Office of the Registrar Dept 3964; 1000 East University Ave. • Laramie, WY 82071-3964 (307) 766-5272 • fax (307) 766-3960 • e-mail: • University Course Review Committee Agenda Minutes # 249 September 23, 2011 1:00 PM Old Main Room 321 Present: Tammy Aagard, Bruce Cameron, Audrey Shalinsky, Aneesa McDonald, Janet Timmerman, Pam Henderson, Courtney Carlson, Dan McCoy, Trent Allen, Tristin Wallhead, Dave Whitman Part I – Consent Agenda College of Agriculture and Natural Resources AGEC 4450/5450 NEGOTIATION, 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Examines how to use negotiation to resolve conflict. Describes conflict; outlines way to address conflict; examines different negotiation strategies and the impact of cognitive bias, power, ethics, and individual and cultural differences; and explores mediation practices. Students complete negotiations, role-plays, and questionnaires. Prerequisites: COJO 1010 and junior standing. Requested Change of Course Description and Prerequisites: Examines how to use negotiation to resolve conflict and get agreement. Describes conflict; outlines ways to address conflict; examines different negotiation strategies and the impact of cognitive bias, power, ethics, and individual and cultural differences; and explores mediation practices. Students complete negotiations, role-plays, and questionnaires. Prerequisite: Completion of USP O requirement; junior standing. Action Taken: Approved. University Course Review Committee Meeting #249 REWM 4330 September 23, 2011 RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ASSESSMENT AND MONITORING, 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Inventory and analysis of rangeland resources; vegetation; as well as concepts and techniques for utilization, condition, trend and suitability determination. Prerequisites: REWM 2000 and STAT 2050 or 2070. Requested Change of Course Description and Prerequisites: Assessment, monitoring, and analysis of rangeland ecosystems. Students integrate sampling design, measurements of vegetation attributes, ecological site information, and statistical estimation to evaluate rangeland resources. Students collect, analyze, and report data using current technology. Prerequisites: STAT 2050 or 2070 (can be concurrent with either); REWM 2000; REWM 2500. Action Taken: Approved. College of Arts and Sciences AAST/RELI 2450 TRADITIONAL AFRICAN RELIGION [CH, G], 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Surveys traditional religions of Africa, both ancient and contemporary. Prerequisite: AAST 1000. Requested Change of Course Prerequisites: none. Action Taken: Approved. AAST 3000 AAST 3010 AFRICAN AMERICAN MUSIC, 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Surveys African American music from its origins in Africa to current, popular jazz, rock, soul and rap forms. Prerequisite: AAST 1000. Requested Change of Course Prerequisites: AAST 1000 or any AAST 2000level course. Action Taken: Approved. THE AFRICAN AMERICAN AESTHETIC, 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Examines inter-relationship of the creative process with cultural and philosophical motifs, as well as the spiritual and the artistic amongst African people on the continent and Diaspora. Prerequisite: AAST 1000. Requested Change of Course Prerequisites: AAST 1000 or any AAST 2000level course. Action Taken: Approved. 2 University Course Review Committee Meeting #249 September 23, 2011 AAST/HIST 3120 AFRICA SINCE 1800, 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Survey of African history from the onset of the 19th century to the present day. Designed to provide an introduction to the main historical themes of the African past and an understanding of some of the main issues confronting Africa today. Prerequisite: 3 hours in history. Requested Change of Course Prerequisites: AAST 1000 or any AAST 2000level course, or AAST/HIST 2360. Action Taken: Approved. AAST 3130 AAST 3670 GLOBAL IMPACT OF AFRICAN CULTURES [CS, G], 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Examines concepts of culture and value systems as applied to Africa and African-derived cultures and the impact on civilizations around the globe. Using the lens of the Diaspora, this course examines aspects of African culture on the African continent along with the traditions, experiences, socialization, and histories that continue for dispersed peoples of African descent. Prerequisite: any AAST course or junior or senior standing. Requested Change of Course Prerequisites: AAST 1000 or any AAST 2000level course. Action Taken: Approved. AFRICAN DIASPORA [CS, G], 