Effective Public Speaking Chapter # 1 The Academic Study of Public

Effective Public
Chapter # 1
The Academic Study of Public
Public Speaking
• Public speaking is speaking to a
group of people in a structured,
deliberate manner intended to
inform, influence, or entertain the
• "The purpose of public speaking
can range from simply transmitting
information, to motivating people
to act, to simply telling a story.
Studying Public Speaking
• Need For Speech Training
• As a public speaker what might happen in the
middle of a speech in front of audience ?
• So for this speech skills are necessary for all
social beings.
• Speech skills are necessary for any individual to
participate in public events.
• Speech skills must be sharpened through study
and practice.
Ways to learn about public
• Speech Classroom:
Try to develop new skills in assigned speech
• Practice new speech
techniques on friends
Speaking skills develop through the hit-andmiss process of practice in front of friends
• Work on your speech consumer
Trying to comprehend accurately what
others say publicly
• Learn to Criticize expertly the
speeches of others
Functions of public speaking
in society
• Orality in Social-Political Life
• Speech flows directly out of speaker’s
mouth and into the ears of others,
movements, bodily tensions & facial
displays are directly accessible to those
who watch & listen.
• This sort of direct person to person
contact in public simply can’t be wholly
reproduced on paper, through via video
or pictures.
Public speaking & decision making in
a multicultural society
• Public speaking is a primary mechanism
for bringing people together for getting
them to share values.
• To affect people decision making speaker
must do these three activities :
• Self Presentation
• Speaker must be able to present him/her
self convincingly as some one worthy of
giving information and advice.
• Think for others welfare rather then
personal benefits.
• Packaging ideas & information:
• Speaker must select relevant ideas & information
for motivating audience.
• Selecting Valuative Frames:
• Speaker must select valuable frame to be used
for speak for others.
• Must speak for the problems of people
Achieving personal & collective
goals through public talk
• To speak in public is to declare first &
foremost to be a member of community.
• Developing speaking skills
• Confidence over accepting your ideas and
• Using language that is generally
• As public speaking is an interactive
process through which people transact
various kinds of business, you must
acquire certain skills and competencies in
order to be effective. You are required to
develop the following qualities in your
self :
Rhetorical sensitivity
Oral skills
• Your
truthfulness, and concern for others is
your single most powerful means of
applying rhetorical influence.
• Integrity in one of the most important
thing in this age of diversity.
• This is the second thing which you should
• No one wants to listen to an emptyheaded windbag, a speaker must know
what he/she is talking about.
• To avoid such situation in which a person
can stuck on particular issue a person
must have knowledge about that topic .
Rhetorical sensitivity
• Rhetorical sensitivity refers to speakers’
attitudes toward the process speech
composition .
• More particularly, rhetorical sensitivity is
the degree to which speakers recognize
that all people are different and complex
• Successful speakers are other directed,
that is solve their problems through
public talk and meet the listener's needs.
• Rhetorical (speech or writing which is
intended to be effective and influence
people )
Oral skills
• Fluency , poise (balance), voice control,
and coordinated body movement mark a
skilled speaker.
• These skills do not come naturally ; they
develop through attention to the advice
offered in this course and putting that
advice into practice.
• As you practice inside and out side the
classroom , aim to refine your skills as an
conversational speaker.
• Many competent public speakers seem to
be merely conversing with their audiences.
• That should be your goal; to practice being
yourself while engaging others in public
• As you think about speaking publicly ,
you’re likely to feel some anxiety
because you don’t want to fail.
• These anxieties can never be eliminated,
but they can be controlled .
• It becomes important for listeners not to
worry about you and your fears but
rather to concentrate on what you are
• How you can overcome fear?
How to
Manage Fear of Public Speaking
• The fear of public speaking give you
energy and alertness.
• A speaker who is not pumped up may
come across as dull and lifeless.
• Take comfort in the fact that tension is
physiologically reduced by the act of
speaking .
• As
you talk and discover that your
audience accepts and understands what
you are saying then your
ego gets
positive reinforcement .
• Talk about the subject with which you are
familiar .
• Analyze both the situation
audience .
and the
• The more you know about the audience
and what is expected of you the less you
will have to fear.
• Speak in the public as often as you can.
Speaking up in class discussions, engaging
in conversations with friends and others ,
and contributing ideas in meetings can
help you reduce your fear.