C-1 VA 219 History of Cinema 1 Full Course Title: History of Cinema 1 Istorija kinematografije 1 Course Code: VA Course Level/BiH cycle: 1st cycle, second year of study ECTS credit value: 6 Student work-load: (Table with hours for: Lectures; Exercise; Other; Individual learning) For the whole semester: Lectures Tutorial / Practical training Individual screenings 45 Length: e.g. Internship 50 Individual learning TOTAL 55 150 One semester, 45 contact hours and additional 30 hours of consultations Faculty/School/Department: FASS; VACD Course leader: Associate Professor Dr. Lejla Panjeta Contact details: Office: F1-6, consultations will be held two hours after the lectures each week; Site: N/A Host SP: TBA Course status: TBA Pre-requisites: NONE Access restrictions: Assessment: Exams, assignments, research papers, presentation, debate assignments. Date validated: Course aims: panjeta.lejla@bih.net.ba, lpanjeta@ius.edu.ba NONE TBA Identify and evaluate the film forms in historical context in silent film era Explore and analyze evolution of film styles and genres in the cinema around the world in the silent film era. Articulate opinions in relation to film movements, styles, genres and major classical silent film era directors. Learning outcomes: After finishing the course successfully, the IUS student shall be able to: To introduce the major historical genres, styles and movements in world silent film era. To prepare students for understanding history of cinema and roots of modern film storytelling and editing based on the examples of the silent film era. To familiarize students with the key concepts in evolution of film forms and genres based on the silent film era. Indicative syllabus content: The course will explore early films, origins of cinema and basic film language and techniques. Historical evolution of film forms, styles, movements and genres will be placed in the historical, auteur and comparison context in the silent film era, especialy USA and Soviet editing comparisons. The course will discuss evolution of language of silent films, approaches to studying film forms according to the examples in the films by: Griffith, Eisenstein, Vertov, Murnau, Maier, Drayer, Lang, Hitchcock, Bunuel, Ford, Lloyd, Pudovkin, etc. Screenings of the selected filmography are essential part of the course. 1 C-1 Learning delivery: Ex-cathedra lectures, interactive lectures and in-class debates, screenings and discussions, practical work and reading the literature to be directed to the student during the consultations and group debates, individual presentations (visual and oral explanations to be given by the student and discussed by the group) Assessment Rationale: Criteria for grading the Assignments, Presentations and/or Research Paper (2 points each according to the table below): Vocabulary References Comparison Structure of the argument Creativity in delivering the idea and making the hypothesis Please us the attached Mini MLA Guide for Assignment essays and Research paper Assessment Weighting: Attendance 5 (%) Activity in debates 5(%) Introduction Speech – Favourites 5(%) Assignment 1 10(%) Assignment 2 10(%) Assignment 3 10(%) Midterm Exam Quiz 20(%) Selfevaluation letter 5(%) Extra work – Research paper 10(%) Essential Reading: Schneider, Steven Jay, ed. 1001 Movies you must see before you die. London: Quintet Publishing Ltd, Cassel Illustrated 2005. Print. Bergan, Ronald. Film. Eyewitness Companions. London, New York: Dorling Kindersley Ltd., 2006. Print. Cook, David A. A History of Narrative Film 3vols: WW.Norton for Company Inc, 1996, 1990, 1981. Barsam, Richard. Looking at Movies: An Introduction to Film. W.W. Norton / Company, Inc. USA 2004. (pages: 195-207) WEB references: http://www.tru.ca/canfilm/film_genres.htm http://myweb.wvnet.edu/~jelkins/film04/theory.html http://filmmakeriq.com/ http://labyrinth.net.au/~muffin/ http://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/movies/Section?oid=846987 http://wwwmcc.murdoch.edu.au/ReadingRoom/doco/ozdoco/read.htm http://www.variety.com/department/Film/ http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies http://blogs.indiewire.com/leonardmaltin/ http://www.ew.com/ew/movies/ http://www.rottentomatoes.com/ http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/ http://filmstudiesforfree.blogspot.com/ http://www.latrobe.edu.au/screeningthepast/ http://imdb.com http://www.screendaily.com/ http://www.mrqe.com/ Intranet web reference: NONE 2 Final Exam 30(%) C-1 Important notes: Attendance policy Absence from lectures and tutorials shall not exceed 30% and 20% respectively. Students who exceed the limits without a medical or emergency excuse acceptable to and approved by the Dean of the relevant faculty shall not be allowed to take the final examination and shall receive a mark of zero for the course. If the excuse is approved by the Dean, the student shall be considered to have withdrawn from the course. How do I do it? You need to do it your own way. You have to make your own research