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Examines the process through which aspects of African culture have endured in Diaspora. Analyzes the social relations between Diaspora Africans and non-African populations in North and South America, the Caribbean, Britain, Asia and the Mediterranean. Discusses cultural hybridization ("creolization") as a product of culture contact. Prerequisites: AMST 2110, ANTH 1200, ENGL 2190, SOC 1000, SOC 2140, any AAST course, or junior/senior standing. Requested Change of Course Description, Prerequisites and Cross List: Examines the process through which aspects of African culture have endured in the Diaspora. Analyzes the social relations between Diaspora Africans and nonAfrican populations in North and South America, the Carribean, Britain, Asia, and the Mediterranean. Prerequisites: AAST 1000 or any AAST 2000 level course, or AAST/HIST 2360. Cross list with HIST 3670. Action Taken: Approved. 3 University Course Review Committee Meeting #249 September 23, 2011 AAST/RELI 4100 AFRICAN AMERICAN RELIGIOUS CULTURE [WC, D], 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: This mid-level writing-intensive seminar is a comparative study of African American religious celebration, primarily in the context of Afro-Christianity, but touching on Islam, Candomble, "Voodoo," Santeria, and Rastafarianism. Prerequisite: 3 hours in African American studies or history. Requested Change of Course Prerequisites: WB and one of the following: AAST 1000 or any AAST 2000-level course or RELI 1000. Action Taken: Approved. AAST/COJO 4160/5160 AFRICAN AMERICAN RHETORIC [CH], 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: African American discourse and its relationship to equality and participation. Using the struggle of African Americans as an instructive exemplar, it will come to terms with the philosophical concepts, political issues, moral complexities, and discursive characteristics of African American Rhetoric. Prerequisites: AAST 1000 and AAST 3010, or COJO 1040 and COJO 4061. Requested Change of Course Prerequisites: AAST 1000 or any AAST 2000level course, junior or senior standing, or nine credit hours in any level COJO course. Action Taken: Approved. AAST/COJO 4190/5190 DIMENSIONS OF RACISM, 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Explores the effects of racism on African people in America using an African centered framework. We will look at the ways racism intersects with sexism, classism, and heterosexism/homophobia within the African community both in America and throughout the Diaspora. Prerequisites: AAST 1000, 6 credits of AAST or COJO 1000 or COJO 1040. Prerequisite (5190): graduate standing. Requested Change of Course Prerequisites: AAST 1000 or any AAST 2000 level course, junior/senior standing, or nine credits in any level course in COJO. Action Taken: Approved. 4 University Course Review Committee Meeting #249 September 23, 2011 AAST/COJO 4231 MINORITY MEDIA OWNERSHIP [CS, D], 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Examines ethnic-owned media organizations in the United States. Addresses African American, Latino, Asian, Native American as well as Arab American owned media. Examines the markets and audiences that ethnic owned media serve and the implications of regulatory, economical, and technological changes in the media industry. Prerequisite: 9 hours in AAST or COJO courses. Requested Change of Course Prerequisites: AAST 1000 or any AAST 2000 level course, junior/senior standing, or nine credits in any level COJO course. Action Taken: Approved. AAST/WMST 4233/5233 RACE, ETHNICITY, AND GENDER IN THE MEDIA [D], 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Examines the role mass media plays in the Black community using an African centered framework. Through a historical, sociological, and cultural analysis, students will develop a critical understanding of the way the mass media embraces white supremacy and uses stereotypes and prejudice to influence society's views about Black people. Prerequisite: any AAST course or junior/senior standing. Requested Change of Course Prerequisites: AAST 1000 or any AAST 2000level course, or three hours of any level of WMST courses, and junior/senior standing. Action Taken: Approved. AAST/AMST 4250/5250 THE HARLEM RENAISSANCE [D], 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Examines the florescence of African American creativity, centered in Harlem, New York, between the end of World War I and the onset of the Great Depression. This movement had a tremendous impact on African American culture in and outside of the U.S., including Africa and the Caribbean. Prerequisites: CH and WB. Requested Change of Course Prerequisites: AAST 1000, AMST 2010, AMST 2110 or any AAST 2000-level course, junior or senior standing, or nine credit hours in any level AMST course. Action Taken: Approved. 