher?
What is expected of the student?
What is the concept underlying the approach?
Before class
(2) Reread the text
From Language to ideas e.g.
… the faculty member aims to exchange ideas with students, rather than simply tell them what they should know. (Para.1. p.3) b.
The point is not that Americans have the “right” approach to learning, but that the interactive classroom is a strong feature of US education. You will need to adjust to it.—and in time, take advantage of it.
(Para. 2. P.3)
Before class
(2) Reread the text
From Language to ideas c.
Nevertheless, the course in which a professor lectures steadily to hundreds of silent students is relatively rare in the United States. (Para.4. P.3) d.
If you do not understand a concept, you are expected to ask for clarification. (Para. 5. P. 4) f.
… you will be graded on such matters as your attendance, your promptness in arriving in class, your ability to get assignments in on time, and your interest in the course as shown by your questions and by the answers you give to instructors’ questions. (Para. 5. P.
In class
Listen to the teachers’ explanation carefully.
Compare notes.
Your understanding is correct
I know.
Your questions
I don’t know.
Your surprise
I think I know.
After class
(1) A careful analysis of the things you find difficult in preview and try to pinpoint where the problem lies.
After class
(2) A study of the language used in the text.
From ideas to language e.g.
Rewards in the form of good grades will come if you have an inquiring mind and think for yourself. a.
You will be able to get good marks if you like to ask questions and show curiosity and do independent thinking. b.
How can you get good marks? You can get good marks if you often ask questions and have your own view.
A. Intensive reading
5. Difficulties in comprehension
Where does the difficulty lie?
5. Difficulties in comprehension
Enrichment Reading Band 2 强化阅读英语 2
( 1 ) They were subjected to tough exercises in preparation for the weightlessness they would experience in space.
Tereskova trained for 15 months prior to her landmark journey into space. (Para. 3. P. 80. Unit 7)
( 2 ) On her return to earth, she received a hero’s welcome.
She became a symbol of the new Russian feminism, and of expanding opportunities for women all over the world.
(Para. 7. P.81. Unit 7)
( 3 ) John Glenn woke yesterday for his first full day back in space to Louis Armstrong singing What a Wonderful World.
(Para. 1. P. 83. Unit 7)
5. Difficulties in comprehension
Enrichment Reading Band 2 强化阅读英语 2
( 4 ) Millions of people watched Senator Glenn rocket back into the history books with Discovery’s launch on
Thursday. (Para. 5. P. 84. Unit 7)
( 5 ) His voyage into space has little to do with his official duties, and everything to do with budget dollars and
NASA’s dream of building a space station, industry analysts said yesterday. (Par. 1. P. 81. Unit 7)
( 6 ) (…when the US was competing with the Soviet
Union in space) since then, the adversary has become money. (Para. 5. P. 86. Unit 7)
5. Difficulties in comprehension
Enrichment Reading Band 2 强化阅读英语 2
( 7 ) The timing of the senator’s flight could not have been better. (Para. 8. P. 86. Unit 7.)
( 8 ) Business Week magazine, taking a cold look at
NASA’s finances, declared that the hero’s place on the flight made sound public relations sense. (Para.
12. P. 87. Unit 7)
( 9 ) That alone is reason enough to do it. (Par. 12. P.
87. Unit 7)
5. Difficulties in comprehension
Enrichment Reading Band 2 强化阅读英语 2
( 10 ) New York is largely filled with people like us who were born somewhere else and came here willing to be lucky. (Para. 1. P. 104. Unit 9)
( 11 ) …many people worry that the ethnic differences will make this the Disunited States. (Para. 5. P. 105. Unit 9)
( 12 ) But the cosmopolitan influx refreshes (to revive or stimulate) the uniformity of American culture. (Para. 5. P.
105. Unit 9)
5. Difficulties in comprehension
English in Current Affairs 高级时事英语
( 1 ) …someone had tried to get away with building a sprinkler system on the cheap. (Para. 2.
P. 121. Unit 2)
( 2 ) As my friends and I run into brick walls working our way into adulthood, I am increasingly amazed at the sometimes brutal truth that my father has imparted in his seemingly offhand way. (Para. 3. P. 121.
Unit 2)
( 3 ) I wanted my father to call it a day and get on with the festivities. (Para. 4. P. 121. Unit 2)
5. Difficulties in comprehension
English in Current Affairs 高级时事英语
( 4 ) Claude doesn’t put a lot of stock in what he calls book leaning. … But he has financed about $100,000 worth of book learning –and endured its being thrown in his face until the thrower had to return, hat in mind, for me kind of aid or another. (Para. 20. P. 122. Unit 2)
( 5 ) You can get by, but you can’t get away. (Para. 1. P. 121.
Unit 2)
( 6 ) You are penny-wise and dollar-foolish. (Para. 3.
P. 121. Unit 2)
( 7 ) You got champagne taste, but a water pocket.
(Para. 2. P. 121. Unit 2)
5. Difficulties in comprehension
Other examples:
(1) I could not feel better.
(2) You can’t be too careful.
(3) It’s anyone’s guess.
(4) We agree to disagree without being disagreeable.
(5) Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.
5. Difficulties in comprehension
Where does the difficulty lie?
Background information
Rhetorical devices
II. Two types of reading
A. Intensive reading
B. Extensive reading
B. Extensive reading
1. Goals
To form the habit of reading faster and being able to get the gist.
To expose yourself more to the language.
To acquire more information through reading.
To have more materials for speaking and writing.
B. Extensive reading
2. Materials
Easier than those of intensive reading e.g.
Simplified books
Readers’ Digest or easy originals
I. The importance of reading
A. Input & output in language learning
B. Reading as important input
II. Two types of reading
A. Intensive reading
B. Extensive reading
III. Review
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