and be creative in the way nobody can show you, because it comes from you and is not previously said or done in that way. Unfortunately, there is no recipe for authorship and art in general, as there is no pill to be taken for knowledge. Everything depends solely on you and your ability to put your signature on the work you've done. To be able to do that, you have to read and learn a lot about everything, so you won’t accidentally (not on purpose) plagiarize or repeat someone else’s idea and work they’ve done long before you even thought of it. So, remember that you need to express YOURSELF and be able to explain that to your audience for which you are doing the art work, entertainment or design in the first place. The audience is not to be fooled easily, so beware…đ Important notes Use your own laptops for presentations! You will not be given the PowerPoint presentation of lectures. You will be given the handouts. Write down and ask during and after the lecture. Each assignment is to be submitted in printed form, except the letter of self-evaluation that is to be submitted through e-mail. For PowerPoint please submit only the handouts. No assignments will be accepted pass the deadline for submission according to the course teaching timetable schedule below. Plagiarism policy This course has a strict plagiarism policy. Students who plagiarize will earn a zero on the assignment and may fail the course. Serious cases of intentional plagiarism (copying passages or entire papers from the Internet) can result in failing the course. For quoting and paraphrasing other people’s works consult the enclosed Mini MLA Guide. This refers to the research papers, essays, as well as speeches and in-class PowerPoint presentations and handouts. Please note that Wikipedia is not to be referred as bibliographic source. You may however find is useful for locating other sources and references. 3 C-1 Assignments - INSTRUCTIONS 1. Assignment 1 –PowerPoint presentation – Director (10 points) a. Choose the director form the enclosed list. b. Make PowerPoint presentation focusing on: i. Biography ii. Filmograhy c. Prepare a 5 to 10 minute long speech to explain your example to your colleagues. d. Submit the handout of the presentation. Use the enclosed Titling of the first page/slide. 2. Assignment 2 – PowerPoint presentation – Film Analysis (10 points) a. Choose the film made by the director from the enclosed list. b. Make PowerPoint presentation focusing on: i. Film narrative, shooting, camera work, editing, and acting. ii. Use movies stills to demonstrate your argument. c. Prepare a 5 to 10 minute long speech to explain your example to your colleagues. d. Submit the handout of the presentation. Use the enclosed Titling of the first page/slide. 3. Assignment 3 – PowerPoint presentation - Analysis of the period (10 points) a. Choose the style, genre of movement form the enclosed list. b. Make PowerPoint presentation focusing on: i. Basic defining and differing elements ii. Prominent films and directors iii. Use movies stills to demonstrate your argument c. Prepare a 5 to 10 minute long speech to explain your example to your colleagues. d. Submit the handout of the presentation. Use the enclosed Titling of the first page/slide. 4. Extra work and/or FILM LIBRARY Project– Research paper on the topic from the syllabus and/or downloading, database listing and submitting the films for upload to IUS Film Library. The research is to be made focusing on proving your hypothesis in MLA Style. List of films for Film Library project will be given by the student assistant responsible for distributing the lists. Extra credit is to given to the student assistant for handling the group tasks. 4 C-1 List of directors for Presentations – A1,2 D.W. Griffith S. Eisenstein F. Murnau C. Drayer D. Vertov F. Lang B. Keaton O. Wells V. Pudovkin L Bunuel List of styles, movements, genres - A3 Early screenings Expressionism Soviet Editing Impressionism Surrealism Narration - Griffith Letter of self-evaluation (5 points) Dear colleagues, Please note that the access to the final exam will have those who have submitted assignments, fulfilled 70% required attendance and submitted a letter of selfevaluation. In order to remind you on what I have emphasized in my introductory class, I will repeat the purpose of this task: - Self-evaluation is an important part of your study process and artistic professional growth in the future - You can describe your learning process, amount of time you dedicated to the subject, understanding of the theoretical concepts, literature and additional literature you have read, and self grade your work and knowledge 5 C-1 - The focus of this letter is on your introspection and self grading - You can also write about your impressions on course in general, lectures and explanations by professor, your knowledge of the theoretical approach to art and communication studies which was improved or not, etc. Since I have noticed that some of the students are in need of official