5 University Course Review Committee Meeting #249 September 23, 2011 AAST/POLS 4400 BLACK POLITICS, 1867 TO THE PRESENT, 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: African American participation in partisan electoral politics in the United States from Reconstruction to the current presidential election. Prerequisites: 3 hours 3000-level courses in African American studies or political science and WA. Requested Change of Prerequisites: AAST 1000 or any AAST 2000-level course, or POLS 1000 and junior or senior standing. Action Taken: Approved. AAST/ENGL 4455/5455 LITERATURE OF ENSLAVEMENT [D], 3-4 (Max. 4) hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Students engage in an in-depth study of the literary voices that emerged from the history of enslavement in the Americas from colonial times through the end of Reconstruction in 1877. Prerequisites: 6 credits of 2000-level literature courses, or 6 credits of AAST, or AAST/ENGL 2350. Requested Change of Prerequisites: AAST 1000 or any AAST 2000 level course, and Junior or Senior Standing, OR six credit hours of literature courses in ENGL. Action Taken: Approved. AAST/CHST/WMST 4675 U.S. WOMEN OF COLOR [D], 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Examines in comparative perspective the social conditions that shape the experiences of Chicanas/Latinas in the U.S. Students gain an understanding of how the intersection of race, class, gender, and sexuality shape the lived experiences of U.S. women of color through ideological, economic, and political forces. Prerequisite: junior standing or 6 hours of CHST or AAST or WMST coursework. Requested Change of Prerequisites: junior standing and/or a combination of 3-6 hours of any level of CHST, WMST, or AAST coursework. Action Taken: Approved. 6 University Course Review Committee Meeting #249 AIST 4020 ANTH 4315/5315 CRMJ 2210 September 23, 2011 INTERNSHIP, 1-4 (Max. 4) hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Reflective work in American Indian studies in a practical setting. With written agreement among student, director, and sites, students work on or off campus in settings addressing such areas as politics, economics, education, law, or human services affecting American Indians. Consultations, readings, and writings, as well as other work as agreed in contract. Prerequisite: 9 hours in AIST courses. Requested Change of Course Description and Credit Hours: Requires active participation and service to an Indigenous community or organization in US or elsewhere. A written agreement among the student, the AIST director or AIST faculty mentor, and an on-site supervisor is required. AIST Majors must take at least four credit hours. Credit hours: 1-12 (Max. 12). Action Taken: Approved. HUMAN BEHAVIOR ECOLOGY, 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Critically examines the evolutionary paradigm in anthropology, from the 19th century to current manifestations of neoevolutionism, with emphasis on behavioral ecology as it is applied to hunting and gathering societies. Dual listed with ANTH 5315. Prerequisites: ANTH 1100, 1200, and 1300. Requested Change of Course Description: Examines the models and techniques of human behavioral ecology applied to hunter-gatherer societies; covers foraging, demography, life history, division of labor, sharing, and social inequality. Action Taken: Approved. CRIMINAL LAW, 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Introduces the fundamental principles of substantive criminal law: the history and philosophy of modern criminal law, the basic dimension of criminality, the elements of major crimes, criminal defenses and the nature of criminal sanctions. Prerequisite: CRMJ 1001 or sophomore standing. Requested Change of Prerequisites: CRMJ 1001 and completion of a USP V course. Action Taken: Approved. 