Review Sheet for Native American Test – Mrs. Stockton 7th grade Test Day ________________________ Early American People1. Archaeology- the study of human remains, artifacts, and a cultures existence. These people (archaeologists have to work very carefully to preserve these cultures) 2. What you wear –clothing- is affected by the geography and climate of an area. Give examples of what these tribes wore for clothing. Inuit ______________________ Pueblos (southwest) _______________ 3. Civilization- is a developed group of people that share the same culture. a. Gary Government b. Rides Religion c. Speedy Social Classes d. Racecars Record Keeping e. Everyday Education/Technology 4. Beringia Land Bridge- The early Native American people are thought to have traveled a on land bridge during the last Ice Age that connected Asia to North America. 3 Civilizations 5. 3 Civilizations - 1. Maya 2. Inca 3. Aztec (You will need to know where these civilizations lived and each aspect of their civilization example : Mayans education was they studied astronomy and created a 365 calendar) Use your Quiz on the Civilizations to help you study along with notebooks. 8 Cultures of United States 6. Culture Region- this is a group of people who live in a particular area and share a common culture i. Northwest Coast- potlatch, totem poles, show- offs b/c had a lot of free time ii. California- lived in many climates – redwood tree cone shaped houses iii. Plateau- lived in villages off of rivers- driftwood made houses- fish to eat iv. Great Basin-lived in hot climate- nomadic- traveled from place to place to eat v. Southwest-lived in adobe (sun-dried brick) houses- stole from tribes-cliff dwellers vi. Great Plains- depended on the buffalo for food, clothing, shelter- teepeenomadic- moving from place to place (lived on the prairie- tall grasses in middle of US) vii. Eastern Woodlands- lived in forests-built long houses (20 families) ate corn beans and squash- lived in communities viii. Southeast- lived in mounds- built up dirt to stay cool-Nobles married commoners called Stinkards- great farmers 7. The Iroquois or Haudenosaunee lived in long houses with 20 families- houses were as long as 100 feet. This showed that they were developed to live in groups. (wood came from forests) 8. Iroquois Confederacy- 5 Nations- First example of Democratic Government in America S- eneca C- ayuga O-nondaga O- neida M- ohawk – lived around the Hudson River, Mohawk River Valleys. 9. Matriarchal Society- women in the tribe ran the families. They also decided who the chieftain (leader) would be. Iroquois Women were valued. 10. Short Essay- Choose a Native American Culture Region and write about how it was an advanced culture worthy of respect. You can choose 1 of the 5- Northwest Coast Show Offs, Southwest Cliff Dwellers, Great Plains Buffalo Hunters, Eastern Woodlands Gatherers/Farmers, Southeast Mound Builders You will need to write a paragraph on the test about this topic. (4-5 sentences) Remember to choose only Native Americans we studied (Not the civilizations of the Mayan, Incan, or Aztec) Example of possible paragraph: The Native Americans of the United States are worthy of respect because they were developed cultures. For example the Northwest Coast Native Americans used many natural resources that were in their environment. They built huge boats out of tall trees that stood 60 feet tall. The boats were used to help the Native Americans fish. Also, the Northwest Coast showed off their wealth. Many Native Americans planned potlatches which were parties where the host gave gifts to their guests. This would increase your nobility and make you important. The Northwest Coast people lived in villages and over the houses were totem poles these also influenced person’s social standing. The Northwest Coast Native Americans are worthy of respect because they developed their nation into an important tribe and even ruled over others because they had slaves. Unlike what Europeans thought, they were very civilized.