letter writing practice I propose the form of the letter: Dear Dr. Panjeta, It is my pleasure to inform you about my progress in the course Introduction to Visual Communication ….. Sincerely yours, Name and surname of the student, year of study For those of you who don’t know how to begin here are some suggestions (NOTE: THIS IS NOT A TEST AND YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO WRITE A PERSONAL LETTER): I think the course gave me the opportunity to…because… I strongly believe that… because… I really liked/disliked… because… I memorized… I learned… I read… I was interested in/completely without an interest for… because… I think I will be able to apply the knowledge for everyday purposes in terms of…/won’t be able to apply the knowledge anywhere… because… I think I deserve the grade… because… I would grade myself with… because… I would like to remind you again that this is your impression and personal correspondence with your teacher and will be considered private documentation. It will not under any circumstances affect your final grade. The letter should be sent to this mail only: lejlaisa@hotmail.com The deadline for submission of this letter is the 13th week. Good luck with your studies. Dr. Lejla Panjeta, Associate Professor 6 C-1 Titling the work for submission International University of Sarajevo Faculty of Arts and Social Science Visual Arts and Communication Design Program Course: Name of the course Lecturer: Lejla Panjeta, Ph.D., Associate Professor Assignment: 1,2,3, or Introduction speech – favorites, or Research paper “Title of the assignment” Sarajevo, MM/DD/YY Student: Name Surname, year of study 7 C-1 Quality assurance: IUS QA office methods, internal student evaluations, Student Parliament evaluations, Internal last class debate with students, self-evaluation letters Course schedule: Week 1. Dates Topic Relevant reading Introduction into the course 1: Film History –overall introduction Assignments Reference to the essential reading list will be given during the class. Handout of the lecture to be given after the class. 2. 3. Introduction into the course 2: Film History –overall introduction Screening – doc. History of Film and entertainment Reference to the essential reading list will be given during the class. Handout of the lecture to be given after the class. Film narration and film expression Reference to the essential reading list will be given during the class. Screening 1 Griffith Handout of the lecture to be given after the class. 4. Storytelling in Early Cinema / Assignments presentation Reference to the essential reading list will be given during the class. Handout of the lecture to be given after the class. Introduction Speech Favorites Assignment 1: Director (choose from the list) Presentation: Filmography and Biography And/or FILM Library Project 5. Soviet montage Reference to the essential reading list will be given during the class. Screening 2 Vertov, Pudovkin Handout of the lecture to be given after the class. 6. Reference to the essential reading list will be given during the class. Intellectual editing and the historical context of film Handout of the lecture to be given after the class. Screening 3 Eisenstein 7. 8. Mid-Term-Exam Midterm Exam Discussion Editing : Reality and Impacts/ Assignments presentation Reference to the essential reading list will be given during the class. Screening 4 Doc. – Film history Barsam Editing Handout of the lecture to be given after the class. Assignment 2: Film Analysis (choose from the list) Presentation: Film – story, mise-en-scene, camera work, editing And/or FILM Library Project 9. 10. 11. Expressionism I Reference to the essential reading list will be given during the class. Screening 5 Nosferatu Handout of the lecture to be given after the class. Expressionism II Reference to the essential reading list will be given during the class. Screening 6 Metropolis, Dr. Caligari Handout of the lecture to be given after the class. Style, Genre / Assignments presentation Reference to the essential reading list will be given during the class. Screening 7 Drayer, French Impressionist Handout of the lecture to be given after the class. 8 Assignment 3: Analysis of the period (choose from the list) Presentation: Style, movement, genre And/or C-1 Week Dates Topic Relevant reading Assignments FILM Library Project 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Surrealism Reference to the essential reading list will be given during the class. Screening 8 Un Perro Andaluz Breaking the conventions Screening 9 Wells Film final discussion and Film Library Project closure Handout of the lecture to be given after the class. Deadline for the letter of self-evaluation Reference to the essential reading list will be given during the class. Handout of the lecture to be given after the class. Screening 10 Class Discussion Deadline for FILM Library Project Excel Sheets In class discussion Final EXAM Final examination TBA at IUS web, according to the annual exam schedules 9