7 University Course Review Committee Meeting #249 CRMJ 3490 CRMJ 3680 September 23, 2011 POLICING, 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Modern American police agencies strike a difficult balance between the rule of law and the protection of the rights of the citizenry. As such, policing is an ever-evolving social phenomenon. Explores the complex relationship between police agencies and the people that they serve. Prerequisites: CRMJ 1001. Requested Change of Course Description and Prerequisites: Modern American police agencies strike a difficult balance between the rule of law and the protection of the rights of the citizenry. As such, police work is a difficult and sometimes misunderstood profession. Examines the development, organization, policies, and performance of the police in the United States. Prerequisites: CRMJ 1001, CRMJ/SOC 2400, CRMJ 2210, and junior standing. Action Taken: Approved. RESEARCH METHODS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE [WC, L], 4 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Introduces students to fundamental issues associated with application of scientific methods to criminal justice problems. Students will develop research designs involving ethnographic, archival, historical, and quantitative methods then conduct individual research projects. Special attention is given to CJ data sources and techniques for analyzing data using computer spreadsheets. Prerequisites: STAT 2050, 2070, or equivalent; enrollment limited to criminal justice majors. Requested Change of Course Number, Description, Prerequisites, and Credit Hours: CRMJ 2685. Introduces students to fundamental issues associated with the application of scientific methods to criminal justice problems. Students examine research designs involving ethnographic, archival, historical, and quantitative methods and how they relate to criminal justice issues. Prerequisite: enrollment limited to criminal justice majors. Credit Hours: 3. Action Taken: Approved. 8 University Course Review Committee Meeting #249 ENGL 4450 MUSC September 23, 2011 AFRICAN AMERICAN NOVEL [D], 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Considers aesthetic dimension and cultural matrix of novels written by Black Americans. Prerequisite: 6 hours of 2000-level literature courses. Requested Cross list and Change of Prerequisites: Cross list with AAST 4450. Prerequisites: AAST 1000, any AAST 2000 level course, junior/senior standing, six hours of 2000-level literature courses in ENGL. Action Taken: Approved. 4080. BARITONE HORN IV 4090. BASSOON IV 4100. CELLO IV 4110. CLARINET IV 4120. DOUBLE BASS IV 4130. FLUTE IV 4140. FRENCH HORN IV 4150. GUITAR I 4160. HARP IV 4170. OBOE IV 4180. ORGAN IV 4190. PERCUSSION IV 4200. PIANO IV 4210. SAXOPHONE IV 4220. TROMBONE IV 4230. TRUMPET IV 4240. TUBA IV 4250. VIOLIN IV 4260. VIOLA IV 4270. VOICE IV Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Individual Lessons. All students are required to take a jury examination at the end of the semester to determine, in part, the final grade. (See current fee schedule for listing of fees in individual lessons.) Prerequisites: 4 semester hours of MUSC 3080 through MUSC 3270 on the same instrument. Requested Change of Prerequisites: 4 semester hours of MUSC 3080 through MUSC 3270 on the same instrument and satisfactory completion of MUSC 3255. Action Taken: Approved. 9 University Course Review Committee Meeting #249 MUSC 4255 MUSC 4265 MUSC 4300 September 23, 2011 BECOMING A REFLECTIVE PRACTITIONER: PRACTICUM, 2 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Part of Phase IIIa of the music teacher education program. Practicum experience is integral to MUSC 4265 and must be taken concurrently. Prerequisites: 2.75 cumulative GPA, successful completion of all music and professional education courses and concurrent enrollment in MUSC 4260. Requested Change of Course Title and Description: Elementary and Secondary Methods: Practicum. Part of Phase IIIa of the music teacher education program. Practicum experience is integral to MUSC 4265 and must be taken concurrently. Action Taken: Approved. BECOMING A REFLECTIVE PRACTITIONER: SPECIFIC PEDAGOGY IN MUSIC [WC, D], 8 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Comprised of content and pedagogy in Music. Must be taken in the same semester as the 2 semester hour course, MUSC 4250. Prerequisites: 2.75 minimum cumulative GPA, 2.75 GPA in major, successful completion of all music and professional education courses and concurrent enrollment in MUSC 4250. Requested Change of Course Title and Description: Elementary and Secondary Music Teaching Methods. Comprised of content and pedagogy in Music. Must be taken in the same semester as the 2 semester hour course, MUSC 4255. Action Taken: Approved. INSTRUMENTATION AND ARRANGING, 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Explores instruments of the orchestra and band, as well as arranging for various instrumental and choral combinations. For graduate credit, students must present extra paper or project determined by instructor. Prerequisites: MUSC 2030 and 2035. Requested Change of Prerequisites: MUSC 2030, 2035, 2395. Action Taken: Approved. 10 University Course Review Committee Meeting #249 September 23, 2011 STAT/BOT/ECOL 5380 BAYESIAN DATA ANALYSIS, 4 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Bayesian statistical methods for analyzing data, with emphasis on ecological and biological data. Includes Bayes rule, basic Bayesian formulation (priors, posteriors, likelihoods), single-and multiple-parameter models, hierarchical models, generalized linear models, multivariate models, mixture models, models for missing data, merging statistical and process models, and introduction to computation models. Prerequisites: at least 2 semesters of calculus and one semester of statistics. Requested Change of Course Description, Prerequisites, Credit Hours, and Removal of Cross List: Bayesian statistical methods for analyzing various kinds of data. Topics include basic Bayesian ideas and model formulation (priors, posteriors, likelihoods), single- and multiple-parameter models, hierarchical models, generalized linear models, multivariate models, survival models and an introduction to computation methods. Prerequisites: at least 2 semesters of calculus and one semester of statistics at or beyond the 4000 level. Credit Hours: 3. Remove cross list and discontinue BOT/ECOL 5380. Action Taken: Approved. WMST 4580/5580 WOMEN AND THIRD WORLD DEVELOPMENT, 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Women's contributions to development of third world countries and effects of development projects on women, their work and their families are examined in this course. Cross listed with SOC 4580. Dual listed with WMST 5580. Prerequisite: WMST 1080 or 3500. Requested Change of Course Title, Description, Prerequisites, and Cross List: Gender, Global Change, and Development. Examines the global intersections of gender and public policy through its analysis of five central themes: [1] international development discourse in practice; [2] feminized labor and migration; [3] women's unequal access to resources (including land ownership and education); [4] agricultural production and sustainability; [5] health, reproduction and mothering. Prerequisite: 3-6 hours of WMST or INST courses. Cross list with INST 4580/5580. Action Taken: Approved. 11 University Course Review Committee Meeting #249 WMST 4965 WMST 4970 September 23, 2011 SENIOR PAPER, 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: The student, in consultation with the Director of Women's Studies and a faculty supervisor, will identify a topic of research interest and produce a research paper of 30-40 pages in length. The paper should show evidence of original thought, familiarity with published work, and solid research skills. Prerequisite: WMST 4700. Requested Change of Course Title, Description, and Prerequisites: Senior Honors Project. The student consults with the director/faculty supervisor to identify a topic and (a) produces a 30-40 page research paper or (b) a shorter 15-20 page paper plus a creative or service learning component, showing originality, firm knowledge of the discipline(s), and solid research skills, with a thesis defense as culmination. Prerequisites: WMST 4700, or concurrent enrollment with instructor consent, and a 3.5 gpa. Action Taken: Approved. INTERNSHIP, 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Students gain practical experience in the application of principles learned in women's studies courses. Students work with the director of women's studies internships and select a site; will intern approximately ten hours per week in the host organization; and will complete written assignments which reflect the student's work. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Prerequisites: 12 semester hours of women's studies course work, including WMST 1080 and 3500 or 3710 and consent of instructor. Requested Change of Course Prerequisites: 12 semester hours of WMST coursework, 3.3 gpa and consent of instructor. Action Taken: Approved. College Health Sciences DHYG 3600 ETHICS AND LAW IN DENTAL HYGIENE, 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Core principles in ethics and values as they relate to the professional code of conduct and state jurisprudence. Students explore contemporary issues within a diverse society in understanding and applying a personal value system to issues in the dental hygiene profession. Prerequisite: successfully complete all first-year dental hygiene courses. Requested Change of Course Credit Hours: 2 hrs. Action Taken: Approved. 12 University Course Review Committee Meeting #249 September 23, 2011 Other ERS 4990 SPECIAL TOPICS IN ENERGY RESOURCE SCIENCE, 2-4 (Max. 6) hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Special topics in energy resources sciences of interest to advanced students. The specific subject matter varies each semester and will address a specialized topic of interest inside and outside the ERS major. Prerequisites: QA and one of the following: SB, SP or SE course. Requested Change of Course Title, Description, and Credit Hours: Topics in Energy Resource Development and Management. Special topics in contemporary energy development and management will be offered in response to changing industry and academic demands. The specific subject matter is based on faculty requirements and workforce innovation. Credit Hours: 1-6 (Max. 6). Action Taken: Approved. Part II – Consent Agenda Courses for Discontinue College of Arts and Sciences CRMJ 4720 CRMJ 4810 CRIMINAL JUSTICE CIVIL LIABILITY, 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Exposes students to civil liability generally and to the federal laws specifically; makes student aware of the liability risks of criminal justice personnel; and indicates proactive steps that can be taken to minimize the liability risks to criminal justice practitioners and agencies. Prerequisite: 9 hours of criminal justice courses. Action Taken: Approved. HISTORY OF ORGANIZED CRIME IN THE UNITED STATES, 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Explores how the concept of organized crime has changed over time, with special emphasis on the 20th century. Special emphasis is given to questions of ethnicity, crime fighting, and the media. Draws on readings, film analysis, and class discussions. Prerequisite: HIST 1221. Action Taken: Approved. 13 University Course Review Committee Meeting #249 SOC 3800 September 23, 2011 CHICANAS/OS IN CONTEMPORARY SCHOOLS [CS, D], 3 hrs. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: Focuses on three major movements within the Chicana/o community; labor, nationalism, and feminism. Students will assess these three movements to determine what role they have played in transforming the social conditions and political identity of the Chicana/o and Latina/o population in the US. Prerequisites: CHST 1100 or SOC 1000 or WMST 1080 or instructor permission. Note: CHST and WMST will retain their sections of this course. Action Taken: Approved. THEA 3025 TEACHING CREATIVE MOVEMENT [CA], 1 hr. Current Course Description and Prerequisites: A studio-based pedagogy course that looks at teaching and performing creative movement concepts and skills, and fundamentals of rhythm. Emphasizes content understanding, movement performance, and preparation of lessons. Prerequisites: 2.5 GPA, and THEA 3440, or KIN 1000 and 1025. Action Taken: Approved. Part III – Regular Agenda Courses for Addition College of Arts and Sciences AIST 4975 INDEPENDENT STUDY, 1-4 (Max. 8) hrs. Proposed Course Description and Prerequisites: Directed, independent study in American Indian issues with American Indian Studies affiliated faculty. Students must initiate a project with an appropriate faculty member and have it approved by the program director. Prerequisite: consent of instructor and 6 hours of AIST. Justification: AIST has no undergraduate level Independent Studies courses; AIST 5000 is the only Independent Studies course the program offers. Yet, the majority of students who wish to do an independent study with AIST faculty are undergraduates. AIST needs an undergraduate independent study to keep up with the undergraduate demand for such a course and to make sure undergraduates don't unduly earn graduate credit. Action Taken: Approved with amendment to prerequisite. 14 University Course Review Committee Meeting #249 GEOG 4455/5455 GEOG 4502/5502 GEOG 4570/5570 September 23, 2011 REMOTE SENSING OF RIVERS, 3 hrs. Proposed Course Description and Prerequisites: Explores the application of remote sensing data and techniques to the study of river systems and introduces the physical principles that enable various channel attributes to be inferred from different types of image data. A series of computer-based exercises illustrate methods for characterizing river form and behavior via remote sensing. Prerequisites: junior standing and one prior course in remote sensing. Justification: Remote sensing of rivers has emerged as a rapidly evolving subdiscipline in the river sciences, and the ability to efficiently characterize channel morphology and aquatic habitat at high-resolution and over larger, watershed extents could facilitate both basic research in fluvial geomorphology and stream ecology and various applications in resource management. The instructor is a recognized expert in this field and is well qualified to offer a unique course that will appeal to undergraduate and gradaute students from a number of departments across campus. Action Taken: Approved. IMAGES OF WYOMING AND THE WEST, 3 hrs. Proposed Course Description and Prerequisites: The West is nothing more than a barren, desolate landscape to some while to others it offers great spiritual and cultural significance. Examines how individuals and groups perceive Wyoming and the West, how such perceptions have been constructed over time, and how these differing views create images of the region both real and imagined. Prerequisite: GEOG 1000 or GEOG 1020 and junior standing. Justification: new personnel. Action Taken: Approved. CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY, 3 hrs. Proposed Course Description and Prerequisites: Cultural Geography is an overview in qualitative cultural landscape studies. The course emphasizes what a cultural landscape is, how it can be examined, and what can be learned from such landscapes. Students are exposed to readings in cultural geography from a wide array of viewpoints with an emphasis placed on classic works. Dual listed with GEOG 5570. Prerequisite: GEOG 1000 or GEOG 1020 and junior standing. Justification: new personnel. Action Taken: Approved. 15 University Course Review Committee Meeting #249 GEOG 4572/5572 GEOG 4574/5574 GEOG 4576/5576 September 23, 2011 EXPERIENCE OF PLACE, 3 hrs. Proposed Course Description and Prerequisites: Examines how individuals and groups perceive specific geographic locations, how such perceptions are constructed, and how these differing views and feelings play out in our everyday. Dual listed with GEOG 5572. Prerequisites: GEOG 1000 or GEOG 1020 and junior standing. Justification: new personnel. Action Taken: Approved with amendment to prerequisite. CONTESTED LANDSCAPES, 3 hrs. Proposed Course Description and Prerequisites: Explores the representation of place and how various groups often have differing views of how a place should be represented and/or thought of. Various local representations of contested land use, group place identity, and personal place identity are discussed. Dual listed with GEOG 5574. Prerequisite: GEOG 1000 or GEOG 1020 and junior standing. Justification: new personnel. Action Taken: Approved. HISTORICAL LANDSCAPES, 3 hrs. Proposed Course Description and Prerequisites: A cultural landscape expresses much of who we are. Students examine how one can learn from the past as well as more accurately assess our present culture by examining the layers of culture offered on the landscape. Dual listed with GEOG 5576. Prerequisite: GEOG 1000 or GEOG 1020 and junior standing. Justification: new personnel. Action Taken: Approved. ZOO 5405 WINTER ECOLOGY OF THE YELLOWSTONE ECOSYSTEM, 2 hrs. Proposed Course Description and Prerequisites: Winter Ecology emphasizes the effects of winter abiotic conditions on organisms and organismal adaptations. Energy flux, snowpack physics, organismal adaptations, avalanche awareness, and the influence of winter on wildlife management are emphasized through lectures and field laboratories. Students will develop an independent research project and present their results. Prerequisites: graduate standing. Justification: This course is offered by cooperative agreement by Teton Science Schools in cooperation with the Science and Mathematics Teaching Center under a Zoology course prefix. Action Taken: Approved. 16 University Course Review Committee Meeting #249 September 23, 2011 Other ENR 3800 INTRODUCTION TO OUTDOOR LEADERSHIP, 2 hrs. Proposed Course Description and Prerequisites: Designed to increase knowledge and competencies related to leading others in the outdoors. Significant focus is on self-awareness, judgment, and decision-making. The specific skills and theories students learn throughout provide a foundation for other leadership endeavors. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Justification: This course has been under special topics for two years. This change reflects integration into ENR. In addition, this course will satisfy many National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) credits for students relying on the articulation agreement for direct credit for NOLS courses. Students enrolled in this course oncampus are part of a year-long leadership development program offered through the Outdoor Program. Tabled for clarification on prerequisite or changing number to a 2000 level. Part IV Tabled Courses None. 17